Activites in summer vacation 的英语作文

hjhyhchyf2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


sxmszjm 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
After the final examination,I received a letter from my uncle and aunt who invited me to stay with them for a fortnight.They live in the countryside near a beautiful mountain.The news brought me a restless night.Next morning,after almost a day's ride on the bus I reached their home and I was kindly received by them.They prepared a very nice and airy room for me,Just coming inside,on a small table I found a vase of roses----my favorite flower.I thanked them for their kindness.When they left me to take a rest,I really could not do it.My attention was taken away by the charming and picturesque scenery outside the window.If I were an artist,I would have drawn a wonderful picture of it.
Every morning we took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by the birds.We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes,I found it full of fun.
In the afternoon,I mostly sent my time reading and writing,for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat.The evening was shut in the house by the terrible heat.The evening was the only time we could go to swim together.I improved my swimming greatly during those two weeks.
Though the fortnight passed away at lightening speed,the memory of it will last forever.


写一篇 after school activites .要十句话.最好是运动.
西安黄永 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
最近某中学英文报开设了afterclassactivites的栏目.请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动.1:你校开展课外活动的活动.2:你 参加的课外活动及给你带来的益处.3:为同学选择课外活动提出建议.4:为学校开展课外活动提出建议.注意:1:词数100左右.2:文中不得提及人名,校名,地名.3:稿件的开头已为你写好.After-class Activites Nowadays after-class activites are becoming move and more populov in ligh schools.带意思的.
黑夜光 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
what activites can people do?译中文
sealzsj 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译1.Do you take part in any organised activites e.g.ballet
1.Do you take part in any organised activites e.g.ballet clubs sports music lessons foreign lauguage lessons etc?2.What games toys,hobbies or activities do you enjoy?3.What school subjects do you enjoy most?4.Do you have any family pets?what are their names?5.Do you watch television?if so,what are some of you grograms?6.Do you have any favorite reconds/cassettes/CDs or songs?7.What was the last English book you read that was enjoyable?8.List some favorite back littles and authors.And there any authors whose books you're read lots of (English) 9.Are you a member of the local library?10.Can you play a musical instrument?If so,what is it and how long have you been playing?11.Do you enjoy singing?12.Do you know how to use a computer?What have you used a computer for?13.What else do you do with your leisure time?14.Tell us more about yourself you home and you family.15.Can you think of your things you are really good at?
niunai987654 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1.你参加任何组织的活动了么?例如,芭蕾舞俱乐部、运动队、音乐课、外语课等等.2.你喜欢什么游戏、玩具,你有什么爱好,或喜欢什么活动?3.你最喜欢学习什么科目?4.你有宠物么?叫什么名字?5.你看电视么?如果看的话,喜欢什么节目?6.你有喜欢的唱片、磁带、CD 、或者歌曲么?7.你所最近读过的英文书当中,哪一本是你喜欢的?8.列出你喜欢的书目和作者,其中有没有一些作者的书你读了很多?9.你是当地图书馆的会员么?10.你能演奏乐器么?如果能的话,你能演奏那种乐器?你搞这种乐器有多长时间了?11.你喜欢唱歌么?12.你会用电脑么?你都用电脑干什么?13.你闲暇时都做什么?14.告诉我们更多关于你、你的家、以及你的家庭成员的信息.15.想想你所做的事情当中,哪些是你真正擅长的?
要一篇高二英语演讲稿子.帮忙写一篇after school activites 的高二水平的英语演讲稿子.要两分钟左右.
帮忙写一篇after school activites 的高二水平的英语演讲稿子.
geniely 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
After school ,I always play basketball with my classmates.I can play it very well.If you ask me why I like playing it .Becaus I think playing basketball is good for my health .When I play basketball,I fell happy and excited.I realize how important the team sprits is by playing basketball ,nobody can succes without others' help.I sometimes play football after school ,too.But I Iike basketball best .
I think we should do some sport after school ,it is a good relax for us .I hope more classmates can play basketball with us after school.
doing after school activites is还是 are good for us
nyxw101gg69af 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Taking part in school Activites 为题的英语作文
wangweiloveran 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
说是趣味,一点也没错.周五,我们学校举行了一个妙趣横生的运动会.跳绳、拔河、袋鼠跳、50米接力跑,也就是比赛项目. 得知消息,同学么高兴得一蹦三尺高,我们不管三七二十一,只管下了楼. “运动会现在开始.”校长铿锵有力的声音早已让我们迫不及待.同学们欢呼与雀,热闹非凡.响彻云霄的掌声后,校长便宣读规则,顿时鸦雀无声. 同学们各就各位,闪亮登场,个个神采飞扬、兴致勃勃,气势汹汹.“加油加油”“拉拉队”摇旗呐喊,震天动地.腾空而起,一跃,又一跃,暴跳如雷.这时,头重脚轻,四脚朝天,鼻青脸肿,惨绝人寰.我们毫不犹豫鼓舞人心,加油声震耳欲聋,之后,竭尽全力,坚持不懈,跳向终点线. 拔河更是热火朝天.“开始.”同学们齐心协力看,使出了九牛二虎之力,咬紧牙关,生怕功亏一篑,个个汗流浃背,气喘吁吁.“加油!”我们情不自禁摇旗呐喊.就是同学使出了吃奶得劲,绳子依纹丝不动. …… 与别人血战到底,也到了激动人心的时候,虽然得了第2名,但我们并不垂头丧气,下次加油. 这场比赛不仅趣味横生,回味无穷,还让我们懂得戮力同心的力量.
That is interesting, exactly. On Friday, our school held a sports meeting be full of wit and humour. Skip rope, tug of war, kangaroo jump, 50 meter relay race, is also a game project. Hearing the news, the students you happy I jumped three feet high, we regardless of the consequence, just down the stairs. "The games now." The headmaster sonorous and forceful voice has already let us unable to hold oneself back. The students cheered and bird, lively and extraordinary. Make the welkin ring applause, principals will read out the rules, immediately in perfect silence. The students On your marks!, shining, all in high spirit, be in the best of spirits, in a threatening manner. "Refueling" "cheerleaders" bang the drum for sb., shake the universe. up, leap and leap, fly into a rage. Then, the top, back, face, brutal. We do not hesitate to inspiring, after refueling was deafening, efforts, perseverance, hop toward the finish line. Tug of war is in full swing. "Start." The students work together, with nine yards, teeth, lest fall short, sweaty, panting. "Come on!" We can't help banner. Is the students tried with all his awkward, rope in the motionless. And others to fight to the bitter end, also to the exciting, although won the second place, but we are not discouraged, the next refueling. This game is not only fun, memorable, also let us know the pull force.
walk to school week in one of the activites in the campaign如
walk to school week in one of the activites in the campaign如何翻译?
你挑你的我挑我的 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
walk to school week in one of the activites in the campaign中间的in one of the activites 的in 应该是is,翻译是“在竞选活动中,步行上学周是其中的一项活动
Our out-of-class activites are rich and colourful.We often g
Our out-of-class activites are rich and colourful.We often go to the library to read...任务型阅读
the underlined word out-of-class mean( )in chinese.
the writer thinks they can learn a lot ( ).
where can the writer sudy flowers?
( )
( )can make them healthy and strong.
( )may write the passage
朗拿度_dai 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
doing after school activites is还是 are good for us
浪子you 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
所以是Doing .is good for us.
英语翻译1.Do you take part in any organised activites e.g.ballet
1.Do you take part in any organised activites e.g.ballet clubs sports music lessons foreign lauguage lessons etc?2.What games toys,hobbies or activities do you enjoy?3.What school subjects do you enjoy most?4.Do you have any family pets?what are their names?5.Do you watch television?if so,what are some of you grograms?6.Do you have any favorite reconds/cassettes/CDs or songs?7.What was the last English book you read that was enjoyable?8.List some favorite back littles and authors.And there any authors whose books you're read lots of (English)9.Are you a member of the local library?10.Can you play a musical instrument?If so,what is it and how long have you been playing?11.Do you enjoy singing?12.Do you know how to use a computer?What have you used a computer for?13.What else do you do with your leisure time?14.Tell us more about yourself you home and you family.15.Can you think of your things you are really good at?
jjby060 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
  6.你有什么最喜爱的东西/磁带/ cd或歌曲吗?
关于plusieurs是Il y a des plusieurs activités.还是il y a de plusi
是Il y a des plusieurs activités.还是il y a de plusieurs activités.
qianqiu999 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
plusieurs虽然是形容词,但是和 aucun chaque nul 一样,使用时需要单独使用,即不用任何冠词.所以 是Il y a plusieurs activités.
帮我找一篇作文,题目叫My family is activites
点滴 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率60%