Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by th

38650492022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects.


sdjxh244 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects 仅仅是两个并列的过去分词短语,化简为英语的短语表达式即为——
perplexed by sth. 受到某事的纠缠不清
alarmed by sth. 受到某事的警告

Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation 由于通货膨胀率的困扰
alarmed by the decline in major construction projects 由于主要建设项目下滑的警告
1. 补充主谓结构,使过去分词短语成为状语
Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects,they don't know what to do next.
2. 直接把分词短语用在谓语部分
They are perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects.
3. 用作定语
The governor perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects don't know how to do next.
流云果子 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率
perplexed 和 alarmed在这里是形容词。
Perplexed by the rising rates of inflation and alarmed by the decline in major construction projects (去掉句号), he doesn't know what to do.
酒饱饭足 共回答了58个问题 | 采纳率
这个句子说白了就是一个从句 , 差一个主句, ,,,这个句子改简单点就是 perplexed and alarmed 其他成分都是修饰这两个词的 , 你看下 就两个形容词中间加个and ,肯定不是一个完整的句子啦,


Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i stil
Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i still the same person的中文意思
Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i still the same person?Do i lose myself?
linguoqing 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
即困惑 又感到幸福和嫉妒.我还是原来的我么? 是不是迷失了自己.
what should i do?i really don’t know.Thoroughly perplexed!
dengzi0827 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Many women write to me perplexed(困惑的)about why they can’t fo
Many women write to me perplexed(困惑的)about why they can’t form close friendships. They try new approaches, put themselves in all the right places, see therapists, and read relevant self-help books. They consider themselves interesting, loyal, kind and friend-worthy people. But for reasons unknown to them, they have a tough time forming intimate relationships. Many admit to not having even one close friend.
A recent study published in the Journal of personality and Social Psychology offers some clues as to how both nature (personality) and nurture (experience) impact our friendships. Researchers at the University of Virginia and University of Toronto, Mississauga studied more than 7,000 American adults between the ages of 20 and 75 over a period of ten years, looking at the number of times these adults moved during childhood. Their study, like prior ones, showed a link between residential mobility and adult well-being: The more times participants moved as children , the poorer the quality of their adult social relationships.
But digging deeper, the researchers found that personality—specifically being introverted (内向的) or extroverted (外向的) — could either intensify of buffer (缓冲) the effect of moving to a new town or neighborhood during childhood. The negative impact of more moves during childhood was far greater for introverts compared to extroverts.
“Moving a lot makes it difficult for people to maintain long-term close relationships,” stated Dr. Shigehiro Oishi, the first author of the study, in a press release from the American Psychological Association, “This might not be a serious problem for outgoing people who can make friends quickly and easily. Less outgoing people have a harder time making new friends.”
Families often have to relocate — across town, across the country, or across the globe. Yet, in many cases, their kids and young adolescents haven’t yet built up a bank of friendships. So the conventional wisdom is to try to minimize moves for the sake of your child, whenever possible , and to move at the end of the academic year.
小题1:The passage is written mainly to .
A.offer advice to women on how to form intimate relationships .
B.explain how nature and nurture impact our friendships.
C.explain how moves during childhood affect children.
D.tell us how to help children make friends.
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?
A.People who moved less during childhood have better social relationships.
B.The more people moved during childhood, the more friends they have.
C.The more people moved during childhood, the better they adjust to society.
D.There is no link between residential mobility and adult well-being.
小题3:In order for children to maintain long-term close relationships , parents .
A.should not relocate their homes
B.should relocate their homes within the town
C.had better move at the end of school year
D.had better move when their children couldn’t build up a bank of friendships
小题4:We learn from the fourth paragraph that moves during childhood .
A.have a bigger impact on an introverted person compared to extroverts.
B.have no impact on an outgoing person
C.are a big problem for both introverts and extroverts children better adapt to new environment
小题5:We can infer from the passage that .
A.our friendships are mainly affected by our nurture
B.we can move when children have made a lot of friends
C.the impact of moves will disappear when one reaches adulthood
D.there is some way to minimize the impact of moves during childhood on children
yy剑神 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

小题1:B 文章主要介绍了一项研究解释了性格是如何影响人们之间的交流与友谊。故B正确。
小题2:A 推理题。根据第2段最后两行The more times participants moved as children , the poorer the quality of their adult social relationships.可推理出搬家次数少的人更容易获得友谊。
小题3:C 细节题。根据文章最后一行and to move at the end of the academic year.可知C正确。
小题4:A 段落大意题。文章第四段内容可知讲述的是在童年时期搬家对孩子友谊的影响。故A正确。
小题5:D 推理题。根据文章最后一段可知存在着几种方法来减少搬家对孩子的友谊形成的影响。
三个易混词的区别.perplexed,puzzled,at a loss的区别.
libingking 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
perplexed 形容词 adj.
Gary looked rather perplexed.
I am perplexed to know what to do.
可做前置定语:a perplexed expression/look/voice困惑的表情、眼神、声音
puzzled 形容词 adj.
beginning to get a bit puzzled
Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden departure.
可做前置定语:a puzzled look困惑的表情
at a loss
He found himself at a loss for words of consolation.
Mary is at a loss what to do next.
They must sell the goods at a loss.
