A motivational strategy that parents can employ with their k

AABBCC_tt2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

A motivational strategy that parents can employ with their kids, is to frame tasks and responsibilities in the context of what the end benefit is for them. I call this strategy WIIFM
(“What’s in it for me?”).
When a teen can combine an understanding of WIIFM with a sense of passion about achieving a goal, barriers will start to fall away. At our teen summer camps, we arrange an event near the end of the 10-day session that helps campers identify an important life goal and mentally break through their biggest barrier to achieving the goal.
We pass around 12-by-12-inch pine boards. We tell campers that this activity is not about breaking a piece of wood. It’s about how you can get what you want in your life. It’s about breaking barriers to grab on to your goals.
They have the power to break through any barrier. It has nothing to do with body size or physical condition. The skinniest, smallest teens will break through the board almost as easily as the big ones.
We talk to the campers about the reasons they might have had for not reaching their goals in the past. Maybe they got lazy and decided it wasn’t worth the effort. Maybe they failed and let their fear of failure hold them back. But this exercise is about putting the past where it belongs. Today is about making new choices.
By this point in the program, we ask them to think of the goal they’ve set for themselves and write their goals on the boards. Then they write the possible obstacles which may hold them back on the opposite sides. An inch of pine now stands between them and their dreams.
The facilitators and their teammates gather around. The support is strong. One by one, they break through the barriers and grab their goals! All around us teens are laughing, crying, hugging, and holding up the broken pieces of their boards. The confidence shown on their faces is beautiful.
While arranging such an activity in one’s home is almost unrealistic for parents, the value of helping a teen break through a personal barrier simply by being there as moral support can not be overestimated. More help for parents in the form of videos and articles is available at our website, in our blogs and in a monthly e-newsletter.
小题1:The 12-by-12-inch pine boards are used as _________________.
A.materials to test one’s muscles
B.signs of goals in one’s life
C.assessments to show one’s progress
D.symbols of barriers in one’s life
小题2:We can learn from the passage that through the event the campers _________.
A.become hard-working B.get moral support
C.gain confidence D.set right goals
小题3:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Power of WIIFM B.What’s in It for Me
C.The Importance of Goals D.Motivational Strategies
小题4:The passage is intended for _____________.
A.teens B.parents C.campers D.Tutors


杨-丫头 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%



翻译 急Goal-Setting - A Motivational Technique That Works The p
翻译 急
Goal-Setting - A Motivational Technique That Works
The problem of how to motivate employees has puzzled and frustrated managers for generations. One reason the problem has seemed difficult, if not mysterious, is that motivation ultimately comes from within the individual and therefore cannot be observed directly. Moreover, most managers are not in a position to change an employee’s basic personality structure. The best they can do is try to use incentives to direct the energies of their employees toward organizational objectives.
Money is obviously the primary incentive, since without it few if any employees would come to work. But money alone is not always enough to motivate high performance. Other incentives, such as participation in decision making, job enrichment, behavior modification, and organizational development, have been tried with varying degrees of success. A large number of research studies have shown, however, that one very straightforward technique-goal setting-is probably not only more effective than alternative methods, but may be the major mechanism by which these other incentives affect motivation. For example, a recent experiment on job enrichment demonstrated that unless employees in enriched jobs set higher, more specific goals than do those with unenriched jobs, job enrichment has absolutely no effect on productivity. Even money has been found most effective as a motivator when the bonuses offered are made contingent on attaining specific objectives.
The goal-setting concept
The idea of assigning employees a specific amount of work to be accomplished-a specific task, a quota, a performance standard, an objective, or a deadline-is not new. The task concept, along with time and motion study and incentive pay, was the cornerstone of scientific management, founded by Frederick W.Taylor more than 70 years ago. He used this system to increase the productivity of blue-collar workers. About 2- years ago the idea of goal setting reappeared under a new name, management by objectives, but this technique was designed for managers.
In a 14-year program of research, we have found that goal setting does not necessarily have to be part of a wider management system to motivate performance effectively. It can be used as a technique in its own right.
城绿豆糕 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译•First,sensory,affective,andmotivational informati
motivational information enter the OFC
•Next,the OFC encodes the value of an
•Then,the lateral PFC constructs a way to
obtain the outcome
•At the same time,the MPFC evaluates the
effort involved (likelihood of success,cost v.benefit analysis.
susu_wind 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
OFC = orbitofrontal cortex = 眼窝前额皮质 或 眶额叶皮层
PFC = prefrontal cortex = 前额皮质
MPFC = medial prefrontal cortex = 内侧前额叶皮质
- 首先,感官资讯、情感资讯和动机资讯进入眼窝前额皮质;
- 然後,眼窝前额皮质把结果的数值编码;
- 然後,外侧前额皮质构建一个取得结果的途径;
- 同时,内侧前额叶皮质亦评估当中所需作的努力(成功的机会、成本与效益分析等).