Lifelong Learning (终身学习)的翻译

玉名昭著2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

Lifelong Learning (终身学习)的翻译
Lifelong Learning (终身学习)
In the past, when students graduated from college and got jobs, only some of them went on with their study. But today, lifelong learning is becoming more and more common (常见的).
Lucy, who is forty, teaches physics at a college in Boston. "Next term, I' ll teach some of my classes by using the Internet. This is the way of teaching that I've never used before," says Lucy. "These days, I am taking a class to learn how to teach in this way. If not, I will lose my job. "At the same time, Lucy' s seventy - year - old parents, who live in New York, are taking an art history class online. "We love this subject," says her father, "and we learn it to enjoy ourselves. You see we can study with people all over the world. What fun it is to learn like this!"


记忆中的城堡 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
cnons 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
露西,谁是40,任教于波士顿大学物理。 “下一届,我得教利用互联网的一些我的班级。这是教学方式,我从来没有使用过,”露西说。 “这些天,我正在一类,以了解如何教这样的。如果没有,我将失去我的工作。与此同时,”露西氏70 -年-年迈的父母,谁住在纽约,是参加艺术史类线上。 “...


急需lifelong learning的作文.
abababab1 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
I think that lifelong learning is essential to everyone.A person needs to be consistantly educated in order to catch up with modern life.There are lots of ways of lifelong learning.This includes reading books,continuing school and consult experts.I think that the best way of lifelong learning is through reading.As far as lots of experts concerned,reading is the best way to obtain knowledge.Through reading everyone will keep improve himself.I hope everyone will get this habit.
用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义
用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义
橄榄树TW 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
lifelong learning
1.development after formal education:the continuing development of knowledge and skills that people experience after formal education and throughout their lives
2.Classes enrich and improve your life.They help you pursue interests and hobbies,grow in your career and meet professional need.
3.The ultimate aim is to promote individual self-realization.
4.Can lead individuals to obtain or update their knowledge,skills.
His success today is came from lifelong learning.
帮我写篇英语作文啊、 初三的“ lifelong learning ”
帮我写篇英语作文啊、 初三的“ lifelong learning ”
假设某英语报“我爱写作:栏目为了配合创建“学习型城市”,正在举办专题英语征文比赛,请你根据下表所列的内容要点以“lifelong learning ”为题,用一篇英语短文参加比赛.
终身学习的意义: 1、 人们学习,参加考试,但学习不止在学校
2、 学校毕业,不是学习的终止
终身学习的途径: 去博物馆、阅览书籍、体育锻炼、外出旅行
终身学习的益处: 自理 (至少一点)
When you funish High school , or university,is learning done ? The answer is “no”, In many countries people continue learning or their lifes.
大会开始 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
When you funish High school , or university,is learning done ? The answer is “no”, In many countries people continue learning or their lifes.
Indeed, learning is a lifelong process that doesn't end when school ends. In fact, continuous learning gives you opportunities to discover new skills and acquire knowledge. Reading, from various sources, keeps you in touch with all that is going on in the world. So, if you want to stay current and relevant--read as much as you can.
Besides, learning does not come just from books and other reading materials. It could come through experience too. For example, field trips and independent travel enhance the experience of a lifetime.
It is worth pointing out that lifelong learning also helps you remain young and reduces the risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
As Gandhi says, “Learn as if your were going to live forever."
Let us adopt a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and make it a reality.
英语作文 拜托了只要你写的符合题目 “学习型城市”的 要以:Lifelong learning 为题
littlevoice 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Lifelong learning (终身学习)
In the past ,when students graduated from college and get jobs,only some of them went on with their study. But today, lifelong learning in becoming more and more common(常见的)
Lucy,who is forty, teaches physics at acollege in Boston.”Next term,I’ll teach some of my classes by usi8ng the Internet.This is the way of teaching that I’ve never used bdfore,””These days, I am taking a class to learn how to teach in this way. If not, I will lose my job.” At the same time, Lucy’s seventy-year-old parents, who live in New York, are taking an art history class on line” We love this subject,” says her father ,”and we learn it to enjoy ourselves. You see we can study with people all over the world. What fun it is to learn like this!”
Happiness is for everyone. In fact , happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it .When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you ; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always tkeing good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will congratulate you ; When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy , too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them you can find that happiness is always around you .
Happiness is not the same as money , it’s a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also be very happy , because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself . So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.