Great Barrier Reef音标

du_xiang2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

Great Barrier Reef音标
求Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)的音标.


asas521 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁):[ɡreit ˈbæriə ri:f].
精神中药 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率
[greɪt] [ˈbæriə] [ri:f]


英语翻译大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef Queensland,Australia)是世界上最大、最长的珊瑚
大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef Queensland,Australia)是世界上最大、最长的珊瑚礁区,是世界七大自然景观之一,也是澳大利亚人最引以为自豪的天然景观.又称为“透明清澈的海中野生王国”.位于澳大利亚东北部昆士兰省对开,是一处延绵2000公里的地段,它纵贯蜿蜒于澳大利亚东海岸,全长2011公里,最宽处161公里.南端最远离海岸241公里,北端离海岸仅16公里.这里景色迷人、险峻莫测,水流异常复杂,生存着400余种不同类型的珊瑚礁.
t9t8t6 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest,the longest ShanHuJiaoOu,is one of the seven wonders of the world,the natural landscape and australians proud of natural landscape.Also called "transparent clear sea wild kingdom".In Queensland,Australia's northeast off,is a land of 2,000 kilometers,from it in Australia's east coast,winding,the widest place by kilometers 161 km.The southern coast of northern kilometers away from the coast 415 only 16 kilometers.Here a charming scenery,steep,water is extremely complex,live with 400 different types of coral reefs
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its coral cover by 2050 and, at worst, the world’s largest coral system could collapse by 2100 because of global warming, a study recently said.
The study by Queensland University’s Center for Marine Studies, commissioned (委托) by the Worldwide Fund for Nature, said that the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef was unavoidable due to global warming, regar dless of what actions were taken now. “Under the worst-case scenario , coral populations will collapse by 2100 and the reestablishment of coral reefs will be highly unlikely over the following 200-500 years,” said the report entitled “Implications (可能的影响) of Climate Change for Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.”
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living reef formation stretching 2,000 km north to south along Australia’s northeast coast. “Only if global average temperature change is kept to below two degrees Celsius can the Reef have any change of recovering from the predicted damage,” the report said. Coral has a narrow comfort zone and is highly stressed by a temperature rise of less than one degree Celsius. Water temperature rises of less than one degree coincided (同时发生) with the world’s worst recorded coral bleaching (颜色变淡) period in 1988. The warmer water forces out the algae (海藻) that give coral its color and, if all are lost, the coral dies and the reef will die out. In 1988, 16 percent of the world’s coral died, with 46 percent of the Indian Ocean coral destroyed.
Scientists express water temperatures to rise this century by between two and six degrees Celsius. “There is little to no evidence that corals can adapt fast enough to match even the lower temperature rise,” said the report. Over-fishing and pollution from coastal farms were also contributing to the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef supports huge fishing and tourism industries. Even under favorable conditions tourists would only be able to experience real corals in reef “theme parks”.
小题1:The underlined word “scenario” in Paragraph 2 probably means .
A.imagination B.intention C.expectation D.prediction
小题2:From the passage, we can infer that .
A.corals have no difficulty in adapting the temperature change
B.if we take quick actions we can avoid the destruction of corals
C.we can find corals in many areas of the seas or oceans
D.the algae help corals to live
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the cause of the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef?
A.Direct sunshine. B.Over-fishing.
C.Global warming. D.Pollution.
小题4:By saying “Coral has a narrow comfort zone” (Para. 3), the author means .
A.coral can only live in a small area
B.coral prefers a crowded place
C.coral can hardly adapt to the temperature change
D.coral grows best in a small area
zlp21314 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%

英语作文,假如你是李华,寒假期间你在澳大利亚大堡礁景区(Great Barrier Reef)度假,请你给你的朋友Jan
英语作文,假如你是李华,寒假期间你在澳大利亚大堡礁景区(Great Barrier Reef)度假,请你给你的朋友Jane写封信,介绍你的旅行感受.要点如下:1.优点:景点优美,适合野炊 2.缺点:票价太贵,等候过久 注意:1.词数80左右 2.开头已写好 Dear Jane,How is everthing going?.
血刀门下牛 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%