With a philosopher one reads slowly,as if it were literature

shuizhidao2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

With a philosopher one reads slowly,as if it were literature,but much time must be spent with the eyes turned away from the pages,reflecting on the text.


意思但是 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1 With a philosopher one reads slowly
== When you read a philosophy book,you should / must read it slowly
2 as if it were literature
== because it is not a story book.
3 翻译:
huohu 共回答了1768个问题 | 采纳率
With a philosopher是状语 one是主语 reads是谓语 slowly是状语, as if it were literature是状语, but是并列连词 much time是主语 must be spent 是谓语with the eyes turned away from the pages是with的复合结构 作状语,其中 the eyes 是介词宾语 turned aw...


英语翻译the idea for the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
the idea for the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came to Joanne Kathleen Rowling in 1990.
Darren200597 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译A.The French philosopher,Jean Jacques Rousseau and the G
A.The French philosopher,Jean Jacques Rousseau and the German writer Johna Wolfgan von Goethe.
B.It is Rousseau who established the cult of the individual and championed the freedom of the human spirit;his famous announcement was “I felt before I thought.”Goethe and his compatriots extolled the romantic spirit.
森林的心情 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
A. 法国哲学家让· 雅各· 卢梭 和德国作家约翰·斡尔夫冈·冯·歌德.
one philosopher warns that one can put himself on a slippery
one philosopher warns that one can put himself on a slippery slope if one lies
snk707 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
slippery slope,下滑的斜坡
Aristotle was a great philosopher and scientist,living in Gr
Aristotle was a great philosopher and scientist,living in Greece .
这句话问什么不对,答案不能用,living 要用who lived
精彩2006 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
living 表示主动,进行.很显然,亚里斯多德已经去世了,所以改用定语从句来体现一般过去时态.
英语翻译I do not view myself as a philosopher.Philosophy enrichs
I do not view myself as a philosopher.Philosophy enrichs my life,but not define it.
ddl68698 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Dr.Hu is no more a poet than Dr.Wu is a philosopher 如何翻译
wlc104 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
题后的字数要求).[1]In ancient Greece,there was great philosopher na
题后的字数要求).[1]in ancient greece,there was great philosopher named socrates.one day one f...
题后的字数要求).[1]in ancient greece,there was great philosopher named socrates.one day one fellow met him and said.“do you know what i just heard about your friend?” [2]“ ,”socrates replied.“before telling me anything i’d like you to pass a little test.it’s called the triple filter test(三重筛选测试).” [3]“triple filter?” [4]“that’s right,”socrates continued.“before you talk to me about my friend,it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter(过滤)what you’re going to say,the first filter is truth.have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?[5]揘o,撄he man said,揳ctually i just heard about it and alc…?[6]揂ll right,攕aid socrates.揝o you donth.h’t know if it’s true or not.now let’s try the second filter,the filter of goodness.is what you about to tell me about my friend something good?[7]揘o,on the contrary ...[8]揝o,掷ocrates continued,搚ou want to tell me something bad about him,but younks wa’re not certain it’s true.you may still pass the test though,because there’s one filter left:the filter of usefulness.is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?[9]揘o,not really.[10]揥ell,攃oncluded socrates,搃f what you want to tell me is neither ture nor good nor evrn useful,why tell it to me at aalcoholl?lesson:[11]you can always participate in loose talks when you feel bored.but when it comes to your friends it9’s not worth it.always avlid talking behind the back about your near and dear friends.76.fill in the blank in paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 4 words) 77.translate the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 into chinese.78.what does the u***erlined word搃t攊n paragraph 5 refer to?(no more than12 words) 79.list the three components of the triple filter test.80.what message was socrates trying to send to the fellowho?(no more than10 word
甜蜜青橙 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
你发的有很多乱码. 空白和划线的句子在哪里我都不知道. 79和80我回答吧. 79:truth, goodness and usefulness. 80 No loose talk about your friends.
英语翻译今天就要 Confucius is one of the most famous philosopher in
Confucius is one of the most famous philosopher in ancient China.Confucius’s real name is Qiu and another name is Zhong Li.The reasons he became famous are he made many wise sayings that helped many people learning about nature,world,and the human behaviors.
His philosophic idea is Ren(仁).Ren basically means the thought of love and benevolent,to control one’s own lust and treat others with politeness.ke ji fu li (克己復礼) which is the core of ren ,means to control one’s own lust and treat others with politeness.They are all about love and respect others.
lefeibaby 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Zengzi(曾子505---435BC), a Chinese philosopher and student of
Zengzi(曾子505---435BC), a Chinese philosopher and student of Confucius(孔子),小题1: (believe) to be the author(作者) of Daxue. One day, as Zengzi’s wife set off(出发) for the market,her little son insisted on(坚持) going with her, 小题2: (make) a tearful scene(场面).
“Stay at home,”she said to the boy, “When I come back, I 小题3:(kill) the pig for you to eat.”
When she got back from the market, Zengzi was prepared to catch the pig and kill it. His wife stopped him, saying I was only kidding(开玩笑) to 小题4: when I said that.” “Children can’t be humored(幽默) 小题5: this way. ” he replied, “They have little 小题6: (understand). They learn from their parents and listen to 小题7: they say. To lie to him is to teach him to lie to 小题8:.” Her son will not trust her any more 小题9: a mother lies to him. This is not the way to teach 小题10: child. With that, Zengzi went to kill the pig and then cooked it for his son.
语雨N 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
小题1: is believed
小题3:will kill
小题7: what

电影Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 内容简介
站在月光下 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(哈利波特与魔法石)的内容简介
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(哈利波特与魔法石) Book Description When a letter arrives for unhappy but ordinary Harry Potter,a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he's the last to know.His parents were wizards,killed by a Dark Lord's curse when Harry was just a baby,and which he somehow survived.Escaping his hideous Muggle g.
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the min
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the mind. 怎么翻译,句子成分如何分析? 谢...
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the mind. 怎么翻译,句子成分如何分析? 谢大神了。
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翻译 Ann将哪位哲学家描述为可以与之分享思想的人?
主语 Ann
谓语 has described
宾语 what philosopher
宾补 as the commons of the mind
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is an _______ (enjo
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is an _______ (enjoy) book.
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is an enjoyable book.意思是 《哈利波特与魔法石》是一本好看的书enjoyable本身是“可以从中得到乐趣”的意思如果是enjoyable的书 就是好看的书如果是enjoyable的游戏 就...
英语语法问题,可以说 Aristotle was a great philosopher and scientist,
英语语法问题,可以说 Aristotle was a great philosopher and scientist, living in Greece over 2300 years ago吗? 独立主格结构
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英语翻译1642-1727,English mathematician and natural philosopher
1642-1727,English mathematician and natural philosopher (physicist),who is considered by many the greatest scientist that ever lived.
Early Life and Work
Newton studied at Cambridge and was professor there from 1669 to 1701,succeeding his teacher Isaac Barrow as Lucasian professor of mathematics.His most important discoveries were made during the two-year period from 1664 to 1666,when the university was closed and he retired to his hometown of Woolsthorpe.At that time he discovered the law of universal gravitation,began to develop the calculus,and discovered that white light is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.These findings enabled him to make fundamental contributions to mathematics,astronomy,and theoretical and experimental physics.
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1642-1727, 英国数学家和自然哲学家(物理学家), 由许多考虑最了不起的科学家曾经居住. 早期的生活和工作 牛顿学习了在剑桥和那里是1701 年教授从1669 年到, 成功他的老师Isaac 手推车当数学Lucasian 教授.他的最重要...