Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. L

28185112022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to diseases such as rickets (佝偻病), mainly found in children. The thinning of bone is a common problem as people, especially women, get older.
But more and more research is suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many diseases. The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet (紫外线的) rays react with skin cells to produce vitamin D. But many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun. As a result they stay out of the sun. Also, darker-skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter-skinned people. The amount also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.
Not many foods naturally contain vitamin D. Foods high in this vitamin include oily fish and fish liver oils (鱼肝油). Farmed fish have only about one-fourth as much vitamin D as wild fish. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. But most of the vitamin D in the American diet comes from foods such as milk.
Research in the last several years has shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks in men and deaths from some cancers. More doctors are now having their patients tested for their vitamin D levels. But as research continues, some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might act as a poison. Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.
小题1:The first paragraph is mainly about      .
A.the muscle diseases B.the sources of vitamins
C.the importance of health D.the functions of vitamin D
小题2:Which of the following people produce the least amount of vitamin D?______
A.Elderly darker-skinned people. B.Young lighter-skinned people.
C.Elderly lighter-skinned people. D.Young darker-skinned people.
小题3: People can get the most vitamin D from      .
A.beef liver B.cheese C.wild fish D.farmed fish
小题4:What can we infer from the text?_________
A. Being exposed to sunlight is the safest way to get vitamin D.
B. Lack of vitamin D can make people age quickly.
C. Proper vitamin D levels people need are still not determined now.
D. The vitamin D level is higher in men than in women.


恋芭蕾 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

小题1:从第一段第一行Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy维他命D使骨头和肌肉强壮,健康结合后面缺乏维他命D会导致一些疾病可得知第一段主要讲Vitamin D的功能。、
小题2:从第二段darker-skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter-skinned people. The amount also decreases in older people可知年老深色皮肤的人产生的Vitamin D最少。
小题3:从第三段Foods high in this vitamin include oily fish and fish liver oils (鱼肝油)Farmed fish.。。。found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks比较得出Farmed fish里Vitamin D最丰富。
小题4:推断题。从第二段The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight可看出A答案表达错误。B答案是直接信息,不能入选,D答案未提及,故选C


请大家帮忙分析这句话成分Today's fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C l
Today's fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C levels they did at one time.
daryl20974 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
主语today's fruits
谓语have nowhere near
宾语Vitamin C levels
定语从句 (that) they did at one time,由于that在从句中做near的宾语,所以省略了
Watercress is positively packed with healthy vitamins and mi
Watercress is positively packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. The writings of both the Romans and the Ancient Greeks record the consumption of watercress by all classes. Hippocrates, “the father of medicine”, was so convinced that watercress was a great healer that he built his first hospital next to a stream so that he could grow a plentiful supply of the shiny green leaves for his patients. The Romans chewed watercress in large quantities, believing that it would cure baldness. They, too, looked with favor on watercress as a salad.
Watercress sandwiches were traditionally a breakfast item in nineteenth-century Europe. The most basic type of watercress sandwich has two pieces of white bread with a mixture of butter and watercress greens . A nickname(绰号)for the vegetable, in fact, was “poor man’s bread”, because watercress was often eaten on its own for breakfast by families that could not afford the bread to go with it .
Watercress is a member of the mustard(芥菜) family. It contains vitamins C(66mg per 100g), K and A, and is also a valuable source of minerals such as iron, potassium, copper and calcium. The mustard oils in its silky leaves and stems(茎)contain an ingredient known as PEITC. Recent research has proved that PEITC can prevent the growth of cancer cells and, in some cases, actually destroy them.
The best watercress has silky green leaves without any marks and has undamaged stems, The older the plant, the darker are its leaves and the thicker its stems. This means a higher concentration of oils and vitamins. Young watercress, on the other hand, may be harvested after only twenty-eight days growth and has a milder taste. It is best to eat watercress fresh and raw , to keep more of its valuable nutrients, but it can be lightly cooked and used as an alternative to spinach—another dark green vegetable—in various recipes. From soups to salads, watercress is now considered around the world as a natural and healthy super food.
小题1:From paragraph 1, we can learn that________.
A.watercress is usually grown in wet areas
B.the ancient Greeks only used watercress for medicine
C.watercress is the most ancient vegetable known to man
D.the Romans rubbed watercress on their heads to cure baldness
小题2:The underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to “_________”.
A.butter B.watercress C.breakfast D.bread
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about watercress?
A.It belongs to the same family as spinach.
B.It contains mustard oils only in leaves.
C.It can help guard against cancer.
D.It is rich in vitamins C and B.
小题4:Compared with older watercress, young watercress .
A.has lighter green leaves
B.contains more minerals better for medical use more suitable for eating raw
小题5:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The history of watercress B.watrcress, a medicinal plant
C.Watercress, the amazing food D.New findings about watercress
高云风 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%

第二节: 语法填空Vitamins are a group of substances(物质)found in food

第二节: 语法填空
Vitamins are a group of substances(物质)found in food. The body needs them for life and health. So usually, many people care for the question: am I getting enough vitamins, and am I getting the right kind?
Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body, the worry people have about vitamins has some reasons. And this has to do with their ___11_ --- the food they take in. A person eating a good variety of food get all the vitamins now ___12 ___ (know) to be needed.
The problem is that there are many people who don’t ___13_ __ foods wisely. So the answer ___14 ___ this question is: No extra ___15_ __ are needed, ___16 __ you eat proper foods. In fact, many of the vitamins cannot be ___17_ __(store) in the body, so when extra vitamins are taken in, the body simply gets rid of them. It is even ___18 ___ (harm) to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be ___19 (truth) of vitamin A and D, when ___20 ___ amounts are taken in.
yanjie130 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3% 12 . known 13. choose 14. to 15. vitamins
16. if 17. stored 18. harmful 19. true 10. large

下句找语法错误并改正及说明原因The quality of multivitamin tablets is determ
The quality of multivitamin tablets is determined by how long its potency can be protected by the manufacture's coating material.
xiaogezi2008 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
The quality of multivitamin tablets is determined by how long their potency can last protected by the manufacture's coating material.
1 tablets复数概念,所以是their.
2 last 作为动词谓语存在.protected 作为 last 的伴随状态,作状语使用.
Scientists say Vitamin D may be an effective way to _____
Scientists say Vitamin D may be an effective way to _____ cancer but many people worldwide do not get
enough of it.

[ ]

A. contribute to
B. set aside
C. guard against
D. hold on to
blsm 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译Apricot vitamin facial oil 90softgl capsuleskonkabao apr
Apricot vitamin facial oil 90softgl capsules
konkabao apricot facial oil is a beautifully enriching vitamin eoil with apricot,this is specially formulated for normal skin for diminishing the appearance of age lines caused bythe sun and the skin's natural aging .when used daily this product will help your skin feel silky smooth and healthy all over
please do not store above 86.f (30℃)
diretions:for external use only,snip the tip off one capsule.apply to face,throat and bady in the morning and at bed time diacontinue usage if irritation occur
lngredients:squalene,vitaminE,vegetable oil,jasmine fragrance gelatin glycerin oil jasmine fragrance gelatin glycerin water jasmlne perfume timiron pearl flake
warning:for external and cosmetic use only not for oral use keep out of reach of children
amani009 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
请帮忙翻译维C的说明书Vitamin C plays an important role in supporting i
Vitamin C plays an important role in supporting immune function. As an antioxidant,Vitamin C helps neutralize harmful free radicals in cells. DIRECTIONS:For adults, take one (1)tablet dayily, preferbly with a meal.As a reminder, discuss the supplements and medications you take with youe health care providers. WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications,consult your doctor befor use ,Discontinue use and consult your doctor if adverse reactions occur. Sutiable for vegetarians Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Cellulose(Plant Origin),Croscarmellose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearte, Silica, Vegetable Stearic Acid. TAMPER RESISTANT: Do not use if serl under cap is broken kr missing.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Store in a dry place and avoid excessive heat .
静雅07 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
维生素C在支持免疫功能方面发挥重要作用.作为一种抗氧化剂,维生素C可以帮助消除细胞内的有害自由基.说明:成人,每天服用1片,建议在吃饭时服用.卫生保健提供者对于你服用药品提示和补充.警告:如果您正在怀孕,哺乳或服用其他任何药物治疗,在服用之前请咨询你的医生,如果不良反应发生,停止使用并咨询你的医生.适应于素食主义者 成份:抗坏血酸,纤维素(植物) ,交联羧甲纤维素 ,蔬菜硬脂酸镁,二氧化硅,蔬菜硬脂酸.损坏预防:如果瓶盖下面的密封膜破损或是丢失,不要使用.存放在儿童无法接触到的地方.存放于干燥处,避免过热.
如何简练“eating vitamin reduces the risk of heart disease among
如何简练“eating vitamin reduces the risk of heart disease among those people eating vitamin”
salahei 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Taking vitamins reduces the risk of heart disease.
Mark those who take vitamins as group A,the opposite as group B.
It has revealed that the vitamin D __ slowing down the aging
It has revealed that the vitamin D __ slowing down the aging process.到底选什么呢?
A.plays an important effect in
B.plays a key role in
C.takes an important part in
卧看牵牛织女星 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
play a part (in) 是 在……中起作用,参与;
play a role in 是在某方面起作用,在……中扮演一个角色,在……中起作用;
而 take part是指参加活动,而不是参与 作用
A.has (takes) an important effect in
C.plays an important part in
Vitamin B12,cyanocobalamin,is essential for human nutrition.
Vitamin B12,cyanocobalamin,is essential for human nutrition.It is concentrated in animal tissue but not in higher plants.Although nutritional requirements for the vitamin are quite low,people who abstain completely from animal products may develop a deficiency anemia.Cyanocobalamin is the form used in vitamin supplements.It contains 4.34% cobalt by mass.Calculate the molar mass of cyanocobalamin,assuming that there is one atom of cobalt in every molecule of cyanocobalamin.
___________ g/mol
自己说着过瘾 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
一道英语题目We should eat more foods____________our daily vitamin_
We should eat more foods____________our daily vitamin___________
C.supervising,demand support,want
怡笑书坊 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
英语翻译Centrum Select 50+Specially Formulated Multivitamin for
Centrum Select 50+
Specially Formulated Multivitamin for people over 50.
You're busy,involved and passionate about life.Being pro-active about your health is important to you and your family.You know your body is changing and has different needs.There is increasing research concerning the nutritional needs of people over 50.To help maintain the right balance of vitamins and minerals,a specially formulated multivitamin like Centrum Select can be an important addition to a healthy lifestyle.
Recently Centrum Select was reformulated to include vitamin K and lycopene.In addition,the amounts of certain nutrients were increased while others were decreased to reflect the latest findings in nutritional science.
Suggested Use:Adults - 1 tablet daily with food.
CAUTION:Take a few hours before or after taking other medications.Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.If taking other supplements,read label,as other supplements may contain the same ingredients.In case of accidental overdose contact a physician or poison control centre immediately.Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are taking blood thinners.
徽之龙 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
中心选择50 +特殊配方的多种维生素的年龄超过50岁.您正忙,积极参与和热情的生活.正采取积极您的健康是很重要的你和你的家人.你知道你的身体正在发生变化,并有不同的需求.有越来越多的研究有关的营养需要的人超过50 .帮助维持适当的平衡的维生素和矿物质,特别制定了多种选择可以像中心是一个重要的除了健康的生活方式.最近中心选择是重新加入维生素K和番茄红素.此外,大量增加了某些营养物质,另一些则下降,以反映最新的研究结果在营养科学.
此外,大量增加了某些营养物质,另一些则下降,以反映最新的研究结果在营养科学.每天的食物.警告:花一点hoCentrum选择50 +特殊配方的多种维生素的年龄超过50岁.您正忙,积极参与和热情的生活.正采取积极您的健康是很重要的你和你的家人.你知道你的身体正在发生变化,并有不同的需求.有越来越多的研究有关的营养需要的人超过50 .帮助维持适当的平衡的维生素和矿物质,特别制定了多种选择可以像中心是一个重要的除了健康的生活方式.最近中心选择是重新加入维生素K和番茄红素.此外,大量增加了某些营养物质,另一些则下降,以反映最新的研究结果在营养科学.建议使用:成人- 1片每日食物.警告:走上几个小时之前或之后采取其他药物.不超过每日建议剂量.如果采取其他的补充,阅读标签,其他补充剂可能含有相同的成分.在发生意外过量联系医生或中毒控制中心立即.
跪求以下英语阅读理解的正确答案The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are
The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet,including a variety of fruit and green vegetables.It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet,or when trying to lose weight,that it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins.
An example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as "beri-beri",which large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice used to suffer from.In the early years of this century,a Dutch scientist called Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri.At first he thought it was caused by a germ.He was working in a Japanese hospital,where the patients were fed on rice which had the outer husk removed from the grain.It was thought this would be easier for weak,sick people to digest.
Eijkman thought his germ theory was confirmed when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard,which were fed on scraps from the patients' plates,were also showing signs of the disease.He then tried to isolate the germ which he thought was causing the disease,but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official,who gave out the order that the huskless,milled rice,even though left over by the patients,was too good for chickens,and that it should be recooked and the chickens fed on cheap,coarse rice with the outer covering still on the grain.
Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the new diet.He began to consider the possibility that eating unmilled rice somehow prevented or cured beri-beri -- even that a lack of some ingredient in the husk might be the cause of the disease.Indeed this was the case.The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards isolated from rice husks and is now known as vitamin B.The milled rice,though more expensive,was in fact helping continuing the disease the hospital was trying to cure.
Eijkman tried to isolate the germ which he thought was causing "beri-beri" .
A.and he got some assistance from the hospital official
B.and he finally attained his goal
C.but he was not sure whether he could accomplish the task
D.but he could not carry his experiment through to the end
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.A restricted diet will certainly lead to "beri-beri".
B.A lack of something that exists in the husk might cause "beri-beri".
C.Patients should be fed on rice with the outer husk removed from the grain.
D.The milled rice is quite helpful for the health of people.
bonnybird 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
一个例子的危险,限制饮食中可能会出现这种疾病被称为“ beri - beri ” ,其中大量的东欧人民的生活,主要是谁在水稻上使用的受苦.在本世纪初,荷兰科学家所谓的eijkman试图发现的原因beri - beri .他最初还以为这是一所造成的胚芽.他是工作在日本的医院,患者美联储对水稻,其中有外壳从粮食.据认为,这会更容易为弱,生病的人去消化.
eijkman认为他的胚芽理论被证实时,他发现鸡只在医院内码,这是美联储对剪贴簿从病人板,也有迹象显示,这种疾病.然后,他试图孤立胚芽他认为是造成疾病,但他的实验中断的一家医院官员,谁了该命令,该huskless ,稻米,即使留下来的病人,是不太好鸡只,而且它应该recooked和鸡只美联储就便宜,粗水稻外,包括仍然对粮食.
eijkman注意到鸡只开始恢复对新的饮食习惯.他开始考虑的可能性,吃糙米在某种程度上预防或治愈beri - beri -甚至缺乏一些成分,在果壳可能病因.事实上,这是个案.元素的需要,以防止beri - beri是不久之后,孤立的稻壳和现在被称为维生素乙稻米,虽然较为昂贵,其实是在帮助继续疾病医院正在试图治疗.
1 .
eijkman试图孤立胚芽他认为是造成“ beri - beri ” .
2 .
答:有限制饮食,必然导致“ beri - beri ” .
乙缺乏的东西存在,在果壳可能会导致“ beri - beri ” .
英语填空I would like to ( )you something about vitamins today是te
I would like to ( )you something about vitamins today
蓝光极限 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
英语选择题British scientists have revealed(显示,透露) Vitamin D is pr
British scientists have revealed(显示,透露) Vitamin D is produced naturally by the skin in response(感应,反应) to sunlight and may help to slow the ageing(老化) process and protect against heart disease,__________ the study.
A according B according to C because D because of
易水寒箫 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
according to the study 根据研究
1.There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you
1.There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take _____they can limit how much water you can drink.
A.much more than more than less than D.any more than
2.______to him if he went out in that weather?
A.What was he afraid that would it happen
B.What he was afraid that it would happen
C.What he was afraid that would happen
D.What was he afraid would happen
3.We often advise him not to drink more wine ____is good for his health. B.than C.that D.but
4.It seems that the rain won't stop in a few hours.We ______watch a DVD movie at home before we go out.
A.might well B.might just C.might just as well D.might as well as
狂狼 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
1.There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take _____they can limit how much water you can drink.
A.much more than more than less than D.any more than
no more...than...(= no/not...any more than) 和……—样都不……(表示前后都否定)
2.______to him if he went out in that weather?
A.What was he afraid that would it happen
B.What he was afraid that it would happen
C.What he was afraid that would happen
D.What was he afraid would happen
Was he afraid属于插入语,就象do you think之类的.
3.We often advise him not to drink more wine ____is good for his health. B.than C.that D.but
4.It seems that the rain won't stop in a few hours.We ______watch a DVD movie at home before we go out.
A.might well B.might just C.might just as well D.might as well as
选C might just as well固定短语
might just as well
She might just as well have hit him with a steel club.
The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally suppl
The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruits and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, say that when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to make special provisions to supply the missing vitamins.
  An example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as “beri-beri”, which used to make large numbers of Eastern people who lived mainly on rice suffer. In the early years of last century, a Dutch scientist named Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri. At first he thought it was transmitted(传播)by a germ(病菌). He was working in a Japanese hospital, where the patients were fed on polished rice which had had the outer coverings removed from the grain. It was thought this would be easier for weak and sick people to digest.
  Eijkman thought his germ theory was proved when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard, which were fed on remains from the patients’ plates, were also showing signs of the disease. He then tried to separate the germ, which he thought was causing the disease, but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official, who ordered that the rice without coverings, even though left over by the patients, was too good for chickens. It should be recooked for the patients, and the chickens should be fed on cheap, rough rice with the outer coverings still on the grain.
  Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the new diet. He began to consider the possibility that eating unmilled rice(糙米)somehow prevented or cured beri-beri — even that a lack of some ingredient(成分)in the coverings may be the cause of the disease. Indeed this was the case. The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards separated from rice coverings and is now known as vitamin B. The milled rice, though more expensive, was in fact causing the disease the hospital was trying to cure. Nowadays, this terrible disease is much less common thanks to our knowledge of vitamins.
小题1:According to the passage, a good mixed diet ________. suitable for losing weight B.should be only fruits and vegetables
C.normally contains enough vitamins often difficult to arrange
小题2:What do we know about the disease beri-beri?
A.It killed large numbers of people. B.It resulted from lack of vitamins.
C.It was transmitted by milled rice. D.It was caused by diseased chickens.
小题3:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.A Good Mixed Diet       B.New Discovery
C.The Dangers of Beri-beri     D.The Importance of Vitamins
zl2659 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%

take vitamin supplement 我想问的是 vitamin 不是名词吗?而supplement 是动词啊
take vitamin supplement 我想问的是 vitamin 不是名词吗?而supplement 是动词啊 他们为什么能搭配呢
文质彬彬 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
vitamin是名词不错,但supplement可以做动词 也可以做名词,这里做名词,意为“补充物”,所以是可以搭配的
liquid vitamin是什么意思
snowgirl0717 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
liquid vitamin

These vitamins are supplied in pill form, liquid elixirs, liquid vitamin supplements,and powder form.

Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough fo

Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body, the worry people have about vitamins has some reasons. And this has to do with their __ 1_ --- the food they take in. A person eating a good variety of food get all the vitamins now __ 2 ___ (know) to be needed.
The problem is that there are many people who don’t ___ 3_ __ foods wisely. So the answer ___ 4 ___ this question is: No extra ___ 5_ __ are needed, ___ 6 __ you eat proper foods. In fact, many of the vitamins cannot be ___ 7_ __(store) in the body, so when extra vitamins are taken in, the body simply gets rid of them. It is even ___ 8 _ __ (harm) to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be ___ 9 (truth) of vitamin A and D, when ___ 10 _ __ amounts are taken in.
happy_csu 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100% 2 . known 3. choose 4. to 5. vitamins
6. if 7. stored 8. harmful 9. true 10. large

英语翻译The vitamins are named by letters of the alphabet.Vitami
The vitamins are named by letters of the alphabet.
Vitamin A is needed by the eyes.There's Vitamin A in milk,butter and green vegetables.It can be kept by the body.
Vitamin B can't be kept.It must be given all the time by some of the food we eat.The skins of grain of all sorts have Vitamin B in the tnem.
Vitamin C is very important to the body.Without it men's teeth become loose and their arms and legs weak.Lemons,oranges and tomatoes have Vitamin C in them.
Vitamin D is the sun vitamin.We get it in milk and eggs and from sunlight on our skin.There're other Vitamins,but these A,B,C and D are the most important.
maanguo66 共回答了33个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
英语翻译Multivitaminwhen taken in excess of 8000 IU Vitamin A ca
when taken in excess of 8000 IU Vitamin A can cause birth defects
If you are pregnant,do not take Vitamin A
supplements without consuiting your doctor or pharmacist
The recommended adult daily amount of Vitamin A from all sources is 2500 IU
Adults take 1 or 2 tablets daily with food
Children 6 years and over take 1 tablet daily with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.(if required,break the tablet in half)
Vitamin supplements should not replace a balance diet.No added glucose,yeast,lactose,gluten,wheat,corn,salt or any artificial colours,flavours or preservatives.
50749 exp may 2011
store below 30`C do not use if tamper evident seal is broken or missing
Australian Owned
fsghyrju 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
507949exp may 2011(这句话不知道.)
Dietary vitamin A can improve immune function in heat-stress
Dietary vitamin A can improve immune function in heat-stressed的中文翻译
孤单抗战20年 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
读英语单词时怎么区分第几声啊 比如 vocation vinegar vitamin volleyball
bossliu 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
第二音节重读 vo'ca tion
第一音节重读 'vi ne gar
第一音节重读 'vi ta min
第一音节重读 'vo lley ball
18.Vegetables are healthiest if eaten ____,as the vitamin is
18.Vegetables are healthiest if eaten ____,as the vitamin is not cooked out of them. A.
18.Vegetables are healthiest if eaten ____,as the vitamin is not cooked out of them.
A. limited B.extra C.balanced D. raw
hjh4036 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
D 蔬菜生吃是最健康,因为维他命没有被煮掉.
英语翻译Nahrungserganzungsmittel mit Vitamin C und suBungsmittel
Nahrungserganzungsmittel mit Vitamin C und suBungsmitteln .
kuhl und trocken gelagert mindestens haltbarbis Ende:siehe rohrchboden .Vatamin C ist ein lebenswichtiges Vitamin.Besonders Raucher ,Sportler,Schwangere und stillende Mutter haben einen erhohten Bedarfan Vitamin C .
Verzehrsempfehlung:1TABLETTE TAGLICH INEINEM gLAS Wasser(200Ml) aufgelost trinken-erfrischt und schmeckt gut.
Zutaten:Sauerungsmittel Zitronensaure Natri-umhydrogencarbonat,vitamin C ,Natrium-carbonat,Starke,Tricalciumphosphat,substoff saccharin-natrium,Farbstoff,Saccharin-natrium,Farbstoff Riboflavin .
ohne Milchzuker,glutenfrei
Hinweise:Bitte auBerhalb der Reichweite vonkleinen kidern aufbewahren.
Die empfohlene Verzehrsmenge sollte nicht uberschritten werden.Nahrungserganzungsmittel sindkein Ersatz fur eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernahrung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise.
lovefeimm 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
库尔北达科trocken gelagert mindestens haltbarbis恩德:协和rohrchboden.Vatamin ç北京时间艾因lebenswichtiges维生素.Besonders罗谢,Sportler,Schwangere北达科stillende穆特哈本einen erhohten Bedarfan维生素C.
Verzehrsempfehlung:1TABLETTE TAGLICH INEINEM米尔瓦瑟(200毫升)aufgelost trinken - erfrischt北达科schmeckt肠道.
Zutaten:Sauerungsmittel Zitronensaure纳特里- umhydrogencarbonat,维生素C,钠,carbonat,斯塔克,Tricalciumphosphat,substoff糖精,钠,Farbstoff,糖精,钠,Farbstoff核黄素.
ohne Milchzuker,glutenfrei
Hinweise:Bitte auBerhalb德Reichweite vonkleinen kidern aufbewahren.
模具empfohlene Verzehrsmenge sollte非职权uberschritten werden.Nahrungserganzungsmittel sindkein代用品毛皮eine ausgewogene北达科abwechslungsreiche Ernahrung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise.
vitamins minerals是什么
鱼形风筝天上飞 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
oil and water soluble vitamins with minerals tablets,USP吧?石油和含水溶性维生素与矿物质的药物,美国药典标准 usp这么写是没有意义,无法翻译的
Eating more vegetables can extract enough vitamin to keep ph
Eating more vegetables can extract enough vitamin to keep physical heath 请问这句怎么改才比较合理
还有就是从句问题 大家能帮我例句一下从句的种类和例句吗
为商之道之oo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
to 引导的目的状语从句
关于化学上的英语术语.Can you confirm that Vitamin C is “left-turning”?
Can you confirm that Vitamin C is “left-turning”?
月夜幽兰 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
英语翻译Long-term intake of high levels of vitamin A(excluding t
Long-term intake of high levels of vitamin A(excluding that sourced from beta-carotene) may increase the risk of osteporosis in adults.Do not take this product if taking other vitamin A supplements.
武侯世家 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
帮忙翻译下面的化妆品单词,谢谢Lanolin Extra Rish Cream[with Vitamin E & Pan
Lanolin Extra Rish Cream[with Vitamin E & Panthenol]
body wash gel purifiant poul le corps
eau de toilette
skin moisturizer lotion hydratante pour la peau
cxclhd 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
body wash gel purifiant poul le corps 沐浴露凝胶purifiant波尔尼鲁普乐团
eau de toilette 淡香水
skin moisturizer lotion hydratante pour la peau 皮肤保湿乳液hydratante争取peau
what is precursors of vitamin A
ws1f 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
That is β-Carotene
英语翻译Carbohydrates,fiber,vitamin,calcium and iron in foodsHer
Carbohydrates,fiber,vitamin,calcium and iron in foods
Here are five groups of foods.They are all very important for our health.We shouldn’t like to eat one group of food and dislike another group.
*Grain group
Grain group foods give us carbohydrates.With the help of carbohydrates,we are able to play,learn,sleep and keep our bodies running 24 hours a day!
Grain group foods come from many different grains like rice and wheat.Grain group foods also give us other things help keep us healthy.
*Vegetable group
Foods in the vegetable group give us vitamin A that helps us see in the dark.Vitamin A also helps keep or skin healthy.Vegetables also give us vitamin C,which helps make cuts healthy again and fight infections.
*Milk group
Milk group foods give us calcium that helps build strong bones and teeth.They also give us other important substances,including protein,vitamin A,vitamin D and vitamin B.
*Meat group
Meat group foods help build strong muscles.Foods in this group give us protein and iron.Iron is important because it carries oxygen to all parts of your body,and helps your body make energy to get you through busy days.
*Fruit group
Fruit group foods give us vitamin C,vitamin A and fiber.
Please remember:Eat right then you will be healthy.
用翻译器翻译 清在修改下,至少要说得过去,
刘望望 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
食品中的蔬菜组给我们的维生素A ,帮助我们看到在黑暗中.维生素A还有助于保持皮肤健康.蔬菜也给我们的维生素C ,这有助于使再次削减健康和抵抗感染.
牛奶集团的食品给我们的钙,帮助建立强有力的骨骼和牙齿.他们也给我们其他重要物质,包括蛋白质,维生素A ,维生素D和维生素B
水果组的食物给我们的维生素C ,维生素A和纤维.
请问哪位高人帮我看下这句英语是什么意思vitamin cream for treatment of hair谢谢
182874610 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
改同义句:I need vitamins to stay healthy.
改同义句:I need vitamins to stay healthy.
在此空白处填词:I need vitamins to _______ healthy.
kkread 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
I need vitamins to keep healthy.
It was not until 1911, _______ the first vitamin was identif
It was not until 1911, _______ the first vitamin was identified, _______ people realized the importance of it.
A.when; which B.when; that C.that; which D.that; that
夏天123 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
B 考查定语从句和强调句型。定语从句When the first vitamin was identified修饰先行词1911,因为句子很完整,使用关系副词when.第二空与it was构成强调句型。句意:正是知道第一批维他命被识别出来的19...
有十道英语选择提求助.1.The doctor told the man that taking vitamin is
1.The doctor told the man that taking vitamin is a good way to (ward off) head colds.key=c
A.cure B.ease
C.avoid D.relieve
2.He quickly lost credit within the community because he never _____ his promises.
A.took B.held
C.kept to
3.Every year thousands of tourists visit the National Archives in Washington view the original document,which is on ________ display.
A.permanent B.temporary
C.durable D.continuing
4.Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to ________ the color
of his skin. case of spite of virtue of D.regardless of
5.Whichever type of window you choose,ensure that it has at least one casement that can be easily opened to provide an exit ___ emergency. case of terms of honor of spite of
6.But,in our enthusiasm to discover our heritage,we are ruining the very scenery we go to enjoy,damaging natural habitats,___________ down footpaths,disturbing wildlife,polluting the air and dropping litter.
A.wearing B.treading
C.falling D.cutting
7.It is difficult for the casual observer to distinguish ______ artificial and natural lakes. B.from
C.into D.between
8.(Panic) swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly.
A.Tension B.Excitement
C.Fear D.Nervousness
9.Some people apparently have an almost incredible ability to _________ the right answer.
a.come up with b.look up to
c.put up with d.bring up to
10.With high hopes,the company sent samples of the substance to scientists,but they couldn’t _______ any practical uses for it.
A.come up with justice to
C.get even with D.look up to
11.Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be ________ to disease.
A.vulnerable B.accessible
C.relevant D.constant
qqii 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
is a fabulously enriched vitamin E oil with aloe vera .
Our vitamin E skin oil is made from a special formula to diminish
the appearance of wrinkies and fine lines caused by sun exposure
and skin's natural aping.when used daily,this product will enhance your skin to feel silky smooth and healthy all over.
MFG 20 04 06
EXP 19 04 10
黄柏015 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
is a fabulously enriched vitamin E oil with aloe vera .
Our vitamin E skin oil is made from a special formula to diminish
the appearance of wrinkies and fine lines caused by sun exposure
and skin's natural aping.
when used daily,this product will enhance your skin to feel silky smooth and healthy all over.
英语翻译Vitamin supplementsshould not replace a balanced diet.
minexd 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Doctors do know that vitamins have very special uses翻译
颓废的娜那 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
do在这是表示强调,加重语气,可以翻译成 的确
isoascorbic acid;erythorbic acid;iso-vitamin各是什么意思?
了无前挂 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
iso-作为词根大多表示同或类似.化学上一般翻译为"异".而Ascorbic Acid为抗坏血酸(维生素C)故isoascorbic acid即异抗坏血酸.
erythorbic acid 也是一样的意思.
至于iso-vitamin,见过直接用于表示异抗坏血酸的,不知是笔误,还是习惯.似乎用iso-vitamin C更妥当些
It was not until 1911,_______ the first vitamin was identifi
It was not until 1911,_______ the first vitamin was identified,_______ people realized the importance of it.
A.when; which
B.when; that
C.that; which
D.that; that
xwxkulou 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
考查定语从句和强调句型.定语从句When the first vitamin was identified修饰先行词1911,因为句子很完整,使用关系副词when.第二空与it was构成强调句型.句意:正是知道第一批维他命被识别出来的1911年,人们才意识到它的重要性.故B正确."
what kind of vitamin does this fruit ___.为什么用contain,而不用incl
what kind of vitamin does this fruit ___.为什么用contain,而不用include.
哈密瓜啊 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
例:The list include his name.——名单里有他的名字
例:Milk, cheeseandbutter contain calcium.——牛奶、奶酪和黄油含有钙.
因此用contain 更合适
Meat contains vitamins and minerals的同义句转换
翰宇1 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Meat is consisted of vitamins and minerals
英语填空Vitamin A is good for our eyes .There is vitamin A in mi
Vitamin A is good for our eyes .There is vitamin A in milk ,orange juice and green vegetables.( 1 )can be stored in our body.
Vitamin B is important for our body .It ( 2 ) the skin healthy .We can ( 3 ) it from milk ,bananas and rice.
Vitammin C is also very important for us .( 4 ) it ,our teeth will become losse and our legs ang arms are week .Oranges and tomatoes have
vitamin C
Don not only eat food that ( 5 ) delicious
1( ) A The B It C Its D Theirs
2( ) A takes B maskes C feels D lets
3( ) A get B buy C borrow D use
4( ) A Witn B In C Without D On
5( ) A eats B has C sounds Dtastes
千禧晴儿 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
B it 指代维生素A
B make the skin healthy 让皮肤健康
A get it from milk,bananas 从牛奶,香蕉中得到它.
C 没有它,我们就会牙齿疏松
D tastes delicious 吃起来好吃的
Contains vitamin E 20mg in each 100g.请问这个句子有没有语法错误
漠北的狼族 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
We should eat different kinds of food with different vitamin
We should eat different kinds of food with different vitamins.Don't only eat food that ____deliciou
A.eats B.has C.sounds D.tastes
过了秋天就爱你 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
D.tastes 是表示感觉的动词,后面可加形容词,意思为“尝起来.”
英语翻译1、产品名称翻译 Twinlab,DualTabs,Mega Vitamin & Mineral Formula
1、产品名称翻译 Twinlab,DualTabs,Mega Vitamin & Mineral Formula
2、Each tablet is composed of one layer of fat soluble vitamins as well as sustained release water soluble vitamins,and another layer of rapid release minerals and digestive aids.
3、The water soluble vitamins are released over a prolonged period of time through the passage in the gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract) for optimum absorption.
4、Added to acidify the stomach and enhance mineral digestion and absorption.
俏女孩 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率100%
Twinlab DualTabs,超级维生素和矿物质配方2,每个平板电脑由一层脂溶性维生素以及持续释放水溶性维生素,和一层快速释放矿物质和消化艾滋病.3、水溶性维生素是长期发布的时间通过胃肠道的通道(消化道)最佳吸收.4、添加到酸化胃,提高矿产消化和吸收.
维生素的英文是vitamin ,直译应该是维他命,那为什么要译成维生素呢?
独孤雁2002 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%