They say love can cover a lot of crimes; yet never have I se

kao182022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

They say love can cover a lot of crimes; yet never have I seen it more beautifully showed than in the life of a dog named Jessie. Jessie came into our lives at the age of six months. By that time he had already experienced the hard knocks of life. He was found abandoned on the side of the road, where we adopted him and took him home.
From the beginning, it was obvious that Jessie was traumatized (受精神创伤的). He was afraid of everything: the car, the doors, the stairs, and just about everything else. We couldn’t foresee where Jessie’s fear would take us.
Jessie was with us for about six months, when we became foster parents to a mixed-breed young dog. Jessie did not like her at all. We all lived in a nervous co-existence, until dinnertime. Within moments a food fight erupted between Jessie and this foster child.
It all happened so fast, and I was in the middle. My husband managed to get in between the two dogs, grabbing Jessie by his collar. Jessie screamed all the way down the hall and into the bedroom. I, quickly put the foster dog into her own bedroom and hurried down the hall. The crashing I heard in the bedroom, scared me to death. But nothing prepared me for the scene I witnessed as I opened the bedroom door.
There was my husband, on top of a terrified Jessie, holding back his head. Blood dripped from my husband’s arm. To tell you the truth, as I was sitting beside my husband in the emergency room, I just didn’t know what to do with Jessie. I was so angry at that dog.
Day after day, week after week, however, my husband faithfully trained the dog that others would have put down. As his arm healed over the next months, something rare and beautiful began to take place. Jessie, under my husband’s gentle persuasion, began to understand and obey. And Jessie adored him. I could see, that although the tempest had ruled Jessie’s former life, affirmation and love had calmed the storm.
小题1:Before being adopted by the writer, Jessie had _______.
A.suffered a lot
B.Lived a happy life
C.lived on the road half a year
D.often fought against other dogs
小题2: Paragraph 2 shows that the writer was ________.
A.happy B.disappointed
C.angry D.worried
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that the writer’s husband’s arm bled because of _________.
A.his own behavior
B.the writer’s fault
C.Jessie’s bite
D.The new foster dog
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Dog Named Jessie
B.Love Calmed the Storm
C.Conflicts Between Dogs
D.Fights Between Man and Dog


老程_uu 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%



There is no denying that those who ____ crimes will be punis
There is no denying that those who ____ crimes will be punished sooner or later.
内心的矛盾 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
what can we do to prevent or reduce crimes
what can we do to prevent or reduce crimes
陈小熊 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Although along with the development of the economic,the rate of the crimes is increasing and evolved into a serious social problem.How to reduce and prevent the crime?Point of view is as follows:first...
Do you think the death penalty can prevent or reduce crimes?
Do you think the death penalty can prevent or reduce crimes?Why or why not?
浪漫我敢言 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Yes,the death penalty should be used as a tool of punishment for those deserving of it.Over the years,there have been countless and unusually cruel crimes committed by man.These crimes range from an "innocent" rape to the torture and mutilation of the victim.Such men like Richard Trenton Chase.He was a serial killer,that was known as the Vampire of Sacramento because he not only killed,but drank the blood and ate the flesh of his victims,sometimes before even killing them.This is not a fantasy world,where only grown and mean men are targeted,but even more commonly,children and women are main targets of these evils.It is only understandable that even the inmates of Richard Trenton Chase wanted him to kill himself.Can you image a man who shot,raped and bathed in the blood of a three month pregnant women still breathing the same air as you?Would you,your wife and kids feel safe knowing that this man is still alive and well?
Do not think for one moment that this case is rare,and that no other man would do suck horrific things.A man named Jeffrey Dahmer,a man that could lie to your face,manipulate and dismember your body all within the same expression.Would anybody want such a danger to be kept alive?Or does anyone really think such a man can be changed?He is a cold,calculated and dangerous killer.
The death penalty is a part of the justice system.If you cannot kill a man for his evil deeds,than what makes you think he won't do it again?Or maybe you just want a percentage of your taxes to take care of him for the rest of his life.To keep him safe,bathed,fead,and entertained?In order to keep our society safe,and justice system,still one that most would not attempt to challenge,the death penalty must exist.
求批改雅思大作文!帮我看看能得多少分,明天就考试了!谢谢! Detailed description of crimes
求批改雅思大作文!帮我看看能得多少分,明天就考试了!谢谢! Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Nowadays, whether media should report the details of crimes arouses controversy. Some individuals think it has adverse impact on society. This argument may be true. As the detailed description makes more people understand how to commit a crime, it may motivate some potential criminals to repeat these acts. Reporting the details of crimes may increase the crime rate to some extent. In addition, the media such as newspapers and TV has wide influence on general public as well as teenagers. It fails to take into account the fact that teenagers have not shaped complete moral values so that it is hard for them to distinguish right from wrong. As a result, they may imitate those details for curiosity, which will cause juvenile delinquency. However, the detailed description raising people’s awareness of prevention is not unfounded. It is an efficient method teaching people how a criminal implements misdeed to prevent some crimes from happening. For instance, if people learn how thieves stolen their money and mobile phones from their pockets or bags, they can protect their poverty effectively. By contrast, this information on media is typically negative news for parents to teach their children what is wrong and how to protect themselves. Accordingly, the teenagers will
发放的撒 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
你这篇作文的前三句话都是短句,这种情况应该避免,考官曾经给出过这样的评语“ the many short, simple sentences tend to limit the range”(剑8 P166),这说明过多的短句会限制文章的得分。此外,文章的最后“by contrast, this information on media is typically negative news for parents to teach their children waht is wrong and how to protect themselves”有点难以理解。By contrast 的意思是相比之下,对比之下,有轻微转折的意思。用了这个词之后,需要表达与上文相对或相反的观点。用在这里不太合适。
why do people commit crimes?what cause are especially import
why do people commit crimes?what cause are especially important?why?
古身 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
People commit crimes because of societal and personal issues.
Personal issues include inability to provide for personal needs and wants.Without sufficient income,one may resort to common crimes such as stealing,burglary and theft in order survive or purchase things they want.A familiar situation being drug addiction and gambling which can lead to higher crime rates.Other less common crimes such as murder,can be due to a variety of reasons such as money problems and personal conflicts.
People can also commit crimes due to their environment,this being lack of education or lose law enforcement.Societal pressure may also lead to mental problems that result in people commiting crimes.Some may choose crime for the thrill of it or even as an act to revenge against society.
Both personal and societal issues fuel high crime rates and most people fall to crime due to an interation between the two.An example will be drug abuse,when laws are not well enforced in the society and drug becomes available easily,people may be persuaded to abuse drugs and upon addiction may choose to stealing and theft in order to continue the abuse.One crime can lead to another.
In my opinion,a well balanced society is just as important as a well balanced personal life.A society with strict laws,good progress and a vibrant lifestyle helps ensure that well educated folks mentally and physically healthy.Both factors are important in the cause of commiting crime and should gain equal attention.
SAT 语法1.Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed
SAT 语法
1.Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,(but in some towns they) remained steady or decreased.
A.but in some towns they
B.but in some towns such confessions
2.While the patronage system was an artist's sole means of support,they had a prevalent idea that a portrait should be flattering and not depicting flaws.
答案说这句子可以改为The idea that a portrait should flatter a sitter not depicting any of his flaws prevailed as long as the patronage system was an artist's sole means of support.
李俊炫 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1.they can also infer crimes
2.看清楚啊,主语不一致! 你改后动词是prevailed, 那depict也 用作动词?
高中英语Many of the crimes have gone( ) ,because some people dar
Many of the crimes have gone( ) ,because some people dare not report them to the police.
A to be unnoticed B unnoticed C unnoticing D to have been unnoticed
答案是B 为什么?
aifeidexuan489 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Many of the crimes have gone( ) ,because some people dare not report them to the police.
A to be unnoticed B unnoticed C unnoticing D to have been unnoticed
又因为前面时态是have gone
to be done表示的是将来
to have been done也不合适
英语一般现在表将来问题Such crimes may be so complex that months or year
Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone ___ them.
A、discovered B、 will discover C、would have discovered D、 discovers
months or years go 这个才是before的主句啊 发现那人之前几年几月过去了 那go 是一般现在时啊从句怎么会也用一一般现在时?不是一定要主句是将来时的吗 如 I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there.
无形的云 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
而such crimes才是这句话的主语,go不用一般现在时是因为前面monthsyears是复数
Some people are in prison for crimes that they didn't commit
Some people are in prison for crimes that they didn't commit.
Stdio 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英文翻成中文People who solve crimes look for patterns that might r
People who solve crimes look for patterns that might reveal the identity of the riminal.Tt's long been believed,for example,that criminals will break the law closer to where they live,simply because it's easier to get around in their own neighborhood.
七秒半 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
破案人员都在寻找可能揭露犯罪分子身份的破案模式.长期以来,人们一直认为,例如,罪犯通常会在更接近他们的居住的地方触犯法律,仅仅是因为在罪犯生活的附近更容易应对这一局面.(原文中的第一句People who solve crimes look for patterns that might reveal the identity of the riminal.最后一个词应该是criminal吧.)
To protect people against crimes,we need more l_______
To protect people against crimes,we need more l_______
l开头的 英语
大颗果粒 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
what to do when facing crimes and criminals 为题求一90词英语作文
韵文 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
first of all,heroical behavier not for anyone,self protect and safety aways the most important.but at the same time,if people ignore crimes and criminals may let them growing their the police is a good choice during the criminals happened,their duty is to keep the public in a safety society.however if you have companies at that moment,then you can try stop the criminals.also if you stop the crimes successfully,you can not judge him,otherwise you just start another criminal,the only thing you can do is waiting for police and find some wittness.
Many of the crimes have gone___,because some people dare not
Many of the crimes have gone___,because some people dare not report them to the police.
A unnoticing B unnoticed C to be unnoticed D to have been unnoticed.为何要选B 如果是过去分词做定语,我不明白unnoticed为什么不放在crimes的后面呢?
wenny0101 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
unnoticed 表示状语,表示状态.
如果放在crimes后面就是定语了.就等同于unnoticed crimes了
还是英语.There is no denying that those who ____ crimes will be
There is no denying that those who ____ crimes will be punished sooner or later.
American women usually identify their best friend as someone ______ they can talk frequently.
b、 as
c、 about which
d、 with whom
The minister has been engaged ____ politics all his life.
Last week I had a talk with a person who has ______ the earthquake.
b、 survived
c、 avoided
d、 recovered
Women in the United States ____ a growing number of sports and games.
a、involve in
b、participate in
c、mix with
d、take in
Mr.White ______ at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn’t’ show up.
a、should have arrived
b、 should arrive
c、 should have had arrived
d、 should be arriving
Benjamin O.Davis Jr.was ______ an assistant secretary of the Department of Transportation in 1971.
b、 employed
c、 designed
d、 discharged
When our car slowed down and then stopped,it was evident that we had ____ out of gas.
He often spends more than what he earns,so he lives ____ his income.
There were dirty marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.
b、 which
c、 when
d、 that
The surgeon is treating several _______ of this disease.
b、 questions
c、 examples
d、 cases
Professor Lockwood recommended that Juan ____ in chemistry.
a、not major
b、wouldn’t major
c、not to major
d、isn’t majoring
It was ______ back home after the experiment.
a、not until midnight did he go
b、 until midnight that he didn’t go
c、 not until midnight that he went
d、 until midnight when he didn’t go
Young children soon ____ words they hear their elders use.
a、bring up
b、make up
c、pick up
d、take up
The forest guards often find campfires that have not been ______ completely
a、turned down
b、 put out
c、 put away
d、 turned over
The writer described the crimes against the Jewish people in Germany in _____ detail.
b、 terrified
c、 horror
d、 horrifying
Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else ______ such a beautiful palace.
a、can you find
b、 you could find
c、 you can find
d、 could you find
In ______ Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.
b、 historic
c、 remote
d、 initial
洋槐树下mm 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1.c commit ……crimes为犯罪的固定搭配
83.SAT句子提升Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocket
Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,(but in some towns they) remained steady or decreased
A. some towns such Confessions
benero 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
你看错了原题了应该,原题是 Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,but in some towns it remained steady or decreased.而It之前有”confessions” 和”violent crimes”,所以最好改成”but in some towns such confessions”
they often have difficulty in solving these crimes.
they often have difficulty in solving these crimes.
_______ these crimes is often difficult _____(同义句)
lizhi19840205 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
they often have difficulty in solving these crimes.
__solving_____ these crimes is often difficult _for them____(同义句)
The man,__ we thought was guilty of a number of crimes,has p
The man,__ we thought was guilty of a number of crimes,has proved to be innocent.
为什么答案是who 而不是 whom
kathyqianqian 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
1.该句的主句是:The man has proved to be innocent.
2.“____ we thought was guilty of a number of crimes”是非限制性定语从句,修饰主语the man.
而所需填入的关系代词who/whom = 先行词the man.
3.在该非限制性定语从句中,we thought是插入语,做题时必须加以删除,以免令人混淆误解.
4.则该句变成了____ was guilty of a number of crimes.
很明显,该从句缺少主语,所以用主格的关系代词who(= the man),而不能用做句子宾语的宾格的关系代词whom.
What kind of crimes do you think the convicts committed?翻译,看
What kind of crimes do you think the convicts committed?翻译,看有没有错误.
用情付诸流水 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
帮忙解答以下英语单选题1、There is no denying that those who ____ crimes
1、There is no denying that those who ____ crimes will be punished sooner or later.
选项:a、conduct b、perform c、commit d、behave
2、This map gives no ______ of the height of the mountains.
选项:a、indications b、 indicates c、 point d、 bottom
3、Only one hundred boys are ______ to the school each year.
选项:a、received b、 arranged c、 accepted d、 admitted
4、It would be unwise to ______ too much importance to what he sai;
选项:a、pay b、 provide c、 attach d、 indicate
5、At the party last night,they talked in a friendly ______.
选项:a、atmosphere b、 sense c、 outlook d、 gesture
弦歌之雅意 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
1.These surveys indicate that many crimes go _____ by the po
1.these surveys indicate that many crimes go _____ by the police,mainly because not all victims report them.
a.unrecorded be unrecorded
2.a fund was created to help the victims of the earthquake.
句中的was created
3.but,for a small group of students,professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills,all other factors being equal,can be the difference between having a job and not.
这句话结构和中文不太清楚.尤其是since和having a job and not那块
梦星 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1.B选项有被动含义,你看到go了吗,go在这里相当于一个系动词+P.P构成被动结构,但是B在这里是不可以的.且不说to be结构还带有将要发生的意味.2.被建立,相当于established3.看到all other factors being equal了么,这个...
Charles Taylor fails to return to war crimes tribunal after
Charles Taylor fails to return to war crimes tribunal after lawyer row,求标题翻译,
小朴大吖头 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
在律师的辩护后查尔斯 泰勒未能重回战争法庭.
谁知道 why do people commit crimes what causes are especially i
谁知道 why do people commit crimes what causes are especially important why?
mh7979 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
There are many reasons people commit crime.Here are some thoughts.a.Some do it on the spur of the moment because the opoportunity afforded it.b.Some commit crime because they have made a conscous descision to make being a crimminal their lifestyle.For many this descision was made in their pre-teen or early teen years.c.Some commit crime because of the addiction that they have causes them to commit crime to feed the habit.d.Some commit crime because that is the normal lifestyle that they have been raised in all their life.e.Some commit crime because they need to do it to fit in with the group they have chosen to associate themselves with - a gang.f.Some commit crime in the passion of the moment because they have allowed their emotions to take charge of their actions.
Many who commit crime either have not thought of the consequences of their actions or think that they are too smart to get caught.They also may have minimized the consequences.
What are the causes of crimes?
liulian9527 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
why do people commit crimes what can we do to prevent break-
why do people commit crimes what can we do to prevent break-ins?
why do people commit crimes
what can we do to prevent break-ins?
rainingjcy 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
Some people in order to survive.
Some people in order to repay.
There are people in order to stimulate.
Security door lock.
Close the window.
Call for help.
two terrible crimes are solved 课文翻译
wuyichuen 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
crimes on our campus not only tear us,the bright and promisi
crimes on our campus not only tear us,the bright and promising young people,from life,but also erode the sense of security we sometimes take for granted.221025
超级看不懂句尾的we sometimes take for granted
鞭黑马醉红颜 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
主语:crimes 犯罪行为
* not only tear us from life,不仅破坏了我们的生活(从生活着把我们撕裂)
* but also erode the sense of security 而且侵蚀安全意识
修饰 crimes 的定语:on our campus 在我们大学校园的(犯罪行为)
us 的同位语:the bright and promising young people 即生气勃勃并有希望的年轻人(的我们)
定语从句:we sometimes take for granted 我们有时候想当然的(安全)——修饰 security
* not only ...but also:连词,表示“不但...而且”
* tear from 从...上撕下
* take for granted:想当然,信以为真
youth crime refers to the crimes committed by young people a
youth crime refers to the crimes committed by young people aged between fiften and twenty five
最爱冬季 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Many crimes went unounished帮忙翻译一下
bjfjgh 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
应该是Many crimes went unpunished.
1.they committed ___crimes to the country and the people
1.they committed ___crimes to the country and the people
A.huge B.vast C.immense D.enormous __mountains beyond our city are becoming greener and greener,they have become __home to a large amount of life
A.the, B.,a C.,an D.the,the
大力金刚掌 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1.A Crimes可数
2 D the 表示特定的 home 这里用做名词
what are the causes for certain crimes
_封子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Many of the crimes have gone___,because some people dare not
Many of the crimes have gone___,because some people dare not report them to the police.
A unnoticing B unnoticed C to be unnoticed D to have been unnoticed.为何要选B
Mr Alexander is the professor_____I have the greatest respect.
A who B that C to whom D for whom为何要选D.请您说详细点.
admdd 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
B.unnoticed 去分词做后置定语,同时表示过去和被动
D.for whom 固定短语have respect for sb.尊敬[重]/重视某个人
作文,明天用,do you think the death penalty can reduce crimes?why?
作文,明天用,do you think the death penalty can reduce crimes?why?400字左右,
softdream31 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
你是否认为死刑能预防或者减少犯罪?为什么可以/不可以?No,because I think it doesn't work to all people.
improve and enhance the education in humanity and pshcology.
W hy do people commits crimes?What cauces are especially imp
W hy do people commits crimes?What cauces are especially important?Why
是 causes "原因”
lwj7209 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
There are many reasons people commit crime.Here are some thoughts.a.Some do it on the spur of the moment because the opoportunity afforded it.b.Some commit crime because they have made a conscous descision to make being a crimminal their lifestyle.For many this descision was made in their pre-teen or early teen years.c.Some commit crime because of the addiction that they have causes them to commit crime to feed the habit.d.Some commit crime because that is the normal lifestyle that they have been raised in all their life.e.Some commit crime because they need to do it to fit in with the group they have chosen to associate themselves with - a gang.f.Some commit crime in the passion of the moment because they have allowed their emotions to take charge of their actions.
Many who commit crime either have not thought of the consequences of their actions or think that they are too smart to get caught.They also may have minimized the consequences.
crimes vary in degree in the same way as disease range from
crimes vary in degree in the same way as disease range from the common cold to fatal form of cancer
是病句吗 in the same way as用的合适吗
雷克ll 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
in the same way as用的不合适, as 应改为that .

因为后面是一个同位语从句, as不能引导同位语从句, 而that 可以.

Crimes vary in degree in the same way that disease range from the common cold to fatal form of cancer.


in the same way意思是“以同样的方式”.
range from范围)从...到..

句意: 从普通的感冒到各种致命的癌症,疾病有轻有重,违法犯罪也同样有轻重之分.
英语翻译这是用谷歌翻译器直译出来的,May God forgive you for crimes committed可能
这是用谷歌翻译器直译出来的,May God forgive you for crimes committed
hyhaike 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
May God forgive you for what you have committed.
Many crimes are committed by some bad people,an example of w
Many crimes are committed by some bad people,an example of which is fraud,a crime money is stolen by cheating others.
A.which B.that C.whose D.where
阿高羊骨头 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
求一份Speech演讲稿TOPIC:why do people commit crimes?what cause esp
TOPIC:why do people commit crimes?what cause especially important?why?
那三个人 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
why do people commit crimes
Are they born criminals?This is not a new problem but an age-old one.People are said basically good ,but they are easily led astray unless they are properly educated .So promoting education is a good way to reduce crime.There should be better education for everybody to know more about the law and the legal systerm.