In a given geometric sequence gn, g(4) = 5 and g(6) = 11.25.

佳龙_cc2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

In a given geometric sequence gn, g(4) = 5 and g(6) = 11.25. What is g(14)+g(17)?
(A) 8/27
(B) 4/9
(C) 2/3
(D) 8/9
(E) 9/8


amber-may 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率96.4%
it should be none of the above because g(6) > g(4) means that the sequence is growing bigger...g(14) and g(17) should be bigger than g(6) but all the answers are smaller than 1 except E but E is only 1.something...


SAT Geometric Perception是什么?这种题怎么解?
lushanlovewj 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
这是指SAT的几何概念.主要包括:Points and Lines  There is a unique line that contains any two distinct points. Therefore, in the following diagram, line l is the only line that contains both point A ...
英语翻译Our last example is also a geometric one,but here the “d
Our last example is also a geometric one,but here the “divisions”,i.e.the boxes,are not
whole parts of the given geometric figure,indeed,they are points in it.The difficulty is
realizing that it is these precise points that will help (or having a hunch of what those
points are by making a few drawings).
We are given a square and 9 lines cutting through it.Each line cuts the square
into two quadrilaterals,and the ration of the areas of those quadrilaterals is 2:3.
Prove that at least three of these 9 lines pass through the same point.
Since each line divides the square in two quadrilaterals,each line cuts the square
at two non consecutive edges.The figures obtained are trapezoids with two right angles,
and their area is equal to their base (here the side of the square)
multiplied by the height of their “midline”,the line perpendicular to
their two parallel edges and at equal distance from those two edges.
Since for any of those trapezoids their base is the same,the ration of
their midlines must be 2:3.But there are only two possible midlines
for the trapezoids,so we get four different points,call them
midpoints,two on each midline,where the midline of two
trapezoids intersects with one of the 9 given lines.Every one of those lines must pass
through one of these midpoints.We have 4 points and 9 lines,so there is at least one
point through which pass three lines.
We have shown that,given 9 lines,each cutting a square into two trapezoids
whose areas are in the ratio 2:3,at least three of the lines pass through the same point.
We now move on to more difficult problems,which generally necessitate a little
more twist,or work,before applying the pigeonhole principle
蛋炒饭ee 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
假设有一个正方形,用9条线段将它分割,每条线都会把这个正方形按面积2:3的比例分割,请证明9条线中至少有3条会相交在同一个点. 既然每条线都会把这个正方形分成2个四边形,那么每条线一定会与该正方形2条不连续的边相交,那么我们得到的一定是一个至少有2个直角的梯形,它的面积等于它的底边长度乘以他中线的长度(梯形面积=边长*高).显然所有梯形的底边都是一样长度的,那么他们高的比例一定也是2:3. 但是一个梯形肯定只能有2条中线(纵横各1条),那么我们就能得到4个中点,每条中线上有2个.每个中点至少会成为2个梯形的共同中点,且该中点一定包含于已知的9条线.(我这样跟你解释吧:我们每个梯形有4个中点,每个中点至少要经过2条线,但是我们已知有9条这样的线,那么就必须有1个中点要经过3条线---原句翻译说不到这么透彻)
现在我们已经证明了上面这个了,下面我要来点更难的,需要把脑瓜子拧成麻花那样思考才行.接下来就是鸽巢原理.(它的简单形式是 : 把n+1个物体放入n个盒子里,则至少有一个盒子里含有两个或两个以上的物体 .)
in a certain geometric sequence the first term exceeds the s
in a certain geometric sequence the first term exceeds the second term by 32 and the sum of the second and third is 48,find the infinite sum of rhe sequence
X星痕 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语翻译However,geometric rigor shrinks from even so small an er
However,geometric rigor shrinks from even so small an error,and this objection would be simply too great were any force granted to it
念小蝶 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
首先感谢楼上的“flashsimon" 找到了部分原文.他的整体译文也不错,特别是他对最后句子的语法分析也恰到好处.然而就这一句译文而言,我的看法与他不同.
原文:If someone undertakes to calculate the magnitude of the whole terrestrial globe,it is the custom easily to grant him an error not only of a single grain of dust,but of even many thousands of these.However,geometric rigor shrinks from even so small an error,and this objection would be simply too great were any force granted to it.”
直译文:如果有人要承担对整个地球球体的形状大小进行计算这一任务,那么,习惯上无疑会允许他(计算时出现)一个误差 ,这种误差不仅是单颗粒的灰尘(那样的的大小),而且这种误差甚至是这些灰尘的成千上万倍.然而,(地球整体的)几何形状的精确性就会甚至在从如此小的一个误差面前大打折扣,而且,假如给地球施加作用力,那么,(由于这些误差引起的)这种(计算上的)障碍或缺陷显然会是非常巨大的.
were any force granted to it” = if any force were granted to it = if we (or other object such as other system or planet ) grant any force to the whole terrestrial globe .但是从语法上讲,也可能原文这个it = so small an error ,但是从逻辑上讲说不通,而且这个“so small an error” 在上面句中是一个介词的宾语.it 指代的情况更可能是上句话的主语.
1.What is the next term in the geometric sequence 16,–4,1,–
1.What is the next term in the geometric sequence 16,–4,1,– 1/4,…
盖世太保5610 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
because 16÷(-4)=-4
-4 ÷(-4)=1
1 ÷(-4)=-1/4
so, -1/4 ÷(-4)=1/16
Suppose X has a geometric distribution with parameter p.Show
Suppose X has a geometric distribution with parameter p.Show that if n and k are positive
P(X = n + kjX > n) = P(X = k):
达尼亚刘希明 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
概率问题 高二的课程了 我都大学毕业了 忘干净了
有一道sat的试题麻烦解答一下 The 3rd term of a geometric seq
有一道sat的试题麻烦解答一下 The 3rd term of a geometric seq
uence is -3,and the 6th term is (八分之三.)what is the 4th term of the sequence?
香粉 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
geometric sequence是等比级数 第二个数字是第一个乘以某个数字a,ar,ar^2 (表示r的2次方),ar^3,ar^4,ar^5 ...第三个是ar^2 = -3; 第六个是ar^5 = 3/8; 那么第六个除以第三个 就是r^3 = -1/8r就是-1/2所以第4个sequen...
想问一道a a geometric series has first term a and common ratio r
a geometric series has first term a and common ratio r,where 0
liangkiller 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Let the first term be a.
The sum fo the first 3 terms is a(1+r+r^2).
As 0
computer aided geometric design是sci吗
梁时光 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
简单英文数学问题(geometric sequence)
简单英文数学问题(geometric sequence)
find the sum to infinity of a geometric sequence whose sum to three terms is 3968 with a second term of 640
please process,thanks
咖啡喝不ff人 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
geometric sequence是等比数列呀
就有 640/q+640+640q=3968
q=1/5 or q=5
q=5数列极限是正无穷 和当然也是正无穷吧
q=1/5 那么首项是3200 所以和极限就是3200/(1-q)=4000
journal of geometric analysis怎么样
王新禧0954 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
sat数学题 The 3rd term of a geometric sequence is -3
sat数学题 The 3rd term of a geometric sequence is -3
,and the 6the term is 八分之三.what is the 4th term of the sequence?
andensun 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
超声波检测中geometric flaw和actual flaw如何翻译?
tanwei1207 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
geometric flaw仪器测出的缺陷 actual flaw 实际的缺陷
英语翻译geometry of shallow curvesto establish the geometric rel
geometry of shallow curves
to establish the geometric relationships required to derive the differential equation of the elastic curve,we will consider the deformations of the cantilever beam in Fugure9.1a.
the deflected shape is represented in Figure9.1b by the displaced position of the longitudinal axis(also called the elastic curve).as reference axes,we estabilsh an x-y coordinate system whose origin is located at the fixed end.for clarity,vertical distances in this figure are greatly exaggerated.slopes,for example,are typically very small--on the order of a few tenths of a degree.if we were to show the deflected shape to scale,it would appear as a straight line.
to establish the geometry of a curved element,we will consider an infinitesimal element of length ds located a distance x from the fixed shown in Figure9.1c,we denote the radius of the curved segment by p.angle between these tangents is denoted by dФ.since the tangents to the curve are perpendicular to the radii at points A and B,it follows that the angle between the radii is also dФ.the slope of the curve at point A equals
if the angles are small(tanФ≈Ф radians),the slope can be written
from the geometry of the triangular segment ABO in figure9.1c,we can write
dividing each side of the equation above by ds and rearranging terms give
where dФ/ds,representing the change in slope per unit length of distance along the curve,is called the curvature and denoted by the symbol Ф.since slopes are small in actual beams,ds≈dx,and we can express the curvature in equation9.3 as
我爱晨 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
建立所需的几何关系,求出微分方程的弹性曲线,我们将考虑变形的悬臂梁在Fugure9.1a .
在偏转形状是代表Figure9.1b的流离失所者的立场纵轴(也称为弹性曲线) .作为参考轴线,我们estabilsh的XY坐标系统,其原产地是位于固定结束.为明确起见,垂直距离在这个数字是大大夸大了.斜坡,例如,通常是非常小的-关于秩序的零点几秒的程度.如果我们要显示偏转形成规模,它将显示为一条直线.
建立的几何形状弯曲的元素,我们会考虑的一个微元长度双链位于距离x的固定结束.所示Figure9.1c ,我们指的半径曲线段之间的p.angle这些切线是指由dФ .因为切线的曲线是垂直的半径点A和B ,所以之间的夹角半径也dФ .斜坡曲线在A点等于
如果角度小( tanФ ≈ Ф弧度) ,坡度可以这样写:
从几何三角部分ABO血型在figure9.1c ,我们可以写
在dФ /双链,代表坡度变化单位长度的距离沿曲线,被称为曲率和命名的象征Ф .自从小斜坡在实际光束,双链≈型,我们可以表达的曲率作为在equation9.3
英语翻译The first term in a geometric sequence is 2,and the comm
The first term in a geometric sequence is 2,and the commom ratio is 3.The first term in an arithmetic sequence is 3,and the commom difference is 3.Let set X be the set containing the first six terms of the geometric sequence and set Y be the set containing the frist six terms of the arithmetic sequence.What is the sum of the elements in X∩Y?
hong136 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
有一个等比数列,首项是2,公比是3.还有一个等差数列,首项是3,公差是3.先以X表示包含等比数列前六项的集合,而Y表示包含等差数列前六项的集合,那么请问 X∩Y集合中各元素相加总和是多少呢?
什麽是Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
什麽是Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
cangkong 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
(1)We will call a sequence an arithmetic sequence if there is a common difference
(2)A Geometric Sequence is a sequence which the ratio of the common terms is equal.
The general term is
an = a1 * r^(n-1)
英语翻译Hamiltonian cycles in fault random geometric networkIn a
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In a network,if Hamiltonian cycles exist,the fault tolerance is better.
1986130 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
pockets是机械中什么意思机械专业英语中有一句 For example,geometric design deals
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rylbz 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
凹处, 穴; (孤立的)小块地区
一道数学题.find the sum of the n consecutive geometric terms whic
一道数学题.find the sum of the n consecutive geometric terms which can be inserted between 1 &
inserted between 1 and 2.
junwei123 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
小于号 "