Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Best wishes, 什么

小_骆2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Best wishes, 什么意思


hyqini 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%


[ ] Move to quarantine [ ] Prompt user Second action [ ] Ign
[ ] Move to quarantine [ ] Prompt user Second action [ ] Ignore [ ] Delete [X] Move to quara...
dfhgfgfjghkghgk 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
Move to quarantine 移动到隔离区
Prompt user 通知用户
Second action 第二种处理方式
Ignore 忽略
Delete 删除
英语翻译Dear John - your prompt contact is appreciated.I ask a f
Dear John - your prompt contact is appreciated.
I ask a favor from you- if you receive another offer for the domain name,please let me know so that my client is presented the chance of considering matching or doing better than that offer.I cannot guarantee that would happen,but they would like the chance to bid.
416678650 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
请问prompt immediate 和 rapid在用法上的区别,
今夕七夕 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
哭着徘徊 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Prompted me to write this article
请问prompt和fast的区别 unpolite和impolite的区别
xiaoyufang 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
prompt 敏捷,指的是反应
fast 快,指的是速度
unpolite 无礼的 比较少用,意思没有不同
impolite 没有礼貌的,你记住,p 开头的形容词,反义词都是加前缀 Im
possible 可能的
impossible 不可能的
英语翻译Thanks for your prompt respose.I bought this product abo
Thanks for your prompt respose.I bought this product about a month ago,and my understanding is that it shoudnt take so long to receive it.Do you have more data to make the follow up of the package?what is the name of the currier?what is the number of the dispach?Thanks
柒柒芭芭 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
SAT作文求批改prompt:DO people learn more from examing event in th
prompt:DO people learn more from examing event in the past than from focusing only on present.
In this fast-pace world,everthing develops more promptly than ever.within a few minutes,many technologies might supplant by another one.people invent new products alomost every seconds.Every new inventions are improved by the old.We absords the mistakes from false and develop the more safty,more powerful technologies.We learn a lot from the tragedy in the sapcecraft Columbus and the wrong theory of helicentric.
In 1990s,America expected a new information that might gain from the astronout if the spacecraft Columbus worked sucessfully.unfortunely,it broke apart on the way back to Earth.that is a tragedy.but it stimulated the scientist to investigate the caft carefully.there are some serious problem that they did not discoveries until the tragedy happened.Even american suffered such painful event,they work so hard to reasearch amd test their machines.the tragdy would not happen again.we learn more from examing even to prevent us from dangerous.
there is another people who is founder father of comology.Even his theory was proved that is incorred.but he provide the grreat idea to help the modern cosology.He is Noclus Copernuis.He is well-konwn doctor and comologist.he learn the everthing on his own without taking any class.he passed his unique helicentric is new idea and nobady wanted to believe.when the world became more and more progressive.Scientist published the correct theory based on his idea.without him,people will never step out to test such mysterious universe.
above all,we have to notice that present is less important than past.all the cultures scatter around the world are coming from past,without the summary from our acentors.we can not be successful.
WERE123 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
In this fast-pace world,everthing develops more promptly than ever.within a few minutes,many technologies might be supplanted by others.people invent new products almost every second.New inventions are improved by the old.We absords the mistakes from falsity and develop the more safty,more powerful technologies.We learn a lot from the tragedy in the sapcecraft Columbus and the wrong theory of helicentric.
In 1990s,Americans expected a piece of new information that might gain from the astronout if the spacecraft Columbus worked sucessfully.unfortunely,it broke apart on the way back to Earth.that is a tragedy.but it stimulated the scientists to investigate the caft carefully.there were some serious problems that they did not discovery until the tragedy happened.Even American suffered such a painful event,they work so hard to reasearch and test their machines.the tragdy would not happen again.we can even protect us from dangers.
.Even the theory of the founder father of comology was proved to be incorrect.but he provided the great idea to help the modern cosology.He is Noclus Copernuis.He is a well-kn own doctor and comologist.he learnt the everthing on his own without taking any classes.he passed his unique helicentric is a new idea and nobady would believe.when the world became more and more progressive.Scientists published the corrected the theory based on his idea.without him,people would have steped out to test such mysterious universe in a longer time.
above all,we have to notice that present is less important than the past.all the cultures scatter around the world are coming from the past,without the summary from our acentors.we could not be successful.
隔水_观音 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
reply可以作名词吗我在爱词霸上查reply这个单词,只有作动词用的.但是下面这两个句子:1.a prompt rep
我在爱词霸上查reply这个单词,只有作动词用的.但是下面这两个句子:1.a prompt reply
2.this informs the reader where to send his or her reply
2005bcz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
可以的,如I am looking forward to you earlier reply.
Error: Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt
Error: Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt or in scripts.
function Uamax=Uamax(Ua4)
r=0.367; nt=0.85; f=0.013; CA=2.77; io=5.83; m=3880; g=9.8;ig4=1; n=Ua4.*ig4.*io./(0.377.*r);
x=fzero(@Uamax,90) 求高手们帮助一下
浅畅 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
script 和function 都可以是m文件.
function 可以被以function 开始的m文件调用,
但不能被script调用,以非function 关键字开始
给一句英语划分成分:主谓宾等Thank you so much for your prompt reply with n
Thank you so much for your prompt reply with nice suggestions.
zhandijizhe 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Thank是谓语,you是宾语,for your prompt reply状语,with nice suggestions修饰reply,叶子状语.这句话省略了主语I
帮忙改一下SAT的作文The prompt is that should we wait for everything
The prompt is that should we wait for everything to come or is destiny something we cannot wait for?
My essay:
In my point of view, one should not wait for anything to come but fight for every opportunity so that one can fulfill his or her dreams. My essay is going to prove this standpoint by telling an ancient Chinese fable and giving two examples of famous people in history.
The fable is about a farmer who was lazy. While finishing work at his farm one afternoon, the farmer saw a rabbit hit into a tree and died. Happily, he ate the rabbit and started waiting beside that tree next day, hoping that another rabbit will come and hit the tree. Giving up farming, the farmer died several days after because of hunger, since obviously, no rabbit came. The moral of this fable, which Chinese parents tell to their children in an early age, is that one cannot just wait for miracles to happen.
Secondly, the establishment of the concept of universal gravitation supports my idea well. If that apple had dropped on another person’s head in stead of Newton’s, it would have probably been eaten immediately. It is the curiosity and hard-working that drove Newton to found the law of universal gravitation. Thus, if one only waits, even if opportunities come, he or she will not be able to catch them.
Moreover, the invention of lamps showed that working persistently, not waiting, is crucial on the way to success. Edison tried over a thousand different types of material in order to work out the most suitable one, and finally he succeeded. The best fit material could not jump out itself if Edison did not try them, and we may still use candles to illuminate today.
In conclusion, by considering the aforementioned examples, it is apparent that waiting for opportunities is useless. Destiny is not something that one can wait for, on contrast, one must work industriously in order to create his or her own destiny to achieve life goal.
鼻涕虫007 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
One should not wait for things to come but fight for every opportunity so that one can fulfill his or her dream. The following essay is going to prove this point by giving an ancient Chinese story and other two examples of famous people in the history.
The story is about a lazy farmer. While working at his farm one afternoon, the farmer saw a rabbit hitting into a tree and then died. He happily took the rabbit away and cooked it and then started waiting beside that tree the following day, hoping that another rabbit would come and hit into the tree. Giving up farming, the farmer died of hunger several days later, since obviously, no rabbit came again. The moral of this fable, which Chinese parents often tell their children, is that one cannot just wait for miracles to happen. 寓言来support不太好.最好是具体的事儿,真事儿.
Secondly, the establishment of the concept of universal gravitation supports my idea well. (这句话很别扭.)If that apple had dropped onto another person’s head in stead of that of Newton’s, it would have probably been eaten immediately. It is curiosity and hardwork that drove Newton to discover the law of universal gravitation. Thus, if one only waits, even if opportunities come, he or she will not be able to catch them.
Moreover, the invention of lamps showed that working persistently, not waiting, is crucial on the way to success. Edison tried over a thousand different types of material in order to work out the most suitable one, and finally he succeeded. The best fit material would not jump out itself if Edison had not try them, and we might still use candles to illuminate today.(最后一句话有点绝对)
In conclusion, by considering the aforementioned examples, it is apparent that waiting for opportunities is useless. Destiny is not something that one can wait for, in contrast, one must work industriously in order to create his or her own destiny to achieve their life goals.
command prompt中的英文什么意思
command prompt中的英文什么意思
"xxxx"is not recognized as an internal or exernal command,operable program or batch file.
山村人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
“command prompt”是“命令提示”的意思.
urgent instant 和prompt 的区别
shictlongyan 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
urgent 1.
needing immediate attention,action or decision 需立即注意、 行动或决定的; 紧急的; 迫切的:an urgent message,case,cry for help 紧急的消息、 情况、 呼救 * It is most urgent that we operate.咱们得马上动手术.* My car is in urgent need of repair.我的汽车急需修理.
2.showing that sth is urgent; persistent in one's demands 催促的; 坚持要求的:speak in an urgent whisper 低声催促.> urgency / -dʒənsɪ;-dʒənsɪ/ n [U]:a matter of great urgency 紧急的事 * I detected a note of urgency in her voice.我从她声音中察觉到情况紧急
1.[usu attrib 通常作定语] coming or happening at once 立即的; 立刻的:a new book that was an instant success 一出版就大获成功的新书 * feel instant relief after treatment 医治后随即感到舒服了 * instant hot water,ie as soon as the tap is turned on 瞬间致热的水(一开龙头水就热).
2.(of food preparations) that can very quickly and easily be made ready for use (指食品的制备)调制快速方便的,速成的:instant coffee,ie made by adding hot water or milk to a powder 速溶咖啡.
3.[attrib 作定语] (fml 文) urgent 紧急的; 急迫的:attend to sb's instant needs 满足某人紧急的需要 * in instant need of help 在需要紧急援助时.
1.done without delay; punctual 及时的; 迅速的; 准时的:a prompt reply 及时的答覆 * Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.即付发票款项则不胜感谢.
2.(in doing sth/to do sth) (of a person) acting without delay (指人)敏捷的,动作迅速的:She was very prompt in answering my letter.她给我写回信非常及时.* They were prompt to respond to our call for help.他们对我们的求助迅即回应.
Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt or in s
Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt or in scripts.请高手帮我看看这段里面的错误
syms G H x0 u0 N T
function [t,xx]=diffstate(G,H,x0,u0,N,T)
for k=1:N
crh714 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
1. Matlab不支持符号运算的函数定义.
2. 如果你只是想定义一个函数,G, H, x0, u0, N, T均以数值参数输入函数,则你不需要声明它们.
写作优化 Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce
 Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce drunken driving before things get worse.things可以拿什么词替换?
霏雪映春 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce drunk driving before the phenomenon gets worse.
英文,prompt的用法 请会的来帮,不会的被转了.不会可以学,不会装会很龌蹉.系统,形象的解释一下这个单词的用法.如r
闻心起舞 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
(1) a prompt reply; I'm surprised that she's late.She's usually so prompt.迅速的
(2) an inflammation of the eyeball which needs prompt treatment.立刻
(1) The recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars.造成
(2) `What was that you were saying about a guided tour?' he prompted her.提醒
(3) What prompted you to say that?促使
(4) Several actors forgot their words and had to be prompted.为[演员]提白
(5) A noise prompted the guard to go back and investigate.促使
(1) The invitation specifies eight o'clock prompt.They arrived promptly.准时地
(1) Her blushes were saved by a prompt from her host.(的)提醒
英语翻译3.In the cmd.exe window,at the c:>\prompt,enter sqlplus
3.In the cmd.exe window,at the c:>prompt,enter sqlplus and press the Enter button of your keyboard.Sql*Plus starts and prompts to authenticate your connection to the database.
Your screen looks something like this:
SQL*Plus:Release - Production on Tue April 3 10:10:11 2007
Copyright (c) 1982,2007,Oracle.All rights reserved.
Enter user-name:
4.Enter your user name and press Enter.
Your screen looks something like this:
Enter password:
5.Enter your password and press Enter.Note that entering your user name and password in this manner is secure because your password is not visible on the screen.
The system connects you to a database instance,and shows a SQL prompt.
Your screen looks something like this:
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production with the Partitioning,OLAP and Data Mining options
You can now start using the SQL commond prompt.
6.To close the SQL*Plus session,at the SQL prompt enter the exit command.Note that you are not shutting down the Oracle Database instance.
SQL> exit
Your screen looks something like this:
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release With the Partitioning,OLAP and Data Mining options
四.Connection to the Database
Remember that in Oracle Database,the user the name of the schema to which the user connects are the same.This section shows how to creat a connection to the hr schema,one of the sample schemas that ship with Oracle Database.To begin,you must unlock the hr account.
小熊家园 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
我可是卖了力气自己翻译的啊~(如有掺水,我就天天睡觉尿裤子!)你这篇东西是关于java 的,prompt是 javascript 语言中的一个方法.主要用处是显示提示对话框.
3.在cmd.exe 窗口,在c:>prompt的地方输入sqlplus然后按回车,Sql*Plus会启动然后提示验证连接数据库.
SQL*Plus:Release - Production on Tue April 3 10:10:11 2007
Copyright (c) 1982,2007,Oracle.All rights reserved.
Enter user-name:
Enter password:(意思是输入密码)
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production with the Partitioning,OLAP and Data Mining options
你现在可以开始用SQL 指令提示了.
6.要关闭SQL *Plus会话,在SQL提示中输入退出的命令.注意:你没有关闭Oracle数据库实例.
SQL >exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release With the Partitioning,OLAP and Data Mining options
According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompt,fill
According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompt,fill in the blanks with proper pronouns.
1.He lent me a few books,but _____ of them is easy enough for me.
He lent me a few books,and _____ of them are easy enough for me.
2.Mum,where is _____ schoolbag?I can't find it.
3.Work hard and try _____ best to get the first place in the match,boys and girls.
穿着西装的乞丐 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompt,fill
According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompt,fill in the blanks with proper pronouns.
1.My father did not want e_____ of the two shirts and asked for a _____.
2.—_____ is Tom like?
—Oh,he's short and fat.
3.Millie told me the secret.You can also go and ask _____.
4.This T-shirt is not Li Ming's._____ is dark blue.
elephant鼻子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
1.either,another 我爸爸不想要这两件衬衫中的任何一件而要了另外一件.
2.What Tom看起来是什么样的?
3.him 米勒告诉了我这个秘密,你也可以去问问他
4.His 这个T恤不是李明的,他的那件是深蓝色
英语翻译Thank you very much for your prompt reply!I will discuss
Thank you very much for your prompt reply!I will discuss with the team and
get back to you shortly regarding the ‘discount’ percentage,as well as
other terms we need to discuss to move forward on this cooperation.
Thank you again for the opportunity to meet yesterday,especially given the
short notice.We will be in touch!
仔仔追星 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Prompt:A man who waits to believe in action before acting is
Prompt:A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like,but he is not a man of action.It is as if a tennis player before returning the ball stopped to think about his views of the physical and mental advantages of tennis.You must act as you breathe.Georges Clemenceau Assignment:Is it true that acting quickly and instinctively is the best response to a crisis?Or are the
A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like,but he is not a man of action.It is as if a tennis player before returning the ball stopped to think about his views of the physical and mental advantages of tennis.You must act as you breathe.Georges Clemenceau
Is it true that acting quickly and instinctively is the best response to a crisis?Or are there times when an urgent situation requires a more careful consideration and a slower response?Plan your response...
u7hus 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
frozenyao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
mms:彩信(全称是multimedia message)
prompt message:信息提示
no longer available:不再可用
英语翻译Thank you for your prompt quotation for men's leather sh
Thank you for your prompt quotation for men's leather shoes,and also for the samples of March.
We found the quality and workmanship of your products are up to our requirement and we are pleased to place our order as follows:
200 pairs of men's leather shoes in black color
Size:No.30 each pair at US $12 CIF Shenzhen
Our order is subject to your acceptance of our usual terms of payment,viz.30 days after sight.if this first order proves satisfactory,we shall send you regular orders.
落467片叶子 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
关闭myeclipse时出现的警告框“ always exit without prompt
音乐玩童JAY 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
翻译 to use them,type demos at the matlab prompt
TOSL 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
温馨安全——提示Warm security - - prompt
温馨安全——提示Warm security - - prompt
办公室无人时,要及时关闭电器电源.When office nobody,must close the electric appliance power source promptly 对此再次提醒大家应特别引起重视,Regarding this reminds everybody should once more to bring to the attention specially 为确保安全和节能,请相互提醒、转告:离开办公室,切记一定检查是否关闭所有电器的电源——空调、电灯、电脑、饮水机、等!
小株 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
Warm Warm hint security safety -- - does
No person shall be timely office shut electric power. Nobody office appliance, the electric power close best-suited promptly returned to again remind everybody should pay attention to, someone should have memories don't wish to any man lost to ensure safety and energy-saving specially, please remind, tell each other, leave the office: remember must check whether the power off all the appliances, electric, air, water, and computer!
Another machine in open source water before should ensure that, not empty! We all hope that each employee now action, for the sake of safety, also let us energy, in order to form a good habit!
英语翻译Whether you can come or not,please give us a prompt repl
Whether you can come or not,please give us a prompt reply.
I haven’t got your email for a long time.How’s everything getting along with your study in the college?Are you busy with it?
This semester,I have five courses.Therefore,I’m very busy with my studies.Everyday I do a lot of reading and writing.What’s more,I have to prepare for the following day’s courses.Of the five courses I have chosen this semester,I especially find English listening really difficult.I know you are good at English.Could you please tell me how to improve my English,esp.listening ability.
Look forward to your early reply.
This semester,I have five courses.Therefore,I’m very busy with my studies.Everyday I do a lot of reading and writing.What’s more,I have to prepare for the following day’s courses.Of the five courses I have chosen this semester,English is my headache.I’m always confused with the English grammar.
As I know,your English is pretty good.So would you please recommend a suitable English grammar book to me?If possible,please buy the book for me.
You’re welcome to come here.
Thanks and look forward to seeing you soon.
I’m going to take the College English Test (CET) Band-4 next month and now am busy preparing for it.There seems to be lots of work to do.I don’t know where to start with the preparations and what important points should be focused on.
I remember you passed the test and did it very well last semester.Could you tell me how to make preparations for it?
It’ll be very helpful if you can suggest me some books for reference.I’ll be very grateful to you.
Thank you very much and look forward to your reply.
懒懒的阿绿 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
我要带学院英国人测试 (CET) 乐团 -4 在下个月和现在是它的忙碌准备.在那里似乎是许多工作做.我不知道该哪里从准备和什么重要的点应该把重心集中在开始.
一句很简单的英语请高手指教Thank you for your prompt reply and kindly supp
Thank you for your prompt reply and kindly support, and we will pay more attention to India case. any informations I will inform you.
莲花仙子 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Thank you for your prompt reply and kindly support,and we will pay more attention to the case of India.We will inform you ASAP if there is any futher information.
1.India Case不知道是指单个的问题,还是指以后整个印度方面的问题.
Please arrange the advance payment for my prompt arrangement
Please arrange the advance payment for my prompt arrangement to hasten the delivery of the goods.
桃色妖精 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Please arrange payment in advance,for my prompt delivery of the goods.
英语翻译the Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an u
the Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.这里的 might have gone 是社么时态啊,might 用的多么,好象不常用啊might
SPS170 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
在VB中输入依次输入a,b,c=inputbox(prompt,tittle),print a+b+c,当输入1,2,3
在VB中输入依次输入a,b,c=inputbox(prompt,tittle),print a+b+c,当输入1,2,3,怎么得到123,而不是6?
就是不用迪比特 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
print val(a)+val(b)+val(c)
promote prompt facilitate什么区别
99ad 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
promote 推广(促销什么的)
prompt 迅速的 促使;激励;怂恿(跟 encourage很像)
facilitate使容易(make sth.easier)
英语的语法昨天那个prompt sb t do sth的句子中is prompting critics 这里的criti
昨天那个prompt sb t do sth的句子中is prompting critics 这里的critics是宾语还是和prompting一起构成表语?因为is prompting 系表相当于谓语.
to charge the White House is trying to..这里是不是少一个which?
She entered Emperor Taizong's harem when she was 13 and that of the successive emperor Gaozong after.这个句子 that of 是不是指代前面的 Emperor Taizong's of的.那successive emperor Gaozong after是什么结构呢?
恋之风景婧 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
critics 是prompting的宾语,二者构成is引导的表语.
that of 是指代前面的后宫“harem”,整句就是先进了太宗的后宫,后来又进了继承者高宗的后宫.后面的结构successive emperor Gaozon就是一个定语修饰名词,至于after则充当时间副词.
请问:prompt这个词是否带有催促对方的味道 ?请辨析一下它和early的区别.谢谢!
kkying 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
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B 的问候
帮忙看一下这段英文有没有错误 1.According to some English prompt to guess p
帮忙看一下这段英文有没有错误 1.According to some English prompt to guess phrases!There are three
4.Finally successful group won the applause .Unsuccessful group must read tongue twister.
According to some English prompt to guess phrases!根据这些英语提示猜成语!
Each group sent a representative to answer questions每个小组选一名代表回答问题
Each question has 30 seconds to think .Group members can discuss together.每个问题有30秒的时间思考,组员可以一起讨论
Finally successful group won the applause .Unsuccessful group must read tongue twister.最后胜利的组获得掌声。失败的组必须读绕口令!
恬静心怡 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
