It is noticeable that for both types of household with child

why8112022-10-04 11:39:546条回答

It is noticeable that for both types of household with children,a higher than average proportion were living in poverty at this time.


nienie2266 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
这个逗号就是把前面的那个介词短语for both types of household with children隔开.that 引导的是一个主语从句,也就是说for both types of household with children,a higher than average proportion were living i...
送你24包烟 共回答了123个问题 | 采纳率
前半句是名词性从句,It代指that后面的东西做主语。后面的是个从句,解释前面的主语,省略了引导词。完全可以用which is来取代逗号。
ufo80225886 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
陈汝高 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率
穷思败笔 共回答了2269个问题 | 采纳率
相当于中文里的冒号:,英语中很多用,代替:比如 说 said,
1234111 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率


there's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
there's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
jasonfost001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
There's been = There has been
has 用's表示 的用法很常见
the drug proved to be of noticeable side effects详细讲解下!
the drug proved to be of noticeable side effects详细讲解下!
为什么不能 the drug was proced to be of noticeble side effets 而要用一个定从!
jennifertu 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
单独句the drug was proven (不是 proced) to be of notoiceble side effets 是对的
但 如果加上 with the drug (which is)proven (proved错的) to be of noticeable side effects 是省略了which is
向翻译和语法高手请教一段话 ...a character flaw most noticeable in situati
向翻译和语法高手请教一段话 ...a character flaw most noticeable in situations...
Jenny is an exremely proficient tutor and educational role model for Julia, but Jenny is not the friendliest person, a character flaw most noticealble in situations that call for keen social skills.
在这个句子中a character flaw .这个部分在句子中作什么成分,是不是有点语法错误?
nanbei655 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Jenny is an exremely proficient tutor and educational role model for Julia, but Jenny is not the friendliest person.这一部分比较简单,除了用词实在有点.“对于Julia来说,Jenny是个相当强悍的老师和榜样,但Jenny并不是一个(最友好)的人”,所谓“最友好”指的是“八面玲珑,跟什么人都能相处得不错(至少是表面不错)”这种性格.
a character flaw most noticealble in situations that call for keen social skills.
如果这是原文节选,我尝试解释一下,a character flaw (中心词)most noticealble (后置定语1)in situations 【that call for keen social skills定语从句,先行词为situations】(后置定语2)
由此可知,这是个名词结构,其中后置定语1的后置原因有点扯,仅仅是因为太长了,也就是说,逻辑上a most noticealble character flaw更容易理解,注意此处most仅表示“非常”意,不需要the;后置定语2没什么问题,介词结构一般都做后置定语.那个定从修饰situations你应该看得懂.结论,这个名词结构在这干什么用呢?----同位语,这个坑爹了,没有直接的解释说明对象,逻辑上是解释说明上文中提到的“不八面玲珑”这种性格.
根据释义补全单词.o__noticeable,well-known,prominent t__natural abili
根据释义补全单词.o__noticeable,well-known,prominent t__natural ability to do sth
s__being the only one
第一支烛 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
there was a noticeable touch of pride in the way
there was a noticeable touch of pride in the way
he seem to be doing 可以帮我分析这句话的句子成分和翻译吗
haha9haha 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
touch of“一点”,touch of pride带着一点儿骄傲;
seemed to be doing sth"似乎正在做某事”
the drug proved to be of noticeable side effects.这是病句吗?
the drug proved to be of noticeable side effects.这是病句吗?
jekyde 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
noticeable 在此是修饰后面的名词 side effects, 所以句子并无问题.
正如 This antique vase has been determined to be of very high value 一样,名词 value 之前不单有形容词 high 还有副词 very 咧.
Susan Sontag (1933----2004) was one of the most noticeable f
Susan Sontag (1933----2004) was one of the most noticeable figures in the world of literature. For more than 40 years she made it morally necessary to know everything---to read every book worth reading, to see every movie worth seeing. When she was still in her early 30s, publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American culture life, trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art. With great effort and serious judgment, Sontag walked at the latest edges of world culture .
Seriousness was one of Sontag’s lifelong watchwords(格言),but at a time when the barriers between the well-educated and the poor-educated were obvious, she argued for a true openness to the pleasure of pop culture. In Notes on Camp, the 1964 essay that first made her name, she explained what was then a little-known set of difficult understandings, through which she could not have been more famous. “Notes on Camp”, she wrote, represents “ a victory of ‘form’ over ‘content’, ‘beauty’ over ‘morals’”.
By conviction(信念)she was a sensualist, but by nature she was a moralist, and in the works she published in the 1970s and 1980s , it was the latter side of her that came forward. In Illness as Metaphor —published in 1978, after she suffered cancer—she argued against the idea that cancer was somehow a special problem of repressed personalities, a concept that effectively blamed the victim for the disease. In fact, re-examining old positions was her lifelong habit.
In America, her story of a19th century Polish actress who set up a perfect society in California, won the National Book Award in 2000.But it was as a all-purpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame. “Sometimes,” she once said, “I feel that, in the end, all I am really defending …is the idea of seriousness, of true seriousness.” And in the end, she made us take it seriously too.
小题1:The underlined sentence in paragraph 1 means Sontag_________.
A.was a symbol of American cultural life
B.developed world literature, film and art
C.published many essays about world culture
D.kept pace with the newest development of world culture
小题2:She first won her name through ___________.
A.her story of a Polish actress
B.her book Illness as Metaphor
C.publishing essays in magazines like partisan Review
D.her explanation of a set of difficult understandings
小题3:According to the passage, Susan Sontag__________.
A.was a sensualist as well as a moralist
B.looked down upon the pop culture
C.thought content was more important than form
D.blamed the victim of cancer for being repressed
小题4:As for Susan Sontag’s lifelong habit, she __________.
A.misunderstood the idea of seriousness old positions
C.argued for an openness to pop culture
D.preferred morals to beauty
小题5:Why Susan Sontag won her lasting fame was because of___________-.
A.her point which was suitable for common cultural view
B.her lifelong watchword:seriousness
C.her publishing books on morals
D.her enjoying books worth reading and movies worth seeing
咏珊 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%

Susan Sontag (1933 — 2004)was one of the most noticeable fig
Susan Sontag (1933 — 2004)was one of the most noticeable figures in the world of literature.For more than 40 years she made it morally necessary to know everything — to read every book worth reading ,to see every movie worth seeing .When she was still in her early 30s,publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American culture life ,trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art .With great effort and serious judgment . Sontag walked at the latest edges of world culture .
Seriousness was one of Sontag’s lifelong watchwords(格言),but at a time when the barriers between the well-educated and the poor-educated were obvious,she argued for a true openness to the pleasures of pop culture.In “Notes on Camp”,the 1964 essay that first made her name ,she explained what was then a little-known set of difficult understandings, through which she could not have been more famous .“Notes on Camp”,she wrote,represents“a victory of ‘form’over‘content’,‘beauty’over‘morals’”.
By conviction(信念)she was a sensualist(感觉论者), but by nature she was a moralist (伦理学者),and in the works she published in the 1970s and 1980s , it was the latter side of her that came forward. In Illness as Metaphor —published in 1978, after she suffered cancer—she argued against the idea that cancer was somehow a special problem of repressed personalities(被压抑的性格), a concept that effectively blamed the victim for the disease. In fact , re-examining old positions was her lifelong lifelong habit.
In America ,her story of a 19th century Polish actress who set up a perfect society in California, won the National Book Award in 2000.But it was as a tireless, all-purpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame.“Sometimes,”she once said ,“I feel that, in the end, all I am really defending …is the idea of seriousness, of true seriousness.”And in the end ,she made us take it seriously too.
71.The underlined sentence in paragraph 1 means Sontag_________.
A.was a symbol of American cultural life B.developed world literature,film and art
C.published many essays about world culture
D.kept pace with the newest development of world culture
72.She first won her name through ___________.
A. her story of a Polish actress B. her book Illness as Metaphor
C. publishing essays in magazines like partisan Review
D. her explanation of a set of difficult understandings
73.According to the passage,Susan Sontag__________.
A. was a sensualist as well as a moralist B. looked down upon the pop culture
C. thought content was more important than form
D. blamed the victim of cancer for being repressed
74.As for Susan Sontag’s lifelong habit , she __________.
A. misunderstood the idea of seriousness B. re-examined old positions
C. argued for an openess to pop culture D. preferred morals to beauty
75.Susan Sontag’s lasting fame was made upon___________-.
A. a tireless, all-purpose cultural view B. her lifelong watchword :seriousness
C. publishing books on morals D. enjoying books worth reading and movies worth seeing
留恋09 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
72.这是一道推断题。第二段讲到,Notes on Camp使他首次成名,而中没有这本文章的名字。再看这句话,讲到在Notes on Camp这篇文章的里,她解释了“a little-known set of difficult understandings”。
73.这是一道推断题。第三段第一句By convention she was a sensualist, but by nature she was a moralist ,可知她既是感觉论者,又是伦理学者,因此选A。
74.这是一道推断题。本题问的是Sontag的终生习惯,从第三段最后一句 re-examining old positions was her lifelong habit可以判断,她的终生习惯是“re-examine old positions”。
75.这是一道推断题。本题问的是Sontag持久的名声,从最后一段第二句 But it was a tireless, all-purpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame.可知选A。

英语翻译The robust underlying growth momentum,absent noticeable
The robust underlying growth momentum,absent noticeable signs of overheating,lead us to believe that the heightened inflation remains largely driven by food inflation as a result of excessive liquidity and spiraling-up inflation expectations
adsl12 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
根据释义补全单词 1.o__noticeable,well-known,prominent 2.t__natural a
根据释义补全单词 1.o__noticeable,well-known,prominent 2.t__natural ability to do sth
nxfdddd 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
talent__natural ability to do sth
英语翻译There was a noticeable touch of pride in the way he seem
There was a noticeable touch of pride in the way he seemed to be doing things-cleaning the windscreen.
touch of pride 怎么翻
Raymond_110 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
a touch of 有.的意味、感觉、神态;这里理解为骄傲感、成就感!
不想结婚 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译the past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of
the past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvement for food in england .
醉情len 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
the past 15 years or so代表大约过去15年.
or so 表示:大约,左右.
How does the Problem become noticeable?
49317210yhj 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语:被动语态The drug proved to be of noticeable side effects.这种药被
The drug proved to be of noticeable side effects.
白白小葱葱 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
prove 可以当做不及物动词使用,当做不及物动词的时候,没有被动语态,所以不需要加be动词
例如:He proves to be a good boy.
求解区分notable和noticeable方法 以及用法举例 谢谢
求解区分notable和noticeable方法 以及用法举例 谢谢
求解区分notable和noticeable方法 以及用法举例 谢谢
区分两个词的方法比较重要 容易混.
ominub 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Notable=Someone or something that is notable is important or interesting.notable 则指重要的或有趣的.
Noticeable=ADJ-GRADED( 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词) 容易注意到的;显著的;明显的 Something that is noticeable is very obvious,so that it is easy to see,hear,or recognize.