
zgh65632022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


雨静儿 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
香港义工黄福荣曾不顾家人反对,参加 "5·12”汶川大地震的救援义举,在玉树地震时,本已逃离危险,但当获知尚有1名教师及2名学生走避不及,被压在倒塌的瓦砾堆中后,即不理危险,立即折返孤儿院救人黄福荣惨遭活埋


Wong Fuk-wing(黄福荣), a Hong Kong volunteer (志愿者)at an orphana
Wong Fuk-wing(黄福荣), a Hong Kong volunteer (志愿者)at an orphanage (孤儿院)in Yushu, was killed in the earthquake when he was trying to save others on April 14, 2010.
Wong managed to run safely out of the building with some children when the first quake happened at 7:50 am on April 14, but he went back inside to rescue three other children and three teachers inside, although he knew the danger of aftershocks (余震).
At 10 am, all the children and one of the teachers were saved. However, Wong was buried under the fallen building and died. The other two teachers were still waiting to be rescued.
46-year-old Wong was a truck driver, who often said he could only give his efforts to charity (慈善)instead of money, as he did not earn a lot. His tragic (悲剧的)end touched the hearts of many people both in Hong Kong and on the mainland.
Wong began volunteering in 2002. In 2003, Wong was told by the doctor he got serious illness, which gave him a great blow. However, the illness did not deter the warm-hearted man. When the earthquake struck Wenchuan is Sichuan Province in 2008, Wong rushed to the disaster area of Shifang to offer his help though his family did not want him to go.
In fact, Qinghai is a place Wong had often visited since 2006. As a volunteer, he gave out medicine and clothing to the orphanage there. No one could expect that Wong would die helping others.
Hong Kong Chief Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said he had “the highest respect” for the hero who gave his life for others. “What he did has shown the Hong Kong spirit.” The citizens of Hong Kong called him “ the pride of Hong Kong’s people” and people on the mainland have also praised him as “ a true hero”.
小题1:Wong died in the earthquake .
A.after he sent medicine and clothing to the orphanage
B.when he returned to save the teachers and students
C.because he suffered from his serious illness again
D.as the first earthquake happened
小题2:The underlined word “ deter” in Para. 5 refers to “ ”.
A.prevent B.refuse C.beat D.encourage
小题3:What can we know about Wong from the passage?
A.He never visited Qinghai before 2010.
B.He was supported by his family being a volunteer.
C.He was thought highly of by the Chinese.
D.He was a taxi driver before he died.
小题4:Why are so many people deeply moved by the story of Wong?
A.He always offered money to the orphanage. B.He fought against his illness bravely.
C.He helped the orphanage though being poor. D.He put other people’s lives above own.
8257998 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%

旮旯760824 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
曾不顾家人反对,参加 "5·12”汶川大地震的救援义举,在玉树地震时,本已逃离危险,但当获知尚有1名教师及2名学生走避不及,被压在倒塌的瓦砾堆中后,即不理危险,立即折返孤儿院救人黄福荣惨遭活埋
同道盟 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%