关系副词as 与which 与that的区别

juhua2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

关系副词as 与which 与that的区别
如此句 your carema is the same ______i brought.


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the same 通常和that 和as 连用.
the same that 意思是同一物
the same as 意思是类似,相像的.
your carema is the same __that____i brought.你的相机就是我买的那个.
your carema is the same ___as___i brought.你的相机和我买的一样.
1.He failed in the English examination,as/which his parents expcted.
2.He is a Beijinger,as/which I know from his accent.
1.As we know now,the earth travels around the sun.
2.As I explained in the phone,your require will be considered at the next meeting.
1.He won the first price i
n the conpetation,as his parents expected.(语意一致)
2.He won the first price in the competation,which his parents didn'texpected.(语意相反)
三.As引导的定语从句后常用被动句,如:be known、be side、be reported、be announced等;而主动句中则常用which引导从句.eg.
1.As has been knoen to all,he is the best in English.
2.As is said,our English teacher is a tall man.
1.She is always show off her clothes in public,which we don't like at all.
2.The mother often praises her children,which the children don'like.
五.as常用在as (it) appears as (it) seems likely as (it) was pointed out as (it) often happens as (it) was said earlier as I remember (it) as I understand (it)等结构的句子中.eg.
1.He didn't know much about it,as was said earlier.
2.He hasn't returned my book to me yet,as often happens.
1.Lucy likes to tell lies,which we all feel strange.
2.I didn't win the table-tennis,which my classmates feel diappointed.
七.as 既可指前面提到的事,又可指后面提到的事;which只能指前面提到的事.eg.
1.As is known,we'll see a film this afternoon.(指后面的事)
2.Sam has been to Xi'an three times,as every one know.(指前面的是事)
3.The weather turned out to be good,which was more than we could expect.(指前面的天气情况)
七用that:1.先行词是all much little everything anything nothing none the one等不定代词时.
eg.Is there anything that I can help you?
2.当先行词被only few no any little all one of the same等词修饰时.
eg.that is the only book that I read interesting.
eg.You can take the most beautiful shirt that you like.
4.当先行词中既有人又有事物时.eg.They are talking about the people and the place they visited
5.先行词是表语或关系代词做从句的表语时.eg.It's the book that you lost yesterday.
6.在there be 开头的句中.eg.There are many things that I must do today.
7.由who which开头的句中.eg.Who is the man that speaks to your father?
