Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ on any respon

jojohonhon2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ on any responsibilities
:put up
B:to take
D:to look


li_01 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
take responsibilities 负责任.固定词组.
blue4_y 共回答了183个问题 | 采纳率


______ his solid evidence, the judge declared him innocent i
______ his solid evidence, the judge declared him innocent in court and set him free immediately afterwards.
A.Believing B.Have believed C.Believed D.To believe
theendofheat 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

以A这个品名申报 英语怎么说申报就是向海关申报的意思,是declare吗declared as the Descript
以A这个品名申报 英语怎么说
declared as the Description of
精灵曾回来过 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
ordeclared under the Description of A
单选题一道The chairman declared the meeting _____ at 8 this morni
The chairman declared the meeting _____ at 8 this morning.
A.opened B.opening D.opens
handean 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
C在具有愿望、请求、建议、命令等主观意愿的动词(desire,demand,advice,insist,require,suggest,propose,order,recommend,decide …) 后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气.谓语动词用(should) +动词原形.declare属于此种情况...
All the teachers(),the ceremony was declared open.选having ar
All the teachers(),the ceremony was declared open.选having arrived还是arriving
lc1982 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
选Having arrived,完成时省略句,表示过去发生并且已经完成的动作,如果arriving只表示现在,而后部分是过去时,所以不对.
英语语法填空问题“finally,in 1966 ,presidennt xxxx declared third Sun
“finally,in 1966 ,presidennt xxxx declared third Sunday of June as Father's Day.”中的as不是介词吗?那如果是的话declared后跟的宾语从句缺了谓语啊!还有就是可以吧as换成was吗?
nancypeng 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
但是delcared后面的并非宾语从句,而是“(及物动词declared + )宾语the third Sunday of June + 宾语补足语as Father's Day”.
介宾短语as Father's Day做宾语补足语.
With everything needed________,the host declared the start o
With everything needed________,the host declared the start of their wedding. the place B.taking place C.out of place place
klo777 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%

写作用这么个句子开头对吗:It has nowadays been declared that·····后面就省略了
写作用这么个句子开头对吗:It has nowadays been declared that·····后面就省略了
是根据It has recently been announced that改写的
如果把nowadays换成these days呢,
蓝烬 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
declare 有点大 这是正式宣告 比如宣战就用这个 比announce严肃多了 announce更好点 写个小文章用不到这么正式的词汇
然后是 nowdays 副词词性 当今,时下之意.但是 没有你这么用的 一般来说 都是把它放在句首位置 然后一个逗号 接着写句子
所以 这么改,八成是不可以的
一打眼 一个nowdays的位置就把你出卖了 这句话 必定影响评卷老师对你的印象
不过 这种学习英语的态度很好
He declared himself skeptical that China deserved entry into
He declared himself skeptical that China deserved entry into the WTO.
uvgwai 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1. 及物动词之后的宾语从句
2. 介词之后的宾语从句
3. 形容词之后的宾语从句
英语翻译Coho salmon in the Snake River have been declared extinc
Coho salmon in the Snake River have been declared extinct by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,as have 106 other salmon populations on the West Coast.
lihe60 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
AN upper class British lady once declared: “Anyone seen on a
AN upper class British lady once declared: “Anyone seen on a bus after the age of 30 has been a failure in life.”

I guess she meant that if you’re middle aged and don’t have a car then you are a loser. How arrogant (傲慢) and ignorant!
Unfortunately, there are still people who think that way: that somehow public transport is only for the poor. And the rest have a right to their cars. Some wealthy folk in the West look down on buses and boast (吹嘘) about how many years it has been since they last traveled by one.
How sad is that? Our roads are packed with cars and the air is full of the pollution they emit (排放). But still, many car users are u nwillingly to get on a bus or a bike or a train to take themselves to work.
It’s convenient to drive, they’ll say. Buses are so unreliable, they’ll claim. And trains are expensive ---- at least in the UK.
It’s an attitude which may have to change. It doesn’t make sense to drive a car in a city where there’s a public transport system. Also, these rush hour commuters (往返上班者) usually travel alone.
As a result, transport authorities in the UK are looking at solutions to city center congestion (拥堵).
One is to increase the number of parking spaces at out-of-town railway stations. More motorists (乘汽车的人) can then leave their cars and travel into the city by train.
Light rail or tramways are another environmentally friendly solution. Many cities across Europe have installed light rail or tramway systems.
The subway in London is used by everyone, rich and poor. It’s the quickest way of getting around the city, whatever your bank balance.
And then there are the cycle hire schemes you find in many modern cities. In London and Paris, you can hire a bike by the hour to get you where you need to go.
While commuters in Beijing abandon their bicycles for cars, cycling to work grows in popularity in the West.
Many cyclists are willing to pay more than 10,000 yuan for their bicycles. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is often pictured cycling to work. David Cameron, the British prime minister, cycled to the House of Commons before he became leader. These days he takes the prime ministerial limousine (豪华轿车).
小题1:. According to the article, some British people, like the upper class woman, think that .
A.buses are inconvenient B.bus services are unnecessary
C.having a car is a sign of success D.only the upper class should have cars
小题2:Which of the following measures is taken by transport authorities in the UK to solve city center congestion?
A.The development of cycle hire schemes.
B.Increasing the number of parking spaces in the city center.
C.Installing light rail or tramway systems in out-of-town areas.
D.Banning commuters from traveling alone during rush hour.
小题3:The author mentions the example of Boris Johnson in the last paragraph to . his respect for the mayor of London
B.point to the growing popularity of cycling to work in the West
C.criticize Beijing commuters for abandoning their bicycles for cars that cars are still the most common means of transportation for famous people in Britain
小题4:Which of the following might the writer agree with?
A. The British prime minister should give up his limousine.
B. Beijing commuters should learn from British commuters.
C. British solutions to public transport problems are inadequate.
静公主124 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
AN upper class British lady once declared: “Anyone seen on a bus after the age of 30 has been a failure in life.”

I guess she meant that if you’re middle aged and don’t have a car then you are a loser. How arrogant (傲慢) and ignorant!
Unfortunately, there are still people who think that way: that somehow public transport is only for the poor. And the rest have a right to their cars. Some wealthy folk in the West look down on buses and boast (吹嘘) about how many years it has been since they last traveled by one.
How sad is that? Our roads are packed with cars and the air is full of the pollution they emit (排放). But still, many car users are u nwillingly to get on a bus or a bike or a train to take themselves to work.
It’s convenient to drive, they’ll say. Buses are so unreliable, they’ll claim. And trains are expensive ---- at least in the UK.
It’s an attitude which may have to change. It doesn’t make sense to drive a car in a city where there’s a public transport system. Also, these rush hour commuters (往返上班者) usually travel alone.
As a result, transport authorities in the UK are looking at solutions to city center congestion (拥堵).
One is to increase the number of parking spaces at out-of-town railway stations. More motorists (乘汽车的人) can then leave their cars and travel into the city by train.
Light rail or tramways are another environmentally friendly solution. Many cities across Europe have installed light rail or tramway systems.
The subway in London is used by everyone, rich and poor. It’s the quickest way of getting around the city, whatever your bank balance.
And then there are the cycle hire schemes you find in many modern cities. In London and Paris, you can hire a bike by the hour to get you where you need to go.
While commuters in Beijing abandon their bicycles for cars, cycling to work grows in popularity in the West.
Many cyclists are willing to pay more than 10,000 yuan for their bicycles. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is often pictured cycling to work. David Cameron, the British prime minister, cycled to the House of Commons before he became leader. These days he takes the prime ministerial limousine (豪华轿车).
小题1:. According to the article, some British people, like the upper class woman, think that .
A.buses are inconvenient B.bus services are unnecessary
C.having a car is a sign of success D.only the upper class should have cars 小题2:Which of the following measures is taken by transport authorities in the UK to solve city center congestion?
A.The development of cycle hire schemes.
B.Increasing the number of parking spaces in the city center.
C.Installing light rail or tramway systems in out-of-town areas.
D.Banning commuters from traveling alone during rush hour. 小题3:The author mentions the example of Boris Johnson in the last paragraph to . his respect for the mayor of London
B.point to the growing popularity of cycling to work in the West
C.criticize Beijing commuters for abandoning their bicycles for cars that cars are still the most common means of transportation for famous people in Britain 小题4:Which of the following might the writer agree with?
A. The British prime minister should give up his limousine.
B. Beijing commuters should learn from British commuters.
C. British solutions to public transport problems are inadequate.
D. Many car owners need to change their attitudes if the traffic problem is to
小题1:. C

句子成分分析the meat was declared unfit for human consumption.这句话怎
the meat was declared unfit for human consumption.
这句跟i grew up in poor是一样的结构吗
zizhudyy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
the meat 主语
was declared 谓语
unfit 形容词做主语补足语
for human consumption.介词短语做状语
此句可否用被动式There being nothing else to discuss,he declared the
There being nothing else to discuss,he declared the meeting closed.前面的那句可否改成:There being nothing else to be discussed.说明理由.
k金鱼 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
you should have declared that 在美语中的略度
you should have declared that 在美语中的略度
在MP3中听到好象have 的 h省略了,也就是读should ave请问是这样吗?
还有to 有时候读ta请问后面的a是发ahead 前面a的音吗,也就是类似中文鹅的音
and he pouced on it ,在快读中.请问and 后面的d可以省略吗
hlr226 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
should have读成should ave是因为读得快了,那个h好像是silent了一样,经常会是这种情况.
Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ on any respon
Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ on any responsibilities.
A:put up
B:to take
D:to look
jhdyzsj 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
B want to固定用法 take on responsibilities承担责任
The area has been declared a disaster zone.
The area has been declared a disaster zone.
永远难忘的人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
不能代替,因为英语中有一个习惯就是避免重复.即使句子前后表达的是一个东西也尽量使用不同的单词.area通常用于面积可测量或计算的地区,界限明确,但不指行政区划.如:60 years ago,half French people were still liv...
It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared in
It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set
A.was; since; that C.will be; when D.was; before
woaiani 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%

如将A项中was, since改成is, since是正确的;即从句中谓语先发生。如用B项,是强调句,而强调句前后两个谓语动词在时间上必须一致(a);被强调部分能还回原句中(b),即因为句中was declared是过去时, B项中is改成was;因为句中was declared是非延续性动词,在years后加上ago将"一段" 时间变成"一点"就是正确的。C 项前后时间不一致。
"The interest ---be divided into five parts,"declared the ju
"The interest ---be divided into five parts,"declared the judge.选should还是shall?
hlj_cyh 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
In 1863,US President Abraham Lincoln declared a national Tha
In 1863,US President Abraham Lincoln declared a national Thanksgiving Day.Thanksgiving _______ celebrated annually in America ever since.
A)has been
C)had been
-My room's empty!All my things are gone
-Oh,very sorry,sir.We thought you ______ the hotel this morning,so we took your suitcases downstairs.
B)would have left
C)were leaving
D)have left
吉林长春金乌炭雕 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
1.A)has been
2.C)were leaving
The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was
The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was _____ and had to be rationed (定量供应).
A.inadequate B.rare C.lacked D.scarce
晨星点点mei 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

 本题译文:汽油供不应求,因此必须定量配给。D项意思:scarce(="not" available in sufficient quantity, not equal to the demand)不充足的,缺乏的,供不应求的。Inadequate不适应的,不充分的。lack vt./vi. (="be" without ; not have; have less than enough of) 缺乏;没有;缺少,例如:1)He lacks perseverance.(他缺乏坚定性。)2)Money is lacking for the plan.(此计划尚缺钱。)3)He is lacking in courage.(他缺乏勇气。)be lacking in 常指缺乏某种品质、特点等。lack作及物动词时,一般不用被动语态,故不能选C. lacked.4)They lacked for nothing.(他们什么也不缺。)有人认为,lack for是美国英语。
"By no means"declared the captain,"_give way to disappointme
"By no means"declared the captain,"_give way to disappointment."
A we would B we will C might we D shall we
oοOKiK 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
状语by no means提前,引起主谓倒装,所以A、B错误.
这里是系表结构的过去形式吗?The 13 American colonies declared that they we
the 13 american colonies declared that they were independent from britain.
这里they were independent.是不是主系表,结构,的过去形式.
FYLY 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
October 15, 1970 was declared International White Cane Safet
October 15, 1970 was declared International White Cane Safety Day (IWCSD) for the first time by the President of the International Federation of the Blind (IFB). This date was adopted at the first convention of the IFB, held in Colombo on October 4, 1969. The object of the exercise is to enable the general public to have a better understanding of blindness and visual handicap, and to make people more aware of the white cane as a mobility aid.
Peguilly d’Herbemont was born on 25th June 1888 into an old French noble family of the same name. In her youth she led the conventional and protected existence, lack of great activity, of a girl from a “good family”, an existence reminding of the life of the aristocracy(贵族) before the French Revolution. She never visited a public school, but was educated by German and English governesses and nuns. Her movements were restricted and were mainly confined to the family positions in Paris and Belgium, but she spent most of her time at the castle of Charmois not far from Verdun.
In the process of helping individual blind people across the road, Peguilly d’Herbemont was made aware by narrow scrapes(刮擦) which almost led to accidents, of the dangerous situation of the visually impaired brought about by the steadily increasing traffic on the roads. She first spoke about measures to protect the blind against street hazards to her mother in 1930, but she was of the opinion that it was unfit for a lady of good society to create a public outcry and advised her to stick to the transcription of books, a popular pastime of ladies of rank at the time.
But the idea did not leave her. The urgent wish to encourage the integration(成为一体) of the blind into society by providing them with a means of moving about more freely without endangering others, and at the same time attracting the attention of passers-by ready to offer assistance, caused her to take the unusual step of writing to the editor of the Paris daily Echo de Paris in which she suggested issuing the blind of the Paris region with white sticks similar to those used by the traffic police.
The editor took up the idea, published it in November 1930 and saw to it that the relevant authorities acted with atypical speed. Thus it was that the white cane received official backing, and on 7th February 1931.
小题1:The underlined words “the exercise” here refer to _____.
A.the founding of the IFB B.the declaration of IWCSD
C.the convention of the IFB D.the first convention of the IFB
小题2: Which of the following is true about Peguilly d’Herbemont?
A.She led a typical aristocrat life when she was young.
B.Though she could travel around Europe, she spent most time at Charmois.
C.She was taught German and English at a public school.
D.She worried about possible street hazards for the blind, witnessing many traffic accidents.
小题3:_____ gave her the white cane idea.
A.Her concern about the dangerous situation for the blind caused by the increasing traffic
B.The accident she had when helping blind people across the road
C.The scrapes she got when crossing the road
D.Her urgent wish to integrate into society together with the blind
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Peguilly d’Herbemont’s mother didn’t want her to draw the public’s attention.
B.It was common for people to write to newspapers to voice their opinion at the time.
C.Peguilly’s strong desire to help the blind made her not a looker-on but an advocate.
D.The editor contributed a lot to the declaration of International White Cane Safety Day.
小题5:This passage mainly wants to tell us _____.
A.Peguilly d’Herbemont’s achievements to care for the blind
C.the function of the white cane International White Cane Safety Day came into being
青山绿水xxx 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%

Hundreds of species are declared to _____ in the coming cent
Hundreds of species are declared to _____ in the coming century.
A.die away B.die out C.die down D.die off
平生不识帝释天 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%

考查词组:A. die away渐渐消失,B. die out灭绝,C. die down平息,D. die off相继死去,句意是:数百种物种被宣布在下个世纪将灭绝。选B。
( )no further business,he declared the meeting closed instea
( )no further business,he declared the meeting closed instead of continuing to speak.
A.there being B.there was C.there be D.there to be
pqw1157 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
A. there being
英语翻译In September 1939,Britain declared war on Germany after
In September 1939,Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.
汉良 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译1.\x05Provided that one of the parties has not declared
1.x05provided that one of the parties has not declared the contractual negotiations as unsuccessful,the parties commit themselves to provide each other *** with all information which is essential for a later conclusion of the contract.
2.x05furthermore,the parties commit themselves to exclusively use all confidential information which they receive from each other *** or employees or consultants of it via the *** in written,oral or other form for the purpose of the business initiation and for the preparation of the business negotiations and to keep this information secret as long as no contract has been signed, treat this information as a confided company secret and not to make it available to third parties.this non-disclosure agreement shall continue to be valid after the conclusion of a contract and shall be part of the contract.
yuji521 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
lable' was not declared in this scope
lable' was not declared in this scope
#include int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QDialog* dd=new QDialog();
QLabel* label=new QLabel(dd);
lable->setText("hello world");
return app.exec();}xp下的
不惨不忍睹 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
错误信息是 “在本定义域范围,变量名 lable 没有声明”
lable 拚写错.是 label
The moment the 28th Olympic Games were declared open,the who
The moment the 28th Olympic Games were declared open,the whole world cheered.
这个句子看不懂 open 又是什么成分
猫妈妈1 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
you should have declared that.这句话为什么加that
dingjiande2003 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Was his average speed incorrectly declared to be 299 miles p
Was his average speed incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour or 289 miles per hour?
请解释一下declared to be,我不懂这个to be是怎么回事,是本来就declare to do 还是什么词组,如果直接declared 299 miles可以吗,把to be 去了,可为什么要加to be,请详解
晓晓爱杰 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
1 declare a to be b 宣布A成为B.declared to be- - - 被动语态----被宣布成为 -- -
declare(谓语) A(宾语) to be B (宾语补足语)
be declared(谓语) to be- - - (主语补足英)
The war was declared over 中文
武易茗 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
...has been declared world cultural heritage sites by UNESCO
...has been declared world cultural heritage sites by UNESCO.我想问world cultural heritage已经是
鬼谷飘雨 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
改错The mayer declared the meeting opening .
timixu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
The method main cannot be declared static; static methods ca
The method main cannot be declared static; static methods can only be declared in a static or top是
aasdsdsds 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
official是什么意思.求这句翻译.But Brazil declared him an official nati
求这句翻译.But Brazil declared him an official national treasure so he would stay in the country.The underlined word “treasyre” probably means( )
A.highly valued person B.valuable gift C.a great deal of money D .big winner
杨溢yangyi嘿嘿 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
official 是正式的 官方承认的
With everything needed________,she declared that the party b
With everything needed________,she declared that the party began. the place B.taking place C.out of place place
wlm_tianya 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

the crazy defendant was declared unfit to stand trial.怎么翻译
sunny54937 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
26.After several days of investigation,the police declared t
26.After several days of investigation,the police declared the young man _______ and released him.
A.confidentx05x05x05B.innocentx05x05C.guiltyx05x05 x05D.bankrupt
云中鹤8106 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
B 无辜的,所以给释放了
The judge declared, “Everything that Shylock owns___ be take
The judge declared, “Everything that Shylock owns___ be taken away from him.”
A.shall B.will C.would D.could
修罗魔王 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

With everything needed______, she declared that the party be
With everything needed______, she declared that the party began. the place B.out of place place the first place
ldq110 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

A huge shire horse in Australia has been declared the bigges
A huge shire horse in Australia has been declared the biggest horse in the world by its owner , beating the current Guinness World Record(吉尼斯记录) by several inches .
The huge five-year-old , from Pakenham , S. E Australia , measures an amazing 20.1 hands , or 2.057m tall . He weighs over 1.3 tons ( 1,300kg) — about the same as a small car — and is still growing . His owner , horse trainer Jane Greenman , 47 , says the only time the horse runs is when there is food on offer . “ He eats an unbelievable amount . I would hate to run a team of eight horses his size—it would send you broke . ” she says .
The massive horse , whose name is Noddy , was born in Australia with its parents imported from England . Noddy’s grandfather , Ladbrooke Edward (UK) was the world’s tallest horse during the 1980’s .But Jane had no idea that the horse she raised from the age of six months would grow this big . Noddy immediately began to rocket and soon overtook both his parents in size .
Although she says that she is not interested in the Guiness Book of World Records , nevertheless Jane has carried out her own research and is sure that Noddy comes top . “ The nearest is a horse in Texas , at 20 hands ,” says Jane . “ Noddy is already an inch taller than that . The frightening thing is he still hasn’t finished—shire horses aren’t fully grown until they’re about six or seven .”
Jane has said that Noddy could be sold overseas , possibly even fetching a record price to match his height . She is unwilling to sell , but to fund the high cost of keeping him she needs to put him to work . “ He needs a job . It’s very hard to find jobs for such a big horse in Australia . I wish he could stay here but I’ve tried everywhere , ” she says regretfully . “ I just want people to enjoy this beautiful animal as much as I do .”
小题1:How old is the horse now ?
A.Six months old . B. Five years old .
C.Two years old . D.Six years old .
小题2:The underlined word “ rocket ” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”. fast a lot C.grow fast D.get strong
小题3:Which of the following is a big problem for the horse’s owner ?
A.She doesn’t know how to apply for the Guinness World Record .
B.She has to feed eight big horses at the same time .
C.Another horse in Texas is growing even faster than hers .
D.There is not enough money to cover(支付) the cost of raising the horse .
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that .
A.Noddy won’t grow any taller
B.Noddy’s growth can be genetically(基因) explained
C.many people are willing to buy Noddy job will be available for Noddy at all
小题5:What would be the best title for this passage ?
A.Jane Greenman becomes famous for her horse
B.New world record for the biggest horse
C.Large size means no job for a big horse
D.Jane Greenman , an excellent horse trainer
lv1949 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%

哪位大侠分析下这个同位语从句啊Mother declared she had had a premonition tha
Mother declared she had had a premonition that we would never see our things again.
oppoipo765768iuy 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
最后,had done是过去完成时,表示premonition在declare前已经存在
意思是 妈妈说她有预感我们将永远不能再见到我们的东西
英语语法:the accused was declared innocent 请问这里innocent作句子的什么成分?
英语语法:the accused was declared innocent 请问这里innocent作句子的什么成分?非常简洁的一个问题
若尘521007 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
大学英语二 1.Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ up an
1.Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ up any responsibilities.
A:to take
C:to look
D:to put
2.I remember _____ to help us when we got into trouble.
A:once offering
B:him to offer
C:him once offering
D:to offer him
3.Tom and Jerry wore dark glasses to avoid _______.
A:having been recognized
C:to be recognized
D:being recognized
4._____ on a clear day,far from the city crowds,the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.
A:If walking
C:While walking
D:When one is walking
5.Don’t count _______ abroad this vocation,we may not have enough money.
A:on going
B:to go
D:on to go
6.Our soldiers have succeeded ______ some enemy’s important positions.
A:to take up
B:in taking over
C:take up
D:to take over
7.When the buses ran into each other,your brother _____?
A:escaped being hurt,didn’t he
B:escaped to be hurt,didn’t he
C:escaped to hurt,didn’t he
D:escaped hurting,didn’t he
8.Almost everyone failed _______ after the news rules issued last year.
A:pass his driver’s test
B:to have passed his driver’s test
C:to pass his driver’s test
D:passing his driver’s test
9.I haven’t decided which room ______.
A:to live
B:to live in
C:is to live in
D:is for living
10.Since she is very angry now,we ______.
A:had better leaving her alone
B:could leave her alone
C:need to leave her alone
D:might as well leave her alone
11.It’s very kind ______ to do us such a favor.
A:for you to
B:by you to
C:that you
D:of you
12.They didn’t pass the exam last time,I regretted ____.
A:to be not able to help
B:being not able to help
C:being unable to help
D:not be able to help
13.If we are ______,we’ll start our journey tomorrow.
A:is permitted
B:being permitted
14.It is no use _____ about it,because he will never change his mind.
A:to argue
B:or arguing
D:for arguing
如果 全对的话 还有更多的分数奖励
睡懒觉的鸟儿 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
1.A,want to do sth固定搭配take up负责look up向上看put up忍耐、忍受.
2.C.这里是说“记得他帮过我们”,因此后面需要有“他”,然后记得某人曾经做过某事,用remember sb doing sth
3.D.avoid doing sth避免,这里是避免被看到,故用被动,加be动词
4.C,后半句主语是“山”,因此前面不能直接用walking,否则就是聊斋了,而且这里专门指他,并且没有假设的意思,故A D也不对.
5.A,count on doing sth指望干什么
6.B,succeed in doing sth成功做什么,take over取代
8.C,fail to do sth做什么事情失败了
9.B,表将来,用to do,live是不及物动词,需加一个介词.
10.A,had better doing sth最好怎么做
14.C,no use doing sth做什么事没用
