the negotiations are still far from__

我只做自己2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

the negotiations are still far from__
A endingB ended C being ended D to be ended


隆隆2315 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
from为介词,后面借动词的ing形式,不能接to do形式.
will0868 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
from 是介词啊,要加ing


求大侠指点英文It is the first step of negotiations of a contract an
It is the first step of negotiations of a contract and of great value to either for a newly established firm or an old one that intends to expand its business.
of great value到底什么用法?还有如何表现很多并列的产品名称,比如我们的产品包含ABCDEFG
请把它翻译为中文,PS,求大侠推荐翻译类实用好书!商务函电,交际短语缩写整理,如fwd这种!我们的产品包含ABCDEFG,有没有较为地道新奇的一些表达方法?产品包含A,B,C,D,E,F and G/产品包含A,B,C,ect.似乎不够地道
szhx2008 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
It is the first step of negotiations of a contract and of great value to either for a newly established firm or an old one that intends to expand its business.
=It is the first step of negotiations of a contract and it is of great value to either for a newly established firm or an old one that intends to expand its business.
it is of great value=it is very valuable.
it is of great importance= it is very important.
产品包含A,B,C,D,E,F and G/产品包含A,B,C,ect.
请教英语高手 41. If negotiations for the new trade agreements take
请教英语高手 41. If negotiations for the new trade agreements take () critical food shortages will develop in several countries
A. too much longer
B. much too long
C. the longest
D. the longer
满分:2 分
42. The librarian insists that Dana take ()books from library before she returns the dictionary she borrowed last month.
A. no
B. many
C. not many
D. no more
满分:2 分
43. Many freshmen cannot () themselves quickly to college life.
A. adopt
B. arrange
C. admit
D. adapt
满分:2 分
44. That so many advances have been made in()is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.
A. such short time
B. so a short time
C. such a short time
D. such short a time
满分:2 分
45. When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we ()
A. needed not to hurry
B. needn’t have hurried
C. need not to have hurried
D. didn’t need to hurry
满分:2 分
46. .()to see a film with us today?
A. Did you like
B. Would you like
C. Will you like
D. Have you liked
满分:2 分
47. Fred could finish his work in less time if he were more().
A. evident
B. efficient
C. hard
D. essential
满分:2 分
48. I enjoy the concert last night; they played () beautiful music
A. such
B. such a
C. so
D. so a
满分:2 分
49. Professor Chen asked us to write ()essay on individual differences in second language learning.
A. a no more than two-thousand-word
B. a less two-thousand-words
C. a less than two-thousands-words
D. a no more two than thousand word
满分:2 分
50. There is often so much traffic on the main thoroughfares that motorists may be able to travel faster on -() roads.
A. inferior
B. subordinate
C. minor
D. direct
满分:2 分
玉石仙女 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语翻译No matter what way the negotiations are held,in general,
No matter what way the negotiations are held,in general,they consist of the following links:enquiry,offer,counter-offer,acceptance and conclusion of sales contract.Among which,offer and acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding a contract.
wzp1127 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
what is the right time to deal with pricing in negotiations?
what is the right time to deal with pricing in negotiations?what strategy will you employ to...
请回答下(最好用英语)what is the right time to deal with pricing in negotiations?what strategy will you employ to the pricing matter?还有 discount on spot
s舞s青春 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
discount on spot,也作 spot discount 或 discount,以为“现货贴水”,是一个商务术语名词.
贴水(Discount)是升水的对称.远期合同中本币资产以远期汇率计算的金额小于外币性负债以即期汇率计算的金额的差额.即:当“被报价币利率”大于“报价币利率”时的现象,即换汇点数小于零.换汇点数(Swap Point)排列方式为左大右小.
  即Swap Point为-0.83点.
what is multilateral negotiations
lz3d 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
-----is expected to be more negotiations in between before
-----is expected to be more negotiations in between before
____is expected to be more negotiations in between before the border problems is settled.为什么选there 不选it
杜赫别 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
There is expected``````固定词组
It is ```只有形式宾语时才用
英语翻译他们的谈判取得了突破性进展They have ___ ___ ___ ___ in negotiations.
锅巴饭 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
took a jump forward(=made breakthrough)
一般谈判、知识类的东东取得进展用take a jump forward
而工程类的用get/make breakthrough/progress
英语翻译比如说Assisting in the negotiations with the main sharehold
Assisting in the negotiations with the main shareholders inorder to receive a formal approval for the offer.这里的offer是报价的意思,还是合同的意思.
趁热打帖 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
英语翻译negotiations,according to parties being invoved and issu
negotiations,according to parties being invoved and issues discussed,can be divided into two categories:simple negotiation and complex negotiation.simple negotiation is between two parties and deals with one issue,whereas complex negotiation involves three or more parties wirh different interest and deals with multiple issue.negotiation,based on how they are conducted-competitively or cooperatively-can also be divided into two different types:distributive and integrative negotiation.
distributive negotiation
distributive negotiation or distributive bargaining,also called positional bargaining,claiming value bargaining zero-sum bargaining,or win-lose bargaining,is a competitive approach that is used when there is a fixed”pie”-a finite to a resource-and negotiation have to decide who gets how much of that pie,the negotiators assume that there is not enough to go around,and they cannot”expand the pie”,so the more one side gets,the less the other side gets,
distributive bargaining,according to brad spangler of university of colorado,is important because there are some disputes that cannot be solved in any other way,consider the following example.
barbara wants to buy a used how to program textbook.the bookstore is selling used copies for 80.she hopes to get one for 50 but is willing to pay up to 75 for one in good condition.peter has posted a note advertising his used how to program for 80.he can sell it back to the bookstore for 55,so he won’t go lower than that price.the ideal outcome for barbara is 50,for peter 80,if they can’t reach an acceptable deal,barbara’s best alternative to a negotiated agreement(batna) is to share a text with her roommate and peter’s is to wait and see whether more generous buyer shows up or to sell the textbook to the bookstore,in this case,barbara and peter arrive at a deal that is halfway between the positions for each ***.peter asks for 80,barbara counrers with 60,and they split the 50 difference at 70.
wlq520liling 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
分布性谈判或者分布行协商也可以称为立场协商,申明价值协商零和协商,或者单边协商,是一种竞争的手段.举例来说:有一块馅饼,一块有限的资源,需要用谈判来决定你能够到多少馅饼,必定有一方多得,一方少得.根据美国科罗拉多州大学的Brad Spangler,分布式协商是重要的,因为有些争论只能通过这个方法解决,参考以下举例.