space territory distance area词汇辨析~

临洮哥舒2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

space territory distance area词汇辨析~
China is a land with a (an)of 9,600,000 square kilometers.
A space B territory C distance D area


zhichifox1 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%


gandwillow 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
1. As we all know, these islands have always been part of Chinese territory.
2. When you plan a project, each of these aspects must be carefully considered.
3. These children were well taken care of at the nursery.
4. This car is too old, and it needs to be taken to the mechanic.
5. This issue has been hotly debated on TV recently.
SAT问题,改病句类型although women in the Wyoming territory voted as
although women in the Wyoming territory voted as early as 1869,(suffrage for women throughout the United States was not established) until ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920
it did not establish suffrage for women throughout the United States
莫如枫 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率70%
托福语法题The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 increased the territory
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 increased the territory of the United States by approximate 846,000 square miles,practically doubling the area of the United States.
0难得0 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
approximate是形容词 应该 用副词形式approximately 修饰846,000.等于about
doubling 应该是 现在分词 作伴随状语.注意 分词不具备 名词特征,不能用形容词修饰.
现在分词 具有动词特征 属于非谓语动词,只能用副词修饰.
动名词 既可以用副词 也可以用形容词,视情况而定.
如果 是动名词或者 完全名词化 的 动名词 也可以 用形容词修饰
如 a tall building.
no smoking.
no 这里就是形容词.
大学英语题求助.感谢!1. A ______ of territory had always been a wish o
1. A ______ of territory had always been a wish of the ruler of that country.
A. introduction
B. expansion
C. intention
D. expectation

2. There is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year.
A. prospect
B. protection
C. proportion
D. promise

3. The _______ of the film star really disappointed her fans.
A. precious
B. absence
C. present
D. absent

4. You have to _______ all mistakes from the essay before you hand it in.
A. judge
B. display
C. reveal
D. eliminate

5. You can put on your jeans. It is just a(n) ______ party.
A. wonderful
B. incredible
C. formal
D. informal

6. I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt. She always has a _______ for white.
A. prefer
B. preferable
C. preference
D. preferred

7. The middle-aged woman worried about her _______ future with no money and no family.
A. gloomy
B. bright
C. splendid
D. fearful

8. A _______ of robbers broke into the bank and took away all the money.
A. gather
B. school
C. rank
D. gang

9. I asked her the question as soon as I saw her, but she only gave me a(n) ______ answer instead of a definite one.
A. direct
B. implicit
C. clear
D. infinite

10. This expert will _______ his remarks to e-business (电子商务) this time.
A. coordinate
B. render
C. confine
D. depict

11. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers' checks, which provide a safer _______ to carrying money around.
A. substitute
B. mean
C. preference
D. alternative

12. In some markets there may be only one seller. _____________ is to be avoided.
A. Situation as this
B. Such a situation
C. Such a situation of this kind
D. A situation of this

13. Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you will have to _____________ your voice.
A. lift
B. increase
C. raise
D. speak up

14. Because he hates dishonesty he is _____________ on his children when they tell lies.
A. heavy
B. strong
C. hard
D. strict

15. Because of the _____________ emphasis placed on classroom activities, the instructor will report your absence to the adviser.
A. large
B. strong
C. hard
D. high
嘻嘻哈哈哗哗啦啦 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1.B,expansion.表示 “扩张”.这个国家的统治者一直希望扩张领土.
2.B.prospect +介词(for),表示“……的前景、希望”.据预报说今年庄稼有个好收成的希望很渺茫.
3.B.absence,表示“缺席”,这里需要填入名词,所以D absent不能用.影星的缺席真的让影迷们很失望.
4.D eliminate + 介词(from) 是固定搭配,表示“从……中排除”.在你上交论文之前,应该先把里面所有的错误都排除.
5.D informal,表示“非正式的”.这只是个非正式舞会,你可以穿牛仔裤.
8.D gang,A gang of 表示“一帮、一伙”.
9.B implicit,表示“含糊不清的、含蓄的”.我一见到她就问问题,但她只是含糊其辞,而不是给我明确答复.
10.C confine+介词(to),表示“局限于”.这次专家的评论局限于电子商务.
11.D alternative to doing,表示“替代选择做什么”.这里如果用那个mean,需要改成means of doing.means (单复数同形)可以指人或物,其含义为“手段”或“工具.
12.B such a situation,这样的情况.such在这个句子中起限定作用,修饰a situation,意思是“这样的,此类的”.如 She has bought paper,pens,and other such stationery.她买了纸、笔以及诸如此类的文具.Such accidents should not happen again.不可以再发生这种事故了.
13.C raise,"提高",raise one's voice,提高音量
14.C hard.hard on sb."对……很严格”,这里不能用strict,虽然和hard可以通用,因为strick后面需要跟介词to.
15.B strong.strong emphasis,表示“郑重强调”.
(2014·德州模拟)Some animals will defend their territory by fight
(2014·德州模拟)Some animals will defend their territory by fighting with those who try to invade it.Fighting,however,is not often the best choice,since it uses up a large amount of energy,and can result in injury or even death.Most animals rely on various threats,either through sounds or smells.The songs of birds,the drumming of woodpeckers and the loud calls of monkeys are all warnings that carry for long distances,advertising to possible invaders that someone else’s territory is being approached.Many animals rely on smells to mark their territories or leaving droppings around the territories.Other animals will be warned off the territory without ever meeting with the territory’s defender.

Sometimes,these warnings may be ignored,and an invader may move accidentally into a neighboring territory,or two animals may meet near the border of their nearby territories.When the two animals meet,they will generally threaten each other with visual (视觉的) displays.These displays will often exaggerate an animal’s size by putting up feathers or fur,or will show off the animal’s weapons.The animals may go through all the behavior of fighting without ever actually touching each other.The displays are generally performed best near the center of an animal’s territory,where it is more likely to attack an invader and where retreating becomes more of a choice.
Actual fighting usually only happens in overcrowded conditions,when resources are not enough.Serious injury can result,and old or sick animals may die,leading to a more balanced population size.Under most natural conditions,territoriality is an effective way of maintaining a healthy population.The study of social behaviors such as territoriality in animals may also help us to understand human society.
小题1:What topic is the passage mainly involved in?
A.What animals’ territory is usually like.
B.How animals deal with different threats.
C.How animals defend their territory.
D.Where animal fights take place frequently.
小题2:For most animals,what’s their first response to the possible invaders to defend their territory?
A.Fighting in groups.
B.Threatening and warning.
C.Escaping before being hurt.
D.Asking partners for help.
小题3:What does the underlined word “exaggerate” in the second paragraph mean?
A.enlarge B.change
C.shake  D.shrink
小题4:An actual fight will happen when________.
A.animals meet near the border of their territories
B.the invader enters the defender’s territories
C.the defender notices the invader smaller than itself
D.the living resources are limited in the territory
小题5:The last paragraph tells us that territoriality has an influence on the________of the animals.
A.communication B.condition
C.population  D.migration
肠断处06 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就动物如何保护自己的领地进行了介绍。
小题1:解析: 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要就“动物如何保护自己的领地”进行了介绍。
答案: C
小题2:解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Most animals rely on various threats,either through sounds or smells.”可知,答案选B。
答案: B
小题3:解析: 词义猜测题。根据第二段第二、三句可知,当某种动物发现有其他的动物侵入自己的领地时,会通过视觉上的展示来恐吓对方。它们会竖起羽毛或皮毛,以使自己看起来更大、更强壮。因此exaggerate应为“扩大,增大”之意。
答案: A
小题4:解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Actual fighting usually only happens in overcrowded conditions,when resources are not enough.”可知,当过度拥挤导致生存资源匮乏时,就有可能发生打斗。
答案: D
小题5:解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“Under most natural conditions,territoriality is an effective way of maintaining a healthy population.”可知,答案选C。
答案: C
wloopp 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
terr  terr = earth,land 土地,陆地  1.inter〔 in- 人,内,ter = terr 土;“人土”,“埋人土内 〕埋葬  2.interment〔 见上,-ment 名词后缀 〕埋葬,葬礼  3.disinter〔 见上,dis- 不,相反;“与埋葬相反”→ ...
英语翻译数百亿配套版图,仅为一座都会中心.The supporting territory which costs a
The supporting territory which costs a few ten millions is only for the center of a metropolitan.
duanbenlin 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
your yard and house are your territory where only your famil
your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friend are welcome 的翻译
yangyu731 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory
The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory.这句话有语病么?
gaoxuanhao1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory.
i always know drifting apart comes with the territory是什么意思
扬帆6745 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
这句意译是 我一直知道我还是很想家的,虽然总是在外面漂泊