2011上海中考英语语法最后一题写“not or”可以么?

心怡662022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

2011上海中考英语语法最后一题写“not or”可以么?
We should not smoke or talk loudly.这句话语法和意识都对啊.和We should neither smoke nor talk loudly.不是一样的么?一般能得分么?


80分的幸福 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%


2009年上海中考英语作文 看看有没有语法错误,能打多少分
2009年上海中考英语作文 看看有没有语法错误,能打多少分
I want to do something for my school
How time flies!I'm going to graduate from my school before long.Since i'm a student,i should do something for my school.I've noticed that the library of my school hasn't enough books to enjoy ever since i first came into the school.Sometimes a few students had no choice but to read one book with another student.I like reading ,so i have a lot of books ,including some useless ones.I think it's my duty to donate these books for my school ,they will be helpful to many younger students.
ttlxy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
I've noticed that the library of my school hasn't enough books
这一句,应该是doesn't have 而不是hasn't
had no choice but to read one book with another student.
I like reading , so i have a lot of books,including some useless ones.
改成"I like reading and I have a plenty of books that I no longer need"
I think it's my duty to donate these books for my school
改成"I think I could a little favor for my school, donating these books. " (duty这个词太重了,你对学校没有那样严肃的义务责任关系,所以改成favor会好很多)
they will be helpful to many younger students
改成"I believe that they'll be beneficial to many younger students"
I'm a member of Animal Lovers
There is no doubt that a lot of animals will disappear soon if we go on hunting.I'm a member of Animal Lovers.my job is to prevent people from hunting animals and protect the eco-system.As a member of Animal Lovers,I feel extremely proud.I hope more people will join this club and more people will know the importance of animals.Care for animals,and the earth will be more beautiful.I'm glad to be a member of Animal Lovers.
按照上海市中考英语作文评分标准 18分能得几分?
石家庄男主人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
有高级句式的应用,但同样也有幼稚的语言(比如I hope more people will join this club and more people will know the importance of animals可以用下省略句,改为I hope more people will join this club and know the importance of animals这样不啰嗦)但总体可以,满分18的话若判卷不很严格14,15分吧
