I'm in Southwest Junior High school in Lawrence,Kansas,这段英语怎

happy_dq89632022-10-04 11:39:5410条回答

I'm in Southwest Junior High school in Lawrence,Kansas,这段英语怎么翻译


zht0206 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
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Junior High School = 高中,不是初中(在美国里的解释)


— The land in the southwest of China is in great need of ___
— The land in the southwest of China is in great need of _______.
— Yes,it hasn’t rained for a long time.
A.coffee B.juice C.water D.tea
cure-hmily 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%

英语翻译Kunming Wujiaba Airport in southwest China's Yunnan Prov
Kunming Wujiaba Airport in southwest China's Yunnan Province is no strange name to veterans and enthusiasts of the Flying Tigers,the famed volunteer force of U.S.pilots who fought in China at the start of World War II.At its peak,two planes took off or landed at the airport every minute.
After World War II,Wujiaba Airport's fame declined and all but disappeared.Although business improved slightly after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,the airport failed to regain its former glory until 2001.
Ni Hong,a Yunnan civil aviation official,said that a number of reforms to Yunnan's civil aviation sector have been implemented since 2001,allowing Kunming Wujiaba Airport to rise in rank to the seventh largest airport in China in terms of passenger turnover in 2005.
Currently,the airport is unable to meet transportation needs for air carriers—many flights are forced to hover over the airport prior to their scheduled landing.The Kunming Municipal Government is investing 23.4 billion yuan ($3.43 billion) toward the construction of a new airport to ease pressures on Wujiaba Airport,while the latter is undergoing a capacity expansion project expected to be completed by 2012,Ni said.
Kunming Wujiaba Airport is just one of the many success stories owing to the rapid development across China's west in the past decade.
The Western Development endeavor covers Chongqing Municipality,Sichuan,Guizhou,Yunnan,Shaanxi,Guansu and Qinghai provinces,and Tibet,Ningxia Hui,Xinjiang Uygur,Inner Mongolia and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous regions.The campaign benefits more than 70 percent of the country's total territory,and about 30 percent of its total population.
The per-capita GDP in the region stood at about 60 percent of the national average,40 percent of the eastern average in 1999.In addition,the majority of China's then 50 million impoverished population,who earned less than 786 yuan ($115.1) a year,were living in this region,making it a major obstacle in China's march toward an all-around well-off society.
In order to narrow the gap between the rich east and less developed west,the Chinese Government officially launched the strategy of developing west China in November 1999.The Central Government clarified the strategy's guidelines,tasks and policies in January 2000,marking the beginning of the decade-long efforts.
From 2000 to 2008,60 billion yuan ($8.78 billion) was allocated to reduce the region's impoverished population,cutting the number from 57.3 million to 26.5 million.Per-capita annual net income of rural residents increased 113.3 percent,reaching 3,481 yuan ($510) in 2008.
希望 大大别用翻译软件直接复制黏贴的翻译,因为很不准,
如人上山 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
| --/ - -- |
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________ there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable v
________ there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable variety of plants.
A.Rarely as it rains B.Sometimes it rains
C.It rarely rains D.Although rarely rains
xiangwofei 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%

as“虽然”连接状语从句倒装。 虽然很少下雨但是西南沙漠地区却有许多奇异的植物。
Born in 1930 Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture Co
Born in 1930 Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.中的born为什么是是现在时
海的世界12345 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
ear 的过去式为 bore,过去分词为 borne,但作「生,生育」(to give birth) 之意时,它的过去分词则有两种型态:born 和 borne
VOA句子解释a lot of people call suoth by southwest interactive t
a lot of people call suoth by southwest interactive the greek spring break.
别人翻译的意思是 许多人称西南盛会是科技界的奇葩 请问为什么这么翻译
spring break不是春假的意思吗 本人英语差
mzqian 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
the Greek spring break 指Greek Week,这是希腊一年一度的活动,我找到一段介绍这一活动的文字:
Greek Week is a time in the spring when the members of the fraternity and sorority community come together around events of celebration - be it community service events or events that celebrate the Greek community. Traditionally, fraternity and sorority chapters are paired into teams that compete to win points to determine who the Greek Week champions are. Points are determined by who wins events and/or who has the highest participation and contributes the most to the community service effort.、
由此可见,你VOA的句子是将 suoth 或 southwest interactive 比作 the greek spring break,其实翻译成“盛会”也就可以了,再用“奇葩”之类的字眼就是画蛇添足了 .
The southwest of Australia has been named as one of 25”hot s
The southwest of Australia has been named as one of 25”hot spots” for future species extinction(灭绝)because of global warming.A new study says global warming will become a top cause of extinction across the world,with thousands of species of plantsand animals likely to be wiped out in the coming decades.
According to the study,global warming ranks among the most serious threats to the planet’s biodiversity and,under some conditions,may be more than that due to deforestation.This study provides even stronger scientific evidence that global warming will result in catastrophic(灾难性的)species losses across the planet.Last month,a UN study said humans were responsible for the worst extinction and urged extra efforts to reach a UN target of slowing the rate of losses by 2010.
Scientists disagree about how far global warming is to blame compared with other human threats such as deforestation,pollution and the introduction of some species to new habitats.But the new study looks at the 25 “hot spots”—areas that contain a big concentration of plants and animals—and predicts that 11.6 percent of all species,with a range from 1 to 43 percent,could be driven to extinction if levels of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere were to keep rising in the next 100 years.
The range would mean the loss of thousands of species.The study gave a wide range because of uncertainties, for instance, about the ability of animals or plants to move towards the poles if the climate warmed. Rare plants,tortoises or birds found only on the southern tip of Africa cannot move south because the nearest land is thousands of miles away in Antarctica.
小题1:According to the passage,which of the following about Australia is TRUE?
A.Australia possesses the richest species in the world.
B.Australia is the country with the highest rate of extinction.
C.The species in the southwest of Australia will be easily affected by global warming.
D.Australia will have the highest temperature in the world.
小题2:According to the passage,all the 25”hot spots”-------- .
A.are rich in plants and animals
B.are lacking in natural resources
C.lost most of their plants in 2010
D.will be much hotter than the rest of the world
小题3:We can infer if the climate warms,the animals in Australia will most probably move to the ______ .
A.north B.east C.west D.south
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Australia Named as Extinction”Hot Spot”
B.Global Warming and Species Extinction
C.Global Warming is Number One Killer
D.Australia on the Edge of Extinction
fenzizhang 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%

英语表示方向的名词什么时候用southwest和south west?
shui1018 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译Located in the southwest of china,Chongqing is a port ci
Located in the southwest of china,Chongqing is a port city situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.Chongqing is the largest city with most population of the People s Repulic of China s four provincial-level municipalities.The municipality of Chongqing has a registered population of 31,442,300 at the end of 2005,most of them living outside the urban area of Chongqing proper,over hundreds of square kilometres of framland.The population of the urban area of Chongqing is 12.057 million at the end of 2005,ranked thrid largest city in China in terms of population.
The urban area of Chongqing proper includes the district of Yuzhong,the central and most densely populated district,where government office are located.
shejilihun 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
看看英语有没有不对的地方.I studied in Southwest University of Science an
I studied in Southwest University of Science and Technology from in June 2002 to in Sept 2006.
zhuyunruo 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
from后面不用加in,改成from June 2002 to Sep 2006
Sichuan is ______the southwest of China.(A.in B.to C.on)
Sichuan is ______the southwest of China.(A.in B.to C.on)
我还想知道in ,to ,on的区别,
真得好烦呀呀 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
这句话有没有语法错误?The ancient building located in the southwest of
The ancient building located in the southwest of the town.
yuanmeng12 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
The ancient building is located in the southwest of the town.
During one summer not longago,Americans in the Southwest wer
During one summer not longago,Americans in the Southwest were without rain for many days.The sun burnedup crops.Animals went hungry on the dry land.At last,clouds appeared in thesky and sent down rain.
How do suchclouds form?The sun,the earth,and the air all play a part.The changes thattake place before clouds can form do not always happen quickly.First,theearth is heated by the sun.This causes tiny drops of water in oceans andrivers to rise and mix with air.As the wet air rises higher,it cools off,making clouds.
Whatcauses these clouds to become rain?The tiny drops of water inside the cloudsbecome larger as they gather more wetness from the air around them.Finally,the drops become so large that they can no longer be held up by the air.Theyfall to the ground as rain.
Theraindrops that fall are not always the same size.Some may be very large.Butthe smallest come down in a fine mist.
Rain isneeded for all life.When it falls after a long dry spell,trees,grass,andbushes may begin to look fresh and green again.These plants need water to stayhealthy.The rain also causes streams to fill with water.This makes itpossible for fish and other animals to live.Rain brings new life and hope tomillions of people and other living things.
1.The first paragraph mentions the period of timeduring which the weather was very and crops were .
A.rainy,burnt B.drought,burntup
C.drought,burnt D.dry,burntup
2.Thephrase “play a part” means .
A.be a role B.form as a part
C.connect with each other D.make a contribution
3.Concerning how rain comes into being,which statement is true?
A.A lot of drops of water riseand mix with air as the sun shines.
B.Wet air cools off as it riseshigher.
C.The drops become larger andlarger as they gather more wetness.
D.The drops fall to the ground asthey become too large to hold up.
4.In thelast paragraph,the word “spell” means .
A.weather B.a period
C.times D.none of the above
5.Thispassage mainly explains ofclouds and rain.
A.the formation B.the phenomena
C.the importance D.the function
shenzhengping 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
5.Pandas live (in the southwest of China).就括号部分提问
紫烟泪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
where do pandas live?熊猫生活在哪里
About 809 primary school pupils from Southwest China’s quake
About 809 primary school pupils from Southwest China’s quake-hit Sichuan Province arrived in eastern Shandong Province on a special train to attend classes there. The pupils, all from Leigu Township, Beichuan County, a badly-hit area in Sichuan, will study for about two months in schools in Shandong’s capital city of Jinan.
They have been arranged to study in four schools in Jinan and enjoy free schooling, food and accommodation. Each pupil would be given a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan. “To let them come to Jinan is not only for study, but also for recovery from the quake trauma (精神创伤).” said Zou Shiping, Jinan’s vice mayor. In Mingzhu Primary School in Jinan, a wall of pictures became a special way for the local pupils to welcome their friends from the quake zone. Dormitories were also specially decorated for them.
“This is the best meal that I have had for a long time.” a student from Wenchuan said after her first breakfast in the new place. Huang Zujie, Jinan Education Bureau’s deputy director, said, “We will let the children feel just as they are in their hometown.” Huang said the schools had invited chefs of Sichuan cuisine to let the pupils taste their familiar hometown meals. A second group of about 500 middle school students from Sichuan will soon come to Jinan for classes.
小题1:Where did those 809 primary school pupils arrive?
A.Hebei Province. B.Qing Dao. C.Jinan D.Beichuan County.
小题2:Which statement below is RIGHT?
A. Students come to Jinan for study.
B. Students come to Jinan for recovery from the quake trauma.
C. Students come to Jinan for a visit.
D. Both A and B.
小题3:Which statement is NOT true according to the short passage?
A.The pupils needn’t pay for food and they will eat Shandong meals.
B.A second group of 500 middle school students from Sichuan will soon come to Jinan for classes.
C.Pupils from Leigu Township were arranged to study in four schools in Jinan.
D.Each pupil would be given a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan.
小题4:How many students from Sichuan Province will come to Jinan for classes altogether?
A. About 1,309. About 809. C. About 500. D. About 2,000.
lina佳 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%

—The land in the southwest of China is in great need of
—The land in the southwest of China is in great need of .
—Yes, it hasn’t rained for a long time there.
A、people B、food C、water
ha宝 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

笑春风春风笑 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
南部, 南
南的, 南方的
在南方, 向南方
南的, 南方的
西南的, 向西南方的
Sichuan Province, ________ in southwest China and ________ a
Sichuan Province, ________ in southwest China and ________ an area of 485,000 kilometers with the largest population in China, is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in China.
A.located; covered B.locating; covering
C.located; covering D.locating; covered
痛苦的眼泪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

考查非谓语动词。位于be located in,在题中作定语,be 省去;Sichuan Province与cover之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。所以选C。
来者 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
或许英国人也有同样的问题 就是规定而已吧
英语翻译为什么不是Southwest United University
是缘分呀 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
非谓语动词单选一道A strong aftershock shook southwest China on Sunday
A strong aftershock shook southwest China on Sunday__ at least one person,state media said
killed killing?
没事就陪着你 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
非谓语动词作状语、其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语.现在分词表示主动意义、这里的主语是a strong aftershock余震、用现在分词作结果状语、与句子的主语一致.余震至少导致一人死亡.而过去分词一般表示被动意义、如:He fell off a tree,his leg broken.他从树上摔了下来,腿被摔断了.
the girl --- all her savings to the people in the southwest
the girl --- all her savings to the people in the southwest for the serious drought旱灾
A handed out B put out C sold out D gave out
根据意思,BC排除,可hand out 和 giveout 到底有何区别.
yjdp18ett14__ac_ 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
hand out是人作主语,意为“上交,交出”
give out是物作主语,意为“发出”
Hand out the paper after class,please.
Flowers give out lots of fragrance.
People in the southwest of China have _______ difficulty ___
people in the southwest of china have _______ difficulty ________water,
the *** is trying to help them.
a.a lot; getting b.much; getting c.a lot of; to get d.much; to get
为什么选b a lot of 不是也可以修饰吗
ZSB000 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
选B 这里考的是 have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难 in 可以省略 much 做副词修饰 difficulty
southwest和 southwestern的区别,在句子中的应用~
southwest和 southwestern的区别,在句子中的应用~
Now,we geologists thought we had a pretty good
idea of how the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States was formed.
zy828 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1.the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
2.the southwestern region of the United States
1.coming from the southwest
2.situated in or oriented toward the southwest
adv.to,toward,or in the southwest
southwestern [‚saʊθ'westə(r)n]
noun a dialect of Middle English
1.situated in or oriented toward the southwest
2.of a region of the United States generally including New Mexico; Arizona; Texas; California; and sometimes Nevada; Utah; Colorado
1 lying toward or coming from the southwest
2 often capitalized :of,relating to,or characteristic of a region conventionally designated Southwest
比照southwest-southwestern和west-western,举个例子,NBA西部全明星队,是western all-star,这里是表示“西部的”“来自西部的”,同理,southwestern也有类似用法.
英译中的一个问题The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills in southwest
The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills in southwest England and flows east for a distance of 338 kilometers to London.
mfkswc456 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
I study in High School Affiliated to Southwest University. T
I study in High School Affiliated to Southwest University. There are __________ students in our school. Nine ______________ of them are girls.
A.thousands of; hundred B.thousand of; hundreds
C.thousand of; hundred D.thousands of; hundreds
guomister 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

此题考查名词的量。确切数量常用数词+hundred/thousand/million/billion+名词的复数形式;不确切数量常用hundreds/thousands/millions/billions + of+名词的复数形式.
1 Heavy snow and icy rain hit southwest China many times las
1 Heavy snow and icy rain hit southwest China many times last month,( ) 4.265 million people.
A.has affected B.was affecting C.affevting D.affected
2______ in her most beautiful skirt,the girl tired to make herself ______ at the party.
A.Dressed; noticed B.Dressing; noticed
C.Dressed; noticing D.Dressing; being noticing
C A 不是谓语动词要和主句动词保持一致么 为啥有的时候是ed 有的时候是ing 我总是分不清什么时候做伴随状语 什么时候要和逐句保持一致 麻烦解析这两道题
无奈的猪134 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率64.7%
1 Heavy snow and icy rain hit(谓语形式) southwest China many times last month,( ) 4.265 million people.
A.has affected(谓语形式) B.was affecting(谓语形式) C.affecting (非谓语形式) D.affected(谓语形式,或非谓语形式)
句子的主谓结构只有一个,Heavy snow and icy rain hit southwest China;
Heavy snow and icy rain与affect的关系是主动关系,所以只能用affecting.
2______ in her most beautiful skirt,the girl tired(谓语形式) to make herself ______ at the party.
A.Dressed; noticed B.Dressing; noticed
C.Dressed; noticing D.Dressing; being noticing
句子的主谓结构只有一个,the girl tired;
dress(反身代词)、notice(被人注意)与the girl的关系都是被动关系,所以只能用 Dressed; noticed .
英语汇测完型填空in old days,Guizhou Province in southwest China had
in old days,Guizhou Province in southwest China had no donkeys.One day,man full of good ideas shipped a donkey to the area.But he soon found the donkey had no use,so he took it to a _1__ and left it there.
A_2_saw the donkey and thought it was a god.He hid himself carefully in the woods,and _3_ the donkey from a distance .
One day,the donkey made its special hee-haw sound.The tiger thought the donkey was going to eat him but the donkey did_4_ more.The tiger soon _5_ the noise,and moved clser.At last ,he decided to provoke the strande animal.The tiger knew the donkey was_7_.So he attacked the donkey and enjoyed a good _8_.
The idiom-all tricks have been exhausted ,is from this_9_.Now people use it to describe somdone who is at his at his wit's end-when nothing seems to go rightand the end is near .
Chinese people use this_10_to describe heirbe their own hopeless predicament
1A village Bmountain Chouse
2A tiger Blion Csanke
3A saw Blooked Cwatched
4A nothing Bsomething Canying
5A used Bused tofoot C got used to
6A kick Bfoot Cfeet
7A heavy B weak Cstrong
8A time Bkick Cmeal
9Aplace Bstory Cman
10A idiom Bstory Ctiger
Eagle0910 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
1 B mountain
2 A tiger
3 C watched
4 A nothing
5 C got used to
6 C feet
7 B weak
8 C meal
9 B story
10A idiom
In the southwest,the climate is pleasantly warm during the w
In the southwest,the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter
这句话中pleasantly 把ly去掉行吗?
hcdbc 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
Pandas are native ( ) southwest China
Pandas are native ( ) southwest China
A from B to C on D along
寂静中等待 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
选B、to.固定搭配native to本国的土生土长的
The spring of last year was terrible for southwest China ___
The spring of last year was terrible for southwest China ____,
it’s said that it was the driest spring in the past 100 years.
A.In fact B.As a result C. In a word D. For example
楚地大鹏卷天来 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
Born in 1930 ,Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture C
Born in 1930 ,Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.句中Born in 1930 充当什么成分
我最爱rr 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Born in 1930 ,Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.
解析:Born in 1930在句中作定语,对Dr Yuan 进行补充说明.
in the southwest part of china 翻译
哼哼小猪 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语 “西南的”是southwest还是southwestern?
英语 “西南的”是southwest还是southwestern?
clio 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%