“To serve,not to be served.”的英语文章如何写

jinkaner2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

“To serve,not to be served.”的英语文章如何写


williamying 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
The other day I was talking to someone from northern China on MSN, who is now in England. She mentioned that she didn't like people criticise the central government as it didn't look good. But since when this has become a matter of looking good?!?! It never was, never is and never should be. It should always be whether the authority is really doing good things for the people, to be the government 'of the people, for the people, by the people'! She said even though the central government was not so good, but people should not criticise it too much, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to control. But why should it be easy for the government to control?! A goverment is there to serve, not control the people. Otherwise why should its employees be called 'public servants'?! Even in Chinese proverbes there are sayings meaning something like 'let a thousand flowers bloom' etc. If other dissident voices are not allowed and different views not permitted to air, how can things be improved, within a small circle of cronies and the 'like-minded'?! All the more poignant is that she is now in the isles where she has no worry of persecution. Such brilliant consequence of brain-wash-like education (or infatuation for material wealth possession and accumulation), which is in fact disguised coercion, can really get one's blood boiling. This year I set my exam questions in such a way that it would allow some students to have a bit of mental gynamsium. During marking I found this astute observation from one student who had spent some time in China: "In the UK there is considerable freedom, whereas in more communist countries such as China, having spent considerable time there personally, people feel a duty to serve the state and this psychology is taken into their working environment." The student also talked about the recent scandals in the government (the Home Office, John Prescott etc.) and said: ". hope it will go un-noticed. This is where the media in our society has a role to play in making organisations accountable." How incisive! Bravo!
参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/35083673.html?fr=qrl3


Children must be _________ to serve(服务) their country when t
Children must be _________ to serve(服务) their country when they grow up.
翻肚皮的鱼 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
试题分析:动词辨析.Sentence sb to判处某人…罪;educate sb to do sth教育某人做某事;devote …to…致力于…(to是介词).句意:孩子们必须被教育长大以后要为人民服务.故C正确.
有人可以提供一篇To serve,not to be serve的演讲稿吗?
angelgxx 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
