The doll(剧本)场景Scene1,2 作文

wskkfqp2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


shevchenkobj 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Scene1(The stage manager puts up the papers with letter on it on the board the other way)(Phoebe came up on stage)Phoebe: I wrote this story. My friend and I will show you a play named –(Everyone went and get their paper and stand together.) they will make a line like this:Shikha leo Jerry Kitty Martha Kelly MariaT H E D O L LSO IT WILL SAY THE DOLL!Shikha: I am Narrator A.Oliver : I am leo and I will be 12 this year.Filip: I am Jerry - the cool guy!Hyeyeon : I am kitty, and over here is my doll- lily.Phoebe: I am Martha . I am sure everyone knows that I am best friends with Hyeyeon but not in the play!Richard : I am Kelly –the best writer!Andrea: I am Maria. The wonderful name.August: I am narrator B.(the stage manager puts THE back and put End as well)(DOLL! Goes to the shelf)(Everyone got off the stage except from jerry)(The stage manager bring jerry’s bag and give it to him)Scene 2Narrator A: It was a Tuesday afternoon, the story competition had just started.(Martha got on)Martha: hi jerry! Have you finished your story?Narrator B : Martha was the judge of the story competition.Jerry: Yes it is here, take it.(He took it out of his bag and gave it to Martha. jerry got off the stage)(Kitty entered and walked around without looking at Martha)Martha: Hi kitty, how are you?Narrator A: Martha stood there waiting for kitty to give an answer. But her answer surprised Martha a lot!Kitty: only the mot stupid person would say hi to someone who doesn’t even care about it.Narrator B: the sentence made Martha really sad like a storm in a sunny day.(Martha walked slowly into the room and sat down. She stared out to see kitty)(Maria and Leo got on the stage)Kitty: Maria, can you come to my party?Maria: yeah sure I cam but when?Kitty: today at 7:00.Maria: ok I will come.Kitty : And you Leo?Leo: yeah I think so. And I told jerry about it. He said he is coming.(They all got off)Martha: oh no! Kitty has the best story, what am I going to do? I hate her!(Martha looked worried)


The doll(剧本)场景Scene7 作文
yurongguo 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
Scene 7(Martha, Maria and Leo was on the stage)Maria: Martha?Martha: yes?Maria: have you seen Jerry?Martha: Jerry? I haven’t seen him. I am looking for him too. I needed to give him back his story.(she was holding jerry’s story)Narrator A: no one had seen jerry for the whole morning! When they was about to panic, kitty entered crying.(kitty entered, pretending to cry)Narrator B: even kitty was crying, she didn’t sound as if she meant it.Leo: what happened? Kitty?Kitty: Gosh I can’t believe this! (Crying)Maria: Can’t believe what?Narrator A: No one under stand why kitty was crying because kitty almost never cries.Kitty: Have you heard the news today?Martha: What news? I haven’t heard any today.Kitty :( Lowing her voice.)Jerry was kidnapped and didn’t come back home yesterday, the police men are looking for him everywhere but they couldn’t come back home yesterday.Narrator B: Everyone was shocked.( Everyone was shocked)Leo: Oh gosh!Kitty: If the police men haven’t found him today, there is possibility of…Maria: Oh kitty, you don’t think he is dead. Do you?Kitty: Possible… it could be. (winking)Narrator A: just then every one except from Martha knew what happened to jerry in real.Maria, Leo: Oh kitty… you didn’t… P7Kitty: I didn’t what?Maria: oh nothing, forget it .Kitty: I think we should all go out to play and forget about this.Martha: But…Narrator B: Martha was very surprised about what kitty said. if kitty really wanted to forget about jerry that means she doesn’t care about jerry, but way was kitty crying? Martha wanted to make kitty happy so she said nothing.Kitty: Martha, can you go and take the squares? Let’s play king!Martha: Ok.Kitty: And Maria, Leo I would like to talk to you.Leo: Ok.Kitty: You know I felt really sorry for jerry.Leo: without you saying it, we all know it.Narrator A: Leo is getting tried of kitty’s words.Maria: And then?Kitty: I killed jerry.Maria: We all know that.Kitty: How did you know that?Leo: we can see it from your face.Kitty: you can? But you know I didn’t mean to.Maria: yeah!!!!! Now just say how did Jerry die!Kitty: I was saying to my doll that she will kill Martha tonight but when I just got to the word Martha, jerry jumped out and said his own name. So he changed his sentence to: Tonight you are going to kill jerry.Leo: Did he die then?Kitty: Yes. And tonight I am going to kill Martha and you can do nothing about it.( She smiled evilly)(Kitty got of the stage)Maria: Leo, I am going to do something, I am not just going to let Martha die.Leo: Are you going to do the same thing as jerry did?Maria: yeah.Leo: But that’s silly!Maria: that is the only way, and after I am sure kitty won’t give up, so could you please be kind about it and do the same thing as I did.Leo: Ok.Maria: I guess this is the last time I am ever going to see you, but at least I could show Martha that I am very brave, she used to think I am a scary cat. Goodbye Leo. P 8Leo: good bye.( They both got off the stage)
—How much did you ______ the doll?
—How much did you ______ the doll?
—It ______ me 30 yuan.
[ ]
A. pay; cost
B. pay for; cost
C. cost; paid
D. cost; paid for
佛祖的妹妹 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
The doll(2) 作文
mxq82 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Charpter 2“Kelly! Where have you been?” Asked Martha when she saw Kelly the next day.“I was really sick and couldn’t come to school.” Kelly was absent for nearly a week.“I am glad you are better now .” said Martha. “ have you finished you story yet?”“Yes.” He took out the story and gave it to Martha. “I’ve worked very hard on it.” He said. Just then the teacher walked in. “Everyone please get into your seats.” She told everyone. They all got into their seats. Kitty walked to the front and gave the teacher a present as usual. This time it was a diamond ring. In the past few months she has always given something like watches, bracelets, necklesses, ear rings… etc.“Thank you very much.” Said the teacher. She is a big snob.Of course, kitty was the richest in the class, no one except from her could afford giving the teacher jewelry, and especially EVERYDAY!“So, today we are going to have a math test.” Sara announced.“The winner will get longer breaks than the others.” She added, handing everyone a piece of papper.The questions were very hard. Sara sat right next to kitty, making sure she gets all of them right. Everyone was quite furious with Sara, but nothing could be done, she’s the teacher, after all.After the test was over, Sara collected the pappers. And,without looking, she announced the winner. DUH, of course it’s Kitty. Not for the sake of she is the teacher’s pet, just for the sake of her expensive jewery! Sara, what a nice teacher, indeed!Kitty smiled grimly at Martha and went out for break.“The rest of you may write a report on what a nice teacher I am.” Everyone thought she was joking. She knows how she had treated her students, I guess that is what makes her such a jerk.Of course, Martha didn’t write any nice things in the report, but the opposite.The bell rang and everyone went off for break. Martha’s friend Maria came to chat with her.“How is the competition?” Maria asked, she still remembered what kitty said to her.“Fine, I’ve got all the stories and I’ll announce the winner today.” Replied Martha.Please let it be Kitty, for your own sake.Maria begged in her mind“Can you tell me the winner, ppppplllllleeeeaaaassseee……”“Nope!” Said Martha firmly.“Pleeaaassseeee, I won’t tell anyone! I promise!”Maria begged again.“Alright, but don't spill the beans! Its Kelly!“Kelly!” Oh no… thought Maria. “Can’t you change it to kitty?”“Godness me! What has gotten in to you these days?”“This is for your own good, listen to me, just for once!” Said Maria, anxiously.“Maria, I can’t understand you. Are you scared of Kitty or what?” Martha asked, a little angrily.Maria was speechless.Should I tell her about it? Maria wondered.
The doll(剧本)场景Scene8 作文
朴客 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Scene 8( the stage manager puts a bag on the stage)(Martha and Leo was on the stage)Martha: Leo, have you seen Maria?Leo: Maria? Isn’t she here?Martha: No she isn’t, I wonder where she is.Leo: (Saying really quietly, facing down) Maria isn’t here today, well I am not so surprised.Narrator B: Leo is not surprised because he still remember what Maria told him yesterday. He was sad but he was too sencible to show it. But Martha couldn’t understand why Leo was not surprised.Martha: Why aren’t you? You know that Maria was never absent.Leo: I don’t know if I should tell you this, but I don’t think you will like it.Martha: It is ok. Just tell me.Leo: oh never mind what I said.( kitty entered crying)(Martha ran to her)Martha: Kitty, what happened? Why are you crying?Kitty: So many scary things are happening.Leo: Are you talking about jerry?Kitty: Not only jerry, Maria as well.Martha: you know where she is!Kitty: She found buried in the forest last night……(Now she was crying more loudly)Leo: But kitty you aren’t being honest!Kitty: yes I am!Leo: No, Maria didn’t die because of this!Kitty: do you have any problem? I saw this on the new paper!(Leo covers his ears)Leo: liar, liar, liar, liar ……Martha: Leo! Calm down!Martha: Just trust kitty for once, the news paper must be right!Leo: fine!!!!!!!!!! I don’t argue with girls.(Now kitty was crying so loud that no one can hear each other)Martha: kitty I think you need to go home and calm yourself down.Kitty: ok but can you tell the teacher that I am going home?Martha: sure. P 9(running off)Kitty: and leo can you come and get my bag it is down stairs.Leo: ok.(then they went to get their bag)Kitty: I think you already know what I am going to tell you for the next few minutes.Leo: yeah I do, you are going to tell me that you accidently kill Maria.Kitty: Exactly. But I will kill Martha today, and you can do nothing about it.(She smiled evilly and went away)Narrator A: leo said quietly to himself the he must do something.