which statements apply yo a saturated aqueous solution of th

断浪用天罪2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

which statements apply yo a saturated aqueous solution of the highly soluble sodium carbonate,Na2CO3 in contact with excess solid at constant temperature?
1.The system illustrates chemical equilibrium.
2.The molarity of the solution is equal to its molality
3.The rate at which anions dissolve is less than the rate at which cations dissolve.


zh0127 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.存在平衡Na2CO3(s)2Na+ (aq)+(CO3)2- (aq)


英语翻译Despite many anecdotal statements highlighting the relev
Despite many anecdotal statements highlighting the relevance of cultural differences in international acquisitions,empirical evidence shows mixed support for its role.Against this background,our study set out to consolidate and reconcile the seemingly conflicting arguments about the role of cultural distance in international acquisitions.Although the impeding effects and enriching effects of cultural distance have been stressed in prior literature,they have commonly been treated separately.We argue that this prior treatment is incomplete,because the impeding and enriching effects are necessarily intertwined in explaining acquisition performance.Our results confirm a more interdependent perspective that views cultural distance as a mixed blessing,because while it may increase the potential for learning when integration capabilities are in place,it also impedes the development of these integration capabilities.
Our study informs international acquisition research by examining the effects of integration capabilities.Previous research commonly has tested a direct relationship between cultural distance and acquisition performance (e.g.,Datta & Puia,1995; Morosini et al.,1998).In contrast,our findings indicate that the ‘‘process view’’ of acquisitions (e.g.,Haspeslagh & Jemison,1991; Pablo,1994),which emphasizes the role of integration capabilities,is relevant in understanding international acquisition performance.The findings indicate that international acquisition performance is in large part a function of the development and application of understandability,communication,and key employee retention during acquisition integration.
Our theoretical framework suggests that there is no direct effect of cultural distance on acquisition performance.The results confirm that there is no simple answer to the question whether acquirers will face poor or strong performance in distant cultures.Our answer to this question is that the effect of cultural distance depends on developing understandability,and fostering rich communication.As such,our answer is a typical contingency answer.However,a complicating factor in the role of cultural distance is that it also makes it more difficult to develop the context that fosters these integration capabilities.
lztyq 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
感觉好像是GRE阅读啊,好多G的单词.anecdote retention empirical integration reconcile impede acquisition contingent foster
我们的研究通过检验综合能力的效果,来告知国际并购的研究.以往的研究通常测试文化差异与并购表现之间的直接关系(例如,达塔及Puia,1995; Morosini等,1998).相比之下,我们的研究结果指出,收购过程中强调整合能力的作用的“处理角度”(Haspeslagh与杰米森,1991巴勃罗,1994),与理解国际并购的表现相关.研究结果表明,国际并购的表现大部分是对理解能力,沟通能力的发展和应用,以及收购整合过程中的对关键员工的保留.
Determine whether each of the following statements is correc
Determine whether each of the following statements is correct or not.
1.(2,0) is a point on the x-axis.(correct / incorrect)
2.(-3,0) is a point on the y-axis.(correct / incorrect)
3.There is only 1 point lying on both the x-axis and the y-axis,that is the origin(0,0).(correct / incorrect)
4.If both the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of a point are non-zero,the point does not lie on the x-axis or the y-axis.(correct / incorrect)
5.The point (-1,0) is 1 unit away from the x-axis.(correct / incorrect)
wcx3391223 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%

9.Which expression in following statements is not correct?(
9.Which expression in following statements is not correct?( )
A.char str[10]; str="string";
B.char str[ ]="string";
C.char *p="string";
D.char *p; p="string";
12.Which is the output result of the following program code( )
char s[ ]="student";
A.student7 B. dent7 C.dent8 D.student8
cuinc 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
9.char str[10];这个定义系统分配了一个连续的存储空间给数组,str是一个数组名,是数组的首地址,数组的首地址分配了就不会改变了,所以str就是一个常量指针了,就不能再继续赋值了.至于B答案,那是因为没有给数组分配存储空间,而只是一个声明,就相当于一个指针.
sizeof()求的是字符串所占的字节数,字符串"student"其实是"student "共8个字符.
repetition and loop statements是什么意思
孤麟翱飞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
epetition and loop statements
例:Loop statements are not valid in the command window.
其中有一题是这样问的:The primary financial statements are the income s
The primary financial statements are the income statement,balance sheet,and income tax return.
drgemini 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augus
Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augustine?
A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England.
B .He was the first Archbiship of Canterbury.
C .He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility.
D .One of his greatest achievements was to have converted large numbers of common people in Britain.
cherry526 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England.
Show that quantified statements
Show that quantified statements
∀x(P(x)⊕Q(x)) and (∀xP(x))⊕(∀xQ(x))
are not logically equivalent.(证明两者不等)
秋天的毛毛雨 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
∀x(P(x)⊕Q(x)) 表示所有人或是男人或是女人,是真命题
故∀x(P(x)⊕Q(x)) and (∀xP(x))⊕(∀xQ(x))
are not logically equivalent
1:Which of the following statements is the reason why the Tu
1:Which of the following statements is the reason why the Tucson Unified School District in Arizona began classes in August?
A:The earlier start time enables students to take semester exams before winter vacation.
B:Chyrl Hill Lander thinks it is good for students.
C:Winter vacation is in December.
D:The students have to prepare for the tests.
2:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A:Labor Day in the Unites States
B:American public schools
C:The start time of American public schools
D:Labor Day and American Public schools
3:Why do most Americans like summer?
A:The weather is warm.
B:People do not have to go to schools.
C:Sunny days and warm nights.
D:Both A and C.
尚东方 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
半月斩 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
这应该是财务方面的书上的.consolidated 合并 statement of income 利润(收益表
公司财务主要有三张报表:除上述的利润(收益)表,还有资产负债表:balance sheet,现金流量表,statement of cash flow
请教一下这个句子的意思many figures in financial statements are derived
many figures in financial statements are derived from the application of judgememt in applying fundamental accounting assumptions and conventions.特别是其中的application of judgment
qugo 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
application of judgement 是运用判断的意思
一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is true
一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is true
A professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of parents,at best,are getting the message about obesity.some professionals might be unfamiliar with BMI(mass index) charting and the related definition of overweight and obesity.麻烦解释一下错误原因,
飞翔的星空 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Ⅰ.Decide wheather the following statements are ture or false
Ⅰ.Decide wheather the following statements are ture or false.Write“T” for those statements that are true and “F” for those that are false.
1.sIn English ,stressed words give information to the listener and unstressed words join the informationwords together .( )
2.The structural words will never carry sentence stres.( )
3.The foot is the unit of rhythm.( )
4.It is impossible to use the same words to convey a huge variety of meanings,moods or intentions.( )
5.Speech is a complex human phenomenon which involves mental and physical components and both phonetics and phonology aim at accounting for this complexity.( )
6.In the twentieth century variations in speech became more and more a sign of social class and the idea of “the Queen ’s English ” was born..( )
7.English letters always stand in one-to-one relationship with the sounds they are supposed to represent.( )
8.The symbols used by the International Phonetic Alphabet are mainly taken from Roman alphabet.( )
9.Speech involves four processes:initiation,phonation,oro-nasal process and articulation ( )
10.The rhythm in language is characterized by the timing pattern of successive syllables.(
12Nasals,Laterals and Approximants are always voiced; Stops,Fricatives and Affricates are always voiceless
11.The first part of a diphthong is much longer and stronger than the second part.
13.An affricate is a type of consonant that is produced with the blade of the tongue raised against the region just behind the alveolar tidge.( )
14.Semi-vowels are phonetically vowels but phonologically consonants.( )
15.Progressive assimilation is also called perserverative or left –to-right assimilation.
16.Assimilation results in a sound that is more like another phoneme.;co-articulation results in an allophone of the same phoneme.
17.Elision refers to the disppearance of one or more sounds in connected speech which would be present in a word pronounceed in isolation
18.Elision is an optional process
19.Any syllable with a schwa in it will never be the stressed syllable.
20.We usually assign primary stress on the left in noun phrase and on the right in compounds.
wangchanghai2008 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
However they are formed,the purpose of most international joint ventures is to allow parters to pool resources and coordinate their efforts achieve results that neither could could obtain acting alone.
Decide whether each of the following statements is true or f
Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false accrding to the text
fanghuan 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
我所提供的 “文本和语境” 是个人对原文 text 的理解的意译,不是直译.
Read the article and correct the statements below
被冷冻的大雁 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
look at the pictures and tick the statements you
look at the pictures and tick the statements you
think correct.then read the passage and check.
郑郑99 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
求英语高人14Each sentence below is followed by four statements.On
Each sentence below is followed by four statements.One of them is a suggestion which can be made from the information given in the original sentence.Read the sentence carefully and mark your choice on the Answer Sheet.
1.The old man looked uncomprehendingly at the swaddled corpse.
A.The old man gazed at the swaddled corpse indifferently.
B.The old man gazed at the shrouded corpse,unable to speak a word.
C.The old man gazed at the swaddled corpse,unable to tell what it was.
D.The old man gazed at the swaddled corpse,unable to tell what was happening.
2.The words thus collected are alphabetized and sorted.
E.The words thus collected are sorted in alphabetical order.
F.The words thus collected are sorted in different order.
G.The words thus collected are sorted in adverse order.
H.The words thus collected are sorted in odd order.
3.When this did little to improve the situation
D.When this did little help
E.When this are getting worse
F.When this are getting better and better
D.When this did me a lot of help—
4.A curtain of white silk wrapped up the books from the invasion of any dust.
D.A curtain of white silk wrapped up the books.
E.A curtain of white silk blinded up the books.
F.A curtain of white silk served as a protector of the books from the dust.
G.A curtain of white silk served as a duster of the books from the dust.
5.The tracks--- ran out of darkness into darkness.
A.The tracks—emerged out of darkness and faded away into darkness.
B.The tracks—walked out of darkness and went away into darkness.
C.The tracks—jumped out of darkness and jumped away into darkness.
D.The tracks—reached out of darkness and shranked away into darkness
6.He gave her a perfunctory handshake.
A.He extended her a warm welcome.
B.He extended her a cordial welcome.
C.He shook her hand out of politeness.
D.He shook her hands out of friendship.
7.Then I lingered,with zest,on the walls and ceiling
A.Then my eyes lifted from the walls and ceiling with much interests.
B.Then my eyes turned away from the walls and ceiling with little interests.
C.Then my eyes rested upon the walls and ceiling with much interests.
D.Then my eyes fell upon the walls and ceiling with little interests.
8.The teaching set-up appalled me.
A.The teaching set-up amused me.
B.The teaching set-up appealed me.
C.The teaching curriculum impressed me.
D.The teaching curriculum frightened me.
9.After hearing enough of my whining
A.after hearing much of my complaint
B.after listening to my crying
C.after hearing much of my shouting
D.after listening to much of my complaint
10.Before I could protest he got to his feet
A.Before I had a chance to struggle back he rose to his feet
B.Before I could talk back he rose to his feet
C.Before I could think differently he raised his feet
D.Before I could reply he raised his feet
Cool_Boy231170 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语翻译The Effects on Financial Statements of the Recognition o
The Effects on Financial Statements of the Recognition of Depreciation Expense
As it was stated,the revenue is expected to be $18 000 per year.While supplying this amount,the computer gets partially used.Recording depreciation expense reflects the process of recognizing the used part of the computer in the books,The amount of depreciation expense in accordance with the straight-line method is determined by subtracting the salvage value from the historical cost and dividing the result by the number of years the computer will be in use.
Taking our numbers,we get $10 000(i,e,($46 000-$6 000)/4year) of depreciation expense each year.The expense recognition is show in a contra asset account titled Accoumulated Depreciation.The revenue (i,e,$18 000)and expense (i,e,$10 000) recognition repeats for 4 years and is shown below via two entries:
Note that the recognition of depreciation expense affects the balance sheet and the income statements,but dose not make many changes to The Cash Flow Statements.The thing is that the cash was already paid when Mr.Kosher bought the computers.Now this amount is allocated to expense in equal parts over the computer's useful life.Pay attention that the effects of depreciation occur throughout the life cycle of the asset(i,e,4year).Indeed,the amount of depreciation expense each year remains the same—$10 000; however,the amount of accumlated depreciation increases every year:in 20X5 it is $10 000,in 20X6—$20 000,in 20X7—$30 000,and in 20X8—$40 000.
甜咩咩 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%

以我们的数量,我们得到10000元(我、e、(约合46万,600万人)/ 4year)折旧费用每年.费用识别是显示在魂斗罗资产帐户题为Accoumulated折旧收入(我、e、高达18万人)和费用(我、e、10000元识别重复4年了,如下图通过两种条目:
注意识别折旧费用影响资产负债表和损益表,但不使许多改变的现金流量表.问题是那些现金已经时支付给先生洁食买计算机.现在这个金额相等的部分费用分配给计算机的使用寿命.注意发生的影响在折旧资产的整个寿命周期(我、e、4year).事实上,这个数量的折旧费用每年仍然不变,10000元;然而,accumlated折旧的数量每年都在提高:在20X5是10000元,在20X6 - $ 2万,在20X7 - $ 3万,在20X8 - $到4万美金.
positive and normative statements是什么?
aa11bcd 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
c# 测试 麻烦写7,1.Which of the following statements is true?A.Onl
c# 测试 麻烦写7,
1.Which of the following statements is true?
A.Only while loops can be nested.
B.Only for loops can be nested.
C.All loops can be nested.
D.Loops cannot be nested.
E.Loops can,but should never,be nested.
6.Which of the following statements regarding C# arrays is true?
A.The first element of an array has an index of 1.
B.The index of the last element of the array is equivalent to the length of the array.
C.The index of the last element of the array is equivalent to the length of the array plus
D.In C#,an array’s size can change after it is initially declared.
E.In C#,an array can only have one dimension.
我叉我叉叉叉 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率96.6%
correct the wrong statements in task 1 and write down the co
correct the wrong statements in task 1 and write down the correct ones什么意思
come-here 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
翻译 There are also 10 incompleye statements here.You should f
翻译 There are also 10 incompleye statements here.You should fill ineach blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.
米粒笑开花 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
翻译一下这句话、速度、在线等Then match the statements with responses below
冰蓝盒子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Directions:The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numb
Directions:The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 31 to 35.
Hartford is the capital city of Connecticut.It is on the Connecticut River,almost exactly at the center of the state.It has old houses and historical buildings,but there are new skyscrapers (摩天大楼) too.Because there are many insurance offices in Hartford it is often called the insurance capital of America.
Like other large American cities,Hartford has many different kinds of people.They come from other countries to settle here.There are parts of the city where you can hear languages such as Italian,French,Polish,and Spanish.Newcomers often live near each other and continue the languages and customs (习俗) of their native countries,but they learn more English each day.Is some schools the children learn their lessons in two languages,their first language and English.
Hartford has lovely parks,theatres,and art exhibition (展览会),as well as cultural,sporting,and educational activities.It’s a nice place to live in.
Hartford is located on (31) _______________ almost at the center of the state.It is called the insurance capital of America,for there are many (32) ___________________ in Hartford.
You can hear different languages,such as (33) ________,Italian,French,(34) _________ and Spanish,in Hartford.
Hartford is a wonderful place to live in because it has nice parks,theatres,and (35) ______________.
dushuhui002 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
31Connecticut River
32insurance offices
35art exhibition
Which of the following statements is (are) true about hyperl
Which of the following statements is (are) true about hyperlinks?
Ethics dictate that typically,permission is required from the owner of a Web page in
order to create links to their site.
They will be displayed by default as green and underlined.
龙舞九重天 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Neither(Unless you're linking to a some rights reserved website)
Hyperlinks are blue by default
Guess the words according to the statements
羽衣蝶衣 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.Which of the following five statements about advertising i
1.Which of the following five statements about advertising is correct?
A.Advertising is usually informative in nature.
B.Advertising is usually free.
C.Advertising has no identifiable sponsor.
D.Advertising is non-personal communication.
E.Advertising communicates no information.
2.Advertising messages typically use one of,or a blend of,the following three literary forms,which are .
A.comedy,drama,and nonfiction
B.mystery,romance,and nonfiction
C.demonstrative,narrative,and human-interest
D.narrative,autobiography,and drama
E.simile,personification,and metaphor
3.A sales-target objective should be .
E.all of the above
4.How does advertising differ from publicity?
A.Advertising is personal,and publicity is non-personal in nature.
B.Advertising is done by manufacturers,and publicity is done by retailers.
C.Advertising is paid for by the sponsoring organization,and publicity is not.
D.Advertising is never institutional (i.e.promoting the company itself),and publicity usually is institutional in character.
E.Advertising typically utilizes mass media,and publicity does not.
9.The three general categories of customers are .
A.need-driven,need-satisfied,and need-perceived customers
B.need-satisfied,need-unfound,and need-unrealized customers
C.current customers,prospective customers,and centers of influence
D.exchange-driven,market-driven,and need-driven customers
E.target markets,target audiences,and customers
14.Which of the following is an advertising execution approach designed to illustrate key advantages or features of a product by showing it in actual use?
C.Scientific evidence.
豹子天堂 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
第二题问广告常用的几种文学修辞手法,当然选E,simile,personification,and metaphor(明喻、拟人、暗喻)
which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?fangyi
hlnetgoli 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率61.5%
put these positive statements into negative statrments.
put these positive statements into negative statrments.
You drink a lot of tea.
L live in beijing.
Ann speaks Japanese well.
We go to the beach in spring.
They walk to work.
Jin does a lot of sport.
JIANP0912 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
You do not drink a lot of tea.
I do not live in beijing.
Ann does not speak Japanese well.
We do not go to the beach in spring.
They do notwalk to work.
Jin does not do a lot of sport.
英语翻译Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to
Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year.The company pays rent for its premises quarterly in advance on 1 January,1 April,1 July and 1 October each year.The annual rent was $84,000 per year until 30 June 2010.It was increased from that date to $96,000 per year.What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2010?
Expense Prepayment
A $93,000 $8,000
B $93,000 $16,000
C $94,000 $8,000
D $94,000 $16,000
栏杆拍遍 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
look at the pictures and tick the statements you
look at the pictures and tick the statements you
think correct.then read the passage and check.
shadowawz 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:(6 ma
Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:(6 marks)
a) A global variable is also known as a ______ variable.
b) A _____ statement is an alternative to a multi-selection if…else structure
c) A ___________ is an integer contained within square brackets that indicates one of an array’s variables or elements.
d) A ___________ array is one with the same number of elements as another,and for which the values in corresponding elements are related.
e) A ___________ method compares two strings irrespective of case.
f) The _________ method in an applet processes user events such as mouse clicks.
我是神小明的dd 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
a) static
b) switch...case
c) index/subscript
d) related
e) compareToIgnoreCase
f) addXXXListene
英语选择Which of the following four statements about advertising
Which of the following four statements about advertising is correct?
A,Advertising is usually free.
B,Advertising has no identifiable sponsor.
C,Advertising is nonpersonal communication.
D,Advertising communicates no information.
yehess1 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
选C nonpersonal communication.
Which of the following statements is NOT true according to t
Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
我为煮酒狂13 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
Which of the following statements is correct?
Which of the following statements is correct?
A.Mass and weight are different names for the same thing.
B.The mass of an object is different if the object is taken to the moon.
C.The weight of a car is one of the forces acting on the car.
D.The weight of a chocolate bar is measured in kilograms.
2. In an experiment,six identical bags of flour are balanced by a 9kg mass.Two bags of flour are removed.What mass will balance the remaining bags?
3. In which of these situations is no resultant force needed?
A.a car changing direction
B.a car moveing in a straight line at a steady speed?
C.a car slowing down
D.a car speeding up
4. How does thermal energy(heat energy) travel through the vacuum between the Earth and the Sun?
A.by conduction
B.by convection
C.by radiation
D.by radioactive decay
5.A mercury-in-glass thermometer is to be used to measure temperatures from 0℃ to 100℃.Why is mercury suitable?
A.Mercury expands when heated
B.Mercury has a boiling point below 100℃
C.Mercury has a melting point above 0℃
D.Mercury is a poor conductor
穿305件衣服 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Mass is not equal to weight in meaning.Weight is the force caused by the Earth.
The mass of an object is not changed because of the different places.
The weight of the car is the force acted by the Earth.
The weight should be measured in N,not in kg.
CD:There exists the changes in speed
A There exists the changes in direction.
B There exists no change.
Mercury has a melting point below 0 and a boiling point above 100
【急!把下列句子改为陈述句?】Report these statements.Matt:"homework is not
Report these statements.
Matt:"homework is not necessary."
Josh:"the bus left at two o'clock"
Jen:"I didn't read the exam question exactly."
乡土探戈 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Matt said that homework was not necessary.
Josh said that the bus left at two o'clock.
Jen said he/she didn't read the exam question exactly.
the consoludated financial statements prepared什么
乌柒麽黑1984 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
the consolidated financial statements的意思是已经整理好的财务报告.
Of the three statements he has suggested __ the heating prob
Of the three statements he has suggested __ the heating problem, I think the last one is the best.
A.solving B.to solve C.to solving D.solve
nightmoonner 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

怎么翻译这句话We use the modal ‘can’ to make general statements abo
怎么翻译这句话We use the modal ‘can’ to make general statements about what is possible.
mqlzh2m 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
我们使用情态动词 “can”来表示确定可以发生的事情
TRUE/FALSE:Indicate whether the following statements is true
TRUE/FALSE:Indicate whether the following statements is true or false.Briefly but precise
The optimum tariff is most likely to apply to a small tariff imposed by a small country.
老李的媳妇 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
the making of faulse statements could result in the invalida
the making of faulse statements could result in the invalidation of contract 怎么翻译?
齐鲁牛 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译In addition,any statements that refer to projections of
In addition,any statements that refer to projections of our future financial performance,our anticipated growth and trends in our businesses,and other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements.Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks,uncertainties,and assumptions that are difficult to predict.
likaiyu 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Which of the following statements do you agree _______?
Which of the following statements do you agree _______?
A. about B. on C. upon D. with
fgds1j66 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
agree on
agree with
agree with sb.
The liquor did not agree with me.
agree on
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree upon
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree to sth.
在英语中,on 和upon基本一样,由此即可排除BC,因为不可能有两个正确答案
再说,agree ..on/upon的用法为:两个或者几个人就某一个问题达成共识
例如:Jim and Tom agreed on how to solve the problem.
about 不和agree 搭配,故A 错误.
agree with sb =agree with what sb said 表示同意某人所说的话、意见,statement正是意见、陈述的意思
Extract some statements 是摘录一些语句的意思吗?
ydf1101 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
报表的意思是指特定的东东才会用statement的.例如财务报表,就要说Financial statements.
而Extract some statements则可以理解为提取一些意见,或者借鉴一些看法之类的意思.
which of the following statements about Princess Diana as a
which of the following statements about Princess Diana as a charity worker
A.Diana was a bright girl and did well in academic subject at school
B Diana'sfirst job was as a mother's help
C Princess Diana was for a long time the most photographed woman in the world
D Princess Dinan was well-known for her fashionable clothes,but she chose only those made by British designers in order to publicize their creations
ycycgj 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
the required statements are that smoking kills more people t
the required statements are that smoking kills more people than murder中的are that smoking kills
怎么理解啊,为什么are后面会跟一个that ,that后面会跟一个动词ing的形式啊?.
wj0095 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
the required statements are (that smoking kills more people than murder).
that引导表语从句,smoking 是动名词作主语,当表语从句的主语,
谓语是kills,宾语more people,than murder是状语.
Consolidated Statements of Operations Data是上市公司年报中的哪个报表,什么意思
Consolidated Statements of Operations Data是上市公司年报中的哪个报表,什么意思?
wzwch999 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Directions:There are also10 incomplete statements here.You s
Directions:There are also10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
11.My impression is that the sales of this company have (great) ________increased
this year.
12.This picture (take)________ by a young reporter in Beijing last month.
13.Tom has made the (decide)_________ to apply for a job in the company.
14.No reader is allowed (take) ________any reference book out of the reading room.
15.Although you may not (success)__________in the beginning,you should keep on trying.
16.Because light travels(fast)________than sound,lightning is seen before thunder(雷) is heard.
17.The doctor recommended that Mary (start) _______ the health program as soon as possible.
18.It took me several weeks to get used to (drive) ______on the left side of the road
in London.
19.This medicine is highly (effect)_______in treating skin cancer if it is applied early enough.
20.Now the number of people who are working at home on the Internet(be) _______still very small.
Tcloud 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
12.was taken
14.to take
17.(should) start
英语翻译These financial statements do not include any adjustment
These financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recovery of the recorded assets or the classification of the liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern
最怕吃肥猪肉 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
英语翻译Are the labels of valid branch target statements that ar
Are the labels of valid branch target statements that are in the same scoping unit as the arithmetic IFstatement.
zhouyongfree 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%