spoken English的意思

Arogers2022-10-04 11:39:548条回答


jiutian720 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
瓶宝儿 共回答了116个问题 | 采纳率
英语口语,也可以说oral English
zjk_23 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
c8gyju 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
huai307 共回答了49个问题 | 采纳率
幸福的袜子 共回答了2500个问题 | 采纳率
英文..口语...one of the most important thing in any language
普里素蜜 共回答了339个问题 | 采纳率
Spoken English 也叫Oral English~~
qw6343198 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率
spoken English


英语翻译像英语口语;spoken English 为什么不是English spoken 难道翻译都要反下吗我是新手
zw354623896 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
关于English spoken 和spoken English的区别?
关于English spoken 和spoken English的区别?
首先说明 两者在英语中均有 请尽量给清晰的辨析给我
Geallon 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
为什么口语是spoken English而说英语的国家用English-speaking country?
屏南 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
spoken English中spoken是形容词,翻译成“说出来的”
English-speaking 是一个形容词,翻译成“说英语的”
这完全是不同的词,而不是也不是动词,所以和spoken 和speaking为什么不能互换没有关系.
英语翻译We need () () more time () spoken English
缥缈的说道 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
to spend on
spend ...on sth 在某事上花费时间
spend ...(in) doing sth 在做某事上花费时间
Every minute he could spare was made use ____ spoken English

Every minute he could spare was made use ____ spoken English.
A.of practising B.of to practise C.to practise D.to practicing
hunsuwei 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%

本题考查非谓语动词。句中短语make use of为“利用”之意,其后不定式表示目的性。句意:他所抽出的每一分钟都用来练习英语口语。
“口语”是不是说成spoken English?“书面语”是不是说成written English、
hzh302 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
spoken English或者oral english
“书面语”written English
关于-ed形式的定语语法书上说,-ed的单个词有时作前置定语,有时作后置定语,问:spoken English能否说成
spoken English能否说成 English spoken?we are usually the ones affected能否说成we are usually the affected ones?如果不能请解释(当然如果是-ed形式的短语就不能前置只能后置)它们有明显的区别吗?
申请了半天了1 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
spoken English 表示英语口语,不能颠倒,可以说English speaking 表示用英语说.这些是习惯用语,不涉及语法.第二个能颠倒,the ones affected 的affected是作补语修饰ones,the affected ones 中的affected 是做形容词修饰ones.我这样回答可以吗?
from sentences:1 spoken English ,I think ,my ,is improved ,g
from sentences:1 spoken English ,I think ,my ,is improved ,greatly
2 you ,believe,I ,that ,society ,more easily,are adapted to
3 whether,he asked,would,she,come,or not
4 speak to ,wants to ,he,the headmaster,that,he says
5 whether,ones,lighter,any,they had,asked,the waman
6 how much,do you know,mum ,hot water,is needed
lkzxvcjkyyjflka 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
form sentences:
1 I think my spoken English is improved greatly.
2 I believe that you are adapted to society more easily.
3 He asked whether she would come or not.
She asked whether he would come or not.
4 He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster.
5 The woman asked whether they had any lighter ones.
They asked whether the woman had any lighter ones
6 Mum,do you know how much hot water is needed?
帮我找一篇关于" Spoken English”英语文章,
帮我找一篇关于" Spoken English”英语文章,
shanshixu 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
One of the English teachers at my university got into a taxi one day,and as she talked with the driver,she noticed that he had very good spoken English,better,in fact,than that of some of her students!"Where did you learn your English?" she asked."Oh," he replied,"I never went to secondary school.I drive a taxi every day,but while I'm driving around ,I listen to the English radio stations.And if an English-speaking passenger gets in,I try to start a conversation with them.That's how I learn my English."
There are many things which contribute to good spoken English,but an important question for you is this:to what extent are your attitudes similar to those of the taxi driver?Are you willing to try to start a conversation with an English speaker?Or do you feel as if "the cat did get your tongue"?--that whenever you try to speak in English,your tongue won't behave itself and you can hardly make a sound?
How then can you improve your spoken English?How can you try to put your resolution to improve into practice?Here we will suggest some concrete things you can do on your own (for little or no money) to improve your English--spoken English in particular.
1.Listen to the radio.You could get up five minutes earlier and listen to the news in English.
2.Watch the TVB-Pearl and ATV-World to improve your listening skills.Try watching the news in English instead of Chinese.If you watch a movie and it has subtitles,try taping a paper over them.Listening to others talk is a good preparation for talking yourself.
3.Invite your English teacher to lunch!Find a friend who also wants to improve his or her English and have lunch or dinner together--speaking English of course.
4.Check out books,records,cassette tapes,and other materials in English from your local library.Look especially for books which have lots of dialogue in them.Read plays.When you go to see English films,try not to read the Chinese subtitles.
5.Watch for notices of English activities such as English corners or English speaking contests,and join in whenever you can.
6.Learn the words to some popular songs(warning:don't depend on texts provided on Chinese channels or Chinese magazine.)
7.Seek out lectures in English at a university on topics of interest to you.Try to take notes-just for your own use.
8.Find books-on-tape in your local library.Listen while you are relaxing at home or while commuting if you have a walkman.
9.Watch for plays or dramatic performances given in English on the campus-or get the student ticket for the public performances.
10.Exchange taped messages with a classmate.Record a few minutes and then ask your classmate to respond later on the same tape.
11.Choose a famous person whose accent you admire,and if you can get recordings of him or her,imitate the way he or she speaks.
12.Practice situations when you are alone,perhaps in front of a mirror.Imagine introducing yourself,disagreeing with someone's ideas,being interviewed or asking for information.If you can get someone to help,assign parts and do role-playing.
13.Make friends with the exchange students on our campus-they are here because they want cross-cultural communication.Comunicate with them.
14.Take part in a play in English-start out with a small part if you feel shy.
15.Find a friend or two and agree to speak English at certain regular times-after a class together,at dinner every Tuesday,or riding home on the train.
16.Practice reading aloud-get someone to check your pronunciation and intonation,or record yourself on tape and analyze your own speech.Set goals of specific things you can work on improving-for example,differences between words that contain"I" and "n" or "w" and "v".(e.g.There is no light at night at Wheatly University".) Keep notes of words you often mispronounce and practice them.
17.If you have a chance to travel,take advantage of the opportunities to use English--airlines and immigration personnel,hotel and restaurant staff,fellow travelers and passengers.Visit a former English teacher either from secondary school or from a course you took at university.Teachers like to hear how their students are doing.
18.Everyone knows that he only really effective way to improve on language skills is to use the language.In reality,however,we know that there are many reasons why people don't want to speak in another language-they are afraid of making mistakes,they can't express their real meaning easily,they are shy,they are afraid people will laugh at them.We all feel this way some of the time,but if you really want to improve your spoken English,try some of the suggestions we have made here.Once you try putting some of these ideas and principles into practice,the cat will have a very hard time getting your tongue!
"口语"翻译用哪个好是oral English 还是spoken English?这两个有什么区别吗?
rmrb 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
oral English 这才是真正的口语.没有spoken English这一说.通常有人说口语为speak english,这是中国式的口语翻译.但外国人也会明白你说的意思.
英语口语用英语怎么说?到底是spoken English还是speaking English或是English spok
到底是spoken English还是speaking English或是English spoken,这几种我都见过
残郁 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
spoken English口语
English spoken相当于一个形容词,说英语的
speaking English一般就是讲英语
Every minute _____ spoken English. [
Every minute _____ spoken English.
[ ]
A. was made use of to practise
B. was made use of practising
C. was made use to practice
D. was made use to practising
宇驰 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
求英语作文:以spoken English(口语英语)为题目的120个单词作文.
52gyl 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
口语应该说oral english
how to improve my oral english ?
(1)Well, forget any embarrassment and sense of dignity. To be honest, my situation is anything but poor , but i speak English every day since my very beginning about 3 years ago; sometimes, when (I was) in university, my roommates used to say that i was crazy. Yeah, why not get crazy? Bath room, dormitory, classroom, all are perfect places to hone your English tongue. You don't have foreigners around you so it's up to you to create an language environment yourself. Don't blame anything or tend to find any pretext for your poor spoken English.Enjoy losing face and you will have an excellent oral english .
(2)English is a language rather than a subject like others. So the most important thing to improve it is to speak it out. Never give up every chance that you can use English to communicate with people, especially in the English class. First you learn how to read English text fluently, then you learn how to talk to others and make yourself understood. And, you can use other tools to help you with, like computer software that you can read after. Discussion is a good way to train your oral English, too. The most important thing you should keep in mind is the more you practice, the better you can speak.
(3) way to improve spoken English
Hello, everyone! To be frank, my spoken English is not very well, but I still come here, because I don't want to lose a good chance to improve my English. Now, I will talk something about myself in learning English.
I have learned English for 8 years. But I think my oral English may be not as well as a child in a foreign country. I remember one year I traveled in Shanghai. On my way to the hotel I knocked into a foreigner. I said: "I am sorry." The foreigner said with a smile: "I am sorry too." I was so nervous." too?" and said: "I'm sorry three!" The foreigner was so surprised: "What are you sorry for?" "Four?" "Oh, I'm sorry five!" I said immediately.
Now my spoken English has been greatly improved owing to my hard work .I often talk to myself in English and go to English corner. That's a good way to practice my oral English. However, I'm always speaking Chinglish. Such as:" How money?" "You give me stop!" It makes me very embarrassed. Did you ever have the same feeling as me?
Maybe you feel nothing if it happened to yourself. But what about happening to others? One day an accident happened on the road of California. A Chinese woman was discribing the accident: "One car come, one car go, two cars pangpang, one car die!" Do you think the story is funny? I don't think so. What a rediculous mistake the woman made because of her poor English. In contacting a person with fluent English will be admired by everyone. So I determine to practice my spoken English crazily. I know there's a long way for me to go .As the old saying said: "Rome is not built in a day!" I always bear in mind persistance can overcome any difficulties. If I practice day after day, there's nothing that can't be achieved. Maybe next year when I stand here, I'll give you a big surprise. Let's look forward to that day! That's all, thank you!
spoken English、speaking English和English speaking的区别 词性的区别之类的
bird520 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
spoken English 是指英语口语,是名词.如:His spoken English is very good.他英语口语很好.
English speaking是“说英语的(人或国家)”,如He is an Engish speaking.他是个说英语的人.(他是说英语国家的人.)
speaking English 就只是一个动词的进行时或非谓语动词形式和Speak连在一起的情况,重心在speak上.如:
Let's practise speaking English every day.让我们每天都练习说英语.
Every minute _____ spoken English.[ ]
Every minute _____ spoken English.[ ]
A.was made use of to practise
B.was made use of practising
C.was made use to practice
D.was made use to practising
longlzf 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
固定用法:充分利用 make use of
make ..do sth = ..be made to do sth ( 变被动时TO 要还原)
句子意思是:为了练英语口语每分种都被用上了.故是A 对.
Miss Gao teaches us how _______spoken English. [
Miss Gao teaches us how _______spoken English.
[ ]
A. improve
B. improved
C. to improve
D. improving
wyy99 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
请问:请说明.everyday english 和spoken english 意思一样吗?有uausl english
everyday english 和spoken english 意思一样吗?
有uausl english
Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue today.” “He has a green thumb(大拇指).” “He has told a little white lie.” And she went to her teacher for help.
Mary:Mrs.Smith,there is a colour in each of these sentences.What do they mean?
Mrs.Smith:In everyday English,Mary,blue sometimes means sad.Yellow … afraid.A person with a green thumb grows plants(植物) well.And a white lie is not a bad one.
Mary:Would you give me an example for “a white lie”?
Mrs.Smith:Certainly.Now I give you some cake.In fact you don’t like it,but you won’t say it.Instead,you say,“No,thanks.I’m not hungry.” That’s a white lie.
Mary:Oh,I see.Thank you very much.
1.Blue sometimes means sad in ____ English.
A.good B.spoken C.usual D.poor
2.I don’t have a green thumb,so all my plants ____.
A.die off B.grow well C.look nice D.are good
3.Tom is ____ to climb the tree.He’s yellow.
A.happy B.clever C.glad D.afraid
4.He didn’t like me to know ____ of the accident.He told me a white lie.
A.the reason B.the true story C.the meaning D.the answer
5.He is ____ today.He is told his father is ill.
A.blue B.yellow C.green D.white
jsjohn 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
everyday english 指日常英语
和spoken english是口语
A die off死掉 green thumb是说擅长种植的人
D 口语中黄色表示恐惧
B 视乎就是现实的意思
A 同第一题
口语中 蓝色表忧郁悲伤,黄色是恐惧,红色表示愤怒
请问:speaking English与spoken English的区别?writing English与writte
请问:speaking English与spoken English的区别?writing English与written English的区别?
幽幽草ing 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
前者是说英语 后者是英语口语
前者是写英语或者英语书写 后者是英语写作
什么是spoken english ,它与speaking english有什么区别?1
卖笑的 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
speaking english,一般是说人说英语,
spoken english,也是指人的.
1.How can I improve my spoken English?
2.He practise speaking english regularly.
Australia is an English speaking country.
英语分类题一个框是spoken english 另一个是written english.单词:pronunciation
一个框是spoken english 另一个是written english.
单词:pronunciation sining translation reading movies VOA BBC magazines newspapers debate books
一衍 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Spoken English:pronunciation singing movies VOA BBC debate
Written English:translation reading magazines newspapers books
英语口语 既 SPOKEN ENGLISH的同义词 是什么 类似 CORAL!
知了2004 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率80%
oral english
关于一些词组如:ploughed field ,spoken English,类的动词修饰名词的词组.我一时想不起来了!
关于一些词组如:ploughed field ,spoken English,类的动词修饰名词的词组.我一时想不起来了!
nickywillfly 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
drinking water 饮用水
surprising ideas奇怪的想法
surprisied face惊讶的表情
polluted water污染的水
hardworking teachers 辛勤工作的教师
loving animals可爱的动物
dying animals濒临灭绝的动物
makea fire生火
have lunch/supper 吃饭
takean exam考试
take photos拍照
( )english movied is good for ( ) spoken english 观看英语电影对提高英语
( )english movied is good for ( ) spoken english 观看英语电影对提高英语口语有好处.
请问第一空填watching .第二空填improving 对吗?
bymgdx1c 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%