11.The early settlers of the American continent ___________

comebackcat2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

11.The early settlers of the American continent ___________ copper __________ corn with the Indians.
A) mixed…with B) referred…to
C) traded…for D) attached…to
12.I was trying to __________ him _________,but failed because he didn’t fit into any type I knew.
A) check…through B) size…up
C) pick…out D) note…down
13.No artificial light can _________ daylight for general use.
A) make up for B) do with C) stand for D) compare with
14.It was truly a miracle that the little girl ________ the flood by climbing onto a tree.
A) explored B) survived C) captivated D) relieved
15.The army is reported to be _________ considerable resistance in some remote rural areas.
A) companioning B) discarding
C) encountering D) embracing
16.The Princess’ biography ________ that her marriage was not as satisfactory as was once believed.
A) explored B) revealed C) identified D) inquired
17.Farmers mistrusted speculative(投机的)grain selling through Grain Exchange.It happened too often that they sold their wheat soon after harvest ________ see prices rising and speculators getting rich.
A) only to B) so as to C) in order to D) in attempts to
18.__________ I fully understand your point of view on what makes a marriage perfect,I do also have some sympathy with your parents’.
A) Since B) That C) While D) When
19.I actually don’t want to drag you away from your key pal but I’m only acting _________ your best interest.
A) on B) with C) for D) in
20.To my despair,I eat __________ I want and I still don’t seem to put on any weight.
20.To my despair,I eat __________ I want and I still don’t seem to put on any weight.
A) whatever B) however C) whichever D) whenever


踏平你的脸 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
11-15 CBDBC
16-19 BAAD
20 C


英语翻译In 1620 ,the first settlers arrived in North America fro
In 1620 ,the first settlers arrived in North America from England.They landed and began to live there.But life was very hard there.During their first winter in the new land,poor food,hard work and cold weather killed a lot of early settlers.
zwq002 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
When early colonial settlers went to America, they took many
When early colonial settlers went to America, they took many forms of dance to their new home. Square dancing, one of the oldest forms of American folk dancing, developed from several different Old World group dances, mainly English country dances, and the French quadrille(四对方舞).
In the American version of square dancing, four couples form a square and dance to music. An American addition to square dancing is the caller. What do you think a caller does?
The callers---someone who calls out the dance steps in time to the music--- was a completely American invention. At first dancers memorized all the steps for a particular dance, but eventually the dances became so complicated that it was necessary to have someone call out cues (提示) so that dancers didn’t have to remember so many steps. The caller didn’t just call out “do-se-do your partner”; a good caller also came up with colourful sayings or witty lines that he said in between the cues such as “Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid. Swing on the corner in a waltz promenade (步伐).” A caller might also come up with new dance steps and routines.
Although popular for years, square dancing seemed to be going out of style and fading away until the early 1930s, when Henry Ford helped revive interest in it. Ford, the automobile manufacturer, used to vacation at the Wayside Inn in Massachusetts, where he enjoyed the dance programme run by a man named Benjamin Lovett. Ford asked Lovett to come to Detroit and teach dances, but Lovett said he couldn’t because he had a contract with the inn. Ford solved that problem by buying the inn and Lovett’s contract. He took Lovett back to Detroit, where together they established a programme for teaching squares and rounds. Square dancing was updated and groups began forming all over the country.
53. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Different Steps of Square Dancing
B. The Origin and Development of Square Dancing
C. Who Was the Inventor of Square Dancing?
D. Why Did Square Dancing Go Out of Style?
54. What does the underlined part “their new home” refer to?
A. The United Kingdom. B. France.
C. Africa.D. America.
55. Why did the caller call out the steps for the dancers?
A. Because the dance was invented by the caller.
B. Because the dancers didn’t know the names of the steps.
C. Because the steps were very particular.
D. Because it was hard for the dancers to remember all the steps.
56. Why did the author mention Henry Ford in the last paragraph?
A. Because he was the man who made the first car.
B. Because he was vey fond of dancing.
C. Because he helped make square dancing popular again.
D. Because he taught people how to dance.
davidxmn 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
53 -- 56 BDDC

When the first English settlers arrived in the New World,the
When the first English settlers arrived in the New World,the indians_______jewellery made of animal bones greeted them warmly.
A.wearing B.to wear
C.worn D.having worn
10002000 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
wearing jewellery是形容the indians,省略who are.而且greeted是动词,一句句子里不能出现两个动词.
wear是动词,wearing是动名词,wearing jewellery 就是短语了.“wearing jewellery ”用来形容the indians,“made of animal bones ”修饰jewellery,全句可以是 the indians who are wearing jewellery made of animal bones 这样一个从句.
there will be various designs for settlers to choose from ,f
there will be various designs for settlers to choose from ,from可以省略吗?
段嘉星 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
这是不定式作定语 和 所修饰词 是动宾 关系 choose from various designs 和choose various designs 的 意思 是不一样 的 所以from 不能省 这是 动介词组 从.中选择
询问一个英文句子的语法Settlers were mostly engaged in political activit
settlers were mostly engaged in political activities.定居者主要从事***活动.
engage 是从事的意思,可是在这句话中为什么用被动?
TOM尘 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
当engage是从事的意思,它是不及物动词,不能跟宾语,所以用be engaged in引导.
when the European settlers arrived in ___ is now the the uni
when the European settlers arrived in ___ is now the the united states,they brought...
A where B what
赌坊576号 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
what=something thal=all that=the thing that=(在本句)the place that
when the European settlers arrived in the place that is now the the united states,they brought...
帮分析下这个英语句型!the fist English settlers in north American were
the fist English settlers in north American were extraordinary unlucky weather wise,conclude scientists who have looked at centurists of climate date.这个属于什么句型,我查了所有的单词还是不太明白,
liuting0401 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
主句是settlers were weather wise.除了conclude外其他都是定语.conclude到climate date中conclude是介词,这个句子属于介词短语.,修饰整个句子,其中包括一个由who引导的定语从句,修饰scientists,who作主语
翻译并分析下面这句话Education was intended for white settlers only, an
Education was intended for white settlers only, and until very recently no school lessons were held in languages rather than English.
rather than在这个句子里是什么意思
sdhashja 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
单词拼写小题1:Early American settlers were great c______----they c
小题1:Early American settlers were great c______----they could build almost anything from wood.
小题2:The famous doctor has d_______ hundreds of babies during her life.
小题3:Each classroom in our school is e________ with a computer, which is helpful to our study.
小题4:He is l__________ to come, but I’m not sure.
小题5:It seems that he is quite c_________ with what he has got.
小题6:When ________(走近)the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.
小题7:Speak clearly, or you’ll make yourself _______(误解).
小题8:This is the most _____ (令人信服的) evidence that I can prove my point.
小题9:I saw some people enter the new building looking around _____(好奇地).
小题10:She ________(启发) those who want to enter a key university.
wyqjjj 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率66.7%

小题1:carpenters 句意为“早期的美国定居者们都是好的木匠--他们能用木头建任何东西”木匠,用复数carpenters
小题2:delivered “这位著名的医生在一生中已经接生过成百上千人”接生deliver, 完成式用ved,所以用delivered
小题3:equipped “在我们学校每个班都配备有一台电脑, 用来帮助学习。”be equipped with “装备上。。。”
小题4:likely “他可能要来, 我不太确定”be likely to “可能”
小题5:content “他似乎对他得到的很满意” be content with “对。。。满意的”
小题6:approaching “他们接近房子的时候, 发现不寻常的事,所以停下来看了看”和they 是主动关系用approaching
小题7:misunderstood “说话清晰点, 否则你会被误解”make oneself done 所以用misunderstood
小题8:convincing “这是我所能找到的最令人信服的证据,以证明我的观点。”令人信服的convincing
小题9:curiously “我发现一些人进入这个新的建筑物, 好奇地四处看”修饰动词用副词curiously
小题10:inspires “她激励那些想上重点大学的人”主语She, 用inspires
What happened when English settlers moved west?
love2008 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率68.4%
They colonized their land and formed a few countries like the USA and imposed their way of life there.
英语翻译Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in A
Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in America.They gathered their crops,celebrated and gave thanks for the food.
yclxdujun 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
When the European settlers arrived in ( ) is now
When the European settlers arrived in ( ) is now
the United states ,they brought their holidays like Christmas
A that B which C what D when
南宫故人 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
B :这是一个定语从句,介词加关系代词,代指美国,
1.The majority of the first European settlers to arrive in w
1.The majority of the first European settlers to arrive in what is now Australia were of what nationality?When did they first arrive?How did they arrive?
2.This first period of European colonization was based on what?
3.Ireland is a member of what large trading bloc of about 20 countries?
jason112200 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1、From the britain
The European settlers arrived in australia in 1788.
By boat
2、The first European colonization wave took place from the early 15th century ( Portuguese conquest of Ceuta in 1415 ) until the early 19th century ( French invasion of Algeria in 1830 ),and primarily involved the European colonization of the Americas ,
3、 Yes,G20
Early American settlers were great_____ -- they could build
Early American settlers were great_____ -- they could build almost anything from wood.
A.engineers B.carpenters C.builders D.entertainers
小小不一 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%

考察名词辨析。A工程师;B木匠;C建筑工人;D娱乐人员;根据后面的build almost anything from wood可知是木匠。故B正确。
一道英语试题难住了我many settlers had slighter religious commitments t
many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Dane`s,as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion.这个状语中主谓宾,定状补是什么,分别修饰谁,看不懂
snow2266 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
many settlers 与Dane的宗教信仰比是slighter的,as引导方式状语从句.
along the coast地点状语,主语clergyman,谓语learned,学到了什么呢:they(settlers)不是为了宗教来新大陆的.跟谁学的呢:coast沿岸的folk.
英语句子翻译!在线等1.Among the early settlers in South America in the
1.Among the early settlers in South America in the 16th century were Spanish traders.
2.The first attempt made by European people to settle down permanently in North America occurred in the 1580s.
就这两句 要求准确 如果翻译的好 加分!1580S 读作16世纪80年代?
yuying663 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译the new settlers enriched the english language and espec
the new settlers enriched the english language and especially its vocabulary
wuzhaowen1 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
When the europeans settlers arrived in is now the united sta
When the europeans settlers arrived in is now the united states ,they brought their holidays like christmas.
非常头晕 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
D 在句子中做地点状语
1.To survive the harsh winter,the early settlers traded copp
1.to survive the harsh winter,the early settlers traded copper ___ corn with the native people.
a.in b.at c.of d.for
2.here are some tips to try when you have no ___ in summer.
a.mood b.taste c.appetite d.emotions
3.you need to improve the transitional sentences to make the essay more ___.
a.cooperative b.coherent c.conclusive d.colorful
4.what punishment does the law ___ for corruption?
a.prescribe b.describe c.subscribe d.testify
5.some children depend on ___ in order to stay healthy enough to benefit from education.
a.tradition b.concentration c.relation d.medication
6.a recent study carried out in birmingham suggests that women of asian origin are as likely to experience winter ___.
a.depression b.assure c.pressure d.***
7.president shall ___ office on the first day of the calendar.
a.presume b.assume c.resume d.consume
8.the official in the tax office ___ that the shopkeeper was innocent.
a.extended b.sustained c.contended d.was content
9.the vast majority of drug ___ cases involve the use of more than one drug.
a.overdue b.overdose c.overall d.overhear
10.there is no point trying to ___ with a man like him.
a.run b.make c.reason d.treat
11.she felt great ___ when she heard the operation was successful.
a.reliance b.relief c.response d.rest
12.we offer professional advice for teenagers who seek healthy ___ for frustration.
a.inlets b.output c.input d.outlets
13.the children stared quietly,fully absorbed by the ___ tricks performed by the magician.
a.amazing b.shocking c.surprised d.astonished
14.steven never worked hard; if he is fired,he has got only himself to ___
a.scold b.curse c.criticize d.blame
15.only club members are ___ to use the facilities for workout.
a.entitled b.enjoyed c.ensured d.enrolled
16.the speaker urged us in ringing ___ to support his cause and vote for him.
a.tones b.tunes c.sounds d.voices
17.every month the committee met so that its members could ___ their views on the latest issues.
a.argue b.exchange c.trade d.maintain
18.arrest warrants (***令) for four suspects involved in the drug trafficking case were recently ___.
a.published b.released c.launched d.issued
19.all the children in smith's family wear eyeglasses except tom,the youngest one,who is blessed ___ good eyesight.
a.for b.in c.with d.from
20.in his keynote address the chairman examined the factors ___ competitiveness for the corporation in the next five years.
a.deciding b.determining c.establishing d.contributing
negro22 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、D(trade for以.交换) 2、C(食欲)3、B(条理清楚的)4、D(证明)5、D(不确定啊)
6、A 7、C 8、C 9、B 10、D 11、B 12、D 13、A 14、D 15、A 16、A 17、B 18、B
19、C 20、C
Who were the earliest settlers of England
comical132 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Before the great Ice Age, Great Britain was joined to the continent of Europe. It was then that men first came to Britain. They are usually called cave men or stone age men.
At that time, education _____ for white settlers only and fe
At that time, education _____ for white settlers only and few black people had the chance to go to school.
A.intended B.was intending
C.had intended D.was intended
雪山小虎 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%

What is the major reason for many early settlers to come to
What is the major reason for many early settlers to come to the english colonies in north amesica?
醉是深秋 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
是不是应该是 america?
The first English settlers arrived in_ we now cal
The first English settlers arrived in_ we now cal
l America.
A.Where B.what C.which D.when
einzelhirsch 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
B,what we now call American这半句表示的是地点,这句话的意思是最初的英国殖民者到了我们现在叫美国的地方