Simplicity,The peak of

oscar闪烁一千年2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


shuaiy2006 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%


w0dzl 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率


Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and powe
Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power(力量) of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17) with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.
Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life—married, single, with or without children. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement parents or social workers. They are tutors: someone to trust, to have fun with, to talk and go to when needed.
A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months. They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park, cooking, doing sports or going to a football match. These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop self-respect, confidence and life direction.
Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations can be found throughout the world. It is the largest and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25 years.
Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008. Emily is a 15-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school. “ I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me.”
Emily’s mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be of benefit to Emily by “providing different feedback about herself other than just depending on schoolmates to measure(测量) her self-worth.
Sarah wanted to get involved(使参与) in a volunteer program. “I googled it and found out how to be a part of it. I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play.”
Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah. They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful and happy girl she is!
小题1:According to the passage, “vulnerable young people” are probably those who are _________.
A.popular at school B.rather weak physically
C.easily hurt emotionally D.confident in themselves
小题2:A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at least______.
A.72 hours B.48 hours C.36 hours D.24 hours
小题3:Why did Sarah want to get involved in the program?
A.She felt a bit bored with her life.
B.She used to be a volunteer.
C.She needed a part-time job.
D.She wanted to get a difficult job.
小题4:What is the purpose of Big Brothers Big Sisters?
A.To offer students public services.
B.To help students improve their grades.
C.To organize funny sport activities for young people.
D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.
410766535 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

英语翻译.Depending on the simplicity or ambition of the product,
.Depending on the simplicity or ambition of the product,the learning curve greatly.
cf_fly 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
英语翻译下句是it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can creat
下句是it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.请翻译
raysyw 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
"Contrany "isn't the right word,it should be "contrary".
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication是什么意思
xiaoyan1213 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
英语翻译Lucidity,Simplicity,EuphonyBy W.Somerset MaughamI have n
By W.Somerset Maugham
I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.You have only to go to the great philosophers to see that it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections.You may find it difficult to understand the thought of Hume,and if you have no philosophical training its implications will doubtless escape you; but no one with any education at all can fail to understand exactly what the meaning of each sentence is.Few people have written English with more grace than Berkeley.There are two sorts of obscurity that you find in writers.One is due to negligence and the other to wilfulness.People often write obscurely because they have never taken the trouble to learn to write clearly.This sort of obscurity you find too often in modern philosophers,in men of science,and even in literary critics.Here it is indeed strange.You would have thought that men who passed their lives in the study of the great masters of literature would be sufficiently sensitive to the beauty of language to write if not beautifully at least with perspicuity.Yet you will find in their works sentence after sentence that you must read twice to discover the sense.Often you can only guess at it,for writers have evidently not said what they intended.
shastity25 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
W.萨默塞特毛姆.毛姆 著
我对那些要求读者努力去理解他们词句意思的作家们从来都没有太多耐心.你只有去拜读那些大哲学家的著作才会发现,语言是能够以一种简明的方式去表达哪怕最微妙的感受.你也许觉得理解休姆(①姓氏 ②David,1711-1776,苏格兰历史学家、哲学家)的思想很困难,并且如果没有相当的哲学基础你不可能觉出那些暗示的;但是没有哪个受过教育的人不能准确理解他每一句话的意思.没有人能把英语写得比伯克利更为优雅.作家们的作品里有两种形式的晦涩.一种是因为疏忽而另一种是因为随性.人们常常会把文辞写得含糊不清,因为他们从来没有把清晰明了的表述当成一回事.你会发现这种表达上的晦涩在当今的哲学家、科学工作者甚至文学评论家那里都非常普遍.这是一个很奇怪的现象.你也许会想,那些把毕生精力都花在去研究文学大师们的人,他们对语言的美是如此敏感,他们写出来的东西即使不够美也至少得文词清晰.然而你却发现在他们的作品中,一个又一个的句子你必须要读上两遍才能找出它想表达的意思.经常性地,你还不得不靠猜测,因为作者很显然没有表达出他们所希望的意思.
关于英语解释1.simplicity and charity should be the theme in your d
1.simplicity and charity should be the theme in your dress
2.sometimes the object of the journey is not the end,but the journey itself
3.someone from your past has returned to steal your heart
紫夜天 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1.  简单和博爱应该作为你发言的主题.
英语翻译In addition,notice that due to the simplicity of the dat
In addition,notice that due to the simplicity of
the data handling interface which consists of a
ML16/DS16 protocol,the remote terminal will be
located in the module because consisting of a
low level hybrid.
hailang258 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译you're romantic in your outlook and love the simplicity
you're romantic in your outlook and love the simplicity of can be a little nostalgic and you like landscapes that make you feel calm.when it comes to art,you appreciate raw and edgy work-you like to be challenged.You're definitely open-minded and every honest.Your music collection is your treasure.You're a focused listener and you're always on the look out for something new.
cheng2004cheng 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Hehad not the good breeding to see that simplicity and n
Hehad not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalness are the truestmarks of distinction.
娶了媳妇忘了娘 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
英语翻译you're romantic in your outlook and love the simplicity
you're romantic in your outlook and love the simplicity of can be a little nostalgic and you like landscapes that make you feel calm.when it comes to art,you appreciate raw and edgy work-you like to be challenged.You're definitely open-minded and every honest.Your music collection is your treasure.You're a focused listener and you're always on the look out for something new.
gaohong5250 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译The very simplicity of this use of energy proves to us t
The very simplicity of this use of energy proves to us that it is a quality bubbling forth in the least of us and the strongest.It only needs to be put to work and it becomes self-strengthening.
门当4即 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译Me and you- simplicity,Joy in purest form,Love that ran
Me and you- simplicity,
Joy in purest form,
Love that ran so deeply,
Made to be broken and torn.
Giving all I ever had,
Was never even enough,
You left me cold and bare,
You gave up on us.
We had such perfect harmony,
Something to hold on to,
Until you broke the perfection,
And told me that we're through.
fan0721 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Simplicity it is not the beginning but the result.
唐伯豚 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
怀疑是不是掉了For,For simplicity,不然句子结果不完整
Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and powe

Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17) with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.
  Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life—married, single, with or without children. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement parents or social workers. They are tutors: someone to trust, to have fun with, to talk and go to when needed.
A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months. They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park, cooking, playing sport or going to a football match. These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect, confidence and life direction.
Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world. It is the largest and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25 years.
Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008. Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school. “ I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me.”
Emily’s mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be of benefit to Emily by “providing different feedback (反馈) about herself other than just relying on schoolmates to measure her self-worth.
Sarah wanted to get involved in a volunteer program. “I googled it and found out how to be a part of it. I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play.”
Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah. They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful, happy and unique girl she is!
小题1:What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?
A.To offer students public services.
B.To help students improve their grades.
C.To organize sport activities for young people.
D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.
小题2:A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at least______.
A.24 hours B.36 hours C.48 hours D.72 hours
小题3:According to Emily’s mother, this program may provide Emily with______.
A.advice from her teachers
B.a new way to assess herself
C.a new way to judge her schoolmates
D.more comments from her schoolmates
小题4:Why did Sarah want to get involved in the program?
A.She used to be a volunteer.
B.She needed a part-time job.
C.She felt a bit bored with her life.
D.She wanted to get a challenging job.
小题5:According to the passage, “vulnerable young people” are probably those who are _________.
A.popular at school B.rather weak physically
C.easily hurt emotionally D.confident in themselves
呆呆飞天 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

Bigger Brothers Bigger Sisters(公益项目)存在25年且遍及世界各地。其宗旨是通过老少联谊活动,加强友谊。从而帮助脆弱的7—17岁未成年人增强自信,把握人生方向。Emily就是其中的一个受益者。
小题1:细节理解题 根据第一段的第二句话“It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerabile young people (7—17) with a volunteer aldult…”,可以得知该项目宗旨是通过老少联姻活动,加强友谊获得乐趣。故选D。
小题2:细节理解题 根据第三段第一句话可知,该项目的志愿者与未成年人相处的时间,一年中每月3—4次,每次1—4小时。所以B选项正确。
小题3:细节理解题 根据第6段可知,母亲认为Emily参与这一项目可以让Emily获得不同的自我价值反馈途径,而不仅仅是一种方式(从同学中获得)。所以选B.
小题4:推理判断题 从倒数第二段“I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something …it is all work and no play.”可以得知Sarah觉得花点时间做别的事情是很有乐趣的。它也是一种工作方式(兼职)。故B选项正确。
小题5:推理判断题 从第三段最后一句得知,该项目举办一些活动来培养vulnerabile young people的自尊感,自信感以及积极人生心态;从第五段得知Emily(vulnerabile young people的例子)在学校难以得到同学的认同;从最后一段最后一句可以得知Emily参加该项目以后受益匪浅,从此变成一个快乐而富有个性的好女孩。所以从正反两方面可推知C选项正确。