
N香格里拉S2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


jasminearp 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
莫乌母拜 ("母" 字不发元音,即 莫乌m'拜)


一篇英语阅读~World laughter Day was started in Mumbai,India in 199
world laughter day was started in mumbai,india in 1998 by dr madam kataria,organizer of the worldwide laughter yoga activity.
the celebration of world laughter day is for world peace and is a plan to make good friends through more and more people are joining the laughter yoga movement.on the 9th of january,2000,more than 10,000 people gathered in denmark to celebrate the first world laughter was very successful.
world laughter day is now celebrated on the first sunday of may every year.hundreds of people all over the world laugh together on that one thinks that laughing doesn’t make us feel good.
today,some people in the world still face war(战争).laughter is a good way to deal with world problems.when different groups laugh together,they can get along better.many difficult problems can become easier to solve if people feel good.
laughter is a world language ,which is the same in every country.we should believe that only laughter can bring the world together and help people become good friends.
the famous writer,mark twain said,“mankind has only one really effective weapon(***),and that is laughter.”
( ) laughter day was started . 1998 2000 america china
( )62.the celebration of the first world laughter day was held . india denmark mumbai mark twain
( )63.the meaning of the underlined sentence is .
a.laughing doesn’t make us feel good
b.laughter makes us feel happy
c.nobody thinks it is good to laugh
d.everyone thinks laughing together makes us feel sad
( )64.the laughter yoga movement tells us .
a.laughter can stop war
b.people want to make the world peaceful
c.laughter is the best way to deal with world problems
d.laughter can bring the world together when people laugh together
( )65.what’s the best title of the passage? laughter day b.successful laughter
c.the first world laughter day d.the celebration of world laughter day
sunny2326 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
直接掷色子不就完了么 费这事干嘛?
mumbai 请问这是印度哪个港口啊,mumbai是孟买的意思,
karen3555 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
century Bazar Lane ,Prabhadevi Mumbai 400 025请问中文意思是什么?
雄川 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
世纪商品街,Prabhadevi,孟买,400 025(该数字有可能是邮政编码)
求详细解答:阅读理解. 阅读理解. A Mumbai based bu

A Mumbai based but British made movie, Slumdog Millionaire took the most Oscars in Hollywood
last week. Starring a cast (演员阵容) of unknown actors, the movie won eight awards including best
picture and best director. The movie follows the life of an 18-year-old boy who's grown up in the slums
(贫民窟) of Mumbai, India.
The boy ends up winning money and love when he makes it onto a popular TV game show.
In spite of the film's Success at the Academy Awards, Indians have mixed feelings about Slumdog.
The argument about how the movie portrays (描述) India began when it hit cinemas.
The film is set in the poor and cruel society of one of Mumbai's slums. In one scene, the hero jumps
into a smelly open-air toilet to run after a pop star. That world, though real to hundreds of millions of
Indians, is very different to how modem India sees itself. Many Indian audiences feel uncomfortable with
the film's portraying of India as a slum land.
Several well-respected local Indian filmmakers have said the story has been tailored for western
audiences. Veteran Bollywood star, Amitabh Bachchan, said the film portrayed India as a" Third World,
dirty developing nation."
Even some of those who like the movie are unhappy with its title. People who live in slums have taken
to the streets with signs that read: "Don't call us dogs" and "I am not a slum dog."
"It's understandable why people are unhappy with the title." Indian author Chitra Divakaruni told the
New York Times. "In Indian culture being called a dog is extremely rude.It is often used in films to
describe evil people."
However, others have been more positive. The Wall Street Journal in New York described Slumdog
as "the world's first globalized masterpiece (杰作)
1. Many Indians are unhappy with the movie because _____.
A. it is not made by Indians
B. it portrays a wrong picture of India
C. it too far from their life
D. it describes a dirty and poor India
2. From Paragraph 5,we can learn some Indian filmmakers may think the move ._____
A. has been cut by westerners
B. has described western life
C. has been made to win the western awards
D. has been made to meet the taste of westerners
3. The main message of the passage is that _____.
A. Indians have mixed feelings at the movie
B. The movie won eight Oscars awards
C. India is a Third World developing country
D. Westerners like movies portraying slums
4. _____ thinks highly of the movie.
A. Some well-respected local Indian filmmakers
B. The Wall Street Journal in New York
C. The people who live in slums in Mumbai
D. Indian author Chitra Divakaruni

nbvnbv 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
I was doing well as a department head in a Mumbai company.__
I was doing well as a department head in a Mumbai company.__21____,my relationship with the
boss was not very good.Not wanting to suffer because of this,I ___22__ my job in a hurry.
Then,one morning,I met with an employment ad which __23__ a person like me.I called a friend for __24__."I don't think you fit the job,"he said."They 'd prefer MBAs with experience in international companies,so don't __25__ your time."My wife disagreed."Follow your heart,"she said."You've got nothing to __26__."
So,carrying my neatly typed coverinng letter in a(n) __27__ on which I had written both "To and From" addresses,I went __28__ a train on Monday morning to get to Mumbai's post office.Ther I could have it __29__,stamped and posted.After __30__ the train,I joined the crowd of office-goers.Suddenly,I noticed my covering letter was missing!
I rushed back to the __31__.The trainwas still there.A __32__ of the compartment in which I travelled came up empty.I waited ___33__ for the train to pull away.It hadn't fallen on the __34__ either.
The __35__ thing to do was to go homesit in front of my desk……But losing my envelope was like a bad sign,so I __36__.
Three weeks passed.I received a letter that __37__ my "lost "job appilcation and __38__ me for a meeting with the company's managing director.
I still think about my __39__ reaching its addressee.To that unknown friend ,I want to say:Thank you for alittle act that proved to be so __40__ for me.
21.A.Happily B.Seriously C.Hopefully D.Unluckily
22.A.argued B.rushed C.quit D.ran
25.A.spend B.value C.make D.waste
26.A.earn B.lose C.choose D.consider
27.A.bag B.envelope D.suitcase
B.around D.up
B.collected C.delivered D.checked
in B.travelling on C.getting off D.running for
31.A.station C.Mumbai D.crowd
B.request D.stay
B.quietly C.eagerly D.gradually
B.tracks C.rock D.seats
B.wonderful C.terrible D.logical
苦木雨花 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
36gave up
37responded to
39application letter
这几个印度地名怎么译? Mumbai,Ahmedabad,Ludhiana/Amritsar
Deutschkind 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%