初中英语阅读题Will chips one day be planted in our bodies for ident

zhu2131332022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

Will chips one day be planted in our bodies for identificati on
A US doctor has planted under his skin a computer chip(芯片)that can send personal information to a scanner(扫描仪),a technology that may someday be widely used as a way to identify(识别)people.The chip gives off information which will be scanned by a hand-held reader.
The chip is similar to that planted in more than 1 million dogs,cats and other pets in recent years to track and identify them.
The doctor decided to test the chip himself after the World Trade Center disaster(灾难).The dead could have been identified if their names and other important information had been chipped .
Officials of the company said they hope to sell the chips to patients with man-made arms or legs or other body parts.The idea is that the chip will provide immediate and correct medical information when it is needed.
The information can contain name,telephone number and other information.Or it can send out a message that ,when connected to a computer,can call up records.The scanner can read it through clothes from over a meter away .The new product also could be used to control prisoners .Workplaces of great importance may want to use the chips for employees,too.Some parents may consider planting chips in young children or elderly relatives who may be unable to say their names,addresses or telephone numbers.
Some medical and technology specialists said the product raises new questions about the relationship between humans and computer technology and could cause problems if it is used against someone's wishes,or if your personal information is read by those who should not see it.
68.According to the text,computer chips have already been used to .
[A] catch escaped prisoners
[B] find missing children
[C] follow lost animals
[D] treat sick people
69.The doctor decided to test the chips himself because he believed that .
[A] nobody would dare to try it
[B] they can be used for identification purposes
[C] it has been proved successful on animals
[D] his patients expected him to experience it first
70.Which of the following statements is best supported by the text
[A] This chip has been proven to be very successful.
[B]The use of this chip will be favored by everybody.
[C]There will be a great market for chip planting in humans.
[D] Doctors will make good money by using chips.
71.What problem may be caused by planting chips in the human body
[A] People will be controlled by computers.
[B] Computers could send out wrong information.
[C] Chips can be the cause of diseases.
[D] Information may be used improperly


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讲的是植入体内的电脑芯片吧 我也不是很清楚 毕竟我还是预备年级嘛


初中英语阅读题~帮个忙啊~ 100分追加~
初中英语阅读题~帮个忙啊~ 100分追加~
The United States is full of cars.There are still some families whithout cars,but some families have two or even more.
However,cars used for more than pleasure.They are a necessary part of life.
Cars are used for bussiness.People drive them to officer and factories.When salesmen go to different parts of the city,they have to drive in order to carry their products.Farmers have to drive into the city in order to gei supplies.
Sometimes small children must be driven to school .In some cities school buses are used only when children are too young to walk that far,their mothers take turns driving them to school .One mother drives on Mondays,taking her own children and the neighbors'children as well.Another mother drives on Tuesday,another on Wednesday ,and so on.This is called forming a car pool.Men also form car pools,with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.
More car pools should be formedin order to have fewer cars on the road and to use less gasoline.Parking is a great program,and so is the traffic in and around cities.Too many cars are being driven.Something will have to be done about the use of cars.
1、How important are cars to Americans?
2 In some American cities ,when must the children be driven to school?
3 What is a car pool for American mothers?
4 Why does the writer suggest people form more car pools?
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爱在峰花雪月时 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.they are a necessary part of life
2,In some cities school buses are used only when children are too young to walk that far.
3,the mothers take turns driving children to school.
4..One mother drives on Mondays,taking her own children and the neighbors'children as well.Another mother drives on Tuesday,another on Wednesday ,and so on.
5.Parking is a great program,and so is the traffic in and around cities.Too many cars are being driven.Something will have to be done about the use of cars.
Every year one or two hundred thousand people get hurt and several thousand people die on the roads in Great Britain.
How can we make the roads safer?
Remember this rule.In Great Britain ,traffic keeps to the left .Cars,buses and bikes must all keep to the left side of the road .In most other countries traffic keeps to the right side of the road.
Before crossing the road ,stop and look right agin .Then ,if you are sure that the road is clear ,it is safe to cross the road,If you see small children ,very old people or blind people waiting to cross the road ,it is kind and polite to help them to cross the road in safety.
问题:1 How can we make the roads safer?
A. Everybody must obey the traffic rules.
B.Traffic should keep to the right.
C.People should not cross the roads too often.
2 If you ride a bike in Great Britain ,you must ride_____
A. on the right side of the road.
B. on the left side of the road.
C.in the middle of the road.
3 The underlined part "that the road is clear" means_____
A. there are no cars or buses.
B. the road is very clean.
C. the road is not noicy.
4 In most other countries,cars and buses and bikes must usually all keep _____
A. to the left side of the road.
B. to both sides of the road.
C.to the right side of the road.
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