when july comes完形填空

winer0102022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


狂踩aa 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
有两种 都给你发过来 省的你找了 When July comes,children know they’ll have their examinations and the school year will __36__ soon.
Boys and girls will have nearly a two-month holiday,and they’ll leave school __37__train or by car to __38__ their parents.
The summer holidays are the __39__ time of the year for most children.The weather is usually good,so children can spend most of their time __40__ outside.If one lives in the countryside,he can go and play in the woods or in the fields.If he __41__ in a big town,he can usually go to the park to play.
The best place for children to spend their summer holidays is the __42__.Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea.__43__ for those who do not live there,if they have the luck to stay in one of the big seaside towns for a week or two,they’ll __44__ it all the following school year.
Now,__45__ makes children like the seaside so much?I think they are the sand,the sea and the sun.The feelings of the sand under their feet,salt water on their skin,and the warm sun on
36.A.arrive B.start C.begin D.end
37.A.on B.by C.in D.at
38.A.love B.see C.watch D.return
39.A.best B.better C.worst D.worse
40.A.missing B.working C.playing D.studying
41.A.works B.walks C.lives D.arrives
42.A.village B.seaside C.city D.park
43.A .But B.unless C.Or D.And
44.A.hear from B.speak to C.agree with D.talk about
45.A .that B.which C.who D.what
36.D 由July和后面的“暑假”提示,应该是一个学年的“结束”.故选D.
37.B 由by car提示,此处应该是by train “乘火车”.
38.B 由句中leave school和生活常识可知,应该是看望父母.
39.A 结合下文孩子们的开心生活可知,对孩子们而言,这应该是一年中最好的时间.由the 提示,应该用最高级.
40.C 由下午的play提示,孩子们应该是花大部分时间在户外“玩耍”.故选C.
41.C 由上句live提示,此处是指“住在某地”.
42.B 由下句的near the sea可知,应该是seaside“海边”.
43.A ^组卷网coo co.net.cn组卷网g
44.D hear from 收到某人来信;speak to对……说;agree with 同意某人或某事;talk about 谈论某事.结合文章应该是D.
45.D 由下句回答“是沙子、海洋和太阳”可知,前句应该问“是什么让孩子们喜欢海边的.”
When July comes ,children know they'll have __1_D_examinations and then school year will end soon
1.A they B them Ctheirs Dtheir
They will leave school __2_B_ train or buy car to __3_D_ to see their fathers and mothers
2.A on B by C in D at 3.A go to town B go to the parks C leave home D return home
The summer holidays are the __4_A_ time of the year of most children.
4.A best B better C worst D worse
The weather is usually good ,so one can _5_C most of his time playing outside
5.A take B use C spend D waste
If one lives in the country,he can __6_C_ into the woods and in the fields
6.A go out B go on C go back D go away
The best olace for a summer hoildy is the __7_B_
7.A village B seaside C city D park
Some children are __8_A_ enough to live bear tge sea
8.A luckly B sad C worried D quiet
Now,__9_D_ makes children like the seaside so much?
9.A that B which C who D what
Of course ,there are __10_C_ new things to see,nice things to eat,and interesting things to do
10.A little B much C lots of D no
举莉 共回答了108个问题 | 采纳率
