---How are you? ----_______ A.How do

vaup2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

---How are you? ----_______
A.How do you do? B.Good morning!
C.How are you! D.Fine, thank you.


cca168 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%



how do you come to school? how do you go to school ? how do
how do you come to school? how do you go to school ? how do you get to school?有什么区别,回答方式有什么区别
萧萧郁疏 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
意思上没什么区别吧,都是在问你怎么来学校的,只是问的方式不同回答呢比如说I go to shool on foot,或者I come to school on foot,第三个也一样l usually come on foot,come后面为什么不用加to需要指明目的地或行动目的的时候就加to,否则不加.亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。...
How do 和How does
How do 和How does
"How do they listen to customers and speak to them?"中的“Does”为什么不能改成“do”啊?
8427851 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
注意主语是they 表示复数
七年级下册英语连词成句:1.you,how do,these,have,things,of,many
七年级下册英语连词成句:1.you,how do,these,have,things,of,many
ruby_55207 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
How many of these things do you have?
I enjoy nice words about my appearance.
英语作文:How do "be polite"
英语作文:How do "be polite"
rebelx1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
先是抄C部分开头四句,再加上But how to be polite?Here some ideas.然后把下面正确答案组成4个句子,最后加上If you do like this,you will be polite.这篇作文就搞定了.
how did 和 how do 在乘交通工具方面一样吗?
忍住5哭 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率42.9%
英语的人称代词转换``急求问句里有 How do 的句子要怎样换其他人称 比如 How do you spell it?
问句里有 How do 的句子要怎样换其他人称 比如 How do you spell it?
eacinglee 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
How do I/we/they
How does he/she/it
急求英语对话两篇,这四个话题选取两个英语对话,what can we do for our parents?how do
what can we do for our parents?
how do you like your dormitory?
explain yor name?
do you enjoy shopping----should be smoking illegal?
哈皮伯思德 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Because of age difference,our ability is also different.
In the past years because I am too young,so I can only do little things.For example,I help parents to clean the floor and to wash dishes.
But now is different.When I grow up,I can help parents to do more.I can help parents do the laundry,take care of sister,and help their parents cook.
Parenting my 13 years,I should return the parents.
How do you say...in English?
59268861 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
这个是口语题的作文,口头作文,请围绕下面的主题完成英语口头作文,要求至少说六句.(你有一分钟的准备时间) How do
口头作文,请围绕下面的主题完成英语口头作文,要求至少说六句.(你有一分钟的准备时间) How do you spend your weekend?
hh饥民 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
有错自己改啦 别笑我啊
like most of students mowaday,l'd like to spend my spare time on the internet.it can make me relaxed,especially when i just come back from school.but i don't spent too much time in surfing on the internet.i also read magzines,newspaper,those are really of importance of daily life.and of course,doing homework is cost me quite long time.however it actually bring me happiness as soon as i work out a complex question.(一般初中生都这样了,臆想的没错吧,咱也是过来人)so this is how i spend my weekend,simple but meaningful.
(初中英语)这道题为什么选D?The little girl is wondering________.A.how do
The little girl is wondering________.
A.how does Disneyland look B.how Disneyland looks like
C.what does Dineyland look like D.what Disneyland looks like
(讲不清楚我会疯掉的~我到现在都不懂be like/look like/how does/what does/how is/what is的区别= =)
cc999 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
它是宾语从句,要顺装,所以A C不选
be like/look like就像楼上讲的那样,
be like 就是像
比如 I am like my father 我像我爸爸(各方面不光是长相)
look like 长得像 或者 看起来什么样子
I look like my father 我长得像我爸
how does/what does/how is/what is
what ,how都是用于特殊疑问句中,针对提问的对象不同
你的问题要表达的意思是“小女孩想知道Disneyland 什么样”因此特殊疑问此用what
What···look like 是形容什么样的,How···look like是形容像什么
How do you make a banana milk shake?中的a如何理解,为什么此处加a,而How do
How do you make a banana milk shake?中的a如何理解,为什么此处加a,而How do you make fruit salad?不加
positivepeng 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
对于英语中的一些不可数名词,如果可以用来一份一份的卖,则会被用作可数的.比如I'd like a coffee please.所以在这里虽然milk shake(奶昔)是不可数名词,但按照上述原因可以用作可数来加冠词a.而banana只是冠词a和名词milk shake之间的一个定语,不影响冠词在这里的使用.
第二句里的fruit salad为不可数,故不加冠词.
I feel cold today.对cold提问为什么用how do,不用how is
9aisanzo 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
How do you feel today?
对cold提问要用how,如果句子的主要成分是it is XXX?可以说成how is 现在谓语是feel所以加do.
中学生是如何度过周末的 英语中学生是如何度过周末的 翻译 How do ____ ____ students ____
中学生是如何度过周末的 英语
中学生是如何度过周末的 翻译 How do ____ ____ students ____ their weekend 急急急
alexchanci 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
How do __the__ _middle___ students ___spend__ their weekend
根据问句选答句 What are you going to do?Where are you going?How do
根据问句选答句 What are you going to do?Where are you going?How do you go to the zoo?Can I go o
n foot?答句:By train Sure,if you like I m going to Beijing Take a trip
郭杨张萧令狐ss 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
1、What are you going to do?(Take a trip.)
2、Where are you going?(I'm going to Beijing.)
3、How do you go to the zoo?(By train.)
4、Can I go on foot?(Sure,if you like.)
how do等于哪个英语词组
shirley_sun79 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
what to do
How do “good ”health habits differ in America and China?How
How do “good ”health habits differ in America and China?How do “ bad ”health habits differ in America and China?Do you exercise regularly?
2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China?Which is your favorite holiday in China?Why?
3.What are the differences between the Chinese and Westerners in greeting people/addressing people?State them and give your reasons.、
4.In Western countries is it common to make appointments to visit professionals such as doctor,dentists,barbers?Is it common to do so in China?Is it acceptable/ common to visit a friend/teacher without calling first? 、
5.What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?
6.What is a typical Chinese guest/host like?What is a typical Western gust/host like?What are the common cultural mistakes the Chinese make at a Western dinner party?
7.What difference in culture do you see at a Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?
8.What topics of conversation are suitable between the Chinese and Westerners?State them and give your reasons.
9.What are the sensitive issues that we'd better not to touch on when we talk with Westerners?Why?
期待VS等待 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率80.6%
Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考:
The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike,where everyone has their own plate of food,in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.If you are being treated by a Chinese host,be prepared for a ton of food.Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine.Among friends,they will just order enough for the people there.If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite,then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests (e.g.four people,five dishes).If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion,there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish.
A typical meal starts with some cold dishes,like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic.These are followed by the main courses,hot meat and vegetable dishes.Finally soup is brought out,which is followed by the starchy "staple" food,which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumplings.Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last,but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes,you should say so early on.
Education is culture,and different educations show different societies’ culture.Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.While Chinese education is for foundation education,but students may be not learn much.But all in all,different education systems account for the different phenomenon,because different society backgrounds and different culture helps human create a different country in the world.
The different society structure plays an important part in the education system.In China,all those who can enter the University have received an elite education and before enrollment they have devoted themselves to hard studying.Therefore,they are good at getting high marks on mathematics,psychics and so on.However,they are lack of chances to practice skills in real world thus having no social experiences.In that case,after graduation,most students find it difficult to find a satisfactory job though many of them get a job through the relationship net.
While in America,the education system pays more attention to social skills than to marks .Students have developed the ability to be independence in life and work.After university,they show great capability of thinking,innovation and creation which make them keep pace with the modern world.They are competent for the challenging work and can gain a good job in America with ease.
There is a huge gap on education between America and China,but we can’t say which one is right or wrong,‘cause each of the education system is based on the different backgrounds,American education should be following the American’s culture,meanwhile,Chinese education has to follow Chinese culture.A good education model for China is very important to the learning process,and also is very hard.But the most important thing we need is the modern education which is internationalization education system and localization education systems unite for China and America,this is also what the education itself needs.