—Oh, Mrs King ,your necklace looks nice. Is it new ?

浮萍若梦2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

—Oh, Mrs King ,your necklace looks nice. Is it new ?
—No, I ______ it for two years .
A. had B. have had C. have bought


applehourui 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%



Mr Black lived in Dartshire all his lif .Later,Mrs King,his
Mr Black lived in Dartshire all his lif .Later,Mrs King,his new neighbor,came.But they never talked.Mrs King always kept the lane(车道) shared by them spotless all year round.She swept the leaves for Mr Black in autumn.But she asked for nothing in return.All this made confused!
One day,while Mr Black was chatting with friends in his backyard,he heard a loud noise.His basement window had been broken into pieces!He rushed to the scence,and there was that busy woman again!But why did she break it?
“ What have you done to my window?” he asked her seriously.
“ Nothing.I was just sweeping the leaves when it suddenly broke.I didn’t even touch it .”
“Shut up!No more making up stories!Do you want to fix it for me,or should I call the police?”
“Kindness is never paid in kindness,”she said to herself in a very low voice.“ It serves me right.”
“Speak out.What are you going to do?”
“Right now,” she sAid firmly as she walked away.
Thirty minutes later,a man came and replaced Mr Black’s forty-year-old wooden window with a modern one .To tell you the truth ,Mr Black had wanted to change it for a long time ,but just didn’t have a chance.Thank god!He got it for free at last .The true story is that while Mrs King was sweeping the leaves for Mr Black ,his boy who was playing in the basement kicked his ball right through the old window.It was the perfect moment for him to push her to change I t.What a helpful child!That evening he rewarded his boy with two pounds of white chocolate.
After saving $300 on the window,Mr Black began to seek(搜寻)opportunities to have the other windows replaced.To improve his chances ,he put a five-foot long stick through an old hole to trip(绊倒) her up to fall down .He listened for the stick whenever he heard footsteps around his house-he even woke up in the small hours of the night.But Mrs King never came again.
( )66.From the reading,we know that Mr Black’s window was broken because ______ .
A.It was too old and a strong wind was blowing
B.Mrs King wanted to clear the way for her husband to break into Mr Black’s home.
C.It was hit by a ball
D.Mrs king was too careless while she was cleaning it.
( )67.When Mrs King said “it serves me right”,it shows that she was very _______.
A.surprised B.upset C.sorry D.angry
( )69.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Mrs King paid $ 300 dollars for the replaced window.
B.Mr Black is forty years old .
C.Mr Black’s window was replaced for free.
D.Mrs King knew Mr Black wanted to trip her up by putting a stick ,so she never came again..
( )70.Which is the best title for the reading?
A.A Helpful Woman B.A Bad-hearted Man
C.Windows D.A Mistake
( )68.From the reading ,we can infer that ______ .
A.Mr Black’s son would go to break Mrs King’s window,too.
B.Mrs King must have moved to live somewhere else
C.Mrs King would help Mr Black do nothing any more.
D.Mr Black felt too afraid and sorry to sleep well at night.
拿着地图看世界 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
翻译句子。 1. Mrs Stone决定去拜访她的朋友Mrs King。
1. Mrs Stone决定去拜访她的朋友Mrs King。
Mrs Stone decided ______ Mrs King.
2. Mrs King住在一个带大花园的漂亮房子里。
Mrs King lived in a nice house ______.
3. Mrs Stone带着自己的狗。
Mrs Stone ______ her dog ______ her.
4. 狗嘴里叼着一只死兔向她们走过来。
The dog ______ to them ______ a dead rabbit in its ______.
5. 她的邻居在兔舍里养了一些兔子。
Her neighbor ______ in the hutch.
6. 她发现她的邻居正站在他的花园里。
She found her neighbor ______.
7. 他把她叫过去。
He _______.
8. 她向邻居走过去并且神色紧张。
She ______ the neighbor and was ______.
9. 王子到了结婚的年龄。
The prince was ______.
10. 我的同学叫我“故事大王”。
My classmates ______.
4660197 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1. to visit her friend2. with a beautiful garden3. took, with4. came, with, mouth 5. raised some rabbits 6. standing in his garden 7. called her over8. walked toward, nervous9. old enough to get...
—Oh,Mrs King,your dress looks nice.Is it new?
—Oh,Mrs King,your dress looks nice.Is it new?
  —No,I _______ it since two years ago.
  A had B bought C have had D have bought
李无情 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
C 后面有since 要用完成时 buy是瞬间动词 要转化为延续性动词 变为had
阅读理解.Mrs K 阅读理解. Mrs King:Oh,Bill,where are my gloves (手套)?T
阅读理解.Mrs K
Mrs King:Oh,Bill,where are my gloves (手套)?They aren't here.
Mr King:Maybe they're in the dining-room.
Mrs King:No,they aren't in our dining-room.Are they there?
Mr King:No,they aren't here.
Mrs King:Are they on the table?
Mr King:No.Oh,here's a glove under the chair.It's black.
Mrs King:No,that isn't my glove.My gloves are white.Oh,Bill,are they here,in the car?
Are they on you seat?Or under your seat?
Mr King:No,they aren't there.But are they in your bag?
Mrs King:No,they aren't.
Mr King:Are you sure?
Mrs King:Yes...oh,Bill,they are here.Yes,these are my gloves.They are in my bag.Bill,I'm very sorry.
1.Mrs King is looking for her ________.
2.The glove under the chair is ________.
C.Mrs King's
3.________ first name is Bill.
A.Mr King
B.Mr King's
D.Mrs King's
4.Mrs King's gloves are in her ________.
tianyuanchunse3 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
1-4 CBBA