
海南客2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


futuresgod 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
perspiration [,pə:spə'reiʃən]
1. 出汗;流汗(亦喻指辛苦)
2. 汗;汗水
sweat [swet]
n. 汗
v. 出汗
一个有动词意思 一个没有
一个有引申义 另一个没有


Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.这句话是谁说的?
toro123 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
求关于Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration的英语作文
xiangxls 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
When edison was asked how did he feel when he failed over ten thousand times in creating a light bulb,Edison replied was he did not fail to build a light bulb,he just found ten thousand ways that did not work.
How often many people who wanted to taste the fruit of success but unwilling to work for it.Success favorite those who pay a price for it.Many people thought that they must make big sacrifices in order to be successful.Successful people will tell you that they do what they needed to do consistently and persistently,while many others worked hard for a while and reclined to enjoy themselves the moment they saw some positive result.These people thought that they have reach their goal,nor did they know that to be successful you need to push yourself to the limit little by little.I just read someway about reaching our goal.The Guru,I believe is Bob Protor said,To reach our goal,it is like driving our car at night to a certain place.The head lamp of the car can only show about 200 yards ahead,are we just stop going because we cannot see far enough?Every yard you mice forward,it will be another 200 yards unfolded and you go another 200 yards and soon you reach your destination.
It is like everytime your move forward,you gain more strength to withstand bigger challenges.Soon you will find that overcoming challenges become your second nature,and that where you started your ladder of success.
Think about it,have you done something that stretch yourself to your limit lately?
Give it a thought!