Once again over to you Madame

开花的树12022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

Once again over to you Madame


nick_bian 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
scyblj 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率
好人118 共回答了70个问题 | 采纳率
追枫少年 共回答了3221个问题 | 采纳率


高考英语作文翻译Dear Sir/Madame, I’m writing for more information ab
Dear Sir/Madame, I’m writing for more information about theday tour to London. As a student at Oxford University, I’d like to know if you have any special price for students. As for the
money you charge, does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed? What about lunch? Is itincluded? Or do I need to bring along my own food? How long will the tour lastSince I need to prepare my lessons for the next day, I’d like to know the time to return. Besides, is there any time for shopping?
I really want to have a look at the big stores in London.
jnycg 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
亲爱的先生/女士 我写信是想得知关于伦敦之旅的更多信息。作为一名牛津的学生,我想知道您是否有什么特价提供给学生。对于您说的费用,它包括所有列出的景点的费用吗?午餐怎么算?包含在内吗?还是我需要自带呢?这次旅程共有多少天(因为)我还需要准备接下来考试呢?我想知道回来的时间?另外,有让我们购物的时间吗?我真的很想看看伦敦的大商店!
mopychen 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
madame [英]'mædəm [美]məˈdæm,ˈmædəm
[例句]Madame forestier received the necklace with an air of displeasure.
怎么补全这个句子Pardon Madame,je peux vous poser quelques questinos
Pardon Madame,je peux vous poser quelques questinos
一张琴 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Allez-y 是 y aller 对vous的命令式形式.
y aller 的本意是去一个不特指的地方,通常使用时更倾向于“开始(出发)”的意思.
Oui, allez-y. 好的,请开始吧.
–Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _____take off
–Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _____take off soon?
---Oh, yes. In five minutes.
A.about to B.starting to C.beginning to D.to
nwgg330 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%

考查将来时,be about to不能和具体时间连用,可以和when连用,be to do也可以表示将来时,句意:对不起,夫人,这班飞机很快就要起飞吗?是五分钟以后,选D。
i want two seats___ Madame Curie for Friday night,so i rang
i want two seats___ Madame Curie for Friday night,so i rang the cinema to see if i could book two tickets.
A.of B.about C.to D.for
你懂什么 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
for 是指某部电影的特定说法吧.特别是用电影名称的时候.
1.a ticket of the movie 也是对的.但是用电影名称的时候还是用for感觉对一点.for指这张票可以去看《居里夫人》.
2.ticket 和 《Madome Curie》并不是“从属”的关系,所以一般不用of.但是要用也没有错,不严格的情况下,of泛指“的”.
Das geheimnis von madame tussauds
findtomorrow 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
帮我看下我的法语动机信吧!主要是看有没有语法错误!Chère madame ou monsieurIl y a une
Chère madame ou monsieur
Il y a une convention avec ma université et l’universite de Strasbourg.Je viens d’obtenir la promotion d’entrée la deuxième année d’économie-gestion d’université.Maintenant je vous demande un visa pour étudier
Je m’appelle XXX.Je suis étudiante de la deuxième année d’université des études internationaux du Sichuan.J’ai étudié le français et le fond de spécialité de éco-gestion pendant deux ans.Ce sont les mêmes cours que ceux de France et j’ai réussi l’ examen d’université de première année.J’aime le travail beaucoup.Je peux travailler quarante heures le semaine.Je préfère travailler seul mais je peux aussi avoir une coopération avec les autres très bonne.J’ai eu plusieur rencontre avec les professeurs d’université.Nous avons partagés des vues sur l’économie.
Je pense que l’université chinoise n’est pas parfaite,notamment l’élimination.En revanche,l’université française est très bonne.Il y a la haute qualité et l'économie du marché,des échantillons ont aussi été plus.Donc je voudrais aller en France pour mes études.
Je me tiens à votre disposition si vous avez besoin de plus d’information.
Mes salutations.
塔光风云江安干琼 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Chère madame ou monsieur
Il y a une convention entre mon université et l’université de Strasbourg.Je viens d’obtenir le permis d’entrée de la deuxième année de FAC.Science d’économie et de gestion.Maintenant je vous demande le visa pour y aller.
Je m’appelle XXX.Je suis une étudiante de la deuxième année d’université de l’étude internationale (学校名称翻译有误)du Sichuan.J’ai étudié le français et le fond de spécialité d’éco-gestion pendant deux ans.Ce sont les mêmes programme que ceux de université en France et j’ai réussi le diplôme de première année.J’aime le travail beaucoup ( ).Je peux travailler quarante heures le semaine.(还有这句 ) Je préfère travailler toute seule mais je peux aussi avoir une coopération avec les autres très bonne.« J’ai rencontré plusieurs les professeurs dans l’université.Nous avons discuté des points de vue d’économie souvent.»(这一句我大概能明白,可是太突兀了,没有什么上下文联系,建议删掉)
Maintenant,je ne pense pas que l’université chinoise soit assez pour mois,notamment l’élimination.En revanche,l’université française me semble très bonne.(建议改成 m’intéresse beaucoup) Il y a une haute qualité dans le secteur de l'économie du marché,des échantillons ont aussi été plus.(后半句不明白,建议删掉)Donc je voudrais aller en France pour faire mes études.
Je me tiens à votre disposition si vous avez besoin de plus d’information.
Mes salutations.
高考英语作文翻译Dear Sir/Madame, I’m writing for more information ab
Dear Sir/Madame, I’m writing for more information about theday tour to London. As a student at Oxford University, I’d like to know if you have any special price for students. As for the
money you charge, does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed? What about lunch? Is itincluded? Or do I need to bring along my own food? How long will the tour lastSince I need to prepare my lessons for the next day, I’d like to know the time to return. Besides, is there any time for shopping?
I really want to have a look at the big stores in London.
030201036 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Dear Sir/Madame, I’m writing for more information about theday tour to London. As a student at Oxford University, I’d like to know if you have any special price for students. As for the
money you charge, does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed? What about lunch? Is itincluded? Or do I need to bring along my own food? How long will the tour lastSince I need to prepare my lessons for the next day, I’d like to know the time to return. Besides, is there any time for shopping?
I really want to have a look at the big stores in London.
英语翻译夫人,您好!我是记者.madame,salut!je suis journaliste .您好,先生!您是从巴黎
madame,salut!je suis journaliste .
Salut,monsieur!Est-ce que vous venez de la Paris
Comment vous appelez-vous
Je m'appelle Pierre.
Quel âge avez-vous
J'ai vingt-six ans .
hins1127 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
2.第一句je suis journaliste中最好说明是哪里的记者,比如:Je suis journaliste de La Figaro.
3.Est-ce que vous venez de la Paris 中去掉“la”
venir de后面,阴性国名前不需要冠词,直接是de加国名(元音开头的单数国名前也不需要冠词,直接是d',阳性国名时则是du +国名,而复数国名前就是des +国名 )
---Where did you see the sponsor, Madame?
---Where did you see the sponsor, Madame?
---It was in the supermarket __________I was doing some shopping with my husband.
A.that B.where C.which D.when
justjosun 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%

after that ,madame curie did one experiment after another
after that ,madame curie did one experiment after another
这样说固然对,但用the other可以吗?关键是为什么不行
pengzhang614 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
不可以!the other 是另一个 after another 再另一个之后.前者无介词 无联系关系
英语改错Dear Sir / Madame,My family are planning a visit of Hong
Dear Sir / Madame,My family are planning a visit of Hong Kong Disneyland this summer vacation.I've got some information about the ticket price and now I'm writing for some detail information.I wonder that children under 3 need to pay off a ticket and how is the difference between a Peak Day Ticket and a Special Day Ticket.Is that possible for us to get a discount if we purchase as a group?Can we book ticket through the Internet?In addition to,I'd like to know if we allowed to cancel our ticket booking if we can not make the tour for our personal reasons.Looking forward to get your reply.Yours,Li Hua
outou 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Dear Sir / Madame
My family are planning a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland this summer vacation.I've got some information about the ticket price and now I'm writing to get some detail information.I wonder whether children under 3 need to pay for a ticket and what is the difference between a Peak Day Ticket and a Special Day Ticket.Is it possible for us to get a discount if we purchase as a group?Can we book ticket on the Internet?In addition,I'd like to know if we are allowed to cancel our ticket booking if we can not make the tour for our personal reasons.Looking forward to getting your reply.
Li Hua
帮忙修改一下以下英文求职信,Dear Madame or Sir,Thanks for giving me a chan
Dear Madame or Sir,
Thanks for giving me a chance to show myself!
I was graduated from XX University and major in Foreign Language and Literature.My dream was to become a teacher when I was young,so I have been marching forward along this road steadily and unswervingly.I believe that I will do better at this job though my hard work.
During my four-year study at the university,I have not only laid a solid foundation of the require knowledge in my major,but also taught myself much of relative knowledge,such as psychology 、education pedagogy and so on .In the meantime,I have good achievements of language study and especially with the Extensive Listening,Extensive Oral English.l am confident that the courses studied at the university,such as the Integrated English 、Advanced Writing、Advanced English,etc.contribute effectively to my future work in the field of education .
Meanwhile,I seize every chance to improve my abilities of teaching,and putting the knowledge into application.I have participated in lots of practice in my spare time and vocation.And also I have got good reputations from all the teachers on the course of my teaching practice!
After graduation,I easily passed the test and become a teacher in XX middle school.During this time,I attached great importance to the Teaching Skill Training and had continued to improving my teaching method and teaching qualities.My lively and vividly teaching excited students' learning interests,initiatives,and enthusiasm ,enhanced their oral expressing ability.As a result ,I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.
My work experience have thoroughly prepared me to becoming a good English teacher,and I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me the chance to serve my hometown .of course I’ll work hard and well if I can hold the position.Look forward to hearing good news from you!
坏坏8乖的失落园 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
首先,"thanks for giving me a chance to show myself"这是非常没有必要的话.
其次,作为HR,不会花很多时间看每一个词,所以必须简练.英文求职信(cover letter)结构必须简明:一、从哪里得知招聘信息,本人对职位有兴趣.二、简单介绍教育背景,可以写一些大学阶段获奖经历.三、工作经历,不要面面俱到,不要太宽泛,老外喜欢具体的东西,具体的才表示你是真实的.四、写本人经验、能力、兴趣与该职位契合之处.五、感谢阅读.
Excuse me,____?That's $ 21.68 altogether,Madame.
Excuse me,____?That's $ 21.68 altogether,Madame.
Excuse me,____?That's $ 21.68 altogether,Madame.
a.how much is the meal we've had
b.take my order,please
c.could I have the bill,please
d.would you please take the money
wj_nancy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
could I have the bill,please
After that,Madame Curie did one experiment after-------
After that,Madame Curie did one experiment after-------
A.one B.other C.anoyher D.the other
尼奥的艾薇塔 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
固定用法one...after another
一道语法题Madame Curies is believed ________ the radium.A discove
Madame Curies is believed ________ the radium.A discovering B.having discovered C.to have discovered D.to discover
为什么不可以选B?非谓语动词having done 不是也是表示动作在主语谓语动词之前吗?
yuan3650 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
当动词believe被用作被动语态时,需要用be believed to do.这个句子的主动形式应该是(we /someone) believe that Madame Curies discovered the radium.改成被动就成了Madame Curies is believed to discover the radium( by us ).
Madame Curie was the only famous woman ________ (science) in
Madame Curie was the only famous woman ________ (science) in the world.
百分数 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
继续提问2道英语 I want two seats ____ Madame Curie for Friday night
I want two seats ____ Madame Curie for Friday night,so I rang a cinema to see if I could book two tickets
A of B about C to D for
The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism ____ the wildlife in the area.
A in B on C at D with
truestar 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
for ……的,这里指的是 关于居里夫人的电影的票子
seats 引申为票子,
类似的还有,a reward for ...……的奖项
of 只是单单的“的”,如果在这里就是居里夫人的票子,不对
只有 the book of Mary Mary的书,这样才对
about 关于,错误
to 对……,错误
on 解释为关于,而且,比起about,更加专业,
举个例子 a book on dog 一本介绍狗的习性的书
a book about dog 一本关于狗的书
这里 是 the conference on the wildlife in the area
_______ to the discovery of radium, Madame Curie plays an im
_______ to the discovery of radium, Madame Curie plays an important role in modern
A.Devoting B.Devoted
C.Being devoted D.Having devoted
紫--痕 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

madame was one of the greatest scientists in the world.She w
madame was one of the greatest scientists in the world.She was born in Polan in 1867.
爱你凯 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
madame——Madame Curie吧?
考研作文批改向图书馆提建议,100字的Dear Sir or Madame:First,I want to say th
Dear Sir or Madame:
First,I want to say thank you to the staff of the library
because you've done a great job.But,still,nothing is perfect.
There are some suggestions I hope you would seriously consider of.
Firstly,take advices from the readers.espcially the teachers.The teachers know what books the students should read and they play a crucial part in activities including teaching classes,giving lectures,and doing researchs.It is crucial to know what materials and books they need.
Secondly,take advantage of the Internet.Put the book names and other informations on the Internet so everybody can search online.
It would be perfect and the readers would be grateful if you take my advices.
Li Ming
妖儿的温柔给了谁 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Dear Sir or Madame:
First,I want to say thank you to the staff of the library
because you've done a great job.But,still,nothing is perfect.(这里逻辑不太对啊,前面说你们做的工作很好了,这里最好是说有些方面还不甚好,而不要说没有一方面是好的)
There are some suggestions I hope you would seriously consider of.
Firstly,take advices from the readers.(这里用祈使句不是很好,可以说you'd better...)espcially the teachers.The teachers know what books the students should read and they play a crucial part in activities including teaching classes,giving lectures,and doing researchs(researches).It is crucial to know what materials and books they need.
Secondly,take advantage of the Internet.(这里也是,语气需要多注意一点)Put the book names and other informations on the Internet so everybody can search (them) online.
It would be perfect and the(这里的readers 是泛指,不要用定冠词the为好) readers would be grateful if you take my advices.
Li Ming
— Where did you see the sponsor, Madame?
— Where did you see the sponsor, Madame?
— It was in the supermarket _______I was doing some shopping with my husband.
[ ]
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
dear68 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译Dear sir/madame:Hello,sir.good day for you!hope you are
Dear sir/madame:
Hello,sir.good day for you!hope you are very well!
I am lizzy from Gaoyang county soft textile trading company,we get your contact info from your company website,learned that you are in great demands of towels,at the very time,we are professional towel factory and trade company,dealing in face towel,bath towel,beach towel,kitchen towel,tea towel,terry towel with jacquard/embroidery/printing design.we supply you with our products at reasonable price and wondeful logistics,welcome you to enquiry about us,thank you very much!
Look forward to your urgent reply.
Best regards
yingying2325 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
Querido Señor/Señora:
Hola,Señor.Para ti buen día!Que bien!
Soy del condado de 22 lizzy el tiempo,una empresa de comercio de productos textiles suave en el sitio web de su empresa de contacto,ya que en gran toalla,cuando nos pide la toalla es profesional,y la compañía de comercio en fábricas de toallas,toalla de baño,la playa,acaba con la cocina,acaba con té tela,acaba con una toalla DiHua / / diseño de costura.Estamos para nuestros productos a UN precio razonable y wondeful logística,la bienvenida a nuestra pregunta,muchas gracias!
Esperando tu respuesta de emergencia.
Mis más cordiales saludos
—Can I help you,Madame?
—Can I help you,Madame?
—Oh,thanks,but I can ______ it myself.
A.help B.support C.see D.manage
果子狐 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%

此题考查动词词义辨析。第二句话的意思是:谢谢,我自己能行。manage it“能成;能对付得了;能应付”。
----How many pens would you like, Madame?
----How many pens would you like, Madame?
----Well, I want _______ these.
A.three dozen B.three dozen of C.three dozens D.three dozens of
巡山人 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%

–Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane __________ take off soon?
–Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane __________ take off soon?
–Oh, yes. In five minutes.
A.about to B.starting to C.beginning to D.to
zhu_mingqing 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

excuse me,__?that's $200 altogether,madame.
excuse me,__?that's $200 altogether,madame.
A.how much is the meal we've had
B.take my order,please
C.could have the bill,please
D.would you please take the money
tiy205053555 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
C.Could I have the bill,please
英语高手~~句子在这里~~Madame Curie is the great physicist, she is bor
Madame Curie is the great physicist, she is born in Poland, the
genuine name is called Mary, because married to French young scholar
other Egypt you curie, afterwards is called Madame Curie. She and the
husband joint effort, discovered and confirmed the radium element
existence. How under do we want to tell everybody curie husband and
wife discover radium this kind of mystical matter.
In 1898 the French physicist shell might force you
to discover the uranium-bearing ore could emit
one kind of mystical beam, but has not been able to promulgate this
kind of beam the mystery. Mary and her husband other Egypt you curie
undertook together has studied this kind of beam the
work. They under the extremely difficult condition, carry on the
separation and the analysis to the pitchblende, finally and in
December discovered two kind of new elements successively in July,
For commemorate her motherland Poland, she names one kind of element
as polonium,another kind of element names as the radium
,the meaning is "entrusts with the radioactive matter". For
make the pure radium compound, Madame Curie lasts four
carries, in the pitchblende gangue which counts by the ton
refines 1O0 from the number the mg radium chloride, and the
preliminary survey radium relative atomic mass is 225. In this simple
numeral is condensing the curie husbands' and wives' painstaking care
and the sweat.
In June, 1903, Madame Curie by "Radioactive substance Research" as
doctor replied the paper obtains the University of Paris physics
doctorate. In November, curie husband and wife are awarded David in
the same year by the Royal Society the medal. In December, they
might force you with the shell altogether to attain in 1903 the Nobel
physics prize.
In 1906, other Egypt you curie suffered the traffic accident to die.
This serious attack has not caused her to give up the rigid pursue,
she suppresses the scientific enterprise which sorrowfully redoubles
one's efforts completes them to love. She continues in the University
of Paris the husband course, to become this school first female
professor. In 1910, her famous work "Discussed Radioactivity" a book
publication. With seeks, she with others cooperation analytically pure
metal radium, and determines its nature. She has also determined the
oxygen and other elements half-lives, published a series of about
radioactive has been importantly discussing. In view of the fact that
the above great achievements, in 1911 she forked has won the Nobel
chemistry prize, becomes great scientist which in the history first
two time won the Nobel prize.
This position fully enjoyed the scientific sweetness and bitterness
the radioactive science founder, because many year arduous struggle
became ill because of overwork, contracts the malignant anemia
to pass away unfortunately in July 4, 1934, she for
humanity's scientific enterprise, has offered up the glory life.
紫灵狐 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
本问介绍了现代物理发展史上做出突出贡献的科学家Madame Curie发现镭的故事.赞扬了Madame Curie不畏艰苦,勇于献身的精神,严肃认真的科学态度以及她无私,坚定,勇敢的品格.
不给你翻译了 培养了你的惰性 哼
Every visitor to London knows who Madame Tussaud is -or was.
Every visitor to London knows who Madame Tussaud is -or was.这一篇英文阅读的全文翻译,
wjw125 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
where is it?
英语翻译Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer
Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of radium.Madame Curie was born in Poland,on November 7th,1867.When she was Young she became interested in physics and read as many books as she could on the subject.At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland,so Maric was determined to go to Paris and study there.She arrived in Paris in 1890.
hsm0504 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
