Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (天体) move round it.Worlds

zmh6022022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (天体) move round it.Worlds like these are planets.But there are other stars,other suns,not only thousands of them,but millions of them.Do different stars have planets?We can see the planets round our own sun.but we haven’t been anymore.The stars are too far away from us.Stars give out light,but the planets don’t have any light of their own.So we can’t see them.They are too far,and too dark.Still,we can tell that some stars have planets.While a big planet goes round,it pulls its star to one side.And sometimes we can see this.Then we know that the star has a planet.For example,Barnard’s Star is a small red star.And it is the quickest star in the universe.But sometimes it moves slower,and then quicker again.We have known Bernard’s Star for many years,and now we are sure it has a planet.
( )1.A star is a large body in the universe.It _______.
A.moves round our sun B.has light of its own
C.can also be called a sun D.both B and C
( )2.Which of the following is not true?
A.The earth is one of the sun’s world’s B.There are millions of suns in the universe
C.The world’s are very bright D.some stars have planets
( )3.We can see the planets round our sun.But we can’t see ________.
A.nine worlds in the universe B.the planets round other stars
C.the satellites round the earth D.other stars
( )4.Barnard’s Star moves more quickly than ________.
A.most stars B.any other star C.its planet D.the planets round the sun
( )5.How can people know that there is a planet round Barnard’s Star?
A.Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower.
B.The planet is shining
C.The planet is next to our earth.
D.The planet is a red one.


飘荡在屋顶的炊烟 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
我们的太阳是个恒星,9个天体围绕着它转.天体就像这些行星.但是还有别的恒星,别的“太阳”(意思是恒星,有围绕着它转的行星),不仅仅是成千(上万)的它们,而是数以百万计的它们(指恒星).每个恒星都有围绕它的行星吗?我们能看到围绕太阳的行星.但是我们看不到其他的.那些恒星离我们太远了.恒星散发出光,但是行星自己不会发光.所以我们看不到他们.它们太远太黑了.但是依旧,我们可以说有些恒星有行星(也就是像太阳的九大卫星).当一个巨大的行星围绕这,它就把它围绕的恒星拉到一边.有时候我们可以看到这个.然后我们就知道这个恒星有卫星.比如,Barnard’s Star 是一个小的红色的行星.它是宇宙里最快的行星.但是有时候它运行的很慢,然后又变快了.我们知道Barnard’s Star 很多年了,现在我们可以确定它有恒星.
累死我啦 ,终于翻译完了
( A )1.A star is a large body in the universe.It _______.行星是一个在宇宙里巨大的物体
A.moves round our sun 绕着太阳转 B.has light of its own自己发光
C.can also be called a sun 可以被称作太阳 D.both B and C
( C )2.Which of the following is not true?哪个不对
A.The earth is one of the sun’s world’s地球是太阳的一个天体
B.There are millions of suns in the universe宇宙里有数以百万计的“太阳”
C.The world’s are very bright 世界是光明的
D.some stars have planets一些恒星有行星
( )3.We can see the planets round our sun.But we can’t see ________.我们能看到行星绕着太阳,但是我们看不到...
A.nine worlds in the universe 宇宙里的9个天体
B.the planets round other stars行星绕着其他恒星
C.the satellites round the earth 卫星(人造的那种)绕着地球
D.other stars其他恒星
( B )4.Barnard’s Star moves more quickly than ________.Barnard’s Star运行的比...快
A.most stars 多数的恒星
B.any other star 其他的恒星
C.its planet 它的行星
D.the planets round the sun绕着太阳的行星
( A )5.How can people know that there is a planet round Barnard’s Star?人们怎么知道有行星围绕着Barnard’s Star转的呢?
A.Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower.
B.The planet is shining行星发光
C.The planet is next to our earth.这个行星离地球很近
D.The planet is a red one.这个行星是红色的
青叶障目 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率
不准笑09p6o 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率


英语翻译Behold the apples’ rounded worlds:juice-green of July ra
Behold the apples’ rounded worlds:
juice-green of July rain,
the black polestar of flowers,the rind
mapped with its crimson stain.
The russet,crab and cottage red
burn to the sun’s hot brass,
then drop like sweat from every branch
and bubble in the grass.
They lie as wanton as they fall,
and where they fall and break,
the starling stabs his beak.
the stallion clamps his crunching jaws,
In each plump gourd the cider bite
of boys’ teeth tears the skin;
the waltzing wasp consumes his share,
the bent worm enters in.
I,with as easy hunger,take
entire my season’s dole;
welcome the ripe,the sweet,the sour,
the hollow and the whole.
jasmine1108 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
一道英语选择题.his worlds made me____A.enjoyable B.pleasant C.enjoy
his worlds made me____
A.enjoyable B.pleasant C.enjoy D.happy
shycat123 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
A只能用来形容某种东西/事物让你开心,比如Games make learning enjoyable.游戏让学习变得有趣.B的意思是令人开心的,C是动词,所以只能选D
There is no _____(different) between the two worldsThey will

There is no _____(different) between the two worlds
They will swim in that______(swim) pool.
His father is a bus _____(drive).
Guangzhou is in the ______(south) part of China.
It is easy for us ______(learn) it.
_______(drive) fast in busy street is dangerous.
He left without ______(say) a word.
I am busy _____(do) some washing.
I want to know ____(play) this game.
---Where is your brother?
-----He_______(play) basketball on the playground.
lovewu2008 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
to learn
to play(感觉少打了个how)
is playing
The Ivey League represents the worlds highest education leve
The Ivey League represents the worlds highest education level.Take China for example,although there are some top universities in China,the labs and scientific research level are sacarcely comparable to those of the top universities in the world.
如云似雾 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Ivey不知道什么意思.另外例子的前后转折关系不够严谨.应改为...Take China for example,although the academic education processing in Chinese top universities is excellent,the practical infrastructures such as workshops and scientific labs are severely insufficient,which are sacarcely comparable to thoes of the ...这样可能更严谨一些.
Unscramble the worlds related to comuncation 排列字母,组成单词
冰霜河露 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
gesture 手势
speak 说话 (无需 unscramble)
posture 姿态
intonation 声调
He is not only honest but also always keeps his worlds.应该是对的
He is not only honest but also always keeps his worlds.应该是对的吧?
十五行_ 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
老昭1908 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译1.Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never w
1.imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were.but without it,we go nowhere.
2.there are three kinds of people:those who make things happen,those who watch things happen and those who say,” what happen?”
3.the real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place,but to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the tempting moment.
AZMATOBUL 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
1. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.
2. There are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who say,” What happen?”
3. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the tempting moment.
you always say the worlds i love to hear
yyCT走向世界米 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Please______(read)the worlds and write them.
莎莎tt影像yjbg 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
一道英语考试题A difference among the world‟s seas and oceans
A difference among the world‟s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in different climate zones. ① The Baltic Sea in Northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as the Red Sea in the Middle east. There are reasons for this. In warm climates, water evaporates rapidly. ② The concentration of salt is greater. The surrounding land is dry and ③ does not contribute much fresh water to dilute the salty sea water. In cold climate zones, ④ water evaporates slowly. ⑤ The runoff created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of fresh water to dilute the saline sea water.
A、 on the other hand
C、for example
teacafe 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
1 c
2 e
3 b
4 a
5 d
a b c 错在哪里?she has performed in all the worlds leading theat
a b c 错在哪里?
she has performed in all the worlds leading theaters,___ La Scale theatre.
A.included B.containting C.just like D.such as
淘淘小屋 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
La Scale theatre 是属于the worlds leading theaters,也就是说它是其中的一员.所以它是作为一个例子来概括这个leading theaters 的.
A和B意思一样,我们说做选择题,“都是对的就都是错的”,而且这两个的含义就是“……很多世界顶尖的剧院,包括La Scale theatre”,这么说多伤它心啊~
Reading books,____ takes the reader to other worlds,is a won
Reading books,____ takes the reader to other worlds,is a wonderful way to enjoy life.A.that B
Reading books,____ takes the reader to other worlds,is a wonderful way to enjoy life.
A.that B.what C.as D.which
为什么选C不选D?逗号前面全是先行词不是which就是as 这个地方不是句首啊?
gg之手 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
这个是海淀不知道哪一年二模的原题,答案是D which,你这个是不是答案给错了,应该是从句缺少主语,补充关系代词which,原句还原的话应该是Reading books is a wonderful way to enjoy life.Reading books takes the reader to other worlds
After reading the first page,we can find some worlds or phra
After reading the first page,we can find some worlds or phrases are graceful.For example,from
xcp2000 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译Collecting opens new worlds for you,but this is only one
Collecting opens new worlds for you,but this is only one of the reasons to collect.Here are some more.
Collecting tells stories.There is a story behind every object(物品) in a collection.There is your story:the story of when and where you get each object and what it means to you.The objects themselves also tell stories.If an object is old,it may tell the stories of other people who once owned(拥有) or used it.If it’s new,it can tell you a lot about its own time and place.
Collecting teaches you many things.Historical(历史的) objects teach us about important events,great heroes,or everyday life in the past.New objects show today’s technology(技术) and our way of life.Plants,animals and stones teach us about nature.
Collecting lets you share your knowledge with others.When you show your collection to your family or friends,you teach them new and interesting things.Kids all over the world are collectors,so while you’re having fun learning about your collection,you can also make new friends and share your knnowledge
hannah_hmily 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
make the sentence with the ___(give ) worlds below.为什么?
chejiulong 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Make the sentence with the given words below
其中give 应该使用动词的过去分词形式given,来修饰words,解释为“已经给出”的意思.
动词的现在分词与过去分词的形式可以用作形容词来修饰名词.前者为所修饰的名次的所处的状态或者动作,如:rolling rocks,滚石唱片公司中的“滚石”,rolling用来表示rock所处的状态,正在滚动的意思.而上面的given用来表示所修饰的名词为动词give的宾语,words是“被给出的”,故give应该用被动形式的given.
英语翻译there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings who ar
there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings who are to us as we are to ants
worlds 很不好理解
leos0 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率89.3%
there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings:there引导的表存在的主句
inhabited by beings :worlds的后置定语
who are to us:beings的定语从句
as we are to ants worlds:状语从句
请高手翻译一下!We are two worlds apart,although I love you. You kno
We are two worlds apart,although I love you. You know,this piece of love is forever.
ClydeMaple 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率96.4%
英语翻译You had my heart,we'll never be worlds apart,Maybe in ma
You had my heart,we'll never be worlds apart,
Maybe in magazines but you'll still be my star,
Baby 'cause in the dark,you can't see shiny cars,
That's when you need me there,with you I'll always share,
Because when the sun shines we'll shine together,
Told you I'll be here forever,
Said I'll always be your friend,
Took an oath,I'ma stick it out to the end,
Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we'll still have each other,
You can stand under my umbrella,
You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay,
Under my umbrella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay,
Just trying to get your attention.
heilong0416 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Our sun is a star, and nine worlds move round it. Worlds lik
Our sun is a star, and nine worlds move round it. Worlds like these are planets (行星).
But there are other stars, other suns. Not only thousands of them, but millions of them. Do different stars have planets? We can see the planets round our own sun. But we haven’t seen any more. The stars are too far away from us. Stars give out (发出)light, but the planets don’t have any light of their own. So we can’t see them. They’re too far, and too dark.
Still, we can tell that some stars have planets. While a big planet goes round, it pulls its star to one side. And sometimes we can see this, Then we know that the star has a planet.
For example, Barnard’s Star(巴纳德星)is a small red star. And it is the quickest star in the universe. But sometimes it moves slower, and then quicker again. We have know Barnard’s Star for many years, and now we are sure it has a planet.
小题1:A star is a large body in the universe.it________.
A.moves round our sun B.has light of its own
C.can also be called a world D.both B and C
小题2:Which of the following is not true?
A.The earth is one of sun’s worlds B.There are millions of suns in the universe.
C.The worlds are very bright. D.Some stars have planets
小题3:Barnard’s Star moves more quickly than _______.
A.most stars B.any other star
C.its planet D.the planets round the sun
小题4:How can people know that there is a plante round Barnard’s Star?
A.Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower
B.The planet is shining.
C.The planet is next to our earth.
D.The planet is a red one.
dx20 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

in the best of all possible worlds
绝望望远方 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
all possible worlds意思是 所有可能存在的世界the best of 就是说所有这些世界里最好的至于具体这句话是什么意思就要再根据上下文或楼主你的要求去理解了不过我有一个疑惑,老美有时候会说in the best of all possib...
把The teacher made the students copy the new worlds.改为被动句
smile3333 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
The students were made to copy the new words by the teacher.
we live in a sweet worlds the average american阅读
we live in a sweet worlds the average american阅读
解 谁有啊? 速度点
xiaomango 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
译 文
英语翻译I'm sorry,wo are in the different worlds.You are in heav
I'm sorry,wo are in the different worlds.You are in heaven,and i come from the hell.
网罗万象 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
yong_so_long 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
What is Of the worlds most remote distance
What is Of the worlds most remote distance
Please tell me,what is of the worlds most remote distance?
superjc 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
请告诉我 世上最遥远的距离是什么(我觉得应该这样写吧 What is the most remote distance of the world?)
Match these worlds and their meanings.
Match these worlds and their meanings.
Match these worlds andtheir meanings.(6%)
1 complete a a wish to have or be something
2 dream b nice and kind to others
3 friendly c very high hill
4 mountain d to finish doing something
5 be good at e here and there; everywhere
6 all over f to be able to do something well
天霸123 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
1→d 完成
6→e 所有
英语翻译Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (星球) move around it.Wo
Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (星球) move around it.World like these are planets.But there are other stars,other suns.Not only thousands of them,but millions of them.Do other stars have planets?We can see the planets round our own sun.But we haven’t seen any more.The stars are too far away from us.Stars give out light,but the planets don’t have any light of their own.So we can’t see them.They are too far,and too dark.
Still,we can tell that some stars have planets.While a big planet goes round,it pulls its star to one side.And sometimes we can see this.Then we know that the star has a planet.
For example,Barnard’s Star is a small red star.And it is the quickest star in the universe.But sometimes it moves slower,and then quicker again.We have known Barnard’s Star for many years,and now we are sure it has a planet.
ajiao998 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
the teacher ____(解释)the new worlds to us carefully in class
薇菜 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
the teacher __explains__(解释)the new worlds to us carefully in class
英语翻译different worlds shakin stirrin thats what ive got goin
different worlds shakin stirrin
thats what ive got goin on
i throw my cares up in the air
and I don't think they're comin' down
Yeah,I love how it feels right now
This is the life!Hold on tight!
And this is the dream
It's all I need!
You never know where you'll find it
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah
I'm still getting it right
This is the Life
Takin' in a whole new sea
a new crowd
Breakin' down the old four walls
And building them up from around yeah.
I love how it feels right now
This is the life!
Hold on tight!
And this is the dream!
It's all I need!
You never know where you'll find it
and i'm gunna take my time yeah.
and i'm still getting it right
this is the life
Gonna follow my lead,yeah!
kick back and feel the breeze!
Nothing but the blue sky!
As far as I can see!
This is the life
Hold on tight!
And this is the dream!
It's all I need!
You never know where you'll find it
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah
I'm still getting it right
This is the life!
Hold on tight!
And this is the dream!
It's all I need!
You never know where you'll find
And I'm gonna take my time yeah
I'm still getting it right
This is the Life
szdigipower 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
水平有限 凑活看吧 翻译歌词 我不是很在行...
different worlds shakin stirrin 不同的世界摇动搅拌
thats what ive got goin on 那就是我所经历的
i throw my cares up in the air 我把我的担心丢上天空
and I don't think they're comin' down 我不认为他们会落下来
Yeah,I love how it feels right now 是的,我喜欢现在这种感觉
This is the life!Hold on tight!这就是生命!紧紧握住!
And this is the dream 这就是梦想
It's all I need!他就是我的一切
You never know where you'll find it 你永远不知道你在哪会找到他
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah 我将走我自己的路,耶
I'm still getting it right 我的路还是正确的
This is the Life 这就是生命
Takin' in a whole new sea 交谈在全新的海洋里
a new crowd 在一个新的人群中
Breakin' down the old four walls 推倒四面旧墙
And building them up from around yeah.再在周围重新把他们建起
I love how it feels right now 是的,我喜欢现在这种感觉
This is the life!Hold on tight!这就是生命!紧紧握住!
And this is the dream 这就是梦想
It's all I need!他就是我的一切
You never know where you'll find it 你永远不知道你在哪会找到他
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah 我将走我自己的路,耶
I'm still getting it right 我的路还是正确的
This is the Life 这就是生命
Gonna follow my lead,yeah!跟着我的指引,耶!
kick back and feel the breeze!回归自我并感受和煦的微风
Nothing but the blue sky!除了天空什么都不是
As far as I can see!直到我能看到的最远处
This is the life!Hold on tight!这就是生命!紧紧握住!
And this is the dream 这就是梦想
It's all I need!他就是我的一切
You never know where you'll find it 你永远不知道你在哪会找到他
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah 我将走我自己的路,耶
I'm still getting it right 我的路还是正确的
This is the Life 这就是生命
This is the life!Hold on tight!这就是生命!紧紧握住!
And this is the dream 这就是梦想
It's all I need!他就是我的一切
You never know where you'll find it 你永远不知道你在哪会找到他
And I'm gonna take my time,yeah 我将走我自己的路,耶
I'm still getting it right 我的路还是正确的
This is the Life 这就是生命
your response did not match the worlds是啥意思?
your response did not match the worlds是啥意思?
TheKey1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%