There has been an outpouring of love for, a 23-year-old disa

afu2ey2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

There has been an outpouring of love for, a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer(美容师) tried to trim(修剪) its claws.
Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis(硬化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “ I would like to buy her a new dog.”
A story about the death of Crouch’s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. Crouch said a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.
Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored. “If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can’t do that.” Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.
“This case is absolute animal abuse(虐待),” Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.
People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue, in Roseville, said, “We have puppies to donate … and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog.”
“When Gooch was with me, I was happy,” Crouch said, “I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch. There’s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that can bring me joy again.”
小题1:What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A disabled woman’s service dog.
B.A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman’s dog.
C.People’s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog.
D.Disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.
小题2:People called and emailed to .
A.offer help and care to Laurie Crouch.
B.give their angry voice to the groomer.
C.offer a cure for Crouch’s disease.
D.tell Crouch how to punish the groomer.
小题3:Gooch died mainly because .
A.the groomer was careless.
B.the groomer sat on the dog with another man.
C.the dog was wearing a collar.
D.the groomer didn’t know how to trim the dog’s nails
小题4:We can infer from the passage that .
A.Crouch refused to take another dog.
B.Crouch must be sad after losing her dog.
C.Crouch has accepted another dog from a stranger.
D.Crouch can live well without a dog’s company.


acbdefg 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B 本文讲述了意为23岁的残疾女士,她的宠物狗被美容师压死以后,人们纷纷打电话或者发电子邮件安慰她,并表示愿意为她提供帮助。小题1:主旨大意题。综合文章内容可知,文章...


句中Liu指liu xiang
不好意思,but 句后面没有I
best owed中间没有空格,为bestowed
mm果冻 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
There has been an outpouring of love for a 23-year-old disab
There has been an outpouring of love for a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer(美容师)tried to trim(修剪)its claws.

Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis(硬化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “I would like to buy her a new dog. ”
A story about the death of Crouch’s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. Crouch said a groomer tied Gooch up with a collar, and then she and a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.
Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored. “If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can’t do that. ”Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.
“This case is absolute animal abuse(虐待), ”Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills said.
People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue in Roseville, said, “We have puppies to donate and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog. ”
“When Gooch was with me I was happy, ”Crouch said, “I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch. There’s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that can bring me joy again. ”
小题1:People called and emailed to      .
A.give their angry voice to the groomer
B.offer help and care to Laurie Crouch
C.tell Crouch how to punish the groomer
D.offer a cure for Crouch’s disease
小题2: Gooch died mainly because      .
A.the groomer was careless
B.the groomer didn’t know how to trim the dog’s nails
C.the groomer sat on the dog with another man
D.the dog was wearing a collar
小题3:What do we know about Crouch’s dog?
A.It was a specially trained service dog.
B.It was trained to do many things for people.
C.It was Crouch’s only friend.
D.It could offer some help to Crouch.
小题4:What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A disabled woman’s service dog.
B.A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman’s dog.
C.People’s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog.
D.A disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.
五月留影 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

小题1:选B。细节理解题。从文章第二段. . . everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “I would like to buy her a new dog. ”和倒数第二段可知人们纷纷以各种方式向这位残疾女士提供援助, 故B为正确答案。
小题2:选C。细节理解题。从文章第三段可知, 宠物美容师和另外一个人坐在狗身上最终导致狗窒息而死。
小题3:选D。细节理解题。从文章第四段可知, Cooch虽然没有受过特殊训练, 但能够为Crouch捡起东西, 提供给她一些帮助。
小题4:选C。主旨大意题。综合文章内容可知, 文章主要叙述了人们对这位失去爱犬的残疾女士的关爱。
英语翻译y childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of
y childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy,a ceaseless quest for expression,skill,and experience.School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music,dance,and dramatics,and the thrill of sojourns in the country,theaters,concerts.
流年轻舞 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
  童年和青春期是 快乐能量的爆发期 ,是不断追求表达方式、技巧和经验 的时期.学校只是一个环境 在这个环境 通过 音乐 舞蹈 和戏剧 的学习 ,并通过在乡村 剧院 音乐会 为之震颤的 逗留 达到通向最高愉悦的境地