Die Familie kommt nicht zu kurz.

wwjianyu2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Die Familie kommt nicht zu kurz.
Die Familie kommt nicht zu kurz.这句话就是其中一点.


hbxcheng 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
zu kurz kommen 的含义是“吃亏”
Die Familie kommt nicht zu kurz.在这个上下文应该理解成:不会因为工作亏欠家庭.


1.Meine Familie2.Mwine Universitāt 要求字数60词即可!
一喝就吐 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Meine Familie
In meiner Familie gibt es drei Personen,mein Vater,meine Mutter und mich.Mein Vater ist Arbeiter.Meine Mutter ist Lehrerin.Und ich bin Student.In meiner Familie herrscht es eine hormonische Atmospha"re.Im Alltag streiten wir miteinander nie.Wir alle lieben sich einnander.
Meine Universitāt
Ich studiere an der ...Universita"t.Meine Universita"t sieht sehr scho"n aus und die Lehrkraft in meiner Universita"t ist auch stark.An der Universita"t sind u"brig scho"ne Pflanzen.Die Professoren von meiner Universita"t sind auch weltbekannt.Sie sind alle nett und sehr hilfsbereit.Ich mag meine Universita"t sehr.
英语翻译Zehn bis 20 Kilometer weit pro Tag zockelt die Familie i
Zehn bis 20 Kilometer weit pro Tag zockelt die Familie im 1-PS-Wohnmobil von Hof zu Hof,wo Pferd und Tourist abends kulinarisch verwöhnt werden.
原句是说 做驴马旅行,恩 确实是1马力.wo Pferd und Tourist abends kulinarisch verwöhnt werden.
lindandan 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
sich kulinarisch verwöhnen lassen是固定用法,翻译过来可以理解为“好好吃一顿”的意思.
they use the time off to have a good time with their familie
they use the time off to have a good time with their families.
why there is a "off",what does the "use off"mean
hi_richard 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
off的意思是“放假”,修饰time表示放假的时间,并不是use off
譬如have a day off表示放一天假
Fun is, in fact, a word heard far more frequently in familie
Fun is, in fact, a word heard far more frequently in families today than in the past, when "duty’’ and "responsibility" were often the words used.
Parents today are more youthful in appearance and attitudes. Their clothes and hair-styles are more casual, helping to bridge the divide. Those who are athletically inclined also enjoy Rollerblading, snowboarding, and rock-climbing with their children.
For the past three years, Kathy and Phil Dalby have spent at least one evening a week at a climbing gym with their three children. "It’s great to be able to work together," Mrs Dalby says. "We discuss various climbs and where the hard parts are. Sometimes that leads to other Conversations. We’re definitely closer."
A popular movement of parent effectiveness training in the 1970s has helped to reshape generational roles. The philosophy encourages children to describe their feelings about various situations. As a result, says Robert Billingham, a family-studies professor at Indiana University, "Parents and children began talking to each other in ways they had not before."
On the plus side, he adds, these conversations made parents realize that children may have important thoughts or feelings that adults need to be aware of.
But Professor Billingham also sees a downside: Many parents started making decisions based on what their child wanted. "The power shifted to children. Parents said, ’I have to focus on making my child happy’, as opposed to ’I have to act as a parent most appropriately’."
Other changes are occurring as the ranks of working mothers grow. Time-short parents encourage children’s independence, making them more responsible for themselves. "They’ll say, ’We trust you to make the right decisions’ (whether they’re ready to assume the responsibility or not) ,"says Billingham.
The self-esteem movement of the past quarter-century has also affected the family dynamics (原动力). Some parents worry that if they tell their child no, it will hurt the child’s self-esteem.
小题1:What’s the trend in parent-child relationship mentioned in the passage?
A.Parents are chasing after fashion and ignoring the feelings of their children.
B.More parents and children are sharing the same enthusiasm for a certain sport.
C.Parents are taking more responsibility and setting more limits for their children.
D.The generation gap is narrowing and parents are respecting their children’s thoughts more.
小题2:Which of the following has NOT contributed to the change in the parent-child relationship?
A.Younger parents. B.Parent effectiveness training.
C.More working mothers. D.The self-esteem movement.
小题3: What’s Billingham’s attitude towards parents who make children more responsible for themselves?
A.He supports them. B.He admires them.
C.He disagrees with them. D.He thinks they’re unreasonable.
小题4:What will probably be discussed following the last paragraph?
A.The effect of more working mothers on children’ s education.
B.The benefits of the new relationship between parents and children.
C.The importance of self-esteem and ways to develop children’s self-esteem.
D.The risks of setting no rules and some suggestions on how to have a balanced attitude.
小题5:What’s the best title for the text?
A.Parents and Children as Friends. B.Parents and Professors as Debaters.
C.Growing Mutual Understanding. D.Disappearing Responsibility.
warriorzgl 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%

请教德语的denn je Die Familie lebt,aber sie hat es schwerer denn
请教德语的denn je
Die Familie lebt,aber sie hat es schwerer denn je,ihre Funktion zu erfuellen.
文中的denn je 而整句话又怎么理解呢?
llz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Duden里给出的解释是,than ever.德德字典解释为wie sonst zu keiner Zeit vorher .那么schwerer denn je就翻译为 相比之前的情况例外的(更难的),比原来更难,更难到了以前没有那么难的程度.
英语翻译许多贫困家庭的孩子年纪很小就不得不辍学去城镇找工作many children from poor familie
many children from poor families( )
to find a job in the town
cindy54182 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
many children from poor families (have to drop out though they are very young) to find a job in the town
it's reported that most of the familie‘s income is 3 times o
it's reported that most of the familie‘s income is 3 times or more what it was 3 years ago
为什么用what 而不是than
linzi133 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
这里的what引导的从句是跟在3 times后面的,"or more"是个补充说明,所以不是比较状语从句,不能用than,
3 times what it was three years ago“是3年前的3倍”.倍数的表达方式:times + 名词+ of,比如:His room is twice the size of mine.他的房间有我的2倍大,= his room is twice as big as mine.
例句中what 引导名词性从句,代替的就是上面我说的times后面跟的名词.
英语翻译the support of his famillies' the support of his familie
the support of his famillies'
the support of his families
his families' support
驴骑士 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
第一个,of 与families' 重复了,第二个是对的.
the support of his families 或his families'support
写一篇文章 德语的写一篇短文(德语的短文)三个题目任选一个Meine FamilieMeine HeimatMeine
写一篇文章 德语的
Meine Familie
Meine Heimat
Meine Studium
12~15个句子 从句不算一个完整的句子
1.der ;das ;die引领的关系从句,(3个至少有一个)
2.wer ;was 关系从句 (各一句)
samantha1995 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Meine Familie
Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich eine Familie habe, die viele Leute sich ein wünschen, aber auch viele nicht mehr erreichen könnte. Ich habe eine große Familie, meine Mama, mein Papa, meine kleine Schwester, und ich, vier Familiemitglieder wohnen alle zusammen in unserem Haus, das mein Papa vor fünf Jahre selbe gebaut hat. Meine Mama ist eine sehr liebe Frau, eine sehr sanfte Frau, sie ist allerdings unser Futtern Quelle, tja, dass das mein Papa immer zu uns sagt, kann meine Mama darauf ganz stolz sein! Weil meine Mama total leckest Essen für uns kochen kann, darum ist die schönsten Zeit wir alle fünf Personen am Esstisch sitzen, um Essengeniesen anzufangen. Was neuste Rezepte, was köstlich Essen, probieren meine Mama gerne aus. Mein Papa ist ein guter Mann, er arbeitet als Elektronischingenieur, der ist fleißiger bescheiden Mensch, der teilt seine Zeit nicht nur auf Arbeiten, sondern auch zuhause was zu machen. Es ist schon oftmals, dass Papa immer noch in unterm unseren Keller in der Nacht arbeitet, der säget, schleift, pinselt, und, und, und. Der macht schönes für uns alle möglichen. Der ist alle liebster Papa auf der Welt, ,der leute,wer Probleme hat, wer sich Hilfe braucht, unterstützt mein Papa gerne. Der ist einfach zu nett, sagt was meine Mama immer zu. Wenn jemand uns fragt, was macht euch zuhause sehr Spaß? Dann können wir gleich beantworten, Nana, mit meiner kleinen Schwester, macht es uns viel Spaß. Sie ist ein Angel, sie ist so süß und so hübsch! Und lieb ist sie natürlich auch. Sie ist nur 6 Jahr alt, sie geht in diesem Jahr 1 Klasse, ich gehe gerne in der Schule, sagt es Nana Papa, Mama, und mir. Da freuen wir uns sehr. So sieht meine Familie aus, ich liebe sie, wir lieben sie.
The evidence for harmony(和谐)may not be clear in some familie
the evidence for harmony(***)may not be clear in some families. but it seems that four in five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly- held image(印象)of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.
an important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past. ”we were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seem to be about their families, ”said one member of the research team. ”they’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. there’s more negotiation(商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. they don’t want to rock the boat. ”
so it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat the children as friends. ”my parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me, ”says 17-years-old daniel lazall. ”i always tell them when i’m going out clubbing. as long as they know what i’m doing, they’re fine with it. ”susan crome, who is now 21, agrees. ”looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. for example, as long as i’d done all my homework, i could go out on a saturday night. but i think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that. ”
maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. it is possible that the idea of teenagers’ rebellion is not rooted in real facts. a researcher comments, ”our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in out social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. but that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. the normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over. ”
小题1:what is the popular images of teenagers today?
a.they worry about school b.they dislike living with their parents
c.they are locked in to avoid trouble d.they quarrel a lot with other family members
小题2:the study shows that teenagers don’t want to ___
a. share family responsibility b. cause trouble in their families
c. go boating with their family d. make family decisions
小题3:compared with parents of 30 years age, today’s parents___.
a. go to clubs more often with their children
b. are much stricter with their children
c. care less about their children’s life
d. give their children more ***
小题4:what is the passage mainly about?
a. negotiation in family b. education in family
c. harmony in family d. teenage trouble in family
小题5:which of the following not true?
a.parents are stricter than their own parents.b parents get along well with their kids c.parents will discuss something with their kids d. harmony in family is important.
6lub 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%

Familie Müller___(haben) drei Hunde.这里的haben 是不是应该是hat呀!
chenguangyulu 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
例如:Es gibt 689 Familien auf dem Land.
因此,这里是 Müller一家人的意思,所以就是单数,你说用hat是对的.
德语一句话用法的解释einer Familie war ein Sohn geboren worden为什么是einer
einer Familie war ein Sohn geboren worden为什么是einer Familie啊 是不是省略了介词in啊?
liuh028ch 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Ich plan die Zukunft mit dir denn ich will mit dir Familie .
Ich plan die Zukunft mit dir denn ich will mit dir Familie .
这里是不是少了一个动词啊?Familie machen
我的小甜心 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
是少了一个动词 Familie machen 不这么说 可以说 ich will mit dir eine Familie gründen
Ein Mensch,dem__ um die Harmonie in seiner Familie geht und
Ein Mensch,dem__ um die Harmonie in seiner Familie geht und der auch materiell gut für seinem Angehörigen sorgt,hat Familiensinn.A er B es C das 答案是b我选的是a 是es geht这个搭配吗
vv责任 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
es geht um关于,有关
the student in this university are mostly()from poor familie
the student in this university are mostly()from poor families这个题为什么不能选chosen而要用
小女孩OK 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
ecruit students 招生 ; 招收学员