Frederick William I ,the king of Prussia 其中的 the该去掉吧

palm_spring2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


生日密码070 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
不可以,他是皇室,所有贵族的头衔都要加上THE.不加就是不敬.一个小小的男爵都要加THE,更可况国王了.像 "Elizabeth I, The Queen of England" Or "Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh."
所以是:”Frederick William I, The King of Prussia"


it is the smallest city to have a park designed by Frederick
it is the smallest city to have a park designed by Frederick请问如何翻译?
莫莫新新 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译Frederick Winslow Taylor,the father of scientific manage
Frederick Winslow Taylor,the father of scientific management,was born on March 20,1865,into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family.His father,a Princeton graduate and lawyer,made enough money from mortgages and did not have to keep a regular job.His mother was a spirited abolitionist and feminist who was said to have run an underground railroad station for runaway slaves.Both parents were Quakers and believed in high thinking and plain living.Parental authority was not questioned and children were seen and not heard in the Taylor family.Family members referred to each other as "thee" and "thou".At an early age Taylor learned self-control and his Quaker upbringing helped him to avoid conflicts with his peers and to resolve disagreements among them.
Taylor was a compulsive adolescent and was always counting and measuring things to figure a better way of doing something.At age twelve,he invented a harness for himself to keep from sleeping on his back,hoping to avoid the nightmares he was having.
At age twenty-five,Taylor earned an engineering degree at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey while holding a full time job.To date,no one has broken that record.
Another of his achievements was his winning of the U.S.Lawn Tennis Association doubles championship where he used a patented spoon-shaped racket that he himself designed.
Even though he excelled in math and sports and had a degree from an exclusive college,Frederick chose to work as a machinist and pattern maker in Philadelphia at the Enterprise Hydraulic Works (Weisford 1987).
After his apprenticeship at the hydraulic works plant,he became a common laborer at the Midvale Steel Company.He started as shop clerk and quickly progressed to machinist,foreman,maintenance foreman,and chief draftsman.Within six years he advanced to research director,then chief engineer.While working there he introduced piece work in the factory.His goal was to find the most efficient way to perform specific tasks.He closely watched how work was done and would then measure the quantity produced (Kanigel 44).
灵漪浣琴 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management, was born on March 20, 1865, into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family. His father, a Princeton graduate and lawyer, made enough money from mortgages and did not have to keep a regular job. His mother was a spirited abolitionist and feminist who was said to have run an underground railroad station for runaway slaves. Both parents were Quakers and believed in high thinking and plain living. Parental authority was not questioned and children were seen and not heard in the Taylor family. Family members referred to each other as "thee" and "thou". At an early age Taylor learned self-control and his Quaker upbringing helped him to avoid conflicts with his peers and to resolve disagreements among them.
Taylor was a compulsive adolescent and was always counting and measuring things to figure a better way of doing something. At age twelve, he invented a harness for himself to keep from sleeping on his back, hoping to avoid the nightmares he was having.
At age twenty-five, Taylor earned an engineering degree at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey while holding a full time job. To date, no one has broken that record.
Another of his achievements was his winning of the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association doubles championship where he used a patented spoon-shaped racket that he himself designed.
Even though he excelled in math and sports and had a degree from an exclusive college, Frederick chose to work as a machinist and pattern maker in Philadelphia at the Enterprise Hydraulic Works (Weisford 1987).
尽管他擅长数学和运动,并且具有高等院校的学位,弗雷德里克选择在费城一家叫Hydraulic Works的企业做一名机械技师和制模工程师
After his apprenticeship at the hydraulic works plant, he became a common laborer at the Midvale Steel Company. He started as shop clerk and quickly progressed to machinist, foreman, maintenance foreman, and chief draftsman. Within six years he advanced to research director, then chief engineer. While working there he introduced piece work in the factory. His goal was to find the most efficient way to perform specific tasks. He closely watched how work was done and would then measure the quantity produced (Kanigel 44).
在Hydraulic Works当一段学徒之后,他成为米德维尔钢铁公司的一名工作人员.开始他是一名车间技术员,之后他成长为机械师,工长,维修领班,首席制图员.在六年时间内升到研究部主任的位置,然后成为总工.在米德维尔工作期间,他将计件工作引进工厂.他的目标是寻找到最有效率的方式来评估具体的任务.为达到这个目标,他密切观察工作如何完成,如何衡量产量.
填字came to visit (1)____ Frederick was a mean man.Henry asked
填字came to visit (1)____ Frederick was a mean man.Henry asked him,Do (2)___ want to buy a clock?
drgon 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
came to visit (1)_the___ Frederick was a mean man.Henry asked him,Do (2)__you_ want to buy a clock?1,大写的人名,地名要特指,2.问你想要买什么?
6.All the money ______,Frederick started looking for work.
6.All the money ______,Frederick started looking for work.
A.having spent B.has been spent C.having been spent D.had been spent
(我选 D,C,为什么是ing 而不是preset or past有道理吗)
56.He _________(write) her 10 letters since he met her last years.(这句我觉得要用过去完成时态对吗)
1.having been spent 有这样的时态吗?
2.但是我可以翻译成为 他写给她10封信,直到去年他遇见了她.(不就是过去的过去,过去完成了吗?) 给个一致的答案.....我现在混乱的不得了...
哈哈 我知道错了~不过有人用 现在完成进行时 我觉得也可以~
蒲公英67 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
第二题,如果不是你打错了,那么这道题出得太乖谬了.哪里有last years 这种说法!不是last year,就是last (基数词)years.而且,这句话不可以用过去完成时,为什么呢?因为过去完成时是过去的过去!请问,这句话里头,他去年遇到她和他写了10封信,谁前谁后?显然,是自去年见过以后,他总共才写了10封信!since引导的动作,一般都是在主句发生之前的!你硬是要这么翻译,我也不知道是该扁你的初中英语老师,还是佩服你的创新发散思维!幸亏你不是英国国王!
英语 阅读理解Frederick was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor l
英语 阅读理解
Frederick was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looked him over and said,“Well,
Mr.Green,you’re doing to get some injections (注射),and you’ll fell much better.A nurse will come and give you the first this evening,and then you’ll have to get another one tomorrow evening.” In the evening a young nurse came to Frederick’s bed and said to him,
“I’m going to give you your first injection now,Mr.Green.Where do you want?”
The old man was surprised.He looked at the nurse for a while,and then he said,“Nobody has ever let me choose that before.Are you really going to let me choose now?”
“Yes.Mr.Green,” the nurse answered.She was in a hurry,“Where do you want it?”
“Well,then,” the old man answered with a smile.“I want it in your left arm,please.”
1.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “looked over?” _________
A.照顾 B.寻找 C.检查 D.打量
2.How many persons are there in the story?____________
A.Two B.Three.C.Four D.Five
3.From the passage,we know the old man is ______________.
A.badly ill B.healthy a child D.slightly (轻微的) ill
4.Mr.Green has to ___________ to be better.
A.has some medicine B.have some rest
C.take some injections some sports
5.How often does Mr.Green have to get injections?
A.Twice a day B.Once a day C.Tow D.In the evening
我在天地之间 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
4.C,医生说:Mr.Green,you’re doing to get some injections (注射)
英语复述,急!Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never
Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country' s best artists about ten years to make.
In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar' s winter palace in St Petersburg. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.
Later, Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing.
In September 1941 , the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time when the two countries were at war. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that,what happened to the Amber Room remain a mystery.
Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber Room, they have made the new one look like the old one. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.
rbl055 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
1.The King of Prussia whose name was Frederick William I, had made an Amber Room which was an amazing wonder for Russian people.
2.With the purpose of designing the palace for Frederick I ,the next King of Prussia, he was given a troop of best soldiers.
3.Later, Catherine Ⅱ moved the Amber Room to a palace outside St Petersburg and decorated it as a place where she spent her summers.
4.In September 1941 when the Nazi and Russion army were at war, the Amber Room experienced many changes.
5.Recently by studying old photos of the former Amber Room,the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room the same as the old one at the summer palace.
英语选择1.All the money________,Frederick started looking for wo
1.All the money________,Frederick started looking for work(2006年4月)
A.having spent
B.Has been spent
C.Having been spent
D.Had been spent
suncheng 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
这是一句独立主格结构,money被Frederick花掉,所以用被动,又因为spent 和started存在先后关系,所以是Having been spent
6.All the money ______,Frederick started looking for work.
6.All the money ______,Frederick started looking for work.
A.having spent B.has been spent C.having been spent D.had been spent
(我选 D,C,为什么是ing 而不是preset or past有道理吗)
56.He _________(write) her 10 letters since he met her last years.(这句我觉得要用过去完成时态对吗)
1.having been spent 有这样的时态吗?
2.但是我可以翻译成为 他写给她10封信,直到去年他遇见了她.(不就是过去的过去,过去完成了吗?) 给个一致的答案.....我现在混乱的不得了...
哈哈 我知道错了~不过有人用 现在完成进行时 我觉得也可以~
斌斌彬彬有你 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
第二题,如果不是你打错了,那么这道题出得太乖谬了.哪里有last years 这种说法!不是last year,就是last (基数词)years.而且,这句话不可以用过去完成时,为什么呢?因为过去完成时是过去的过去!请问,这句话里头,他去年遇到她和他写了10封信,谁前谁后?显然,是自去年见过以后,他总共才写了10封信!since引导的动作,一般都是在主句发生之前的!你硬是要这么翻译,我也不知道是该扁你的初中英语老师,还是佩服你的创新发散思维!幸亏你不是英国国王!
英语翻译However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William I,to
However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William I,to whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it
深海105 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
to whom the amber room belonged是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰Frederick...
Frederick was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looked h
Frederick was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looked him over and said,“Well,Mr.Green,you’re doing to get some injections (注射),and you’ll fell much better.A nurse will come and give you the first this evening,and then you’ll have to get another one tomorrow evening.” In the evening a young nurse came to Frederick’s bed and said to him, “I’m going to give you your first injection now,Mr.Green.Where do you want?”The old man was surprised.He looked at the nurse for a while,and then he said,“Nobody has ever let me choose that before.Are you really going to let me choose now?”“Yes.Mr.Green,” the nurse answered.She was in a hurry,“Where do you want it?”“Well,then,” the old man answered with a smile.“I want it in your left arm,please.” .???学霸来救我
zyan1977 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
这是一句什么句Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never h
Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.
mjbj646 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
that 引导的宾语从句.