Astronomers have captured(捕获) the first direct image of a pl

爱我站左边2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Astronomers have captured(捕获) the first direct image of a planet being born.
Adam Kraus, of the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, said the planet is being formed out of dust and gas circling a 2-million-yea-old star about 450 light years from Earth.
The planet itself, based on scientific models of how planets form, is believed to have started taking shape about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago.
Called LkCa 15b, it’s the youngest planet ever observed. The previous record holder was about five times older.
Kraus and his colleague, Michael Ireland from Macquarie University and the Australian Astronomical Observatory, used Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea(a volcano on the island of Hawaii, US) to find the planet. Kraus presented the discovery Wednesday at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
Observing planets while they’re forming can help scientists answer questions like weather planets form early in the life of a star or later, and whether they form relatively close to stars or father away.
Planets can change orbits(轨道) after forming, so it’s difficult to answer such questions by studying older planets.
“These very basic questions of when and where are best answered when you can actually see the planet forming, as the process is happening right now,” Kraus said.
Scientists hadn’t been able to see such young planets before because the stars they’re circling around outshine(光亮强过) them. Kraus and Ireland used two techniques to overcome this problem.[来源:学+科+网]
One method, which is also used by other astronomers, was to change the shape of the telescope mirrors to remove light distortion(扭曲) created by the Earth’s atmosphere. The other method they used, which was unique, was to put masks with several holes over most of the telescope mirrors. The combination of these techniques allowed the astronomers to obtain high-quality images that let them see the planet next to the bright star.
The star LkCa 15—the planet is named after its star—was the team’s second target. They immediately knew they were seeing something new, so they plan to gather more data on the star.
小题1:The research on younger planets helps scientists _____________. why planets change orbits after forming
B.understand how planets move around their stars
C.answer questions about the age of stars and planets
D.know the relationship between planets and their stars
小题2:Why are young planets like LkCa 15b hard to discover?
A.Their stars are brighter than them.. B.They are very far from the earth.
C.They are generally too small. D.They rarely form.
小题3:According to the text, Kraus and Ireland _____________.
A.have been working in the same university
B.observed the planet on a volcano in Hawaii
C.used two new methods in the observation
D.cut holes in the mirrors when observing
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Youngest planet seen as it’s forming.
B.Planet 450 light years away discovered.
C.World’s first direct image of a planet taken.
D.New technique helps discover young planets.


hhb1088 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%



“The problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some
“The problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop,move backward and then go forward in a loop.”的翻译
kiss_the_rain 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
What is the color of the universe? Astronomers did not answe

what is the color of the universe? astronomers did not answer this question until two months ago. this was when two american astronomers reported on their study of all the light in the universe. they said that the universe would appear to the human eye to be a light greenish color, called turquoise(青绿色). karl glazebrook and ivan baldry of johns hopkins university in baltimore, maryland, reported their findings in january. they presented research at a meeting of the american astronomical society. they said that finding the color of the universe was not part of their more serious scientific research. they did it for fun.
however, earlier this month, the scientists admitted to ma king a mistake. they said their finding was much more colorful than it should have been. they now say the light from our universe is closer to white. it is more like a milky or creamy white color.
the scientists gave a nu mber to each of the colors of the different star systems. then they added the numbers together and found the average measurement. the scientists used this average to identify the color of the universe. they said it was a very pretty light green or turquoise color. they called it “cosmic (宇宙的) spectrum (光谱) green.” many newspapers and television stations reported their finding.
other scient ists and color engineers attempted to reproduce the result. mark fairchild of the rochester institute of technology in new york was the first person to identify a mistake. he discovered a mistake in the computer software program used by the johns hopkins scientists.
when the mistake was corrected, the results changed. the new color of the universe is much less colorful. it is very close to white. the scientists apologized for the mistake. they are now working with the rochester institute of technology to produce more images regarding the color of the universe.
48. why did the scientists do the research?
a. they wanted to win a nobel prize. b. it’s required by the ***.
c. they did it just for fun. d. it’s part of their research.
49. we can infer that the passage was probably written in _______.
a. january b. february c. may d. march[来源:学*科*网]
50. according to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
a. none of the researches done by scientists is right.
b. scientists sometimes may make mistakes in their work.
c. the color of the universe is light greenish.
d. mark fairchild apologized for his mistake about the color of universe.
sunnytechie 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
48---50 CDB

The________ were observed by astronomers throughout the worl

The________ were observed by astronomers throughout the world.
A.phenomenons B,ohenomena C.phenomenon D.phenomenas

How do you like the film?
A.average B.usual C.normal D.common

3..There are a great____flowers shown in the park and_____people go to have a look.
A.plenty of;many B.diversity of;many C.diverse;many a D.diversity;a few

4.You have made______mistakes in the writing______we can't quite catch what you meant.
A.such many;so B.many of;that C,so many;that D,too many;that

5.The football match was said_______in Rome,but it was held in London at last.
A,to have been held be holding C,to hold have held

6._________any biscuits that morning,we had nothing to eat.
A.Not baking B,Not having baked C.Not being baked D.Not having been baked

7.What's the matter with you?
_________the window,we had nothing to eat
A.Cleaning B,To clean C,While cleaning D.While I was cleaning
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初二英语阅读翻译Astronomers can tell just how hot the surfach of the
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A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth.why does it happen on the moon?Astronomers think that the surface of the moon is dust.And there is no air on the moon.on the earth,rocks and air store heat from the sun.when the sun goes down,the rocks and air stay warm.But the dust of the moon cannot store heat.So when the moon gets dark,the heat escapes quickly.The moon gets very cold.
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Astronomers (天文学家) say they are on the point of finding plan
Astronomers (天文学家) say they are on the point of finding planets like Earth orbiting other stars, which is a key step in determining if we are alone in the universe.
A top NASA official and other leading scientists say that within four or five years they should discover the first Earth-like planet where life could develop, or may have already. A planet close to the size of Earth could even be found sometime this year.
At the annual American Astronomical Society conference this week, each discovery involving so-called “exoplanets” —those outside our solar system —pointed to the same conclusion:Quiet planets like Earth where life could develop probably are plentiful.
NASA’s Dew Kepler telescope and a lot of new research from the suddenly hot and competitive exoplanet field caused noticeable buzz at the meeting.Scientists are talking abou t being at “an incredible special place in history” and closer to answering the question. “Are we alone? For the first time, there’s an optimism that sometime in our lifetimes we’re going to get to the bottom of that,” said Simon Worden,an astronomer who heads NASA’s Ames Research Center. “If I were a betting man, which I am, I would bet we’re not alone.”
“These are big questions that reflect upon the meaning of the human race in the universe,” the director of the Vatican Observatory, the Rev. Jose Funes, said Wednesday in an interview at this week’s conference.
Worden told The Associated Press: “I would certainly expect in the next four or five years we’d have an Earth-sized planet in the habitable (可居住的) zone.”
What is very important in determining if we are alone in the unive rse?
A. Finding an Earth-like planet. B. Orbiting other stars.
C. Developing new telescopes. D. Finding more exoplanets.
What’s an exoplanet?
A. It’s a planet like Earth. B. It’s a planet outside our solar system.
C. It’s a planet orbiting the sun. D. It’s a planet where life have developed.
The underlined phrase “get to the bottom of” probably means “__________”.
A. understand fully B. make full use of
C. search for D. do more research on
From the passage we can learn that __________.
A. an Earth-like planet has been f ound
B. it’s been proved we are not alone in the universe
C. Jose Funes has found the meaning of the human race in the universe
D. the discovery of an Earth-like planet could happen in the near future
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to nearly final bites.
A see eat B have seen eating C saw eaten D had seen eat
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A.that they believe is
B.that they believe it to be
C.they believe that it is of
D.they believe that is
E.they believe to be of
答案是E,省略了that。我想问的是 C 和D 错在哪里啊?
D中that指代one 不可以吗?
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Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion,one ...a type previously unknown to science.
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翻译完之后 简单帮我讲解一些其中的语法吧。
wuxijunwei 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
Voyager Ⅱ【宇航学】 旅行者二号(1977年美国发射的探测土星的宇宙探测器)
present sb.with sth.送给(呈送给)某人某事物
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daomeigou 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
这句话中有两个由 which 引导的定语从句,都是修饰black hole的。into 和from 是由从句中的内容而定, matter has fallen into the black hole , nothing can escape from the black hole. 介词位置在引导词前。