l would often see a one-legged man in those day

davylk2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


等爱我的魔鬼 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%


sponsored three-legged race or balloon release 意思
勇猛的小虫 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
leging legged legs leged 这几个词的区别
斩网ee箱 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
legging是 名词,意思是 护腿,legged是 形容词,有腿的,legs是腿的复数形式,而leged跟腿没有半毛钱关系,leged是 传奇 的意思。
只抽红云烟 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
首先,合成词用“-”连接的名词都是以单数形式出现的,所以主要问题应该在是用 four-legged 还是four-leg 上
four-legged 固定搭配 作形容词,即:有四条腿的
为何是three-legged desk而不是three-leg desk
为何是three-legged desk而不是three-leg desk
事实---评论员 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
名词+ed 表示形容词
英语完形填空Every day,I would see a one-legged man.He went through
Every day,I would see a one-legged man.He went through ash cans for cigarette butts and trash cans outside of restaurants(1) food.It was only amonth before (2),starting to get cold and I could not (3)thinking about him .It was a year when we did not have enough (4) to really have much in the way of presents,but I figured what was too (5) for us would be a lot for someone who had (6).So I bought a toothbrush ,toothpaste,a pack of cigarettes,cans of tuna ,just little things that did not (7) much and then I added a blanket and sweatshirts.I made a (8) up like a present and went in search of this man .I saw him hobble outside McDonald's.I (9) him ,saying ,"I'd like to give you a Christmas present.There are some food (10) in here and some things you might be able to (11) ."He sidestepped ane said ," (12),thank you.I just had lunch.I don't (13) anything."Then he hobbled on down the sidewalk ,(14) me standing there in tears.I took the box down to a little shop that gavethings out to the poor and (15) and told them what had happened and asked that they would (16) the box to someone who could use it .The person there told me not to be (17) and let my feelings be hurt as I was still(18).I told her it was not me but for him because what I had done (19) his dignity by treating him like a person in need.I was so (20) .What a great lesson for me to learn!1.A .sorting out B.watching over C.dealing with D.looking for2.A.New Year B.Christmas C.autumn D.winter3.A.quit B.enjoy C.choose D.remind 4.A.chance B.energy C.money D.interest5.A.necessary B.valuable C.much D.little 6.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything7.A.cost B.hold C.include D.cover 8.A.cigarette B.toothbrush C.blanket D.box9.A.came up with B.went up to C.spotted out D.pointed at10.A.bags B.packages C.items D.lists 11.A.trade B.use C.donate D.save12.A.No B.Yes C.Pardon D.Good 13.A.have B.respect C.need D.spare14.A.suggesting B.imagining C.keeping D.leaving 15.A.homeless B.hopeless C.careless D.fearless 16.A.sell B.give C.open D.show17A.formal B.serious C.sad D.grateful 18.A.begging B.aruguing C.serving D.crying19A.paid off B.found out C.made up D.found out 20.A.ashamed B.worried C.pleased D.disappointed
五月oo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
1.D 要分清词组的意思,结合语境,他是去餐馆外的垃圾桶寻找(looking for)食物的
2 B 从后文作者的话I'd like to give you a Christmas present.可知是圣诞前
3.A quit停止,跟stop的用法一样,这里could not quit doing sth指不能停止做某事,就是情不自禁,禁不住会想
4 C 从紧接着的后面一句but I figured what was too little for us would be a lot for someone who had nothing可以看出,那是个没有很多钱花在礼物上的年代,也就是大家都不是那么富有的
5 D 这句话的意思是,我们觉得太少的一些东西对什么都没有的人来说就意味着很多了
6 B 见第5题解释
7 A cost 花费,一般是物作主语,什么东西花了多少钱
8 D 从后文15题和16题旁边的原文都可以看出是用一个箱子装的
9 B 区分各选项的意思 go up to 走向……的意思
10 B packages有包裹 包在一起的东西的意思.区分词义,结合上下文
11 B 结合上下文 他可能用得着的东西,他本来就很穷,作者不可能说给他卖或者捐掉什么的
12 A 从后文看,他是拒绝了作者的好意,认为伤了他的自尊
13 C 结合12题 以不需要任何东西来拒绝
14 D 结合语境,-ing形式表示伴随状况,他横跨一步走开了,只留下作者站在那里流眼泪
15 A 捐给一些穷人和无家可归的人,结合整篇文章的意思语境可知
16 B 由15空前面一句话down to a little shop that gavethings out to the poor (give out分发)可知,那家店是发善心给穷人和无家可归的人发东西的,因此是给而不是卖
17 B 店员看见我还在哭就劝作者对那件事不要太认真,让自己伤心.
18 D
19 你的选项出错了,没法给答案
20 A 结合前面一句话I told her it was not me but for him because what I had done (19) his dignity by treating him like a person in need可知作者感到很惭愧.
"四条腿的牛仔裤 "英语我们老师也是这样说的 但是为何leg要用legged 呢
gjt6712120 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Four-legged jeans
three-legged 的legged
three-legged 的legged
“three-legged 三条腿的” 这个合成词中leg本是一个名词 为什么要双写g 才加ed啊?
你dnn我活1 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译1) three-legged stacked core transformer,15-kVA,wye-delt
1) three-legged stacked core transformer,15-kVA,wye-delta
dry-type transformer,208Y/120:240;
2)five-legged stacked core transformer,150-kVA,grounded
wye-wye oil-filled transformer,12470GRY/7200:208Y/120.
msjudy 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Man's Four-legged Friend原文
堆砌成的浪温 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
The sun was shining and it was warm.Robin,a shepherd,was lying on the grass,enjoying the beautiful sunshine.His guard,a sheepdog,was standing next to him,looking at the flock of sheep.This is only a s...
英语翻译Not everyone has this two-legged instrument,but everyone
Not everyone has this two-legged instrument,but everyone,with a little attention,may observe signs of that kind of fault-finding disposition and make the same resolution to avoid those infected with it.我实在是看不懂后半句话.
wendyaurora 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
poultry should stand in higher estimation than four-legged a
poultry should stand in higher estimation than four-legged animals
because the air is less dense than the earth
柽柳 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
The elephant is the biggest Four legged animals i
The elephant is the biggest Four legged animals i
The elephant is the biggest Four legged animals in the world是什么意思
杜鹃azalea 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%