thank alot by the way,where is xinhua bookstore?的肯定句

其实我是土豆2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


花边女工 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
You are welcome. Xinhua bookstore is at the end of the street.
fxyd 共回答了1397个问题 | 采纳率
Xinhua bookstore is over there. 是答句吧


阅读理解 Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) ---
Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) --- Torrential (倾泻的) rains that troubled southern China for days have
killed 66 people and resulted in 12 missing by 6:00 p.m. (Beijing time) on Sunday, according to the
Ministry of Civil Affairs. “Floods caused by heavy rains have affected about 294,800 hectares of crops,
completely destroying 53,000 hectares of them,” said an official with the ministry. The floods have torn
down 48,000 and damaged 94,000 houses in southern China, and forced about 591,000 people to move
from their homes, the official said.
From Wednesday to Saturday, continuous torrential rains, mudslid es and floods hit Hunan,
Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Fujian, affecting more than 8.97 million people. The disasters
have caused an overall economic loss of more than 2.9 billion yuan, according to the ministry. The ministry has sent rescue teams to the disaster areas to assist relief work. In Guangdong, heavy rains have killed 18 people and left four missing by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, according to local authorities. A total of 1.72 million people were affected in the province.
Floods have damaged 49 roads in the seriously affected Meizhou City, of which 29 remained closed to traffic by 7:00 p.m. The number of people who died in floods in Guangxi has reached 13 and one remained missing by Sunday, according to local civil affairs authority. More than 1.97 million people have been
affected after the floods caused by continuous heavy rains hit some 40 counties since Wednesday.
According to the local civil affairs bureau, 9,200 houses were knocked down and 75,181 hectares of cro ps were affected, resulting in 529 million yuan in direct economic losses. There are fewer rainstorms
and the rain belt is moving out of Guangxi, but the water levels in major rivers will keep rising in next few
days, according to the latest forecast of the region’s meteorological bureau on Sunday afternoon.

1. The underlined phrase “torn down” (para. 1) is closest in meaning to __________.

A. knocked down
B. placed down
C. set down
D. torn open

2. In Meizhou city, 49 roads were damaged and by 7:00 p.m. only __________ roads can be used again after the repair work.

A. 66.
B. 29.
C. 20.
D. 19

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the news?

A. Hubei is one of the provinces struck by the torrential rains.
B. The floods have caused a total loss of nearly 3 billion yuan.
C. 13 people died in Guangdong province as a result of the floods.
D. The rain belt will remain in Guangxi in the next few days.

4. What’s the best title for this news story?

A. A Disaster.
B. Heavy rains.
C. A Flood.
D. Heavy rains in Southern China.

5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The rainstorms are becoming stronger.
B. The water levels in major rivers are to go down soon.
C. The rainstorms are becoming less powerful.
D. In the next few days, rainstorms will stay in Guangxi.
荦可 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1-5: ACBDC
英语翻译BEIJING,May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's preservation of its c
BEIJING,May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's preservation of its cultural relics has come under fire by the public in the wake of a recent theft at a museum in Beijing's Forbidden City.
On May 9,several 1 of art from a Hong Kong 2 ,which were 3 at 10 million yuan (1.54 million U.S.dollars),4 missing from an exhibition in the Forbidden City's historic Palace Museum.5 recovered several of the items,6 not before Chinese citizens 7 shock over 8 in the Forbidden City.
Several days later,news about the existence of an club for 9 people in the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace caused fierce 10 by Chinese Internet users.Memberships for the 11 were said to cost 1 million yuan.
In China,it is not 12 to see ancient relics 13 for commercial gain,14 many have sought to capitalize(积累资本) on the historic and 15 value of China's heritage.
16 ,land development seems to be an even 17 problem for the preservation of China's cultural relics.
In the city of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province,the 18 of an area of land where the 19 of a Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) imperial city once stood has gone on without 20 for over a year.
1.A jobs B works C science D literature
2.A collector B inventor C producer D maker
3.A cost B paid C valued D spent
4.A came B went C left D brouht
5.A Police B people C staff D collector
6.A and B or C but D so
7.A impressed B expressed C explained D implied
8.A security B danger C museum D protection
9.A poor B wealthy C famous D curious
10.A approvals B supports C agreements D objections
11.A club B company C school D museum
12.A usual B common C rare D general
13.A exploited B explored C occupied D taken
14.A like B for C with D as
15.A political B economical C cultural D natural
16.A However B Moreover C Besides D Therefore
17.A bigger B smaller C stronger D heavier
18.A movement B excitement C surprise D development
19.A remains B relics C building D temple
20.A announcement B declaration C approval D notice
groundhogca 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
北京- 5月19日(新华社) - 最近在北京故宫博物馆的失窃事件,令公众对中国保存文物的能力备受诽议,.
BEIJING,May 19 (Xinhua) - China's preservation of its cultural relics has come under fire by the public in the wake of a recent theft at a museum in Beijing's Forbidden City.
On May 9,several works of art on loan from a Hong Kong collector,which were valued at 10 million yuan ($1.54 million U.S.dollars),went missing from an exhibition in the Forbidden City's historic Palace Museum.Police recovered several of the items,but not before Chinese citizens expressed shock over security in the Forbidden City.
Several days later,news about the existence of an exclusive club for wealthy people in the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace caused fierce objections by Chinese Internet users.
Memberships for the club were said to cost 1 million yuan.
In China,it is not rare to see ancient relics exploited for commercial gain,as many have sought to capitalize on the historic and cultural value of China's heritage.
However,land development seems to be an even bigger problem for the preservation of China's cultural relics.
In the city of Hangzhou in East China's Zhejiang province,the development where the remains of a Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) imperial city once stood has gone on without approval for over a year.
看图完成句子(英语)①Grade Book store is____than Xinhua Bookstore.②Tho
①Grade Book store is____than Xinhua Bookstore.
②Thomson Bookstore is ______than Xinhua Bookstore.
③Xinhua Bookstore has______service than Bookstore.
④Grade Bookstore has____books than Thomson Bookstore ,but Xinhua Bookstore has the ______.
⑤Xinhua Bookstore is as_____as Grade Bookstore but Thomson Booksyore is much_______.
⑥Thomson Bookstore has the____books of the there.
⑦If you want to buy books ,which bookstore would you like to go to Why?
以非城 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1.worse2.better3.better4.more most5.far nearer6.most7.Xinhua Bookstore.Because it has the most books and it's the most cheap one.It matches all my requirements.
I can't find the way to Xinhua Bookstore.What ( ) I do?
I can't find the way to Xinhua Bookstore.What ( ) I do?
lynnxu0203 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
what can i do
what should i do
英语作文.回信篇dear brad:I'm a student from xinhua senior high scho
dear brad:
I'm a student from xinhua senior high school .I have some difficulty communicating with my parents.although I have tried my best,I find it really difficult
henauty 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
一道高三英语试题—I want to buy some Engline novels in Xinhua Booksto
—I want to buy some Engline novels in Xinhua Bookstore.
—Oh,you'll be disappointed,because it is closed for ( )
A repair B repairs C fixing D rebuilt
hippoiris 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率69.6%
They agreed to pay the costs of any repairs.(引自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)
The bridge will remain closed until essential repair work has been carried out.[在基本修缮工作完成之前,这座桥暂时关闭.(出处同上) ]
there is a supermarket near the Xinhua Bookstore
there is a supermarket near the Xinhua Bookstore
还是there is a supermarket near Xinhua Bookstote
玄峪 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
there is a supermarket near the Xinhua Bookstore
关键是,Xinhua Bookstore是组合词,必须要加上the.
如the Summer Palace,the United States
Beijing (Xinhua): When she appeared on stage, singing a Japa
Beijing (Xinhua): When she appeared on stage, singing a Japanese song, hundreds of excited teenagers crowded around shouting, "Curarpikt (酷拉皮卡)!It’s Curarpikt!"
At the Beijing Comic and Animation Expo last week, that’s exactly who Shi Jia was. The Senior 1 girl was cosplaying (角色扮演) "Curarpikt", a character from the popular Japanese comic book Hunter X Hunter (《猎人》)by Yoshihiro Togashi.
"I cosplay Curarpikt because I like him," said the pretty 15yearold girl. "I’m moved by his sad story and I’m attracted by his courage and personality."
In the adventure comic story, Curarpikt, a handsome and kindhearted boy, struggles to become a hunter so he can capture(掳获)the people who killed his tribe(部落).
Shi has read all the comic books and is a big fan of the animated series(动画片)of Hunter X Hunter. Then last year she saw a real "Curarpikt"in a cosplay show.
"I had watched cosplay shows before but only for fun," she explained. "It’s really exciting to see young people wearing the makeup and costumes of characters that you’ve read about and are familiar with."
"But that time I just fell in love with cosplaying, probably because I like Curarpikt so much. I thought I could play the character better, so I decided to have a go."
Shi bought some cloth and asked a tailor to make a Curarpikt costume for her. She was delighted to find out there was a cosplay show in Beijing in October.
"It’s a great way to spend the national holiday. Posing on the stage for all the comic book fans, I knew I was doing something I had always wanted to do," she said.
But she never talks about her hobby with her parents.
"They think it will distract me from my studies. I don’t want to upset them,that’s my secret hobby," she said. "It’s also why I don’t dye my hair for cosplaying like all the others."
小题1:What’s cosplay according to the passage?
A.When cosplaying, comic fans wear costumes and pretend to be their favourite comic characters.
B.Cosplay is a kind of performance in which you play a Curarpikt.
C.Cosplay is a character from the popular Japanese comic book Hunter X Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi.
D.When cosplaying, some funny teenagers play some characters in the animated series.
小题2: Shi Jia cosplayed Curarpikt ______. order to attract her fans
B.because she liked animated series
C.because she was greatly attracted by that role
D.because it’s her secret hobby
小题3:The underlined word "distract" means_____.
A.get rid of B.keep out of
C.give courage to D.draw away attention of
小题4:Which of the following is wrong?
A.Curarpikt was created by a Japanese cartoonist.
B.Shi Jia’s parents were in favor of her performance.
C.Shi Jia cosplayed Curarpikt successfully.
D.Cosplay is popular with some teenagers.
ab54321 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率87.5%

小题1:通读全文可知本文是重点介绍上星期在北京举办的观众喜爱的动画人物模仿秀,其中一位特别引人注目,她是扮演Curarpikt的15岁女孩Shi Jia,所以选A。动画片的角色很多,Curarpikt只是孩子们喜欢的角色之一,所以可以排除B;cosplay文中已有该单词的注解,意为"角色扮演",显然C项错误。被模仿的角色是动画片中的人物,文章所介绍的模仿秀是在舞台上进行表演,不是在动画片中扮演角色,故也排除D项。
小题2:根据本文第三段Shi Jia之所以扮演Curarpikt是因为she likes him and is attracted by his courage and personality,从文章的第三段她说的话可以证实。
小题3:根据Shi Jia在最后一段中所说的话"I don’t want to upset them,that’s my secret hobby..."可以推测distract意为"分散注意力";get rid of:摆脱;keep out of: 不让某人进入,让某人避开某物;give courage to:鼓励。
小题4:据第二段第二句话可以知道A项正确;从第一段观众对Shi Jia出现在台上的热烈反应可知表演很成功,也由此可知teenagers十分喜欢动画片人物,因此排除C、D两项;从最后一段I don’t want to upset them, that’s my secret hobby.可知Shi Jia的父母不支持她。
come and seefor y___at xinhua clothes store[填单词】
小气的鬼 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
填 yourself
for yourself 亲自
the clothes are( )sale at xinhua clothes store填
the clothes are( )sale at xinhua clothes store填
the clothes are( )sale at xinhua clothes store填介词
wonglulu 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
My parents are both senior reporters in the Xinhua News Agen
My parents are both senior reporters in the Xinhua News Agency.
Since my childhood,I _ dream of being a successful reporter,for_i have done a lot of reading because I believe that only by reading_(difference) kinds of books can i increase my konwledge.
To my joy,I was accepted as a member by our school Literature Club.Last Saturday,I was arranged to interature Prof.Wang,_well-known reporter in our city._(seat)in front of him,I was too nervous to know what to say.When Iwas asked_I had brought a pen,I shook my head.My answer to_question "how about some paper?"was also"No".I came to realize that anywhere without a pen or some paper!_(luck),I was handed a pen and some paper_time so as to avoid the embarrassment.
长空巨蟹 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
have dreamed
The new film is ( ) at Xinhua Cinema.(填介词)
kobe517 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
急急急 英语短文求翻译啊I'm LiHua.a student from xinHua Middle
急急急 英语短文求翻译啊
I'm LiHua.a student from xinHua Middle school.not long ago.i won the frist pzize in the English contest Held in our I'd like to share my English learning experience outside classwith you.Frist ,i find taking part in the English corner can be of great help in learning the English corner,i can talk freely with my English teachers and classmates about our life and studies in a spoken Eng-Lish has greatly improved second,keeping a diary in Eng-lish is my hobby and benefits a lot to my writing .it can help me not only to use the knowledge of English i have learned.but to from the habit of thinking in English.third en-joyreading is a very useful website which has many inter-esting English Reading these articles i get a lot.
江南雨痕 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率55.6%
Xinhua News: March 10 th , 2014
Xinhua News: March 10 th , 2014
Malaysian Airlines says there is still no information on the location of its flight MH370, more than 24 hours after it lost contact with ground.
The airline spokesman said early Sunday that rescue(拯救) teams have “failed to find evidence of any wreckage(残骸).”
The flight, a Boeing 777-200, lost contact with ground control at 1:20 a.m. Beijing time on Saturday when it was flying over the Ho Chi Minh air traffic control area in Vietnam(越南).
On board were 227 passengers from 14 countries, including 154 Chinese and 12 Malaysian flight crew(机组成员).
A team of 93 staff(职员) from the airline arrived in Beijing late Saturday night. The spokesman said they were here mainly to take care of the relatives of those on board the missing flight.
Information Card
The flight’s name 小题1:
What happened to the flight 小题2:
The number of passengers on board 小题3:
Did the rescue teams find any wreckage? 小题4:
What will the 93 staff do? 小题5: of those on board the missing flight.
slanm 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
小题2:It lost contact with ground.
小题4:No, they didn’t.
小题5:They are here mainly to take care of the relatives

Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) --- Torrential (倾泻的) rains that tr
Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) --- Torrential (倾泻的) rains that troubled southern China for days have killed 66 people and resulted in 12 missing by 6:00 p.m. (Beijing time) on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. “Floods caused by heavy rains have affected about 294,800 hectares of crops, completely destroying 53,000 hectares of them,” said an official with the ministry. The floods have torn down 48,000 and damaged 94,000 houses in southern China, and forced about 591,000 people to move from their homes, the official said.
From Wednesday to Saturday, continuous torrential rains, mudslides and floods hit Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Fujian, affecting more than 8.97 million people. The disasters have caused an overall economic loss of more than 2.9 billion yuan, according to the ministry. The ministry has sent rescue teams to the disaster areas to assist relief work. In Guangdong, heavy rains have killed 18 people and left four missing by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, according to local authorities. A total of 1.72 million people were affected in the province.
Floods have damaged 49 roads in the seriously affected Meizhou City, of which 29 remained closed to traffic by 7:00 p.m. The number of people who died in floods in Guangxi has reached 13 and one remained missing by Sunday, according to local civil affairs authority. More than 1.97 million people have bee n affected after the floods caused by continuous heavy rains hit some 40 counties since Wednesday.
According to the local civil affairs bureau, 9,200 houses were knocked down and 75,181 hectares of crops were affected, resulting in 529 million yuan in direct economic losses. There are fewer rainstorms and the rain belt is moving out of Guangxi, but the water levels in major rivers will keep rising in next few days, according to the latest forecast of the region’s meteorological bureau on Sunday afternoon.
小题1: The underlined phrase “torn down” (para. 1) is closest in meaning to _______.
A.knocked down B.placed down C.set down D.torn open
小题2: In Meizhou city, 49 roads were damaged and by 7:00 p.m. only _______ roads can be used again after the repair work.
A.66 B.29 C.20 D.19
小题3: Which of the following statements is true according to the news?
A.Hubei is one of the provinces struck by the torrential rains.
B.The floods have caused a total loss of nearly 3 billion yuan.
C.13 people died in Guangdong province as a result of the floods.
D.The rain belt will remain in Guangxi in the next fe w days.
小题4: What’s the best title for this n ews story?
A.A Disaster. B.Heavy rains. C.A Flood. D.Heavy rains in Southern China.
小题5: What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The rainstorms are becoming stronger.
B.The water levels in major rivers are to go down soon.
C.The rainstorms are becoming less powerful.
D.In the next few days, rainstorms will stay in Guangxi.
森林大 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%

英语翻译325 people have died of it as of December 9.(as )Xinhua
325 people have died of it as of December 9.(as )
Xinhua News Agency punished a list of news keywords that is believes sum up the year.(is believes什么意思?)
What does the author think college life holds in store for his daughter?(hold in )
nnman 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7% of=as from 意思是从……时间起. believes是错的应该是is believed意思是人们相信.
3.hold in store,hold 是have的意思,in store是将来的意思,相当于in the future.
John had seafood at xinhua Restaurant(改为一般疑问句)
hxjd1 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Did John have seafood at xinhua Restaurant?
英语短文改错(10处错)13Dear Sir or Madam,I’m a studentfrom Xinhua Mid
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m a studentfrom Xinhua Middle School.I’m glad to learn aboutthat you want few part-time English reporters.I’m quite interesting in it.
I think I am fitfor the job.As a student,I’ve read a lot and have many knowledge in manyfields.I’m fond of English and do good in both speaking and writing.Besides,I’m easy to get along,and enjoy work together with others.Above all,I onceworked like a reporter for my school broadcasting station.So I’m sure I can dothe job well because I get the position.
I’m lookingforward to getting your replies.
Yours faithfully,Li hua
zj0726 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
learn about--learn
few--a few
many knowledge--much knowledge
do good in--do well in
get along--get along with
enjoy work--enjoy working
Do you know Xinhua Bookstore?I'll s_____ you the w___ to it.
Do you know Xinhua Bookstore?I'll s_____ you the w___ to it.(根据首字母填空)
It's _____ you ____ have lunch.
A.for;for;for;to D.for ;to
daaazi998 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、show way
Yesterday, I went to the Xinhua Book City and ________ some
Yesterday, I went to the Xinhua Book City and ________ some books about English writing.
[ ]
A. to buy
B. brought
C. bought
D. buys
flyfei51 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
CHENGDU, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- China’s top legislator Wu Bang
CHENGDU, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- China’s top legislator Wu Bangguo on Tuesday met with foreign guests 1) __________ the 13th Western China International Fair (WCIF) on exchanges and cooperation.
Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, called on Bangladesh and Macedonia to 2) __________ cooperation with China on the development of western China.
While meeting with Abdul Hamid, speaker of the Bangladesh National Assembly, Wu said that China attaches 3) __________ to developing relations with Bangladesh.
Wu also met with Dmitry Mezentsev, chairman of the entrepreneur committee of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as well as the secretary-general-in-waiting of the SCO.
The SCO has become an important organization in safeguarding regional security and promoting common development, and China has made great 4) __________ to the SCO’s development, Mezentsev said, calling on member states to make joint efforts to promote the organization’s development.
The guests were invited to attend the 13th WCIF, which opened on Tuesday in Chengdu, capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province.
美人自西来 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

What's China's Xinhua News Agency's opinion on Fan Kuanling'
What's China's Xinhua News Agency's opinion on Fan Kuanling's awards winning?
山本赵 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
100 Taiwan Civil Organizations Back Beijing's Olympic Bid
100 Taiwan civilian-run organizations are in strong support to Beijing's 2008 Olympic bid,and Beijing's winning in the bid will certainly make Olympic Games more brilliant and attractive,according to Dr Kenneth Kuanling Fan,principal of the 100 organizations.
Dr.Fan,also President of National Chinese Cultural Association,made a trip to the US on June 30 to show the strong support to Beijing's 2008 Olympic bid on behalf of the 100 organizations and to exchange views with the US people,rousing warm responses from among them.He reiterated that Beijing's winning in the bid would certainly make great contribution to the world peace and happiness of the people.
Meanwhile,Dr.Fan is reported to attend the International Arts Meeting there,which has also showed its full support to Beijing's Olympic bid.
By PD Online Staff Huang Ying
go straight down on the Xinhua Street 中的on要删除吗?
w_yongxin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Xinhua said the landslide not only _____ power and communica
Xinhua said the landslide not only _____ power and communications, it also caused death.
A.cut down B.cut out C.cut up D.cut off
maninthestreet 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

cut down 减少; cut out删去; cut up 齐根切下; cut off切断。根据句意故选D。
点评:本题难度适中。 动词短语辨析是近几年高考常考的内容,需要考生平时加强背诵短语的意义及用法,命题者还考查学生对语境的理解。这里主要考查有cut与不同的副词构成的短语。
即学即练:Our water supply has been______.
A. cut down        B. cut out             C. cut up          D. cut off


libaray,Xinhua,street,turn,go,left,straight,at,down,the,(..) 连词成句
AVI的梦想 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Go straight down Xinhua Street,turn left at the library.
选择天填空 Go straight ___ Shennan Road .You will then see Xinhua
选择天填空 Go straight ___ Shennan Road .You will then see Xinhua Hotei B.down D.for
水泊梁山_林冲 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
I have _____ book. I bought _____ in Xinhua Book S
I have _____ book. I bought _____ in Xinhua Book Store yesterday. _____ book is very useful.
[ ]
A. a, it, /
B. a, it, The
C. the, one, The
D. /, it, The
1355634 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
小学英语组词成句to show the the Can way Xinhua Bookstore you me
gg心女孩 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
can you show me the way to the Xinhua Bookstore
according to xinhua news agency是什么意思
since20080101 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
根据句意,用适当的介词填空.1、The clothes are__________sale at Xinhua Clot
1、The clothes are__________sale at Xinhua Clothes Stote.
2、The shoes are__________only 80 yuan.
3、The books in that store are_________a good price.
4、Do you have shoes_________sports?
5、Please have a look_________our store.
6、____________boys,we have good T-shirts in black and blue.
joyoobar 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
1、The clothes are__on________sale at Xinhua Clothes Stote.
2、The shoes are____of______only 80 yuan.
3、The books in that store are__at_______a good price.
4、Do you have shoes___for______sports?
5、Please have a look____at_____our store.
6、_____For_______boys,we have good T-shirts in black and blue.
( )—Can you tell me the way to Xinhua Bookshop?
( )—Can you tell me the way to Xinhua Bookshop?
—Go down this street and______right at the first crossing.It's across
from the park.
A.turn B.take C.pass D.walk
( )The store is______24 hours a day.
A.big B.small ' D.dear
( )Linda doesn't sit on my right.She sits on my______.
A.left B.front D.behind
( )There are lots of books in the______.I often go there on Sundays. D.library
( )—Do you ______the beautiful parks in the city?
—Yes,I like them.
A.dislike B.enjoy C.look D.learn
( )Look!There______a big desk and some chairs in the room.
A.have B.has
东东的丫头 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
1A,Turn right向右转
3A,On the left/right,next和behind不用on
5B,like对应enjoy,如果选dislike的话,回答应该是No,I like them.
6C,There be句型,is 对应a big desk,单数
求助英语改错Dear Mr.Jackson,I'm Li Hua,a student of Xinhua Middle
Dear Mr.Jackson,
I'm Li Hua,a student of Xinhua Middle School.I am writing this letter to thank you returning my losing wallet.
I am glad when I was informed I would get my wallet back.I learned that it was you picked up my wallet and kindly handed it out so quickly.I lost my wallet on my way home from school.What careless I was!With your kind help and honesty,I would still be deep in a sorrow and anxiety.You know,documents such as my ID card and student card is very important to me.
May I invite you for a weekend dinner in return?I am looking forward to receive your reply.
A婉 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Dear Mr.Jackson,
I'm Li Hua,a student of Xinhua Middle School.I am writing this letter to thank you (for )returning my (lost) wallet.
I am glad when I was informed I would get my wallet back.I learned that it was you (who )picked up my wallet and kindly handed it (over) so quickly.I lost my wallet on my way home from school.(How )careless I was!( Without) your kind help and honesty,I would still be deep (in sorrow and anxiety).You know,documents such as my ID card and student card (are )very important to me.
May I invite you (to) a weekend dinner in return?I am looking forward to (receiving) your reply.
根据首字母填空Do you know Xinhua Bookstore?I‟ll s________ you
Do you know Xinhua Bookstore?I‟ll s________ you the w________ to it.It‟s
on Zhongshan Road.It‟s about 3km a________.Go a________ this street,and then
turn r________ at the fourth crossing.You may see the bookstore on your l________.
n________ to the city post office.
wangwubin 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

-Excuse me ,where is Xinhua Bookshop?
-Excuse me ,where is Xinhua Bookshop?
--Just 200 meters away.You can find it___.a.easy b.hard c.easily d.hardly
ab8161668 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
42 I often go to the Xinhua Book Store to 43 English stories
42 I often go to the Xinhua Book Store to 43 English stories for about three hours.
(42).A.Always B.After school C.Sometimes D.Usually
(43).A.say B.speak
go to the Xinhua Book Store to read English stories.后一个TO 是动词不定式吗.
jhej 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%

根据句意,用适当的介词填空.1.The clothes are____sale at Xinhua Clothes St
1.The clothes are____sale at Xinhua Clothes Store.
2.The shoes are____only 80 yuan.
3.Thebooks in that store are_____a good price.
4.Do you have shoes_____sports?
5.Please have a look _____our store.
6.______boys,we have good T-shirts in black and blue.
夏日菰星 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
1. on
2. for
3. at
4. for
5. at
6. Fo
I had no idea of the exact address of Xinhua High School ___
I had no idea of the exact address of Xinhua High School ________I was outside its front gate.
A.when B.after
C.until D.because
BuddhaLee 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

解析 考查状语从句。根据语意“我到新华中学的校门口时才知道这学校的准确地址”可知C项正确。
英语翻译 在线等 50分 急!BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- China's national
英语翻译 在线等 50分 急!
BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- China's national political advisors submitted 6,069 items of proposals to the annual session of the top advisory body as of the deadline at 2 p.m. Thursday, said an official from the session.
Liu Xiaobing, in charge of collecting the proposals at the Fifth Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said that compared with last year, proposals this year place more attention to developing real economy, supporting small and micro-sized enterprises, problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers, as well as accelerating reforms of financial system.
Promoting development in regions of ethnic minorities, strengthening emission reduction and environmental protection, deepening reform in science and technology system, making innovation in social management, and building social security system have also been addressed in the proposals.
Making proposals is an important form for political advisory bodies and their members to carry out their duties in participating in the administration and discussion of state affairs.
The Committee for Handling Proposals is further examining the proposals. The CPPCC National Committee will hold a meeting at the end of this month to deliver the proposals to relevant departments.
crucis 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
The Xinhua News Agency has picked its "hot words" for 2009,
The Xinhua News Agency has picked its "hot words" for 2009, _____ on news stories in China over the past
[ ]
A. to base    
B. basing   
C. base    
D. based
zf999 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
—Excuse me, how can I _______ Xinhua Street?
—Excuse me, how can I _______ Xinhua Street?
—Go along the road and turn left at the first crossing.
A.get B. get to C. come to
草莓啊草莓 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

Most of his savings ___ in the XinHua Bank.a.has been kept b
Most of his savings ___ in the XinHua Bank.a.has been kept being kept c.have kept d.have been kept选出选项后请写出解析,否则绝不采纳.
dd1232100 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
选 A 首先看句子主语是Most of his savings,savings是一个单词,并非复数形式,所以主语是单数形式,并且句子表示被动,又因为keep做存款时,是非延续性动词,故用完成时.本句意思是:他的大部分钱都存在新华银行.
英语翻译go along xinhua street and turn left at the second cross
go along xinhua street and turn left at the second crossing go across the bridge lt's on your right
我是一只大西瓜 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
BEIJING, Oct. 8(Xinhua)——There are ten times as many Chinese
BEIJING, Oct. 8(Xinhua)——There are ten times as many Chinese newspapers and magazines than there were 30 years ago. That’s when the country adopted the reform and opening-up policy.
Figures from the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP)show there were 186 newspapers and 930 magazines in China in 1978. Today, the country has 2,081 newspapers and 9,363 different magazines.
In the meantime, official figures show China has some 600 publishing houses producing nearly 300,000 kinds of books. That’s a dramatic increase from the 105 publishers of the past that produced only 10,000 different books.
Rapid economic development and universal education since China adopted the reform has helped fuel the need for more information sources.
Under the market economy, hundreds of publishing houses and newspapers have taken steps to restructure management systems into corporations listed on the stock market.
The legal system overseeing the news and publishing industries in China has also changed over the last three decades. Since 1990 a law and five relevant(相关) regulations were adopted in 1990 to govern the sectors.
Since it started in 1993, digital publishing has flourished. Its industrial volume amounted to 20 billion yuan (2.93 billion U.S. dollars) in 2006. More than 500,000 kinds of digital books were produced last year alone in China, which is more than any other country in the world.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Digital books take the place of common ones in China.
B.China has more newspapers and magazines.
C.More information sources are developing with the economy.
D.A law should be adopted to govern the publishing industries.
小题2:There are ten times as many newspapers and magazines because ________.
A.the publishing houses want to make more money.
B.there are more readers along with the bigger population.
C.economic and education have developed under the policy.
D.the legal system overseeing the publishing industries has changed.
小题3:Which is true according to this text?
A.The development of publishing industry in the past was out of control.
B.Hundreds of publishing houses have closed down and turned to stock market.
C.China adopted the reform and opening-up policy about 20 years ago.
D.China produces more digital books than any other country.
小题4: The underlined word “flourished” in Paragraph 7 probably means ________.
A.first appeared B.fell down
C. well developed D.successfully ended
小题5: You will probably read this text in the ________ column of XINHUA NET?
A.culture and education B.entertainment
C.s cience and technology
我该如何 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%

—Excuse me, where is the Xinhua Bookstore?
—Excuse me, where is the Xinhua Bookstore?
—Just 200 meters away. You can find it _____.
[ ]
A. easy
B. hard
C. hardly
D. easily
fhwe49534 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
She b_ many clothes form Xinhua Ciothes Store.
She b_ many clothes form Xinhua Ciothes Store.
暮喜 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
She bought_ many clothes form Xinhua Ciothes Store.
一到现场题,帮我看看吧~Suppose you were a correspondent of Xinhua News
Suppose you were a correspondent of Xinhua News Agency in Russia.Here is an important session.Russian President Vladimir Putin was giving a public speech.The press-photographer focus the camera on the French president Jacques Chirac and US president George .W.Bush .Please make a brief introduction to the audience about this picture.
asdlzq_2001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
GO down Xinhua Street 写为否定句
GO down Xinhua Street 写为否定句
生命的箭矢 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
Don't go dowm xinhua street
go along xinhua street and turn left at the seco
go along xinhua street and turn left at the seco
d crossing 的意思
ydybaa 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
英语翻译BEIJING,Aug.15 (Xinhua) -- A total of 336 domestic fligh
BEIJING,Aug.15 (Xinhua) -- A total of 336 domestic flights to and from Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) will be scrapped from Aug.15 to Oct.27,sources with the Civil Aviation Administration of China confirmed Wednesday.
The measure came in response to a shortage of technicians and other professionals and limited capacity of domestic airports.It will lower the number of peak hour flights from more than 60 to 58 per hour.
In a second phase of cuts,from November to March,the number of peak hour flights at BCIA would fall to 55 per hour,but still leaving about a minute between each flight.
According to the CAAC,most flights to be canceled are operated by the nation's three leading carriers:Air China,China Southern and China Eastern.
The CAAC sources said airlines had been warned over almost 120 flights,and two services had been canceled since the CAAC launched a campaign in June to reduce delays at BCIA.
The CAAC named the 20 most-delayed flights every 10 days.Flights were cancelled after two warnings.
The campaign would prevent long delays next August when Beijing hosts the 2008 Olympic Games,the sources said.
The CAAC saw the flight cuts as concrete steps to cool the overheating development of air transport which aggravated flight delays.
The sources said 18 airports,including Beijing,Shanghai Hongqiao,Chengdu,Shenzhen,Dalian and Urumqi,had been operating at their maximum capacity.
China's air transport is growing at an average annual rate of more than 16 percent.The BCIA handled 26 million passengers in the first half of 2007,and the number for the whole year will far exceed its designed annual capacity of 35 million passengers,as the second half usually saw more arrivals and departures.
Answer the following questions by your own words after reading the text:
1.How many domestic flights from and to Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) will be canceled between August 15 and October 27?
2.Where is the information of canceling flights from?
3.In the second round of cuts,how many peak hour flights would happen per hour at the BCIA?
好象答案在短文中有 请英语回答下哦
catherine51516 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
新华社北京8月15日电(记者) -从8月15日至10月27日,始发和飞往北京首都国际机场( BCIA )的总共366个国内航班将取消,今天从民航总局得到证实.
1.question:there are 366 domestic flights will be canceled.
2.question:the information is from Civil Aviation Administration of China
3.question:55 peak hour flights would happen per hour at the BCIA in the second round of cuts
