英语翻译Lakers Song(湖人颂)V1:在1948年来到了这个世界 篮球的历史记录下了这个时间George Mik

tigeraxun2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

lakers song(湖人颂)
v1:在1948年来到了这个世界 篮球的历史记录下了这个时间
george mikan***这项运动的理念 6年5夺总冠***变了3秒区的界限
1960来到现在的家园 传奇换个地方依然在书写
紫金的战衣流传了60余年 王者的霸气却从来没有消减
jerry west成为nba的logo门面 baylor总决赛61分难以再现
在1979摘下magic johnson 世界由此进入showtime表演时间
skyhook令人拍案叫绝 华丽的进攻让人目不暇接
no look pass让对手无解 championship一次又一次的来到身边
chorus:go vectorius 这是我们在这里的意义
beat l.a 这个等式永远不会成立
win 已经溶入高贵的血液里
gettin' rings 步伐向前迈进不会停息
v2:披上紫金战袍的时间定格在1997 有谁能想到他会成为这里的又一个传奇
13年的时间他从菜鸟变成老兵 但未曾改变是那颗永不言败的决心
0到81 air ball到buzzer beatin' 666的痛苦 谁能坚持最苦的练习
一步一个脚印 成功没有捷径 81分的精神才是成功的***
3年霸的***现在开始延续 09的开始预示更多的即将来临
新一轮的***之门已经开启 让全世界都知道谁是m.v.p
不要再去争论他和23的关系 kobe就是kobe要做就做自己
***人的称号只是人们的希冀 希望大家明白 世界只有1个kobe
15次的冠军诠释豪门的含义 让奥布莱恩杯每年6月回到la的家里
一面面的冠军锦旗悬挂在斯坦普斯中心 伴随着他们的是那些承载着无数辉煌的退役球衣
当看到kobe一次次把对手至于死地 当看到gasol一次次的3角策应
当看到odom拿下3双时不屑表情 当看到shannon一次次的腾空而起
当看到derrick fisher精准的致命一击 当看到andrew bynum篮下的***力
当看到luke walton精妙的传递 当看到ron artest无比强硬
当看到jordan farmar一次次的突击 当看到josh powell稳定的中距离
当看到微笑在禅师嘴角泛起 我知道总冠军已经悄悄的来临


tyxwxf1 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
Lakers Song (Lakers Song)
V1:in 1948,came into this world under the history of basketball this time
George Mikan subvert the idea of the sport championship 6 years 5 changed the boundaries of District 3 seconds
1960 is now home to the legendary place to another is still in the writing
Zijin's armor king handed the dice for 60 years has never cut
LOGO NBA,Jerry West as the final 61 points Baylor facade is difficult to reproduce
In 1979 the world will enter off the Magic Johnson Showtime Showtime
Skyhook Amazingly gorgeous dizzying offensive
No look pass to no solution Championship rivals come around again and again
Chorus:Go Vectorius This is the meaning here
Beat L.A this equation will never be established
Win the noble blood has been integrated into
Gettin 'Rings step forward will not stop
V2:covered with purple jersey of the time fixed in the 1997 Who could have thought he would become a legend here and
13 years from a rookie into a veteran but he has not changed is the determination to never give up sinking
0 到 81 Air ball to the buzzer beatin '666 who adhere to the most bitter pain exercises
No shortcut to success step by step,the spirit of 81 is the real reason for the success
3-year hegemony of the dynasty now continue indicates the start of 09 more coming
The dynasty of the new round door is open to the whole world know who the MVP
Do not go to debate the relationship between him and Kobe is Kobe 23 to do it yourself
Successors of the title is and always hope that people understand the world only one Kobe
Champion 15 times the meaning of interpretation of wealthy O'Brien Cup every year to return to LA's home in June
Championship banners hang side face with them at the Staples Center are those carrying the glorious many retired jersey
Seeing Kobe For first time to kill opponents first time Seeing Gasol to 3 angle coordinate
When you see the disdain when Odom scored three pairs of expressions when they saw Shannon again and again into the sky
When you see Derrick Fisher precision fatal blow when you see Andrew Bynum dominating the basket
When you see Luke Walton exquisite pass very tough when you see Ron Artest
When you see Jordan Farmar's surprise when you see time and time again stable in the distance Josh Powell
When you see the smile I know the Zen mouth again in the coming championship has quietly
410991679 共回答了142个问题 | 采纳率
V1: in 1948, came into this world under the history of basketball this time
George Mikan subvert the idea of the sport championship 6 years 5 changed the boundaries of District 3 seconds

