transliteration 的英文定义

白晴天空2022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

transliteration 的英文定义
目前找不到合适 谁能告诉我翻译理论中对transliteration的定义
我需要的是英文的定义 我知道这个词是什么意思 我想知道的是什么是音译 用英文解释的


前世的棒棒糖 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
字译, 音译
另一种回避 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
literal translation是直译。即按字面意思翻译。
意译是free translation
塞外飞蝗3013 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing. to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language: to transliterate the Greek Χ as c...
油菜花Fairy 共回答了63个问题 | 采纳率
Transliteration is the practice of transcribing a word or text written in one writing system into another writing system. It is also the system of rules for that practice.


意译(literal translation),音译(transliteration)的英文科学定义!还有“直译”英语怎
意译(literal translation),音译(transliteration)的英文科学定义!还有“直译”英语怎么说?
羽毛之恋 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Transliteration is a mapping from one system of writing into another.Transliteration attempts to be lossless,so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words.To achieve this objective transliteration may define complex conventions for dealing with letters in a source script which do not correspond with letters in a goal script.Romaji is an example of a transliterating method.
This is opposed to transcription,which maps the sounds of one language to the script of another language.Still,most transliterations map the letters of the source script to letters pronounced similarly in the goal script,for some specific pair of source and goal language.
One instance of transliteration is the use of an English computer keyboard to type in a language that uses a different alphabet,such as in Russian.While the first usage of the word implies seeking the best way to render foreign words into a particular language,the typing transliteration is a purely pragmatic process of inputting text in a particular language.Transliteration from English letters is particularly important for users who are only familiar with the English keyboard layout,and hence could not type quickly in a different alphabet even if their software would actually support a keyboard layout for another language.Some programs,such as the Russian language word processor Hieroglyph provide typing by transliteration as an important feature.The rest of the article concerns itself with the first meaning of the word,that is rendering foreign words into a different alphabet.
If the relations between letters and sounds are similar in both languages,a transliteration may be (almost) the same as a transcription.In practice,there are also some mixed transliteration/transcription systems,that transliterate a part of the original script and transcribe the rest.Greeklish is an example of such a mixture.
In a broader sense,the word transliteration is used to include both transliteration in the narrow sense and transcription.Anglicizing is a transcription method.Romanization encompasses several transliteration and transcription methods.
意译(literal translation)
"Translation" is,etymologically,a "carrying across" or "bringing across":the Latin translatio derives from transferre (trans,"across" + ferre,"to carry" or "to bring").The modern European languages,Romance,Germanic and Slavic,have generally formed their own equivalent terms for this concept after the Latin model:after transferre or after the kindred traducere ("to lead across" or "to bring across").Additionally,the Greek term for "translation," metaphrasis (a "speaking across"),has supplied English with "metaphrase," meaning a literal,or word-for-word,translation,as contrasted with "paraphrase" (a "saying in other words," from the Greek paraphrasis).
直译:a word-for-word translation,其实literal translation也代表直译
英语翻译Transliteration 2.Free translation 3.Literal
Transliteration2.Free translation 3.Literal translation 4.Combination transliteration and free translation
大愚若智的人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
助推荐英文介绍集中翻译brand name方法的英文书,用来写论文
英语翻译老湿说这俩不能比因为transliteration是具体的翻译策略 blablabla 懵了 求教
nbx1984 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
Transliteration means to convert words from one language to another language with a close approximation in phonetic sound.
音译 是指利用非常接近的语音将文字从一种语言转换成为另一种语言.
纽马克的“语义型翻译”(semantic translation)强调在目的语语义和句法所能涵盖的范围内,尽可能地再现作者的原意,忠实于作者,他指出如果不能对作者忠实,则是“虽译犹不译也”.此法更多地考虑源语的美学价值...