If you wish to become a better reader, here are four importa

arlf442022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about speed* of reading.
1.Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly* or slowly.
2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Science and history books are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.
3.Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyable, letters from friends, news from local or hometown paper, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors.
4. In some of your readings, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.
小题1:This passage mainly tells us some important points about how to .
A.write B.read C.spell D.speak
小题2:How many important points are mentioned here in order to be a better reader?
A.one B.Two C.Three D.Four
小题3: should be read slowly.
A.Science books
B.Stories meant for enjoyment
C.Letters from friends
小题4:The best title of this passage is
A.How to Read fast B.How to Read Slowly
C.How to become a Better Reader D.How to Remember Things.
achieve vt. 达到、完成 bank n.岸 Castle n. 城堡
human n.人 own vt.拥有 prince n. 王子rapidly adv. 迅速地 speed n. 速度 without prep. 没有
the amusement park游乐场 the princess and the frog公主和青蛙


dsfcyandyfiest 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%



写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词be become come go do drive eat feel give hear
be become come go do drive eat feel give hear meet ride sell take write
一vv明媚 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
e was were been
come came come
become became become
go went gone
do did done
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt
give gave given
hear heard heard
meet met met
ride rode ridden
sell sold sold
take took taken
write wrote written
E-books ( )very popular since they came into being A become
E-books ( )very popular since they came into being A become B have become C had become D became
ba00000000 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
给前两个字母 填完单词1.the soldier wo in the war has become a good off
给前两个字母 填完单词
1.the soldier wo in the war has become a good officer
2.“many ha make light work”is a famous saying
3.my friend pr watching football to playing it himself
4.be the stars,the astronaut saw nothing but space
海风花妞妞 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1.the soldier wounded in the war has become a good officer.
2.“Many hands make light work”is a famous saying
3.my friend prefers watching football to playing it himself
4.besides the stars,the astronaut saw nothing but space
Many young people become interested in playing ______ footba
Many young people become interested in playing ______ football because of the World Cup.
[ ]
A. the
B. 不填
C. a
D. an
motherlovemeonce 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
Jim Carrey has become one of the most well-known faces in th

Jim Carrey has become one of the most well-known faces in the world. And it is because of his face that he has made such achievements.
Jim Carrey was born in a working class family, and life was poor for young Jim. While in his teens, he had to take a job as a doorkeeper when his father lost his job, and finally he dropped out of school. At that time, he developed his sense of humour to help him deal with anger at the world.
He was often alone. He said he didn’t have any friends because he didn’t want any. At 15 he started performing at a comedy club. Later he moved to Los Angeles and there he got the attention from a famous comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, and his life started to change.
Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990, when he played a role on the new comedy show, In Living Color. He broke into films in 1994. It was the year of Funny Face. First there was Pet Detective, a success that showed Carrey’s comic style. Next came The Mask, which was another success for him.
Jim Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood. In fact, he seems to be having a second childhood now. The future looks good for him. He has developed a large crowd of fans and he also has proved his ability to get through a storm and come out on top, which is important for any person.
小题1:Why didn’t Jim Carrey have any friends when he was young?
A.Because he dropped out of school
B.Because he was in a working class family.
C.Because he didn’t want to make friends
D.Because he was angry at the world.
小题2:The underlined phrase “got his big break” in Paragraph 4 may mean “__________”.
A.got a good chance
B.made a lot of money
C.felt tired
D.had a rest
小题3:From the last paragraph we can learn that __________.
A.Carrey didn’t finish his school education
B.many people like Jim Carrey
C.he once survived a storm
D.Rodney Dangerfield changed Carrey’s life
小题4:Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.Carrey’s success comes from his handsome face
B.Carrey was happy in his childhood.
C.Carrey’s sense of humour came from the difficult environment.
D.The film “The Mask” was not a success at first.
fengfeng5258521 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%

请大家帮我想出20个句子If I become famous in the future,I will……就这样的句子…
If I become famous in the future,I will……
sxxinde 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
I will be able to make a living doing something I love.If I become famous,people all over the world will know me.
However,professional soccer player can also have any problems.if I am famous,people will watch me everywhere.This can make life difficult.
I will ues my hands and knowledge to save a lot of lives,it is very important.So I will study hard to make this dream true.
英语翻译the bags have become a main caouse of plastic pollution
the bags have become a main caouse of plastic pollution becaouse they are easy to break and people throw them everywhere.
我主要不明白的是,为什么塑料袋还说they are easy to break“呢?这是不是练习书出错呢?还是我不懂这句活的真正含义?
xuyin263 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
get turn become go 表示 变得 的意思的时候有什么差别,分别用在什么地方?
get turn become go 表示 变得 的意思的时候有什么差别,分别用在什么地方?
妩媚月光 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
turn后面一般+颜色,turn red/white
go后面一般+变的坏的情况,如:milk go bad.
become后面+比较级,become worse/much more open
骑车者 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
choose,过去式 chose,过去分词 chosen
become,过去式 became,过去分词 become
understand,过去式 understood,过去分词 understood
rich,反义 poor
wife,复数 wives
become turn get grow的区别
笑着悲伤9 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
e.g.(1)In hot weather,meat goes bad.
e.g.(1)He went mad last year.
(2)Hearing this,she went red.
e.g.(1)The girl grew thinner and thinner.
(2)Soon the sky grew dark.
e.g.The man turned blue with fear.
The weather suddenly turned much colder.
e.g.He became/got angry with his son.
His coat has become/got badly torn.
e.g.The days are getting longer and longer after the winter solstice.
e.g.His dream has become a reality.
He has turned scientist.
Her cheeks went a very pretty pink.
e.g.They went in and got chatting together.(get意为“开始”)
We often go swimming.(go意为“去”)
Mary"s growing to be more and more like her mother.
become 后面是接动词原形还是动词不定式啊?
napoleanxj 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
它应该接 名词,形容词 等作表语
He has become a teacher.
They became angry when asked about it.
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
为什么running后加has原句是Running has bas become my favorite sport
jackylose 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
谓语用单三 形式
我请求学霸帮忙 ?
V_笑 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率33.3%
Mabe I'll become an astronaut.---_______!和A和D的区别
Mabe I'll become an astronaut.---_______!和A和D的区别
A.That sounds great.B.All right.C.That's right.D.You are great.
lee525 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
答案只能选A 在这里陈述者表示自己将来要做啥.是一种愿望,但还没有实现,
完形填空Sammy Liu,a six-year-old boy from Kowloon,has become a h
Sammy Liu,a six-year-old boy from Kowloon,has become a hero recently.One day he used
the family’s 33 to stop an attempted robbery.While the thief was busy searching the flat,Sammy went into his bedroom 34 and used his computer to call the police,who 35 five minutes
later and caught the thief.
These days,it is 36 for children as young as Sammy to be so computer literate.Many children use computers at home or at school and some 37 even have their own websites.Such websites not only offer students the opportunity to learn new skills but also mean that people all over the world can 38 out more about their schoo1.
Some parents think that spending too much time using a computer can be harmful,when really
the 39 is true.“Kids should be 40 to use computers as early as possible,”said Tony Robertson,a software developer.“Children learn really fast.Many children 41 much more about technology than their parents.”
In Hong Kong,the“IT 2010”project 42 to provide every student with a computer by the
year 2010.Schools,hospitals,shops and homes will all be interconnected by an island—wide network. 43 at home or school,the digital age has certainly opened the 44 to a whole new world of learning.
33.A.radio B.computer C.recorder D.telephone
34.A.quietly B.slowly C.easily D.excitedly
35.A.1eft B.returned C.answered D.arrived
36.A.hard B.usual C.common D.dangerous
37.A.schools B.homes C.shops D.hospitals
38.A.give B. find C.send D.work
39.A.opposite B.unknown C.same D.new
40. A. invited B.forced C.allowed D.encouraged
41.A.think B.remember C.know D.discuss
42.A.prepares B.appears C.plans D.starts
43.A.When B.Where C.Either D.Whether
44.A.hear B.door C.eyes D.minds
阿哦俄 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
14 To make your own study plan is a good way to become a top
14 To make your own study plan is a good way to become a top student.After you plan___,you should correct it from time to time ,and then it will be more helpful.
A comes out B watches out C finds out
徒呼奈何 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
To make your own study plan is a good way to become a top student.After you plan_comes out __,you should correct it from time to time ,and then it will be more helpful.
A comes out 弄出来
B watches out 小心,留意
C finds out 发现
写过去式be beat become beginblow break bring buildburn buy catch
be beat become begin
blow break bring build
burn buy catch choose
come cut dig draw
dream drink driver eat
fall feed feel fight
find fly forget freeze
get give go grow
hang hear hide hit
hold hurt keep know
lay lead learn leave
lend let lie lose
make mean meet pay
put read ride ring
rise run say see
sell send set shake
shine show shut sing
sit sleep smell spesk
spell spend spread stand
steal stick sweep swim
take teach tell think
throw undestand wake wear
win write cost
play cry carry stop
chat use love plan
start jog study enjoy
lemonwj 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
原形 过去式 过去分词
do did done
Go went gone
beat beat beaten
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
blow blew blown
draw drew drawn
drive drove driven
give gave given
grow grew grown
know knew known
take took taken
原形 过去式 过去分词
mistake mistook mistaken
rise rose risen
see saw seen
show showed shown
throw threw thrown
hide hid hidden
ride rode ridden
write wrote written
break broke broken
choose chose chosen
forget forgot forgotten
freeze froze frozen
原形 过去式 过去分词
Speak spoke spoken
steal stole stolen
am / is was been
are were been
fly flew flown
lie lay lain
wear wore worn
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
dig dug dug
原形 过去式 过去分词
feel felt felt
find found found
get got got
hang hung/hanged hung/hanged
have / has had had
hold held held
keep kept kept
lay laid laid
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
lose lost lost
原形 过去式 过去分词
hear heard heard
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
say said said
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shine shone/shined shone/ shined
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
smell smelt smelt
原形 过去式 过去分词
spend spent spent
spill spilt spilt
spit spat spat
spoil spoilt spoilt
stand stood stood
sweep swept swept
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wake woke/waked woken/waked
win won won
原形 过去式 过去分词
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
let let let
put put put
read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
set set set
shut shut shut
begin began begun
drink drank drunk
ring rang rung
原形 过去式 过去分词
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
swim swam swum
become became become
come came come
run ran run
情态动词 can could -
must must -
will would -
may might -
shall should -
英语翻译London has become a cycle-friendly zone after the launch
London has become a cycle-friendly zone after the launch of a new hire scheme.
It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.
﹎笑看ミ红尘 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
在实施一个新的出租方案后,伦敦已经成为自行车受欢迎的地方. 这个方案主要就是鼓励更多的人在伦敦中心及周边骑自行车.
zxyfuture 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
凡是变坏,往往用go,如:go bad,go mad,go crazy,go wrong,go sour,go deaf.
颜色的变化习惯上用turn,如:turn red,turn yellow,turn green.
夜短日长的变化用get,如:the days get longer and nights get shorter;it was getting dark.
接职业时,多用become,如:become a teacher,become a writer.
提问英语语法28?9-2.______wants to become a film star.A.No every ch
9-2.______wants to become a film star.
A.No every children
B.Not every child
C.Not one of children
D.Not each of children
asfdsgeq 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Coffee has become the most popular American drink.Today peop
Coffee has become the most popular American drink.Today people in the USA drink m___ coffee than
飞扬珊瑚 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
任务型阅读. 任务型阅读.       Your arms and legs'will become weak if y
Your arms and legs'will become weak if you do not use them for a long
time.When you want to use them again,they slowly become strong again.
Everybody knows that.Yet many people do not seem to know that memory
works in the same way.
When someone says that he has a good memory,he really means that he
keeps his memory in practice by using it.When someone else says that his
memory is poor,he really means that he does not give it enough chance to
become strong.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak,we know that it'is his own fault(过错).But if he tells us that he has a poor memory,many of us think
that his parents are to be blamed(责备) ,and few of us know that it is just his own fault.
Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but usually they have better memories?This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook.They
have to remember days,names,songs and stories,so their memory is the
whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory,learn
from the people:practice remembering.
1.If vou clon't use your__________ for along time,you will find it_______to use them again
2.When someone savs that he has a__________memory,he really means that he keeps his memory by using lt.
3.The more you use your memory,the_______________memory you
will have.
4.If there is someone who can't mflmory something easily,that means he
does not give it_______________to becorne slrong.
5.We should remember a lot of things every day to___________.
zzyyll32 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1.arms and legs; difficult
2.good; in practice
4.enough chance
5.practice memory
Sarah hopes to become a friend of __shares her interests.
Sarah hopes to become a friend of __shares her interests.
dno matter who
荧火之屋 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
篙篙宝宝 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
His brother become deaf and blind at the age of twelve.
how can we become good learners?麻烦一下有没有什么好的素材 英语作文
尘世经历 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
as a student,wo should know that how can we study better.i think,the most importtant one thing is that to be interested in learning.and we should be hard in studying.we must do many more thingking on those study questions.at the same time,we should make a study plan.then,use our heart on it,you can be a good learner.
wangkai915 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
join-----be a member of
arrive----be in/at
leave----be away from
英语翻译1.翻译:梦中家园2.Eddie dreams of _______(become)a super dog.3.
2.Eddie dreams of _______(become)a super dog.
Hainan is my_______ _________,and I______ _______ _______there some day.
10081008 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
dream home
dream home dream of living
The Internet has become increasingly popular, ______ us to s
The Internet has become increasingly popular, ______ us to see as well as to hear all kinds of programmes.
A.to allow B.allowing C.allowed D.having allowed
echo_1213 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

该填哪些单词__1__,computers have become a more and more __2__ part
该填哪些单词__1__,computers have become a more and more __2__ part of our life.Only a __3__ of people can say that their life has nothing to do with computers.__4__ any given moment,people __5__ the world are __6__ by computers.A(n) __7__ office employee always starts a day's work by turning on his/her computer.A large amount of __8__ is managed by computers.We also use computers to __9__the system and process the stored __10__.Besides,we store a lot of important information in our computers,which helps us to __11__ sure when we forget them.In short,without computers the world cannot turn __12__.But there are a group of people regarding computers as a(n) __13__ threat as they occupy our life too much.They encourage people to __14__ computers and try to do everything by hand.In effect,they believe that one day computers will surely take the __15__ of human beings and control the whole world.
1.A.Until now
D.For a while
12.A.at all
B.at last
C.at most
D.at large
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
The pollution of the environment has become an important pro
the pollution of the environment has become an important problem that the world has to face. luckily, humans have realized it and we have been taking steps to deal with this problem. and many days have been appointed(指定).
on march 12 every year, many chinese people plant trees because it is china’s tree planting day. it first began in 1979. different countries made different days as tree planting day. some countries’ tree planting day is the same day as world forest day, such as france.
world forest day comes on march 21 every year. it was started by spain in 1971. and the first world forest day was held on march 21, 1972. the purpose of world forest day is to encourage everyone to protect(保护) the trees because they are very important to our life.
earth day comes on april 22 every year. the purpose of earth day is to encourage people all around the world to protect the environment. it was created in america in 1970. but it wasn’t until 2009, april 22 that was named earth day by the un.
smoking is bad for our health. in order to stop people from smoking, april 7 was made as world no-tobacco day(世界无烟日) in 1987. the first world no-tobacco day began in 1988. but in ***, it was made another day, on may 31 every year.
china’s tree planting day
march 12
march 21
to encourage everyone to protect the trees.
earth day
april 22
world no-tobacco day
to stop people from smoking.
清风宠落叶 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
小题1:To plant trees.
小题2:World Forest Day
小题3:To encourage people all around the world to protect the environment.
小题4:May 31

the rising costs of ()health care have become()problem for m
the rising costs of ()health care have become()problem for many countries in the worl...
the rising costs of ()health care have become()problem for many countries in the world .请问填什么贯词?
灯光下的羽毛 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
the rising costs of (/)health care have become(a
)problem for many countries in the world
ttee 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.become 和get主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化:
become [get] angry,famous,fat,ill,old,well,deaf,strong,etc 生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等
另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势:
It’s becoming [getting] cold (dark,cloudy,etc).天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等).
Divorce is becoming [getting] more common.离婚现象越来越常见了.
2.go 和come表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化:
go bald (deaf,insane,etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯等.
The meat’s gone off (gone bad).肉变味(变坏)了.
The radio’s gone wrong.收音机出毛病了.
Her wish came true.她的愿望实现了.
Everything came right.一切顺利.
She went [turned] blue with cold.她冻得脸色发青了.
The rotten meat went [turned] green.这块腐烂的肉变绿了.
【注】① 但是 go 一般不与 old,tired,ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词:grow [get] old 变老,fall [become] ill (sick) 生病,get [feel] tired 疲劳
② go后接形容词通常表示的结果(见上例),在个别搭配中也表示现状:go hungry 挨饿,go naked 光着身子
③ come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意:come untied 解开,come loose 变松,come undone 松开
3.grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程:
It began to grow dark.天色渐渐黑了.
The sea is growing calm.大海变得平静起来.
The pollution problem is growing serious.污染问题日见严峻.
You’ll soon grow to like her.你很快就会喜欢她的.
It’s becoming a serious problem.它正在成为一个严重问题.
The little plant grew into a tree.幼苗长成了一棵树.
They went out of fashion years ago.它们好多年前已变得不时新了.
He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college.他从医学院毕业后当了作家.(比较:He became a writer after graduating from college.)
英语翻中文Bungee jumping is a very new X-sport,but it has become
Bungee jumping is a very new X-sport,but it has become popular all over the world.The number of the fans of tish extremely exciting sport is increasing each year.
Bungee jumping looks like fun.it makes me nervous just to watch someone do it .one certainly needs to have a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tie to your legs.it scares me just to thing about it.however,it is something I really want to do one day.some people think I am crazy.they say that to jump is foolish enough and that to pay for it is a kind of madness.i do not agree.for me,to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long but boring one.what do you think?
laolv82820 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Bungee jumping is a very new X-sport,but it has become popular all over the world.The number of the fans of tish extremely exciting sport is increasing each year.
Bungee jumping looks like fun.it makes me nervous just to watch someone do it .one certainly needs to have a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tie to your legs.it scares me just to thing about it.however,it is something I really want to do one day.some people think I am crazy.they say that to jump is foolish enough and that to pay for it is a kind of madness.i do not agree.for me,to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long but boring one.what do you think?
高一英语填空题… In order to become slimmer ,I go to the gym to ____
高一英语填空题… In order to become slimmer ,I go to the gym to ______ twice a week .可以填at least
呃 这个是选词 填空 …… 已经规定了的 不能加词 、 直接填 at least 可以么
不好意思 是我一时糊涂了 、犯错了 还误导了大家 …… 应该是 work out……
无忧小豆 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
不可以,因为这里需要一个动词.所以你可以填写 do exercise,祝你学习英语快乐.
英语首字母,很纠结Another step for youto become a singer is to let th
Another step for youto become a singer is to let the people (88) f________ you through your songs.This means that you have to sing a song with emotions,and at the same time,let the (89) a_____________ feel them.For example,if you are singing a love song,people should feel romantic when they hear your song.If you are singing a song from dance music,then people should feel like dancing.
假装欢个喜 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率89.3%
find 察觉,获悉
一段话中有个地方看不懂.Once people become used to going on holiday,taki
Once people become used to going on holiday,taking holidays becomes a habit.
Even in a recession,for many people the holiday is one of the last things to be given up,
and indeed many workers have chosen to spend some of their last pay when being laid
off on a holiday,perhaps to give themselves a "lift" before facing a gloomy future.
for many people the holiday is one of the last things to be given up,
对于很多人来说,假期是最后的一个事情,后面怎么还有to be given up被放弃?
77159529 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
the last ...就是最不愿意.的事 这句就是 对很多人来说 假期是最不愿意放弃的事情之一.
还有 例如:He is the last people i want to see.
就是 他是我最不愿意见的人.
英语翻译Jim Carrey has become one of the most famous faces in th
Jim Carrey has become one of the most famous faces in the word.It is because of his face that has become so famous.The funny faces that he makes and his strang behavior are what people like to see.
He was born in Canada on January 17th,1962.His family was poor and growing up was difficult for him.As a teacher,he had to both work and go to school.Soon he decided to drop out of school.He was very unhappy then but it helped him a great deal.He developed a wongerful sense of humor to help him live with his problems.He developed a wonderful sense of humor to help him live with his problems.He didn't have any friends because he said he didn't want any.Between School and work there just wasn't much time for a childhood.
At 15,however,JIm Carrey stared per-forming in a famous comedy bar in Toronto.Later he did the same thing in America.He because very good at it.That's the important reason why he devel-oped into a famous comedy star many years later.
Now Jim Carrey is a big famous star and he hasn't looked back since.The future looks good for him,and he has millions of fans who love his wild style of films.He has provrn his ability to be a star.
Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood and in fact seems to be living a second shildhood now.Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years,and Jim Carrry is the best of the new ones.
湘西布衣 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
“ 金·凯利已成为一个世界最著名的角色之一,这是因为他的脸变得如此著名.这个有趣的脸,他和他的奇怪行为是人们感兴趣的.
凯利已走了很长的距离,他不幸的童年,事实上,她似乎生活第二次.现在,加拿大已经产生了许多优秀的喜剧天才好几年了,吉姆 和 凯莉是最好的新朋友.”
Hotlines have become common in Chin Some radio broadcasting
Hotlines have become common in Chin Some radio broadcasting stations use hotlines to encourage the l
duckhope 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
Hotlines have become common in China. Some radio broadcasting stations use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk shows.
That's a good idea. Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole programme. Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they do not even know what the host ( 主持人) is talking about. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about. Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express hope and show his ignorance ( 无知). Then the host has to answer and explain —— how silly this is! It wastes a lot of time.
It seems that some people phone the hotlines in fun. They just want to let the listeners hear them. They don't care what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be.
I think that it's necessary for radio stations to improve the hotline programmes. In my opinion, if a caller doesn''t know what is going on, the operator should not let the callers take part in it.
(1). The sentence "some people do nothing but break the whole programmes" may tell us that (D)
A. radio stations use hotlines
B.in a wrong way it is a fact
C.it is a good idea
D.some people have unclear thoughts
(2). According to the passage, which of the following is not true (D)
A. Some people do not know what the host is talking about.
B. Some people know little about the topic under discussion.
C. Some people do not know what the show is about.
D. The writer tells us that the host is silly.
(3). The host has to answer and explain (B)
A. for the host works hard
B. because of the caller's ignorance
C. for the host likes talking to the caller
D. because a lot of questions are raised by the caller
(4). The passage doesn't tell us (D)
A. that some listeners phone the hotline in fun
B. that some people just want to be heard by others
C. that some people who don't care what the topic is realize that they appear to be silly
D. what the hotlines programmes are
(5). The word "operator" in the last sentence refers to the(A)
A. host
B. listener
C. doctor
D. both A and B
答案:(1). D (2). D (3). B (4). D (5). A
英语翻译Nowadays,many famous university campuses have become one
Nowadays,many famous university campuses have become one of the popular tourist attraction.It has been shown on TV and on the radio that every year thousands and thousands of middle school students visit Tsing Hua University and Peking University and other famous universities in China.In the place far away from the capital city,the local students also visit the universities famous in their own province.
So far as the present situation is concerned,is it a good or bad thing to open the university campus for tourists?Different people have different opinions.On one hand,some people argued that it is a good thing for the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the middle students to get more information about the university and they can have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university.On the other hand,some people hold a negative view about this phenomenon.In their opinion,the
public tourism will have negative effect on the universities because it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the intellectual atmosphere.
In my opinion,the tourism to the universities is not a good thing.The campus is mainly a place for study .With the increasing tourism on the campus,it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.
发克优 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Nowadays,many famous university campuses in China have become one of the popular tourist attraction to thousands of Chinese middle school students .
Is it a good or bad thing to open the university campus for tourists?Different people have different opinions.On one hand,some people argued that it is a good thing for the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the middle students to get more information about the university.On the other hand,some people hold the opinion that the public tourism will have negative effect on the universities because it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the intellectual atmosphere.
In my opinion,the tourism to the universities is not a good thing.The campus is mainly a place for study .With the increasing tourism on the campus,it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.
文章的造句、过渡等等都挺不错的啊,感觉结构有点问题,好像重点放在了大众两种观点的陈述,没有supporting ideas去支持自己的观点.一点浅见,仅供参考
His sister has become a doctor,______ is what he wants to be
His sister has become a doctor,______ is what he wants to be.
A.who B.whose C.that D.which
Stepuptravel 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
that 在这里指代的是前面的become a doctor.to be a doctor is what he wants to be.这句话不是定于从句.其实这句话在,后面加上一个and 就变得比较明了了.His sister has become a doctor,and that(becoming a doctor) is what he wants to be.becoming是因为become作为动词必须变成现在分词才能当作名词位于句首
求翻译You can become to an enormous degree the person you want
求翻译You can become to an enormous degree the person you want to be,还有enormous degree 意思?
天阔云也闲 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
to an enormous degree 你可以看成一个插入语,翻译成成:极大程度上.
用become 和ago 造句
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
sakura11 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
1.become 和get主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化:
become [get] angry,famous,fat,ill,old,well,deaf,strong,etc 生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等
另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势:
It’s becoming [getting] cold (dark,cloudy,etc).天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等).
Divorce is becoming [getting] more common.离婚现象越来越常见了.
2.go 和come表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化:
go bald (deaf,insane,etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯等.
The meat’s gone off (gone bad).肉变味(变坏)了.
The radio’s gone wrong.收音机出毛病了.
Her wish came true.她的愿望实现了.
Everything came right.一切顺利.
She went [turned] blue with cold.她冻得脸色发青了.
The rotten meat went [turned] green.这块腐烂的肉变绿了.
【注】① 但是 go 一般不与 old,tired,ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词:grow [get] old 变老,fall [become] ill (sick) 生病,get [feel] tired 疲劳
② go后接形容词通常表示的结果(见上例),在个别搭配中也表示现状:go hungry 挨饿,go naked 光着身子
③ come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意:come untied 解开,come loose 变松,come undone 松开
3.grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程:
It began to grow dark.天色渐渐黑了.
The sea is growing calm.大海变得平静起来.
The pollution problem is growing serious.污染问题日见严峻.
You’ll soon grow to like her.你很快就会喜欢她的.
It’s becoming a serious problem.它正在成为一个严重问题.
The little plant grew into a tree.幼苗长成了一棵树.
They went out of fashion years ago.它们好多年前已变得不时新了.
He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college.他从医学院毕业后当了作家.(比较:He became a writer after graduating from college.)
I think spiders and snakes can never become the trendiest ki
I think spiders and snakes can never become the trendiest kind of _____ ( pet )
梅暮 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
I think ___(cycle)can make me become strong and build me up
yyor 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
I think 后的宾语从句,宾语从句的主语为骑自行车,动词原形不能充当主语,应改成相应的动名词形式,即cycling
谁知道则些英语是啥子意思?Because our lives have become best of each othe
Because our lives have become best of each other.
全球英语296 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语语法.我想要用【将来虚拟倒装】.should eat i did,i will become fat
sunhao123456 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
应该是 should i eat something,i would become fat
英语翻译With much determination,he went on to become a politicia
With much determination,he went on to become a politician and author.
a1113333 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
帮忙看一到英语单选题,Children who are often( )to will become selfish w
Children who are often( )to will become selfish when they grow up.
A.give in B.given up C.give up D,given in
小霞米77 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
e given in to
这里是关键 这里是 被让步 承受别人的让步
就是 人们老给他们让步 老宠着他们的意思