
sh_wb03212022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


蛤蜊-冬瓜-汤 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
吉尔伯特群岛 Gilberts Islands(19个岛组)1.阿拜昂 Abalang 2.阿贝马马 Abemama 3.阿拉努卡 Aranuka 4.阿罗赖 Arorae 5.巴纳巴 Banaba(6.大洋岛 Ocean Island ) 7.贝鲁 Beru 8.布塔里塔里 Butaritari 9.库里亚 Kuria 10.迈亚纳 Maiana 11.马金 Makin 12.马拉凯 Marakei 13.尼库瑙 Nikunau 14.诺诺乌蒂 Nonouti 15.奥诺托阿 Onotea 16.北塔比特韦亚 Tabiteuea North 17.南塔比特韦亚腔北调Tabiteuea South.18.塔马纳 Tamama 19.北塔拉瓦 Tarawa North 20.南塔拉瓦 Tarawa South .
莱恩群岛 Line Islands
北部 Northern (3个岛组)21.圣诞岛 Kiritimati (22.Christmas) 23.塔布阿埃兰 Tabuaeran (24.范宁Fanning) 25.泰拉伊纳 Teraina (26.华盛顿Washington)
南部 Southern (1个岛组) 28.罗琳 Caroline 29.弗林特 Flint 30.莫尔登 Malden 31.斯塔巴克 Starbuck 32.沃斯托克 Vostok


瑙鲁 汤加 马绍尔群岛 基里巴斯属于哪个大洲
hnhjia 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
大洋洲的上几个岛屿 位于太平洋中部 属于大洋洲的范畴
part 1:what can you see or do in kiribati?(e.g.Deccribe 2 or more famous places that you can see there.Decribe the location and some history about each famous places.)
part 2:why do you want to visit these places?(e.g.What interests you most?When do you want to visit these places?Why have you chosen that time of year?)
皮皮金 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Mauri .this is Hello and Welcome in Kiribati
So you are thinking of coming to see us in Kiribati?If you are,then our website is a good place to start.
Kiribati is for travellers - those who have a passion for exploring and discovering,people who like an adventure off the tourist trail to places where few have been before,and people who want to understand a country - not just see it.
Have you seen The New Swiss Family Robinson?- BBC One aired this on on the 27 Mar 2009,where the Dye family (from Essex) moved to the islet of Anariki in Kiribati!
Click here to find out more about where the New Swiss Family Robinson was filmed,and how you can visit!
If you are visiting as part of your work,we would also like to encourage you to explore Kiribati and hopefully these pages will provide you with the information and inspiration you need to do that.South Tarawa should not be the only Atoll you visit when you have 33 to choose from!
Just a few of the highlights of these atolls:
Visit Anariki islet on Abaiang Atoll - the setting of "The New Swiss Family Robinson" - this atoll is one of the least developed in Kiribati,and boasts an incredibly beautiful lagoon,plus excellent snorkling,fishing,and spear fishing!
Bone fishing at its best (by the way we also have the best tuna,giant trevelly and many other varieties in the world).As a wise man once said “Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job".It is only the size of the fish that is in question on the Kiritimati Island!
A tradition and culture that remains true to itself and its people.Sit in a Maneaba and talk to the people,learn the language,see traditions that have remained the same for centuries
Stay on your own private island resort in traditional accommodation.Your meals will revolve around the local fare – some of the best sashimi and lobster you will ever eat
The significance of the Battle of Tarawa.WWII sites are scattered around South Tarawa,Butaritari and Abemama standing as a tribute to those who have fallen
Never far away from the vibrant blue skies and the turquoise blue water – Kiribati has all the calling cards of the Pacific - what Kiribati will add is the opportunity to wind back the clock to a simpler way.
Oh and if that’s not enough,I’m sure getting a passport stamp few others would have will make for excellent dinner conversation on your return!
qwe000099 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Kiribati ['kiribæs]
疯嘎 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
VINCENT_K 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%


本题考点: 气候与人类活动的关系.

考点点评: 考查人类活动对气候的影响,要理解记忆.