
kawal2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答



fayehadith 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
windflowerfay 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%


Dear Dennis,
I'm very happy when Iget your letter.
Keep healthy and happy,you'll have a good time.
Please write to me soon.
玫瑰控 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Dear Dennis,
I'm very happy when Iget your letter.
Don't be dismayed.Here are some advices.
First you said your new school is very beautiful.I think a nice environment is good for you to make friend.You can make a self-introduction so that other people can know you well.You also actively and say "hello to others.
Then don't worry about your grades.Your teachers are kind for you.You can ask the teacher for help when you had problems.Don't be shy.That's nothing.Why don't you ask your classmate for help?It can not only improve your grades but also let you get on well with your classmate.
In the end,I hope you can make many friends.And scores more and more good

Keep healthy and happy,you'll have a good time.
Please write to me soon.
这是课文的节选 题如下:
⑴____________ ⑵____________ ⑶____________
17.第5段“例如,瑞典和挪威中部的旅鼠是往西奔向大西洋,而挪威北部的旅鼠则是往北奔向巴伦支海。” 这句话 运用了______ 的说明方法,作用是____________________________________
3道题哦~ 答一下啦~各位哥哥姐姐帮下忙~感激不尽~追加分数 ~急~
0qmv5s 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
17.运用了举例子 的说明方法
装在信封里的小太阳 1.小太阳的内涵是什么?2.假如丹尼斯的爸爸当众戳穿了库伯,会有怎样的结果?写一个续篇(400百字左
rain_fans 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语翻译一、全息技术的发展简介全息照相技术是1948年英国科学家丹尼斯·伽伯(Dennis Gabor)为改善电子显微镜
全息照相技术是1948年英国科学家丹尼斯·伽伯(dennis gabor)为改善电子显微镜成像质量提出的重现波前的理论,并因此获得了***.但当时由于缺乏纯净的能够相互干涉的光,全息图的质量很差.直到十二年以后的1960年,激光器问世,美国密执安大学的埃梅蒂·利斯与朱里斯·尤佩尼克拍成了第一张全息相片,全息技术才有了蓬勃快速的发展.
1960年激光的出现,提供了一种高相干度光源.1962年,美国科学家利思(leith)和乌帕特尼·克斯(upatnieks)将通信理论中的载频概念推广到空域中,提出了离轴全息术,就是用离轴的参考光与物光干涉形成全息图,再利用离轴的参考光照射全息图,使全息图产生3个在空间互相分离的衍射分量,其中一个复制出原始物光.这样,同轴全息图两大难题宣告解决,产生了激光记录、激光再现的全息图.从而使全息术在沉睡了十几年之后得到了新生并进入了一个极为活跃的阶段.此后,又相 继出现了多种全息方法,如大景深全息照相法、激光记录与激光再现的彩色全息照相法等.
白光全息术是利用白光制作全息图,用激光或白光照明观察再现,这是全息术的最高阶段,至今虽有不少人做了一些初步工作,但尚未有突破性进展.激光的高度相干性,要求全息拍摄过程中各个元件、光源和记录介质的相对位置严格保持不变.这也给全息技术的实际使用带来了种种不便.于是,科学家们又回过头来继续探讨白光记录白光再现全息图的可能性.它将使全息术最终走出有防震工作台的黑暗实验室,进入更加广泛的实用领域 .
南海聊客 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
A holographic technology Introduction
Holographic technology is 1948 British scientist Dennis Jiabo (Dennis Gabor) to improve the electron microscope imaging quality reproduction made by the theory of wave front, and has received a Nobel Prize. However, since the lack of pure light can interfere with each other, the poor quality of the hologram. Until twelve years later in 1960, the advent of lasers, the University of Michigan and Zhu Ai Meidi Leese Rhys Youpeinike made into a first holographic photos, holographic technology have a vigorous and rapid development.
In 1948, Jiabo to improve the resolution of electron microscopy, in Prague the "x-ray microscope," Zernike phase contrast, inspired by the principle, we propose a recording object wave with wave amplitude and phase of the method, and the experimental confirmed this idea. To further confirm the principle, he has used the electron wave and visible verified, and has been confirmed in the visible, and into the first hologram 1. From then until the late 20th century, 5O, holograms are used mercury lamp as the light source, and the reference light and the object light of the shaft being coaxial coaxial holographic hologram. It 4-1 order diffracted waves are inseparable, it is holography infancy. During this period there is a hologram two serious problems, one is a reproduction of the original image and conjugated as inseparable; another source of coherence is bad, so in the past 10 years, holography has been slow.
Off-axis holography there is generated after the laser recording laser reproducing laser holography, characterized by reproduction of the object image obtained with the illumination light is separated, easy to observe.
The emergence of the laser in 1960, provides a high degree of coherence light. 1962, U.S. scientists Leith (Leith) and upa Courtenay · Alex (Upatnieks) to the carrier frequency of communication theory concept to the airspace, the proposed off-axis holography, the reference is to use off-axis light and matter a hologram interference of light, and then irradiated with light using off-axis hologram of the reference, the hologram produces three spatially separated from each other diffracted components, wherein a copy of the original object light. Thus, the coaxial two problems declared resolved holograms, laser recording generated laser hologram reproduction. So that holography sleeping after a decade to get a new life and entered a very active phase. Since then, they have appeared in a variety of holographic methods, such as large depth of field holographic radiography, laser recording and reproducing color laser holographic photographic method and so on.
White is the use of white light holography holograms produced by laser or white light observation reproduction, which is the highest stage of holography, although many people still do some preliminary work, but no breakthrough. The highly coherent laser, the hologram recording process of the various components, the light source and the recording medium is strictly maintained the same relative position. It also gives practical use of holographic technology has brought inconvenience. Thus, scientists have come back to continue to explore the white white reproduction of hologram recording possibilities. It will make the final out of a shock holography dark laboratory bench into the broader practical fields.
游乐场KID 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
1.what kind of *** is it?
2.who do you invite to the ***?
3.when and where does the *** begin?
4.what can people do at the ***?
hejians 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Dear Dennis,
I'm very happy when Iget your letter.
Don't be dismayed.Here are some advice.
First you said your new school is very beautiful.I think a nice environment is good for you to make friend.You can make a self-introduction so that other people can know you well.You also actively and say "hello to others.
Then don't worry about your grades.Your teachers are kind for you.You can ask the teacher for help when you had problems.Don't be shy.That's nothing.Why don't you ask your classmate for help?It can not only improve your grades but also let you get on well with your classmate.
In the end,I hope you can make many friends.And scores more and more good
Keep healthy and happy,you'll have a good time.
Please write to me soon.
鲁宾逊漂流记问题一、 选择题80分,每题4分1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是( )A丹尼尔·笛福B丹尼斯·笛福C丹尼尔·特福
一、 选择题80分,每题4分
1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是( )A丹尼尔·笛福B丹尼斯·笛福C丹尼尔·特福
2.鲁滨逊上岸后的第一家是( )A一个山洞 B一座小木屋 C一顶帐篷
3.鲁滨逊出生在( )A英国约克市 B 英国赫尔市 C纽卡斯尔
4.鲁滨逊第四次去航行的目的是( ).
A、经商 B、旅游 C、贩卖黑奴
5.鲁滨逊救救的野人名字叫( )A星期五 B 星期四 C星期六
6.鲁滨逊在岛上最危险的是( )A断粮 B遇上野兽 C落入吃生人番手里
7.鲁滨逊( )岁时重返自己的祖国.A45岁 B 50岁 C55岁
8.鲁滨逊遇到海盗船后, ,后又 ( )
A负隅顽抗举手投降 B 被俘获逃跑成功 C顽强抵抗成功逃脱
9鲁滨逊在荒岛上发现了( )的脚印,害怕三天没出门.
A野人 B黑人 C野兽
10.鲁滨逊身边的叫波儿的小动物是( )A山羊 B狗 C 鹦鹉
11.鲁滨逊上岛的纪念日是( )
A 9月30日 B 8月29日 C9月28日
12.三百六十行中,鲁滨逊最不懂得的手艺是( )A石匠B 鞋匠 C木匠
13.鲁滨逊送给星期五哪三样东西?( )
A子弹 圣经 短剑 B小刀 皮带斧头 C 小刀 短剑 斧头
14.鲁滨逊在岛上一年播种( )次 A 1次 B2次 C3次
15.鲁滨逊造的第( )条船可以容纳26人?A1 B 2 C3
16.鲁滨逊在岛上吃( )治病?A烟叶 B野果 C羊奶
17.鲁滨逊上岛后最想吃的是( )A饼干 B 面包 C面条
18.鲁滨逊在去法国的路上,曾经和( )条狼打过?
A30 B300 C 400
19.鲁滨逊在岛上写日记吗? A是 B没有 C不知道
20.鲁滨逊第二次航海的时间是( )1659年9月1日 1650年10月2日 1780年11月3日
A、1632 B、1832 C、1623
A、28年4个月零19天 B、27年2个月零19天 C、28年2个月零19天
A、非洲 B、伦敦 C、土耳其
A、七 B、五 C、六
A、一 B、二 C、三
无恋双鱼的dd 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
hhVIP 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Hi Dennis,
I'm so glad to hear from you.I'm sorry to know that you don't make new friends in your new school. I suggest that you should talk with your teacher and tell her your problem. In my opinion, you should speak to them more , play game with them, play sport with them ,enjoy your books with them.If so ,you will make more and more new friend. Hey boy , enjoy your new school life!
假设你是丹尼斯(Dennis),昨天放学后,你和你的朋友们打篮球时,把右腿摔伤了,医生让你在家休息一周.请你写一张请假条向黄老师(Mr Huang)请假.
wan246 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
Yellow teacher,
Hello, came home after school yesterday, my friend and I play basketball accidentally put right leg to hurt. Go to a hospital looking, the doctor said that I can't walk about in a week, need a week's day off, so in order to my right leg, I had to yellow teacher you take a week off, hope group.