The large of the two deserts,the Uyuni salt desert,is 12,000

yanfuyan2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

The large of the two deserts,the Uyuni salt desert,is 12,000 square kilometres.


pongrong 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Ariel_S 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率


1.Deserts and high mountains have always been a ______ to th
1.Deserts and high mountains have always been a ______ to the movement of people from place to place.
A.barrier B.fence C.prevention D.jam
2.Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication _____.
A.tragedy B.vacuum C.question D.barrier
3.last night he saw two dark ______ enter the building,and then there was the explosion .
A.features B.figures C.sketches D.images
4.The statue would be perfect but for a few small ______ in it.
A.mistakes B.weakness C.flaws D.errors
5.Doctors are often caught in a _______ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.
A.puzzle B.perplexity C.dilemma D.bewilderment
6.Rumors are everywhere,spreading fear,damaging reputation,and turning calm situations into ____ ones.
A.turbulent B.tragic C.vulnerable D.suspicious
7.Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ____ to hot,dry winds.thay are what we call weather-sensitive people.
A.subjective B.subordinate C.liable D.vulnerable
8.My camera can be ________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
A.treated B.adjusted C.adopted D.remedied
9.It is too early to say whether IBM's competitors will be able to ______ their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost.
A.adapt B.stick C.yield D.adopt
10.Physics is ______ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.
A.alike B.equivalent C.likely D.uniform
未名百合 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
1 C A和C都有阻碍,障碍的意思,但是A主要是指(阻碍通道的)障碍物,屏障(如栅栏、挡板、挡墙、壁垒、障壁、十字转门等),而题目中的沙漠与高山与此不符,而D.jam为(道路等)堵塞,塞住:B篱笆,围墙更不可能,故选C
2 D A悲剧.言重了吧 B真空,空间,真空吸尘器,C 问题,一般是指有疑问,故不符.只有D阻碍,障碍符合题意.
3 B A特征, C 素描,草图 D图像,影像,肖像,想像,都不能使用在这里,而D则可指人的轮廓,外形等,最切合题意.
4 C瑕疵,毫无疑问选此项, A为错误,B为软弱,弱点,多指人,D误差,错误
5 C in a dilemma 困境,进退两难, Apuzzle难题,迷之类的,B perplexity困惑,混乱,就算要用也不能说in a perplexity,不能用a,D多指迷惑,困惑,为难,糊涂;昏乱, 混乱,也不合适在此i
6 A 这里明显要找一个和calm相对的词,turbulent狂暴的,吵闹的,焦虑不安的,符合题意. B悲剧的,C易受伤害的,D怀疑的,皆不符合题意,故排除.
7 D A主观上,B下级的,次要的,C,有义务的,应负责的,有...倾向,皆不符合题意,故排除,D易受伤害的,有弱点的,就是说有些人受不了炎热干燥的风等,恰合题意.
8 B A对待,招待,B 调整过的,适应的,C收养的,D药物治疗,经过对比,故选择B选项.
9 A B粘贴和D收养接收,首先排除.A使——适应,改编,在题中为“使他们的产品适应新的硬件",而Cyield 有生产的意思,但是和to一起使用的话,就变为屈服,退让的的意思了,在此不能使用.
10 A B等价的相等的和D 一致的,明显物理和科学不是等同的,故排除.C可能的,也不符合题意,A一般作表语,意为相像的,相似的,在此最切合题意,故选择A
一道英语阅读理解:The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Afric
The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is the largest of all birds.It is often 10 feet high.Sometimes the ostrich is called the "camel bird".Like the camel it lives in the desert,and can live a long time without water.The ostrich's legs are very long and strong,but its wings are small,and it cannot fly.The ostrich can run very quickly --- about 30 hour.The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand.There the ostrich lays ( 产、生 ) 10 or 12 large eggs.She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.People often hunt the ostrich,but it is not easy to catch it.The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only zig-zag ( z 字形路线 )
(C)According to the passage above,we can see that a couple(一对)ostriches can have at most__children.
A.30 B.4 C.10 D.12
at most 是最多的意思,不应该选D吗,为什么选C
蜕变的毛毛虫 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
初一英语题,急The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.
The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa. It is the largest of all birds. It is often 10 feet high. Sometimes the ostrich is called the "camel bird". Like the camel it lives in the desert, and can live a long time without water.
The ostrich's legs are very long and strong, but its wings are small, and it cannot fly. The ostrich can run very quickly --- about 30 km. an hour. The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand. There the ostrich lays ( 产、生 ) 10 or 12 large eggs. She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.
People often hunt the ostrich, but it is not easy to catch it. The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only zig-zag ( z 字形路线 )
1. The ostrich can run quickly so .
A. its legs become longer and stronger
B. its wings become smaller and smaller
C. it isn't easily caught
D. people call it the "camel bird"
2. According to the passage above, we can see that a couple of ( 一对 ) ostriches can have at most _______ children.
A. 30 B. four C. 10 D. 12
3. The ostrich watches her nest and seldom leaves it because .
A. her eggs are in it
B. people often hunt her
C. she wants to have a good rest after she has laid eggs
D. she is afraid of the hottest hours of the day
4. , so people call it the "camel bird".
A. The ostrich has a larger body than any other bird in the desert
B. The ostrich’s character is like the camel’s
C. The ostrich is a bird of the deserts of Africa
D. The ostrich can run about 30 km. an hour
5. If there is no water, the ostrich .
A. will die in no time
B. can still stay alive for some time
C. the ostrich can still live well
D. may leave her nest without laying any eggs
ysp211 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1.A 2.D 3.应该是A 4.C (很可能) 5.B(肯定)
阅读理解,Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good
Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts .Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.
Some places on the earth don’t get very much rain.But they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places.Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants don’t let the wind blow the earth away.When a little bit of rain falls ,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.
1 Why is more and more land becoming desert
2 What are scientists doing to the deserts
3 What can plants keep on the earth
4 Will all places without much water become deserts Why
大八猪 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
1.Because people are doing bad things to the earth.
2.They are trying to make the deserts into good land again.
3.They hold the water.
4.No.Because some green plants which are helpful to dry places are growing there.
首字母填空求解Deserts do not stay the s______(1) size.Sometimes the
Deserts do not stay the s______(1) size.Sometimes they grow bigger .Sometimes they get s______(2).The worlds biggest desert,the Sahara ,is inAfrica.Right now ,theSaharadesert is growing f_____(3) .
Why is theSaharagrowing In some places ,people farm too m_______(4) .In other places eat all the grass .Or ,people cut down the trees .This m_______(5)the soil weak .Weak soil lets the desert grow .
Why is it a problem People cannot g________(6) food in the desert .people cannot build houses ,or schools in the desert .So ,people must I______(7) their homes .They must live somewhere else .
What can people do They can p_______(8) trees .They can also farm less .These things make the soil stronger .M________(9) theSaharawill stop growing .It’s a big problem .Many people must work t_______(10) to solve it .
洛_洛y 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%

Deserts do not stay the 【same】size.Sometimes they grow bigger .Sometimes they get 【smaller】.The world's biggest desert,the Sahara ,is in Africa.Right now ,the Sahara desert is growing 【fast 】 . Why is the Sahara growing In some places ,people farm too【much】.In other places animals eat all the grass .Or ,people cut down the trees .This 【makes】the soil weak .Weak soil lets the desert grow . Why is it a problem People cannot 【 grow】 food in the desert .people cannot build houses ,or schools in the desert .So ,people must【leave】their homes .They must live somewhere else . What can people do They can【plant 】 trees .They can also farm less .These things make the soil stronger .【 Maybe】 the Sahara will stop growing .It’s a big problem .Many people must work 【together 】 to solve it .

A vast dust storm that blew in from the deserts of Australia
A vast dust storm that blew in from the deserts of Australia’s red centre has blanketed the country’s largest city and eastern coast in a red fog,causing widespread traffic chaos and severe flight delays.
Residents from Sydney in New South Wales to Canberra inland and towns in southern Queensland awoke to a red sky and greatly reduced visibility after the country’s worst dust storm in 70 years blew in overnight. The Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House were covered in the red fog and hundreds of people were reported to have breathing problems. Children,the elderly and those suffering from asthma (哮喘) or heart or lung diseases were advised to stay indoors ,as even healthy adults reported "itchy throats" and a metallic aftertaste in their mouths after walking through the thick fog.
Commuters used face masks,originally intended to protect them from the spread of swine flu, to hurry across the blocked streets on their way to work. Some schools were closed and sports activities were called off as the conditions pushed air pollution levels to 1500 times their normal levels – the highest on record.
Passengers at the busy Sydney Airport faced delays of up to six hours for international flights and three hours for domestic trips,and even some international flights were cancelled as visibility was reduced to just a few feet.
Locals,phoning radio stations to express their shock at the red dawn.” It’s like a nuclear winter morning," tourist Peter Wilson told Daily Telegraph, "It is so terrible." adding that when he awoke the sky was "bright red" and "all the cars were covered in dirt".
The dust hanging over Sydney had largely cleared by midafternoon, although national carrier Qantas said severe delays would last all day because of direction-changed and late-running flights.
The sand storm,which measured more than 310 miles wide and 620 miles long, was caused by dust clouds blowing east from Australia’s dry places,which has been attacked by the worst drought on record. It covered dozens of towns and cities in two states as strong winds swept away tons of topsoil threw it high into the sky and carried it hundreds of miles.
小题1:What was the face mask originally intended for? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)[
小题2:When did most residents of Sydney discover the vast storm ? (No more than 3 words) (3 marks)
小题3:What do you think the underlined word Qantas is? (No more than 3 words)(2 marks)
小题4:What is the main idea of the last paragraph ? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)
wwht2345 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
小题1:Protecting people from the spread of swine flu
小题2:In the morning
小题3:A flight company/An airline.
小题4:The cause of the dust/sand storm

英语翻译The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It
The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is the largest of all birds.It is often 10 feet high.Sometimes the ostrich is called the "camel bird".Like the camel it lives in the desert,and can live a long time without water.
The ostrich's legs are very long and strong,but its wings are small,and it cannot fly.The ostrich can run very quickly --- about 30 hour.The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand.There the ostrich lays ( 产、生 ) 10 or 12 large eggs.She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.
People often hunt the ostrich,but it is not easy to catch it.The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only zig-zag ( z 字形路线 )
爱上超短裙 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
people use camels in deserts for riding and___(carry)things.
people use camels in deserts for riding and___(carry)things.适当形式.
云在天上飘 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
和riding 平行,同作for 的宾语,用动名词
these big animals live in deserts.they are usually used for
these big animals live in deserts.they are usually used for carrying things.
朦胧之风 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
The size and location of the world‘s deserts are always rise
The size and location of the world‘s deserts are always rise.把英语翻译成汉语.
谈心天使 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
阅读理解Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land
Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again .They want to bring water to the deserts ,so people can live and grow food .They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time .Scientists may not be able to change the desert .Scientists think that people make deserts .People are doing bad things to the earth .Some places on the earth don’t get very much rain .But they still don’t become deserts .This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places .Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants don’t let the wind blow the dirt away .When a little bit of rain falls ,the plants hold the water .Without plants ,the land can become a desert much more easily .1.Deserts ________________.A.get very little rain .B.never have any plants or animals in them C.can all be turned into good land before long D.both A and C 2.Small green plants are very important to dry places because _______.A.they don’t let the sun make the earth even drier .B.they don’t let the wind blow the earth away .C.they hold water D.all of the above
3.Lands is becoming desert little by little because _______.A.plants can’t grow there B.there is not enough rain C.people haven’t done what scientists wish them to do D.scientists know little about the deserts.4..Some dry places on the earth don't because______.
A there is much rain there B there are lots of trees
C there are small green plants and grass D there is plenty of water
5.After reading this ,we learn that ________.A.plants can keep dry land from becoming desert is good to get rid of the grass in the deserts .
落后的人 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many
The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.
The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(not lived by people). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.
The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, pat them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.
小题1:according to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of _______.
A.clay B.rock
C.sand D.stones
小题2:The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being _______.
A.brave B.cruel
C.strange D.kind
小题3:In the desert _______. rains in spring only rains for a short time every month
C.there is some rain, but far from enough
D.the rainfall is just enough for the plants
小题4:People live _______.
A.only inside the oases B.only outside the oases
C.both inside and outside the oases places with regular rainfalls
小题5:From the passage we know that life _______. hard in deserts happy in deserts impossible in deserts deserts in much better now
不久不救 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%

小题1:C。推理判断题。根据第1段第1、2句The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones(世界上的沙漠并非全都覆盖着沙。许多沙漠表面有岩石、泥土或小石子)可推知沙漠主要是由沙组成的。故答案为C。
小题2:D。推理判断题。推断词义。根据文章最后一句No man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water由沙漠里没有人会拒绝给一个陌生人饭和水,可推断他们是很友好的(hospitable),故答案为D。
小题3:C。推理判断题。根据第1段最后一句There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants可知沙漠有少量降水,但并不充足。故答案为C。
小题4:C。推理判断题。根据第2段第2句People also live outside oases(绿洲)和第3段中they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit 可知人们有住在绿洲内的,也有住在绿洲外的。故答案为C。
小题5:A。推理判断题。根据第3段The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place可知沙漠人住得不稳定;They usually live in tents住得不舒服;When there is no more food for their animals食物不充足。由此可推断沙漠生活的艰难。故答案为A
Scientists are trying to make the deserts ,which get very li
Scientists are trying to make the deserts ,which get very little rain, into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.
Why is more and more land becoming desert?Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth against the scientists’ wish.
Some places on the earth don’t get much rain. But they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don’t let the sun make the earth even drier. Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away.When a bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become desert more easily.
小题1:Deserts ____________ .
A.never have any plants or animals in them
B.can all be turned into good land before long
C.are becoming smaller and smaller
D.get very little rain
小题2:More and more land is becoming desertbecause____________.
A.plants can’t grow there
B.there is not enough rain
C.people haven’t done what scientists wish them to do
D.scientists know little about the deserts
小题3:Small green plants are very important to dry places because ________
A.they don’t let the sun make the earth even drier
B.they don’t let the wind blow the soil away
C.they hold water
D.All of the above.
小题4:After reading this passage, we learn that _____________ .
A.plants can keep dry land from becoming desert is good to get rid of the grass in the deserts
C.all places without much rain will become deserts is better to grow crops on dry land than to cut them
wook1001 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%

阅读理解D The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand
The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay(黏土) or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.
The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(无人居住的). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.
The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, put them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable , no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.
小题1:According to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of ________.
A.clay B.rock C.stones D.sand
小题2:The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being ________.
A.kind B.brave C.cruel D.strange
小题3: In the desert ________.
A.It rains in spring only. rains for a short time every month
C.the rainfall is just enough for the plants
D.there is some rain, but far from enough
小题4:People live ______.
A.only inside the oases B.both inside and outside the oases
C.only outside the oases places with regular rainfalls.
kevintokevin 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%

When I was a girl,in the deserts of Somalia,my family was no
When I was a girl,in the deserts of Somalia,my family was nomadic,_______with our animals,and leading a happy life.
A.working hard together C.looking after D.moving around这题选D 为什么?
janecs 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
D.moving around
英语翻译Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land
Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming the deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.
Why is more and more land becoming deserts?Scientists think that people are doing bad things to the earth.
Some places on the earth don’t get very much rain.But they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants don’t let the wind blow the dirt away.When a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert much more easily,
clarkcyy 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Empty Deserts In the 19 th century Americans from the easter
Empty Deserts
In the 19 th century Americans from the eastern states moved out west to settle in the rich new lands along the Pacific coast. The most difficult part of their trip was crossing the “Great American Desert in the western part of the United States by horse and wagon.
The western desert can be very dangerous. There is little water and there are few trees. But the desert also has scenery of great beauty. Tall towers of red and yellow stone rise sharply from the flat sandy valley floor. The scene has been photographed many times and appears in movies and in TV.
In Arizona, man made dams across the Colorado River have made two large lakes in the middle of the dry desert country. At Lake Powell, the red stone arch of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake.
There are few roads. Many areas of Lake Powell’s shore can only be reached by boat or on foot. But hikers in this empty desert land sometimes find very old native American pictures, painted on the rocks.
In Death Valley, California, the summer temperature rises to 130 degrees. There is less than two inches of rain each year. Death Valley is the lowest place in America---- 925 meters below sea level. In the 1800s, many travelers died when they tried to cross this waterless valley in the terrible heat.
Although the desert is dry and seems empty, there is plenty of life if you look closely. Small insects, snakes and rats have learned how to live in the desert heat. They live under ground and come out at night, when it is cool. Plants such as cacti need very little water. When it does rain in the desert (sometimes only once or twice a year), plants grow quickly, and flowers open in a single day. For a short time, the desert is covered with brilliant colors.
小题1:In the 19 th century, Americans moved from the east to the west because they ______.
A.enjoy the trip B.wanted to make their home there
C.wanted to find new grassland there D.had no water to drink
小题2:From the passage, we can conclude that ______.
A.the western desert is a good place for people to live in
B.there is little water but there are many trees in the desert
C.the desert is dangerous but it is full of life
D.till now, people know little about the desert
小题3: If you want to find some old native American pictures painted on the rock you must go ______.
A.on foot boat car plane
小题4:In the 1800s many travelers died in Death Valley because of ______.
A.illness B.high temperature
C.cold weather D.poisonous water
小题5:In the desert, animals will die ______.
A.if they move about B.if they cannot make holes underground
C.if they come out at night D.if they drink much water
燕舞宁心 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

There are also people ---in the deserts
There are also people ---in the deserts live
chenmingtou 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
可以理解为there is/are +名词+doing结构
The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is t
The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa.It is the largest of all birds.It is often
lizhao521 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
用英语回答英文问题which deserts are located in the western hemisphere
which deserts are located in the western hemisphere?
which deser is located on the smallest continent in the world?
dm34ding 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
which deserts are located in the western hemisphere?
Mojave Desert
Chihuahuan Desert
Great Basin Desert
Sonoran Desert
Painted Desert
Baja California Desert
Atacama Desert
Patagonian Desert
which desert is located on the smallest continent in the world?
The Australian Desert in Australia
deserts horrible therefore 是什么英语意思
zsp951 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
What is the deserts horrible therefore
So what is the answer?
So what does this mean?
Remember what that feels like?
译in some cases,deserts are the creation of destruction
译in some cases,deserts are the creation of destruction
全句in some cases,deserts are the creation of destruction of virgin forest
lbaichil 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语翻译Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land
Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They are learning a lot about them,but more and more land is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.
Why is more and more land becoming deserts?People make deserts.They are doing bad things to the earth.
There isn't much rain in some places on the earth,but still they don't become deserts.Why?Because some green plants and grass are growing there and they are very important to dry places.Plants can let the hot sun not make the land even drier and let the wind not blow the land away.When a little rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert more eaeily.的意思,
Kelvine 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
which runs over mountains,through valleys and across deserts
which runs over mountains,through valleys and across deserts.英译汉
咯龙 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
which runs over mountains, through valleys and across deserts.
The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,____ deserts,
The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,____ deserts,____ mountains,____ valley,till last it reaches the sea.
A.across;over;through B.over;through;across
fang9595 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
across是横穿的意思,指的是在物体表面得通过,比如across the road.
Scientists (科学家) are trying to make the deserts (沙漠) into go
Scientists (科学家) are trying to make the deserts (沙漠) into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.
Some places on the earth don’t get much rain. But they still don’t become deserts. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry (干旱的)places. Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don’t let the wind blow the earth away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become deserts much more easily.
小题1:Why can the land become deserts?
A.Some places don’t get much rain.
B.Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier.
C.People don’t keep the earth well.
D.Scientists haven’t learnt enough about the deserts.
小题2:Scientists are to make the deserts into good land again.
A.carrying water B.growing food C.doing nothing D.studying a lot
小题3:Which is NOT true?
A.The land never stops becoming deserts.
B.Scientists ask people to live in the deserts and grow food there.
C.People do bad things to the earth.
D.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.
小题4:Why are green plants and grass helpful?
A.They can hold the water.
B.They can keep the earth wet.
C.They can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.
D.All the above.
小题5:Which is the best title(题目)for the passage?
A.The Desert Problem
B.People Make Deserts
C.Green Plants and Grass
D.The Deserts, the Tree and the Water
孤独十字刀疤 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

阅读理解的部分the deserts of the world are not all covered
灵馨百合 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译Scientiets are trying to turn the deserts into good land
Scientiets are trying to turn the deserts into good land again.They want to b___ water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food there.They are l__ a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts.Scientists may not be able to c____ the deserts in time.
Why is more and more land becoming deserts?Scientists think that people are deserts makers.People are aways doing bad t___ to the earth.
Some places on the earth don't g___ much rain,but they still don't become deserts.This is because some green plants are g___ there.Small green plants and grass are very i___ to dry places.They not only stop the hot sun from making the earth even d___,but also stop the wind from b___ the dirt away.When a bit of rain falls,the plants h___ the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert more easily.
魔力节水器 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率100%
ing learning cure things get growing important dry blowing hold
He who deserts time will be deserted by time.
苏幕遮2004 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
who deserts time是一个定语从句修饰he.
翻译下面短文In some parts of the world there are large deserts. Th
In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and no water there. Travellers muct take food and water with them. The only animal who can walk through the desert is the camel. He can go without food and watar for a long time, and he can also carry heavy big. He has one or two humps on his back, short ears and a long nose. The camel's humps hold fat and his stomach holds water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket has mouth which closes, and the food does ont mix with the water. When the camel wants some water, he can get it out of there pockets. The camel's food is grass and leaves of trees.
lzhb76 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
下面这两句英文,哪个说的对?More and more of the earth is becoming deserts
More and more of the earth is becoming deserts because there is no river there.
More and more of the earth is becoming deserts because there are no rivers there.
这两句的主要差别就是“there be”句型的单复数问题,请问哪句对,还是两种表达都对?
零余子 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
英语翻译Plants can keep dry land from becoming deserts.It is no
Plants can keep dry land from becoming deserts.
It is no use growing plants.
yclovet 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
完形填空1.You may think there is only sand in the deserts(沙漠) of
1.You may think there is only sand in the deserts(沙漠) of the world,( 1 ) it is not true.In the deserts,as we know,there is a little rain and it is not true for most plants.Still we can see some plants live in the deserts.
There is ( 2) in some places in the deserts.We call these places oases(绿洲).In the oases,there are villages and towns.People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there.People also live( 3 ) the oases.They have camels(骆驼),sheep and other animals.These animals depend ( 4 ) the desert plants for their food and do not need (5 ) water.The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways.They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals.They ( 6) the camels for carrying water,food,tents and ( 7 ) .
The people of the desert have to keep ( 8 ) from place to place.They must always look ( 9 ) grass or desert plants for their animals.When there( 10 ) no more food for their animals,they move to another place.The desert people are ( 11 ) .No man in the desert would ever refuse( 12 ) the people in trouble and give them food and water.
A and
B but
C or
D so
A stones
B plants
C wood
D water
A in
B outside
C with
D on
A on
B as
C for
D about
A little
B few
C much
D any
A let
B make
C drive
D use
A other something
B something other
C else something
D something else
A walking
B going
C moving
D carrying
A at
B for
C up
D after
A is
B are
C has
D have
A well
B friends
C friendly
D carefully
A help
B helps
C helping
D to help
shiyingnan 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
2D有水的地方才能有生命,还有注意是there is
3A人们也住在绿洲,live on以..为生
6D用来,AB是使役动词 drive(逼迫)加to'
8C搬来搬去,呼应下文的they move to another place
10Athere be结构就表示拥有,food不可数
首字母填空Scientists are trying to turn the deserts(沙漠) into good
Scientists are trying to turn the deserts(沙漠) into good land again.They want to b___1___water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food there.They are l___2__ a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts.Scientists may not be able to c___3__ the deserts in time.
Why is more and more land becoming deserts Scientists think that people are desert makers.People are doing bad t___4____ to the earth.
Some places on the earth don’t g___5___ much rain,but they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are g___6___ there.Small green plants and grass are very i____7___ to dry places.They not only stop the hot sun from making the earth even d____8___ ,but also stop the wind from b____9__ the dirt away.When a bit of rain falls,the plants h___10__ the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert more easily.
泰格健健 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1 bring 2 learning 3 change 4 things 5 get 6 growing 7 important
8 drier 9 blowing 10 hold
forest have disappeared to the point _______ deserts have ex
forest have disappeared to the point _______ deserts have extended to some cities.
A.until B.when C.before D.where
zp052 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand.M
The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand.Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones.They are not flat,either.They often have high hills and deep valleys.There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert.There is little rain in the desert,but it does fall often enough for most plants.
The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(not lived by people).People also live outside oases(绿洲),but these people are not farmers.They have camels,goats,donkeys,sheep,etc.These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.
The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place,they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals.They usually live in tents.When there is no more food for their animals,they fold up their tents,pat them on their camels and donkeys,and move to another place.In good years,when there is enough food for their animals,they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit.But in bad years,when there is not enough food for their animals,the people of the desert would attack the oases people.But they are also hospitable,no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.
mengyan06 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
desert 可数?那这句子怎么理解 速度解决下 Forests have become deserts
12年的承诺 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
Hope deserts us at no period of our exis 汉语什么意思
飞着的狐狸 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
Hope deserts us at no period of our existence. — R. L. Stevenson.
在我们一生中,希望从未遗弃过我们.—— 史蒂文森
Jessie丹 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Cheer has the same style with Deserts.
Deserts is of the same style with Cheer.
英文的完形填空Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good l
Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good lang again.They want to bring water to deserts,so people can ( l 1)and grow food there.They are ( l 2)a lot about the deserts.But more and mora of the earth is becoming deserts all the (t 3).Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.Why is more and more land (b 4)deserts?Scientists thing that people make deserts.Peopple are doing bad thing to the earth.Some (p 5)on the earth do not get very mach rain,but they still do not become deserts.this is because some green (p 6)are growing there.Small green grass and other small plants are very (i 7)to try places.Plants do not let the hot (s 8)make the earth even drier.Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away.(w 9)a little bit of rain the earth plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert much more (e 10)
迷暖 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 plant 2 laboring 3 time 4 becoming 5 places 6 plants 7 important 8 summer 9 with 10 easily
改错:If nothing does,the ocean will turn into fish deserts.
绿茶娃娃 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
if nothing is done,the ocean will turn into fish deserts.
如果什么措施都不做 海洋会变成鱼的沙漠
Today,the area has only two small lakes and two salt deserts
Today,the area has only two small lakes and two salt deserts.
羽蓝zzzz 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
the semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate
the semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increase enviromental pressures 这句话到底该怎么翻译呢
激活发帖 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
that people make deserts by doing bad things to the
wlovemo 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
翻的不是很准 但大意应该没问题 感觉是跟环保有关的
help_to some deserts and fruit
81212670 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
help me to some deserts and fruit
英语翻译Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good
Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth don't get much rain.But they still don't become desert.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places.Plants don't let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants don't let the wind blow the earth away.When a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without the plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.
我爱你韩_cc 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
plant can keep dry land form becoming deserts
tcqls 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
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cross deserts and go to freezing cold parts of the world?是什么
cross deserts and go to freezing cold parts of the world?是什么意思
艾银坊 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
deserts are difficult places in which to live是定语从句吗?
deserts are difficult places in which to live是定语从句吗?
448236530 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
是的,该句是“介词+which”型定语从句,先行词在从句中作宾语,故无主谓.该句也可省略in which,而看作是不定式做后置定语.