one world one dream 主题 英语作文

飙着鼻血看美妹2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


darren_chen 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
After a brief but fun-filled seven-day adventure,the "Olympic Families Tour Beijing" tour for the 10 Olympic Families came to an end on Monday,August 13,in Qingdao.From the Olympic City of Beijing to the equestrian venue in Hong Kong and the sailing center in Qingdao,everywhere they went,the 10 Olympic families were greeted with the warm hospitality of local citizens and volunteers.Apart from the bonds of friendship they have formed with one another,the families have fulfilled a dream – to be one step closer to the Olympics.Their journey began on August 6,when the five international families from the United States,South Africa,Germany,and Argentina arrived in Beijing and joined the five Chinese families at a welcome ceremony in the Olympic families' honor.As their Olympic tour regretfully came to an end,the Olympic Families expressed how happy they were with their adventure."The people here are great; they're very warm,just like the weather here.That's why we believe that the Beijing Olympic Games will be a success!" said the "usa 1776" Family.Perhaps this comment from the Gotobeijing family best conveys the general consensus of the families at the conclusion of their tour:"I know that the motto of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is 'One World One Dream.' This activity really communicated this message.It has connected all of us; it has connected the world." On April 9,the "Olympic Families Tour Beijing" was launched by the official website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in cooperation with China Mobile.In the two months that followed,12,000 families from 62 countries and regions submitted applications to participate.The families' blogs were visited by more than 1.3 million web users.One hundred candidate families received more than 1.3 million votes via the Internet and mobile phone.


Computer is good for learning 辩论主题
Computer is good for learning 辩论主题
说过的话 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Prop:Not only the easiest way Distance learning has became more flexibility for everyone.Not only it is the easiest way to touch the education,but it gives the opportunities for those people who want to get knowledge.Maybe they have many reason to not able to go to a traditional school and sit with talent people.
Online is better I go to school online and I am learning so fast,At my age I didn't want to go back to a traditional class,I tried it for a while and it was painstaking to sit in class,listen to all of the distractions,and frustrations.I just go to my computer,read the required readings and report on what I have learned.It saves gas money and traffic time.Iit is helping me get my graduate degree that is so much desired.
I have peak learning times that I use regularly and it helps I can sit down in the middle of the night and study.I really enjoy it.
Ease of access,time and money saving etc.Online education is at least equally effective than the traditional brick-and-mortar one,if not more.If done by the right people,with the right audience in mind (the best teaching is the one which addresses and betters a below average level of understanding!),it can work miracles.Plus,it can be completely tuition free.
What you don't learn.Online classes teach a basic course.When you interact with other students you gain knowledge that is not in any textbook.Other students become part of the learning process.You have to be self motivated if you are going to sit in front of a computer for a class,and that must be boring.I guess if you are going to major in something where you will not have any human contact,then go for the computer class.However,if you have a group of students you connect with you will feel part of a social group that is exploring a new subject together.I would always recommend taking courses in the classroom.Education is not only knowledge gained from the Professor but from what you learn from students and their experiences.
Traditional learning is more beneficial The in person learning is beneficial to more than just the individual.It benefits the entire system.Students can learn best from each others' view points,from the teachers view points,the teacher becomes better,better teachers make better educators,and better educators make a better system.Why only help one when you can help them all?
英语初级口语 详述以下主题A Tall and Slim GirlAt five feet six inches ,Ro
英语初级口语 详述以下主题
A Tall and Slim Girl
At five feet six inches ,Rosa was taller than every other student in the sixth grade.She worried about this alt the time,in school and at home.Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim.
"Someday ," her mother said ,"you'11 be happy that you're tall."
This made Rosa happier,but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back.One day ,all this changed when Mr Ransom,the coach from the youth club ,asked Rosa to play center on their basketball team.He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center.Now,she really was proud to be tall.She was someone special.
1,why do you think children don't want to be different from others?
2,what should we do to help a child to he confident?
写长一点 随便选一个写
35407973 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
【This is because when you're different from other children,that means you're too special to be together.Other kids may realize you're someone doing something really differently from them.And this so-called different behaviours are seen as some problems within the kids.If some kid are playing with a "different" kid,that means they both have "problems".And kids with problems are doomed to be looked down upon.Therefore,no kids would like to be different from others.】
粉红sasa 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
然后我综合各位老师的意见和自己的反思,进行了基于同伴互助的教学设计,形成了教学设计的第二稿,并进行了第一次授课.在课后评议会上,老师们积极发言,从“教师设计的活动是否紧扣教学目标和教学内容”、“是否能够尽快进入课文,引导学生整体感知”、“ 是否创设适当的语境帮助学生感知和理解语言”、“ 是否很好完成任务型教学”等不同的维度进行了恰当切实中肯的评议.但第一次授课没能达到预想的目标.通过分析老师们的分工观课报告,我认识到了自己的不足,及时进行了第一次授课反思.并将课型各流程做了相应的修改,导入环节用老师的照片创设更真实的情境,增加了学生展示的环节,加强小老师导学的培训,让学生各方面的能力都能得到发展.在各位群组老师的帮助下,最终形成了第三次备课:基于实践反思的教学设计.
这次磨课过程不是循环反复的,而是呈循环上升的趋势.是对他人经验分析、整合、吸收为自己经验的过程,是将外部教育理论与学科知识内化为自己的教育知识结构的过程,是教师把对教育、教学的深入思考自觉地转化为课堂上教育实践智慧的过程.从学生的能力发展来看,在每个环节中,学生都能积极参与,各种能力均得到不同程度的发展.比如在Free talk和最后的拓展让学生编对话环节,培养了学生口语交际的能力.在小组共同完成学课文任务的过程中,学生学会了自主学习和合作学习,英语阅读能力也得到提高.小老师导学则使优等生口语更棒,更自信.
英语小报 主题 my interesting summer holiday
习惯孤寂 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
大学英语口语对话考试 每个主题3分钟
大学英语口语对话考试 每个主题3分钟
1.Expressing hope
2.Ordering a meal at a restaurant
3.Seeing doctor
4.Talking about preferences
5.Talking about one's occupation
6.Giving compliments
7.Asking about people's opinion/giving opinion
8.Talking about famous people
9.Talking about unusual happenings and expressing surprise
10.Expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction
hklzy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
1. what is your dream?
i hope i can be a doctor in the future. How about you?
Me? Maybe a teacher, or a business man, or a governor?...
Hey, do you really know what you are hoping for ?
Actually, my nearest dream is to raise my salary. And then I can do nothing but dreaming!
2. May I help you, sir ?
Yes, I wanna oder a sandwich please.
What size would you like ?
The median one. And ,two lemonlade, please.
Ok. Any other else? We now have specials for the cheese .
No, thanks.
Ok, one median size sandwich and tow lemonlades. 45 RMB, we will deliver to you soon.
You are Welcome. Have a nice weekend.
my favourite things in winter 主题 英语作文
月下独坐 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
i like winter because i like snow .Snow is common in winter .When winter comes every year ,I will go outside to play with snow with my friends .Snow looks very white and pure.We often make snowmen around our houses. Sometimes we go skating on the ice .It is cool to play with snow in winter.

There are four seasons in a year.I like all of them but winter is my favourite season. I can play with snow..I can also go skating and go skiing.Though winter is cold and snowy ,I never feel cool .I always enjoy myself in winter.

Although winter means cold weather,I love it all the same.I think winter is a beautiful season,especially when it snows.Snowflakes fall down naughtily.They fall on branches of trees,on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white.Everything is shining in the sun.Every time it snows,I will remember an old saying,"Winter has come,can spring be far away?'

3篇 看看 同意就采纳吧 谢谢
英语初级口语 详述以下主题A Tall and Slim GirlAt five feet six inches ,Ro
英语初级口语 详述以下主题
A Tall and Slim Girl
At five feet six inches ,Rosa was taller than every other student in the sixth grade.She worried about this alt the time,in school and at home.Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim.
"Someday ," her mother said ,"you'11 be happy that you're tall."
This made Rosa happier,but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back.One day ,all this changed when Mr Ransom,the coach from the youth club ,asked Rosa to play center on their basketball team.He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center.Now,she really was proud to be tall.She was someone special.
1,why do you think children don't want to be different from others?
2,what should we do to help a child to he confident?
写长一点 随便选一个写
果树 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
【This is because when you're different from other children,that means you're too special to be together.Other kids may realize you're someone doing something really differently from them.And this so-called different behaviours are seen as some problems within the kids.If some kid are playing with a "different" kid,that means they both have "problems".And kids with problems are doomed to be looked down upon.Therefore,no kids would like to be different from others.】
林羽凡 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
jkzgl 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
这个问题问的很好,我曾经也有过这样的疑问,一般来说,英语文章有一种类似于古代八股文的模式,在考试中,大多数阅读理解都是关于环境问题,科学研究等,很少有关于生活的日记之类的,所以,首先文章首句挺重要的,因为老外比较直白,不会像我们似的老是爱用个引题什么的.第一段的结尾部分也会强调作者的观点和想要论证的句子,要细心.以上是对于一般情况来说的.个别情况肯定要个别讨论了,阅读确定不了文章主题关键问题还是“读不懂” 生词太多,句子结构太复杂,难理解,这些都是问题,所以根据自己的实际情况加强训练.
英语翻译Nowadays many people prefer __________ (主题) because it p
Nowadays many people prefer __________ (主题) because it plays a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.On the one hand,________________ (主题的优点1).On the other hand,___________________ (主题的优点2).
But everything can be divided into two.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that ___________________ (主题的缺点1).To make matters worse,__________________________ (主题的缺点2).
Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects far outweigh its negative aspects.Whatever effects it has,one thing is certain,________ (主题) itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to our society.
翻译以上英语模板 请一句一句翻译空白处也复制________ 急用
happyfuyuan 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
现在许多人喜欢__________ (主题) ,因为它扮演着重要的角色在我们的日常生活中.一般而言,其优点可以看到如下.一方面,________________ (主题的优点1 ) .另一方面,___________________ (主题的优点2 ) .
但是,什么都可以分为两个.在消极的方面也很明显.一个重要的缺点是,___________________ (主题的缺点1 ) .更糟的是,__________________________ (主题的缺点2 ) .
通过上述分析,我认为,积极的方面远远超过其消极方面.无论它的影响,有一点是肯定的,________ (主题)本身既不好也不坏.它是利用它放到确定其价值,我们的社会.
How I can help to make Tianjin a better place to live.围绕这个主题
How I can help to make Tianjin a better place to live.围绕这个主题写100字英文短文
XIAOMINER08 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Tianjin is my hometown,it is a beautiful city.However,as the economy develops,the environment of Tianjin becomes worse and worse.For example,the exhaust gas pollutes the fresh air,the industrial waste water pollutes the rivers,as a result,the comfort level of living is not as good as before.In order to make Tianjin a better place to live,I think I should do something in my power.For example,I can plant some trees to cleanse the air,I can take bus instead of taxi,so the air pollution will be less.Maybe these things are potty,but if everybody acts,then many hands make light work,our environment will be much improved.天津是我的家乡,它是一个美丽的城市,然后,随着经济的发展,天津的环境已经变得越来越差了.例如,工业废气污染了新鲜的空气,工业废水污染了河流.这就导致了生活得舒适度已经不再像过去那么好了.为了使天津成为一个更适合生活的城市,我应该做一些力所能及的事情.比如我可以种一些树来净化空气,出门的时候我可以坐公共汽车而不是打车.也许做这些事是微不足道的,但是如果每个人都行动起来,人多力量大,天津的环境就会大大改善的.
绿茶kk 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
然后我综合各位老师的意见和自己的反思,进行了基于同伴互助的教学设计,形成了教学设计的第二稿,并进行了第一次授课.在课后评议会上,老师们积极发言,从“教师设计的活动是否紧扣教学目标和教学内容”、“是否能够尽快进入课文,引导学生整体感知”、“ 是否创设适当的语境帮助学生感知和理解语言”、“ 是否很好完成任务型教学”等不同的维度进行了恰当切实中肯的评议.但第一次授课没能达到预想的目标.通过分析老师们的分工观课报告,我认识到了自己的不足,及时进行了第一次授课反思.并将课型各流程做了相应的修改,导入环节用老师的照片创设更真实的情境,增加了学生展示的环节,加强小老师导学的培训,让学生各方面的能力都能得到发展.在各位群组老师的帮助下,最终形成了第三次备课:基于实践反思的教学设计.
这次磨课过程不是循环反复的,而是呈循环上升的趋势.是对他人经验分析、整合、吸收为自己经验的过程,是将外部教育理论与学科知识内化为自己的教育知识结构的过程,是教师把对教育、教学的深入思考自觉地转化为课堂上教育实践智慧的过程.从学生的能力发展来看,在每个环节中,学生都能积极参与,各种能力均得到不同程度的发展.比如在Free talk和最后的拓展让学生编对话环节,培养了学生口语交际的能力.在小组共同完成学课文任务的过程中,学生学会了自主学习和合作学习,英语阅读能力也得到提高.小老师导学则使优等生口语更棒,更自信.
实践主题 弘扬传统文化 欢度祥和春节
实践主题 弘扬传统文化 欢度祥和春节
实践内容 (任选一种)
1.春节和民俗 2.春节与文学 3.春节与艺术 4.春节与饮食 5.春节与消费
实践要求 要求每位同学认真调查,并将结果以调查报告的形式呈现
时间地点[ ]
实践总结[ (不少于100字)]
冰冻眼泪 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
讨论主题we all would be more thankful if we were more thoughtful
hamy1014 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
With the development of society,fewer and fewer people will think much of others to make more money.They only think of their own interests .They throw rubbish everywhere to save their time.Fewer people will offer their seats to older people or women with babies on the bus.
However ,most people will help others,which is the Chinese good tradition.They often support older people .When they see someone drowning in a river ,they jump into the water in no time,not thinking of their own life.When someone is in great need of help ,they will give them a hand.We know that many people have contributed a lot to the people in Sichuan when the 5.12 earthquake happened.They are great and will be remembered forever.

zzzz0784 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语演讲比赛主题happy school days happy Olympic
whc6390 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Everybody knows the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Bejing.
We feel it a great pleasure to hold the Games.All the Chinese people are happy to get this chance.
In November,the official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were unveiled.Like the five Olympic Rings from which they draw their colours and inspiration,the Five Friends will serve as the official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace—and blessings from China---to children all over the world.
Beibei is the Fish,Jingjing is the Panda,Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame,Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together -- Beijing Huan Ying Ni,which means “Welcome to Beijing.”
In 2008,we will have grown up.We can do many things for the Games.I want to be a guide,because this job can describe China to people.When they say “Oh,China is wonderful!” I will feel happy.
I hope the 2008 Olympic Games can make the Games even more popular!
joessummer 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
主题My favourate celebrite英语五人对话 [外语]
主题My favourate celebrite英语五人对话 [外语]
麻烦给我一个英语剧本My favourate celebrity的五人对话
tlpthdg 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率96.7%
1) Name your celebrities (such as pop star,movie star,politician...etc)
2) think about the questions you'd like to ask
3) Why are you interested in those answers - will they be of interest to other readers?
For example,you can be interested in what Madonna eat,but it is not what she eats is important,but how she keeps herself healthy...etc
Some other questions about their background,what made them to be successful...etc
litieda 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
我觉得是这样的 大雁嗈嗈地叫着落在水边平地 晚霞与孤鹜相应成辉 隔着溪流和稀稀落落的树林隐约可看到人家 游船仿佛画一般,穿梭在芦花从中,渔人歌声嘹亮
英语演讲主题puppy love
英语演讲主题puppy love
我们即将会有英语演讲,我写了一些有关puppy love的观点,我是持支持态度去演讲的,此次演讲至少一分钟,而且可以采用幻灯片,也由下面同学提问.
nuidans64 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Puppy love (also known as a crush or calf love) is an informal term for feelings of love between young people during childhood and adolescence, so-called for its resemblance to the adoring, worshipful affection that may be felt by a puppy. The term is often used in a derogatory fashion, describing emotions which are shallow and transient in comparison to other forms of love such as romantic love.
The term (also commonly described as a "crush") can also be used to describe the fondness of a child for an adult. For example, students’ being attracted to their teachers, or children to older celebrities, could be considered puppy love.
The term "puppy love" is often met with fierce resistance from the people whose affections it is used to describe.[citation needed] The term is commonly perceived to be patronizing and belittling of genuine emotion.[citation needed] Use of this term might also be seen as an invalidation of the person's feelings.
英语主题说话:at the beach
英语主题说话:at the beach
ohaaf 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
英语主题对话编写Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you
Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content,whether he is rich or poor.please discuss on it.
1985619宁 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
A.Do you think the amout of money equals the degree of the happiness?
B.What's your opinion.
A.I think.And do you think a man can be happy when he is poor?
B.of course..Do you think money is important in our life?And do you think we can still be happy without any money?
A.Do you agree with me?
B.I think we are on the same boat!.
A.Nice discussing with you!
征文主题 点亮未来 读书成就梦想
浅溪人梦 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
看你想写啥样的. 题目 比如 梦想与读书 之类的.

gnis 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%