英语翻译A single scream shattered the morning calm and woke Bern

xieyu102022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

A single scream shattered the morning calm and woke Bernie from a troubled sleep.A car raced past the house.Bernie got up and opened the curtains.A cat lay in the middle of the road,twisted,broken and still.It was not a rare sight on that busy corner.Drivers took more care to avoid dogs for there was often a value on a dog;farmers and the like might depend on them.But cats were nobody's business really,and there were too many about anyway.
It was late that evening that the first faint cries were heard.Nicola,reading in bed,heard them but took little notice.She slept in the back of the house,away from street noise,ang there were often fighting cats beneath her window.Next morning,when Bernie woke her up for school,there were cries again,not just one but several together.Nicola stared at her mother.
"They're kittens!" She cried."That must have been a mother cat yesterday.The kittens are somewhere and they're hungry."
After school Nicola found the little family in a storeroom beneath the house.The door of this was always kept shut,but a broken window high in the wall was an invitation to any noymal cat.There were six kittens,all very tiny.Four were black and white and two marmalade.When nicola bent to pick one up there was a fierce reaction,and six tiny backs arched in terror.Laughing,she lifted up one of the little things and was surprised at how quickly it grew calm and curious in the warmth of hey hand.Its eyes were only half open,and it seemed too weak to stand up.One by one Nicola put them in a cardboard box and took them indoors.
"They must be fed at once," Bernie said when she saw them.She put some milk on the stove to warm."Nicky,look for that dolls' feeding bottle you used to have.I think it's in your cupboard.These little creatures can't drink from a saucer like cats;they have to be fed like babies." She dipped her fingers in the warm milk and put them to the mouth of each kitten in turn.


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