I think i'm the poorest people in the world,everyone is work

闹哄哄2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

I think i'm the poorest people in the world,everyone is working hard for their future,but I .的汉


冷于冰007 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
hwei33 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率
怪鸭 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率


what's the poorest bank in the world?what is heavier in summ
what's the poorest bank in the world?what is heavier in summer than in winter?
gengdez 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
答案是:The river bank.(河堤)
考察知识点是:bank有两个意思 一是河堤、河岸 二是银行
答案是:Traffic to the beach.(去海滩的车流)
考察知识点是:heavy 有两个意思 一是重的;二是交通量大的,繁忙的
英语短文翻译?The story of Latiff Latiff was the poorest beggar of
The story of Latiff
Latiff was the poorest beggar of the village. But he was considered by all to be the wisest man intelligence, but by what he had lived. Every night he slept in the hall of a different house,in front rest under a different tree, with a widespread hand and a faraway look in his thoughts.
Hearing about his story, entertained, the king ordered Latiff to come and said:“If you answer my question, I will give you this gold coin.”
Latiff looked at it , almost contemptuously, and said, “You can keep your coin, what will I do with it anyway? What is your question?”
To the king's surprise, Latidd's response to the question that was bothering him for days was wise and creative.
“Latiff, I need an adviser like you,”the king said. “I promise youthat you will be respected and that you may leave whenever you want...”
Latiff, after thinking a few minutes, accepcted it.
There monthe after his arrival, Latiff became the favorite speaker of the king.
Obviusly all the other advisers hated him. They saw in the beggar a threat against their own influences.
Then they said to the king,“Your friend Latiff, as you call him, is conspiring against you. You can confirm it with tour own eyes.”
The king felt cheated and hurt.
Thatevening he was waiting for Latiff under the stairs. He saw Latiff come to the door and look all around, then open the wooden door and slink secretly into the room.
Followed by his personal guard, the king struck the door.
The door opened. There was nobody inside, except Latiff. There was omly an old wooden plate, a walking stick and a ragged tunic hanging in the roof.
“Are you conspiring against me, Latiff?” the king asked.
“How could I, Your Majesty?” Latiffan swered. “no way. I come here every day to touch this old tunic to mzck sure that I do remember who I am and where I come from.”
siuuo 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
What's the poorest bank in the world?(世界上最没有钱的银行是什么银行?)
耦然相逢 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
It's a riverbank . / It's the bank of a river .

riverbank 河岸,河堤

河岸怎么会有钱呢? riverbank 当然是世界上最穷的银行了哟!
英语的脑筋急转弯What's the poorest bank in the world?
云淡风轻_2008 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The river bank...河堤.
1.What’s the largest room in the world?
2.What’s the poorest bank in the world?
3.When is coffee like the surface of the earth?
4.What month do soldiers hate?
1.The room for improvement...
2.The river bank...
3.When it’s ground...
2.bank n.银行;堤岸
3.ground n.地面,它也是grind/grind/v.磨
4.march n.行军
what is the poorest bank in the world?
szjlx 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
What ________ to happen is that the poorest families end up
What ________ to happen is that the poorest families end up in the worst housing.
A used B tends C ought D comes
为什么选B 请给出详细的分析,
雨声沥沥 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
B tends
tend to do sth 往往...趋向于
英语周报 2038期完形 Rickshaw pullers are some of the poorest people
英语周报 2038期完形
Rickshaw pullers are some of the poorest people in our city and they work extrmely hard.……的完形填空
234535 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率75%
This is a story about the kindness of the rickshaw pullers in North India.Rickshaw pullers are some of the poorest people in India and they work extremely hard.People sit on a carriage and the rickshaw pullers transport them by pulling the carriage manually (or sometimes with a bicycle).
I recently suffered a knee injury and needed to go to physiotherapy every day.I was unable to walk much,so I had to use a rickshaw puller to take me there,wait for me and then bring me back.This was usually the only time I would leave the house each day and so I would use these trips to get all the stuff I needed like medicines,milk,fruit,etc.As I couldn't really walk much,I had to ask the rickshaw pullers if they could take care of these errands for me.Everyday,on the way back from physiotherapy,I would ask the rickshawpuller to stop by the market and request him to the get me the things I needed for that day.Each day,it would be a different rickshaw puller.
At first I was a little apprehensive.I thought that they would not agree to stop or if they did that they might ask me for more money.Instead,I received the kind of care and concern that was simply overwhelming.Without any discussion of the time,effort or money involved,the rickshaw puller would immediately set off to get the stuff for me.
Despite not used to doing errands like these,the rickshaw pullers would make sure that they were getting the right things.Often weren't clear about exactly what to get so they would come back to me for clarification.Sometimes they would bring various options with them to show me so I could select something and then they would go back to the shop to get it.
I found them helping me whole-heartedly,they would try to stop the rickshaws as close to my door as possible so I would have to walk as little as possible.They would take care to make sure I got whatever I needed and at the right price.Once a rickshaw puller made sure he exchanged some of the notes he received in change,as he felt they weren't in good condition.One of them didnt even want to take any extra money,when I offered it at the end of the trip.He was happy to have helped and get just the payment for the journey,nothing extra for the amount of time he waited or for his efforts to get me the things I needed.Given that the rickshaw pullers have almost nothing and struggle everyday - this is really incredible.
I am so proud of these rickshaw pullers and salute them for offering not only help but care and concern in a genuine way,as if I was their family.It is amazing to me that a stranger who is so poor will still try to make me feel comfortable and cared for at the cost of their own money,effort and time.They have given me more so much more than I could ever have paid for.
Thank you rickshaw pullers.
Nothing more than the poorest beggar,will eventually die ear
Nothing more than the poorest beggar,will eventually die early.翻译成中文是什么意思?
酷酷的法位利 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
一篇短文看不懂!1.A.the cleverest B.the most famous C.the poorest D.
1.A.the cleverest B.the most famous C.the poorest D.the oldest2.A.was born B.was pleased C.was taken D.was carried3.A.to B.from C.of D.after4.A.their B.its C.his D.her5.A.whether B.if C.or D.and6.A.golf B.football C.basketball D.tennis7.A.these B.this C.those D.that8.A.was teaching B.was working C.was studying D.was starting9.A.borrowed B.wasted C.made D.lost10.A.because B.though C.so D.since Tiger Woods is a famous professional golfer(职业高尔夫球手).in fact,he is probably 1 golfer in the world today.He 2 in the United States in 1975.when he was very young,he learned how to play golf 3 his father.In 1978,when Tiger was three years old,he was on 4 first Tv show.He played golf with some famous people 5 he surprised everyone.Between the ages of 8 and 16,Tiger Woods learned a lot about playing 6 .he won his first championship(冠军)in 7 years.In 1994,Tiger became a student of Stanford University.He won 10 golf championships while he 8 at the university.In 1996,Tiger became a professional golfer and 9 more money.He was very famous and rich 10 he was still young.Now he has many fans and is a model for young people
月亮之水 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
whose family may be the poorest of the four 翻译
81426529 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
关于英语问题.1.It is one of the poorest countries in Western Eroup
1.It is one of the poorest countries in Western Eroupe____ ____
______natural resources.(填空)
2.What has Joe found in the morning?
_____ _______ ______ ______Joe has found in the bathroom?(改成强调What的句子)
楚楚动人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
一楼的,你怎么能这样,就算你选词正确,你的语法知识也太离谱了:你用that来引导定语从句,that修饰的是"countries",这是个复数名词耶,后面应该用"are lacking",况且你选词本身就有问题,lack作”缺乏”讲时是词组”lack of",所以,正确的答案是”that/which lack of".
关于第二题,强调句型一般是”It's + 强记部分+that + 从句”,这是陈述句的形式.
针对本题,应该是”Is it what that Joe has found in the bathroom".但我不太确定,还请朋友们多多指教.
1.什么场合下“I is...”符合英语法?2.What's the poorest bank i
1.什么场合下“I is...”符合英语法?2.What's the poorest bank i
1.什么场合下“I is...”符合英语法?
2.What's the poorest bank in the world?(世界上最没钱的银行是什么银行?)
3.你能给“It isandnot but”加上标点,使它成为一个可以理解的句子吗?
猫要吃老鼠 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1.I is a letter.意思:I是一个字母.
2.The river bank.
这是个脑筋急转弯 答案是 The river bank.河堤 考察知识点是 bank 有两个意思 一是河堤 河岸 二是银行.
3.It is,and I say not but.
英语语法问题It looks poorest when you are richest.poorest和richest为
It looks poorest when you are richest.poorest和richest为什么不加the,还有一个问题I do not see but a quiet mind may live
as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as
in a palace.这里quite mind什么意思,mind在这里解释什么,在这里的as是什么意思,第二个AS什么意思,第三个呢?整句不是很理解,可以帮忙都讲解下吗?小弟不才望高手指点,谢谢!
睢水清粼粼 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、当形容词最高极单独使用做表语时不加the, 如:I think David's plan is best.我认为大卫的计划是最好的,所以不用加.
形容词最高级前不加冠词的其他情况还有:在前面有物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,不加the, 例如:THat's his busiest day; 副词最高级都修饰动词,前不加the ,如:Who did it best ?
That suit is best that best suits me最能合身的衣服最好
2、这句话当中的a quiet mind其实是名词物化的语法,这个在英语当中很常见,在这里a quiet mind泛指那些有一颗安定的心的人.还有一个语法是这里的not...but...并不是否定意义,英语当中好多这类词组表示的是肯定的意思,如not...until.
你问的三个as的用法,给你介绍一下,as引导的比较状语从句往往有省略,这里前两个as后面肯定有省略的部分,所以前两个as用法一样,都是引导比较状语从句,因为由整句翻译可知,它是用“有一颗安定的心”的人和平常人比较的.第三个as是表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example,那么“as in a palace”的意思就是:像在皇宫里一样.
You can make a big_ to the world's poorest kids if you join
You can make a big_ to the world's poorest kids if you join the Child Sponsorship.中间填什么、急求
喔喔品 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%

make a big contribution to. 对.做出巨大贡献

These people come from the poorest places of Kenya.
These people come from the poorest places of Kenya.
They were beggars and plantation workers.However,they are people with dreams and hopes.Thanks to Jamii Bora,thousands of them are realizing their dreams.
The small bank got its start when Ingrid Munro retired (退休) from her work.She suggested that poor people should have houses of their own as well.The Swedish-born Munro and her Canadian husband had adopted(收养)a homeless boy in 1988.However,he had been run over by a bus and was unable to walk freely.
When Munro worked in the UK she learned about the lives of the poor,but her deep learning began through the eyes of that boy and increased when she adopted the boy’s two brothers.
In 1999 she decided to start a small club.The members would be 50 women,beggar s who had been kind to children.No one imagined it could become so successful that it would change into Jamii Bora Bank,with over 300,000 customers across Kenya.Munro did not expect that it would turn out to be such a greet success.
Instead of employing experts,she has trained those women herself.And she employs ex-beggars,the ones who joined them in the way very early days and have come out of poverty(贫穷).She teachers these beggars how to do everything from the beginning.What is also different about Jamii Bora is the approach to borrowers.They help families get health and disaster insurance,schooling for their children,and help with housing.They teach business skills so that people can live a better life.
41.What do the words “Jamii Bora” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.A kind lady.B.A bank in Kenya.
C.A famous Kenyan.D.A club in Canada.
42.The homeless boy mentioned in Paragraph 2 ______.
A.was born in 1998 in Kenya B.lost touch with his two brother C.couldn’t walk freely since he was born D.helped Munro learn a lot about the poor
43.Why did Munro decide to start a small club?
A.She tried to help poor people in Kenya.B.She wanted to get to know more people.C.She wished to help beggars become rich people.D.She hoped to collect money become rich people.
44.According to the passage,Ingrid Munro_______
A.helped the poor solve the problem of housing B.set up a bank when she worked in the UK
C.was once a beggar when she was young D.employs experts to train those beggars
45.What would be the title for the passage?A.Beggars from Kenya B.Munro and her husband C.From beggars to bankers D.Kenya—a poor country
chris_l 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
41. What do the words “Jamii Bora” in Paragraph 1 refer to (A bank in Kenya).
42. The homeless boy mentioned in Paragraph 2 (helped Munro learn a lot about the poor.)
43. She tried to help poor people in Kenya.
44. According to the passage, Ingrid Munro (helped the poor solve the problem of housing.)
45. Title
From beggars to bankers