rise arise arouse raise这些词的区别?

adidas8100222022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

rise arise arouse raise这些词的区别?


军中一兵 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
arise是vi,一般取发生之意,如:Questions arose.问题发生了.
经常考它的短语:arise from,由于.
Accidents arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于疏忽.
而arouse 用及物动词时
arouse suspicion 引起猜疑.arouse sb.from sleep 唤醒某人.


he left his home as if going to work,so as not to arouse his
he left his home as if going to work,so as not to arouse his parents' suspicion.
so as not to arouse his parents' suspicion.在句中是什么成分?
woyaozuili 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
帮我区分一下raise ,rise,arise,arouse的用法,
帮我区分一下raise ,rise,arise,arouse的用法,
zzasdanley 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
aise:举起,及物动词,后加宾语,如:he raises his hand.
rise:升起,不及物动词,如:the sun rises in the east.
arise:产生,起因于,不及物动词,如:accidents arise from carelessness.
arouse:唤起,唤醒,及物动词,如:what he says arouses suspicion.
爱就是那么的简单 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
awake表示adj.时只能做表语,也是说只能连在be动词后面用,而不是修饰名词,即be awake (醒着的),此外还有keep awake 结构,表示“让人无法入睡”,以及be awake sb to 表示“注意到”,当用作v.时,有awake to 结构,表示“使醒悟”
awaken则只能用作动词,表示“激发起,使醒来”,常用结构有 awaken sb to 表示“使领悟”
wake可作动词表示唤醒,常用的有wake up 也有wake (up) to 结构,表示“醒来是注意到”,也可做名词,短语in the wake of 有“作为...的结果(通常指不好的)”的意思,以及in sb's/sth's wake 表示“紧跟后面”
If you intend to arouse students’ interest in your project,
If you intend to arouse students’ interest in your project, you’d better ______ your teaching methods more wisely.
A.enjoy B.encourage C.enrich D.employ
barhh 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%

考查词义辨析。enjoy 喜欢,encourage 鼓励, enrich丰富,employ 利用,句意:如果你打算唤醒学生们在你这个项目上的兴趣,你最好更明智地利用你的教学方法。所以选D。
英语翻译Abstract:How to arouse the learning interest of students
Abstract:How to arouse the learning interest of students is a difficulty and the focal point in English teaching ,at the same time,is a basic quality of a teacher .In educational teaching course,a teacher should arouse the interest of students through zeal ,follow the development of body and mind to design classroom teaching and organization teaching campaign ,seek writing fully using new volume teaching material,the lively vivid characteristic with life actual close connection,improve teaching method ,so arouse the learning interest of students strongly.
Keyword:arouse; student; to study English; interest
Abstract:How to arouse the learning interest of students is a difficulty and the focal point in English teaching ,at the same time,is a basic quality of a teacher .In educational teaching course,a teacher should arouse the interest of students through zeal ,follow the development of body and mind to design classroom teaching and organization teaching campaign ,seek writing fully using new volume teaching material,the lively vivid characteristic with life actual close connection,improve teaching method ,so arouse the learning interest of students strongly.
Keyword:arouse student; to study English; interest
股权登记日 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
The beggar’s suffering couldn’t arouse any ________ ,who had
The beggar’s suffering couldn’t arouse any ________ ,who had lost his shirts because of being addicted to gambling.
A.satisfaction B.sympathy
C.assistance D.dignity
蕤蕤97 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

beggars almost sell themselves as humam beings to arouse the
beggars almost sell themselves as humam beings to arouse the pity of passers by.我的翻译是前面的话是“乞丐几乎出卖他自己”后面是“引起过路人的可怜”.但是中间的“as human beings”起到什么作用,应该怎么翻译!
为伊ll 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
as 不是有作为什么的意思吗
用arise ,arouse ,rise 和raise 填空。
用arise ,arouse ,rise 和raise 填空。
1. The sun ____ in the east.
2. A new problem has_____.
3. The gentleman ____ his cap in token of respect to the ladies.
4. The noise _____her from sleep.
王不邪 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
1. rises 2. arisen 3. raised 4. aroused
Our suspicions were first arouse when the two other parties
Our suspicions were first arouse when the two other parties made a deal behind our backs.求翻译
娃哈哈5db 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
the aim is to arouse public awareness of the ser
the aim is to arouse public awareness of the ser
ousness of water shortages翻译
逃75 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
775852万一 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
ise vi. (数目、数量等)增加,上升 The price may rise from 5p to 10p. 价格可能由五便士涨到十便士。 Between 1932 and 1936, total output rose by 37 per cent. 1932年到1936年间,总产量增长了37%。 (烟等)上升 Smoke rose from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里冒出来。 The balloon rose up slowly into the air. 气球慢慢地升到了空中。 <主文>起床;起身,起立 She usually rises early. 她通常很早起床。 rise to one's feet 站起来 地位升高;成功 The professor has risen to the top of his profession. 那位教授已经成为他那一行的佼佼者。 rise to fame 成名 (声音、噪音)变响,提高 Her voice rose in excitement. 她激动得声音都大了。 (日、月等)升起,上升 The star rises in the north. 那颗星从北方升起。 (感情、情绪等)变得强烈,激动 His temper rose as he stormed round the room. 他在屋里咆哮,脾气又来了。 Indignation rose in him. 他义愤填膺。 (地势等)矗立,隆起 A small hill rose behind the school. 学校后面有一座小山。 (面包、蛋糕)膨胀,发起来 The bread didn't rise properly. 面包发得不太好。 起义,反抗 The people rose (up) in rebellion. 人民起来反抗了。 【宗】复活 On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. 耶稣第三天复活了。 (议会、法庭等)休会,休庭 The court will now rise for dinner. 现在休庭用餐。 Parliament will rise on Thursday. 议会将在星期四休会。 (河流等)发源于 The River Nile rises in Central Africa. 尼罗河发源于中非。 起风,风力增强 The wind rose suddenly when I was opening the gate. 我开大门的时候突然起风了。 (河水)上涨 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水在上涨。 (鱼)浮上水面,出现,浮起,浮现 The red carp was rising for food. 那条红鲤鱼正浮出水面找东西吃。 词组 rise above rise against rise and fall rise and shine rise from the dead rise from the ranks rise to the occasion
arise arouse rise raise的区别和用法
ghayx 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
arise "出现、发生"之意,arouse“唤醒”(及物),“睡醒”(不及物)
arise是vi,一般取发生之意,如:Questions arose.问题发生了.
经常考它的短语:arise from,由于.
Accidents arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于疏忽.
而arouse 用及物动词时
arouse suspicion 引起猜疑.arouse sb.from sleep 唤醒某人.
不及物动词 睡醒
The newly released movie was such as to arouse so much sensa
The newly released movie was such as to arouse so much sensation among teh young people.
猫居 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
A new study suggests that sad music might actually arouse po
A new study suggests that sad music might actually arouse positive emotions. The finding helps to explain why people enjoy listening to sad music, say Ai Kawakami and her colleagues from Tokyo University of the Arts and the RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan. Ai Kawakami and her colleagues asked 44 volunteers, including both musicians and nonspecialists, to listen to two pieces of sad music and one piece of happy music. Each participant was required to use a set of keywords to rate both their perception(观念) of the music and their own emotional state.
The sad pieces of music included Glinka’s La Separation in F minor and Blumenfeld’s Etude Sur Mer in G minor. The happy music piece was Granados’s Allegro de Concierto in G major. To control the “happy” effect of major key, they also played the minor key(小调) pieces in major key, and vise versa.
The researchers explained that sad music aroused contradictory emotions because the participants of the study tended to feel sad to be more tragic and less romantic than they felt themselves while listening to it.
“ In general, sad music causes sadness in listeners, and sadness is regarded as an unpleasant emotion. If sad music actually arouses only unpleasant emotion, we would not listen to it,” the researchers wrote in the study.
“Music that is believed as sad actually causes romantic emotion as well as sad emotion.And people, regardless of their musical training, experience this ambivalent(矛盾的) emotion to listen to the sad music,” added the researchers.
Also, unlike sadness in daily life, sadness experienced through art actually feels pleasant, possibly because the latter does not cause an actual threat to our safety. This could help people to deal with their negative emotions in daily life, concluded the authors.
“Emotion experienced by music has no direct danger or harm unlike the emotion experienced in everyday life. Therefore, we can even enjoy unpleasant emotion such as sadness. If we suffer from unpleasant emotion aroused through daily life, sad music might be helpful to alleviate negative emotion,” they added.
小题1: People enjoy listening to sad music because _______.
A.sad music may help arouse positive emotions
B.sad music can make people relax
C.Sad music has a positive effect on people’s health
D.many experts recommend people to listen to sad music
小题2:We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.sad music only causes sadness in listeners
B.Only musicians were invited to take part in the survey
C.The volunteers were asked to listen to three pieces of music in all
D.Granados’s Allegro de Concierto in G major can cause positive emotions
小题3:The underlined word “alleviate” in the last paragraph means “ ”.
A.add B.strengthen C.cause D.reduce
小题4:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.People should listen to sad music.
B.Happy music can make people sad.
C.Sad music may actually cause positive emotions.
D.Sad music is really bad to people.
纯种汉人 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

有没有语法错误 如果有 怎么改1.teacher should arouse students interest in
有没有语法错误 如果有 怎么改
1.teacher should arouse students interest in general subject from activity and according to the specific conditions of students’ ability and interests
as well as the university's provisions
2.In brief,our university should strengthens
key basic major courses while increasing featured courses and optional courses,
and encourages students to take courses for general education.
1.第一句全文是这样的。前面没打完全teacher should arouse students interest in general subjects from activity and according to the specific conditions of students’ ability and interests as well as the university's provisions,it approves students' applications for taking double degree or minor
mm蚂蚁 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.Teachers should arouse students‘ interest in general subjects through involving them in different activities based on the students’ ability and interests.
as well as the university's provisions
2.In brief, our university should strengthen the key basic courses while offering more characteristic courses and optional courses, and encourage students to take courses for general education.
Not only ____ us for success,but nothing can arouse within u
Not only ____ us for success,but nothing can arouse within us such a strong desire to succeed.
A.does failure prepare B.failure prepares
C.failure does prepare D.prepares failure
怎么翻译好 选 A
正港薯仔 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
【Not only does failure prepare us for success,but nothing can arouse within us such a strong desire to succeed.】
同样是《大学英语教程2》U7中VOCABULARY中的. Our suspicious were first aroused when we heard some strange noises in the woods. 我的翻译是,“当我们听到林子里奇怪的声音后,我们开始生疑”
jclx8159 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率100%
动词和动词词组8Is it necessary to____some amazing stories to arouse
Is it necessary to____some amazing stories to arouse children's interest in mysteries?
A make up
B make a difference
C make out
D make use of
伏击你的心 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
C 编造出
A 感觉没有C合适
用rise, arise, raise和arouse的适当形式填空。 1. The speech made by Yu
用rise, arise, raise和arouse的适当形式填空。
1. The speech made by Yu Dan__________ great attention.
2. New difficulty will _________ from such situation.
3. I was tired of the quarrel ___________between them.
4. After the earthquake many volunteers ___________money for people in great need.
5. My spirits__________ when I heard the good news.
6. I saw tears___________ from her eyes.
wpshmh 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
1.aroused 2.arise 3.arising 4.raised 5. rose 6. rising
中户 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
arise是vi,一般取发生之意,如:Questions arose.问题发生了.
经常考它的短语:arise from,由于.
Accidents arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于疏忽.
而arouse 用及物动词时
arouse suspicion 引起猜疑.arouse sb.from sleep 唤醒某人.
They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much a
They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can 翻译成中文
ylray 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%