
xingyunshan2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答



Rexy 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
100 ×360° =36°;
40+80+30 =
15 ;


longzone 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%


本题考点: 条形统计图;扇形统计图;概率公式.

考点点评: 本题考查了扇形统计图、条形统计图及概率公式的知识,解题的关键是从两种统计图中整理出解题的有关信息;

zjxs2000 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
像我在学校的时候,学校每周都会举行英语角。每个学期的活动包括有:英语演讲竞赛。当然,这可不是单单的学校性的,我们在所有的的选手中会选择1~2位去参加省级的演讲比赛。不过,这也得看看自身的条件是否允许;其次就是英语晚会。在晚会中,包括主持或者所有其他的表演,一律英语上场。还有就是英文歌唱比赛。···· 还有其他的就你自己想啦。我们学校的英语俱乐部倒是办得挺出色的,在所有部门中也是响当当的... 希望...
micky_0129 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Seven Star Scientific and Technological Renovation Association
蓝赢 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
像我在学校的时候,学校每周都会举行英语角。每个学期的活动包括有:英语演讲竞赛。当然,这可不是单单的学校性的,我们在所有的的选手中会选择1~2位去参加省级的演讲比赛。不过,这也得看看自身的条件是否允许;其次就是英语晚会。在晚会中,包括主持或者所有其他的表演,一律英语上场。还有就是英文歌唱比赛。···· 还有其他的就你自己想啦。我们学校的英语俱乐部倒是办得挺出色的,在所有部门中也是响当当的... 希望能帮得到你
Xiao Ming 想要参加学校社团组织.他向学生会主席Nancy写了一封自荐信.请你根据他所介绍的情况,完成第11~1
Xiao Ming 想要参加学校社团组织.他向学生会主席Nancy写了一封自荐信.请你根据他所介绍的情况,完成第11~13小题,把14小题回答完整.(每小题1分,共4分)
Dear Nancy,
x05My name is Xiao Ming.I want to be in a club in our school.I’m not famous now.But maybe I can be famous someday!I can’t sing or dance or act in movies,but I can do many other things.I can play three instruments:the guitar,the violin and the drums.I think I can be in the music club.Maybe I can be a famous musician.I like to read story books and I can write stories.Maybe I can be a famous writer.I like sports,too,but I don’t think I can be a famous and successful sports man.Can I join you?
x05Xiao Ming
(  )11.What’s the word “instruments” in Chinese?x05x05It’s ________.
(  )12.What can’t Xiao Ming do?x05x05He can’t ________.
    A.write storiesx05x05B.play the violinx05 C.act in movies
(  )13.Xiao Ming thinks he can be a famous ________ or a famous writer.
    A.musicianx05x05x05B.actorx05x05x05x05x05C.sports man
x05( ) 14.--What clubs do you think Xiao Ming can join?
--He can join a ___________ club,a ___________ club or a ___________ club.
x05I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend.We love seeing movies,but e all like different kinds.I like to see thrillers and science fictions,my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend,Lee,loves a good romance.Because we like different kinds of movies,it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see.So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie.It’s my turn to choose this weekend,so we’re going to see Harry Potter II,a new movie.It’s number one at the box office,and everyone is saying what a great movie it is.I can’t wait!
(  )15.How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story?
(  )16.Harry Potter II is ________ movie right now.
     A.a boringx05x05x05B.a popularx05x05x05C.an action
(  )17.How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see?
     A.They like different kinds of movies.
x05B.They let Lee choose which movie to see.
x05C.They take turns to choose a movie to see.
(  )18.What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story?
     A.Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.
x05B.It’s a good thing to see movies with friends.
x05C.Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter II.
yl2003 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Xiao Ming 想要参加学校社团组织.他向学生会主席Nancy写了一封自荐信.请你根据他所介绍的情况,完成第11~13小题,把14小题回答完整.(每小题1分,共4分)
Dear Nancy,
x09My name is Xiao Ming. I want to be in a club in our school. I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday!I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I can do many other things. I can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician. I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too, but I don’t think I can be a famous and successful sports man. Can I join you?
x09Xiao Ming
( B )11. What’s the word “instruments” in Chinese?x09x09It’s ________.
    A. 乐谱x09x09x09x09B. 乐器x09x09x09C. 乐章
( C )12. What can’t Xiao Ming do?x09x09He can’t ________.
    A. write storiesx09x09B. play the violinx09 C. act in movies
( A )13. Xiao Ming thinks he can be a famous ________ or a famous writer.
    A. musicianx09x09x09B. actorx09x09x09x09x09C. sports man
x09( ) 14. --What clubs do you think Xiao Ming can join?
--He can join a __guitar_________ club, a ___violin________ club or a ______drums_____ club.
x09I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but e all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter II, a new movie. It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I can’t wait!
(  B)15. How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story?
     A. Six.x09x09x09x09B. Five.x09x09x09x09C. Four.
( B )16. Harry Potter II is ________ movie right now.
     A. a boringx09x09x09B. a popularx09x09x09C. an action
( C )17. How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see?
     A. They like different kinds of movies.
x09B. They let Lee choose which movie to see.
x09C. They take turns to choose a movie to see.
( B )18. What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story?
     A. Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.
x09B. It’s a good thing to see movies with friends.
x09C. Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter II.
英语短文 社团活动学校社团社长发表了一篇微博,征求同学们的意见,做什么活动.身为该社的一分子请说出你的意见还有为什么.
shahu88 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
Dear alumnus:
I have seen your Sina Microblog.As a member of your association, I want to avail this time to express my opinion.
I feel like more activities ouside room. Because of have and thorny study, we have few time to do some exercise and have a breath of fresh airs. As a studen who should develop oneself in the direction conduntive to all-round progress, I believe good fitness is a essentai need. Therefore, more activities outside ,as far as I see,are fairly benifecial to our body.
I wish to receive your answer.
Good health.
