When Hugo Pierre first came to American这篇首字母填空怎么做

luxin08552022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


xjf5283 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
lxl_l 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率
My friend John is a university student.Last year he went to Japan and会几个空哈~~` STAYED ENOUGH MUCH LESSONS LOT.其实这篇很简单的.还,你


英语翻译Pierre Robert,University of Minnesota,Chris Foster,John
Pierre Robert,University of Minnesota,Chris Foster,John Deere,Inc.,Fran Pierce and Roger Brook,Michigan State University,Newell Kitchen,USDA-ARS and Glenn Davis,University of Missouri,Craig Kvien,University of Georgia,Dave Franzen,North Dakota State University,Tim Fiez,Washington State University,Carol Snyder,Farmer’s Software Association,Tom Doerge,Pioneer Hi-Bred,International,Steve Searcy,Texas A&MUni versity,John Sawyer,Iowa State University,Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer,Purdue University,Bill Raun,Oklahoma State University,and Harold Reetz,Potash Phosphate Institute.
hljsl 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
Pierre Robert 皮埃尔·罗伯特
University of Minnesota 明尼苏达大学
Chris Foster 克里斯·福斯特
John Deere 约翰·迪尔
Fran Pierce 弗兰·皮尔斯
Roger Brook 罗格·布鲁克
Michigan State University 密歇根州立大学
Newell Kitchen 纽维·克钦
Glenn Davis 格兰·戴维斯
University of Missouri 密苏里大学
Craig Kvien 克雷格·凯文
University of Georgia 佐治亚大学
Dave Franzen 戴夫·弗伦岑
North Dakota State University 北达科他州立大学
Tim Fiez 蒂姆·费兹
Washington State University 华盛顿州立大学
Carol Snyder 卡罗尔·薛达
Tom Doerge 汤姆·道奇
John Sawyer 约翰·索亚
Iowa State University 衣阿华州立大学
Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer 杰西·劳温伯格-德波尔
Purdue University 普度大学
Bill Raun 比尔·劳恩
Oklahoma State University 俄克拉何马州立大学
Harold Reetz 哈罗德·鲁兹
Potash Phosphate Institute 钾磷肥学会
Pierre est exactement __ etait son pere il y a 25.ce que 还是c
Pierre est exactement __ etait son pere il y a 25.ce que 还是ce qui
aynaitt 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
ce que 呀
que :从句中语法功能 -- 直接宾语和表语
从句主语就是 son père, 所以才用 ce que ,我已经说过了,que  除了是从句中的宾语,还可以担当表语的角色
Un ancien harki témoigne de ce qu’était le camp de Bias.
Voilà ce qu'était mon pays!
Voici une petite description de ce qu'était la vie en Libye
Voilà ce qu'est devenu Shangaï en 20 ans
Pierre 和他父亲25年前一模一样
就是说25年前的父亲什么样,现在的 Pierre 就什么样
其实这种句子的结构并不难, 比如
Pierre fait exactement ce que fait son père.
Pierre est exactement ce qu'est son père.
 把那个 fait  变成 est  意思变了,顺序没有变,到后面去找主语
意思; 前一句  父亲做什么,Pierre 就做什么
后一句  父亲什么样 Pierre 就什么样 
Saluant les «grands serviteurs de l'Etat et de l'intérêt national» que sont,selon lui,Frédéric Péchenard et Bernard Squarcini,le ministre leur a renouvelé «toute [sa] confiance».
les «grands serviteurs de l'Etat et de l'intérêt national» que sont Frédéric Péchenard et Bernard Squarcini,
Frédéric Péchenard et Bernard Squarcini (主语)  sont (谓)  les «grands serviteurs de l'Etat et de l'intérêt national» (表)
新来的外教Pierre想了解学生们的英语写作水平,为此他要求学生们根据一下表格对其进行描述要求:1灵活运用本单元锁学的used to,可适当增加细节;2行文流畅,脉络清晰;3八十词左右.
表欺负我 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Our English teacher used to be a math teacher, with a little fat these three years. At that time, he used to like to walk, but right now he loves to play Tai Chi in order to build up his body. Three years ago, he used to have a long hair. Therefore he has his hair cut, looks younger and more handsome. However, there is one thing that he has never changed. And that is working very later in the night. In my mind, he is a perfect teacher who has been helped me too much not only with my study but also with my life. I love him.
she met and married her husband----pierre`
she met and married her husband----pierre`
she met and married her husband----pierre
这个句子为什么要用HER HUSBAND呢,多别扭啊 用他的宾格不是一样吗
芋头灏猫猫 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
实际上是一个语言习惯的问题,如果非要找出个语法的理由,那么her husband 与 pierre之间是同位语关系,在这种情况下,前面的同位语部分是不能用代词替代的,否则整个句子就不够清晰和完整了.
Pierre患有近视眼,而且眼部经常感觉疼痛,所以他上网查了一些保护眼睛的方法.他想把这些方法告诉同学们,以便让他们也注意保护自己的眼睛.假设你就是皮埃尔,请根据下面的提示,写一篇题为How to Take of Our Eyes的短文
宵云袖袖 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Our eyes are the windows of mind. We also say they are our cameras. Without eyes, we become blind and can't see anything.
But how to protect our eyes? Here are some methods for you to follow:
1.We should do eye exercises every day and we can do them twice----in the morning and in the afternoon.
2.Don't E games or watch TV for a long time. It's bad for our eyes.
3.Eat more fruits and vegetables.
All in all, when you feel tired, you should stop to look out of the windows.
英语翻译pierre has trouble dressing himself because heis only th
pierre has trouble dressing himself because heis only three yearsoy
Don't him .You should give ahahd to him instcad
what do you think of watching English Movies?
It is too nard for me to under stand the voices I don't like It atall
mny soldiers went to sichuan to save peopleas soon as the e ar thauake happened
Thereare three tprms in ayear in this school
uu的星期天 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
pierre has trouble dressing himself because heis only three yearsoy
what do you think of watching English Movies?
It is too nard for me to under stand the voices I don't like It atall
mny soldiers went to sichuan to save peopleas soon as the e ar thauake happened
Thereare three tprms in ayear in this school
Don't him .You should give ahahd to him instcad
Pierre et Anne ont habité à Paris____deux ans.这里为什么填pendant而
Pierre et Anne ont habité à Paris____deux ans.这里为什么填pendant而不能填vers?
850824 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
  ①Nous allons vers Rouen.(We're going toward Rouen.)我们朝鲁昂走去.
  ②Tournezvers la droite.(Turn to(ward) the right.) 向右转.
  ③La fentre regarde vers le nord.(The window faces north.)窗户面朝北方.
  2.Vers也可以指“接近”,近义词是prs de.Ex:
  ①J'tais vers Provence.(I was around (near) Provence.)我在普罗旺斯附近.
  ②Habites-tu vers ici (Do you live around here?)你住在附近吗?
  ①Nous y allons vers midi.(We're going around noon.)我们快中午的时候去那里.
  ②J'arriverai vers 15h00.(I'll arrive around 3pm.)我会在下午3点左右到达.
1.Il est parti depuis dix minutes.
2.Elle a attendu pendant longtemps.
pierre must decide what ___ next A to do B do C doing D did
pierre must decide what ___ next A to do B do C doing D did 选A 要怎么讲解
suqingqing 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
表示待做的事情,用to do
pierre often makes himself understood by gesturing with his
pierre often makes himself understood by gesturing with his hands.
当不定式的逻辑主语是 不定式所表示的的对象是(或动作的承受者时)用被动形式
我可能翻译成 pierre经常用自己的手势使自己明白
还是说 pierre经常通过手势让别人明白?所以那个别人是 understood的逻辑主语 所以被动?
pierre often makes himself understood by gesturing with his hands.意思上是不是等于
pierre often makes other people understand by gesturing with his hands.
土渣 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
pierre often makes himself understood by gesturing with his hands.
相当于pierre often makes other people understand(his meaning) by gesturing with his hands.
按首字母 填空:Pierre is going to Canada's Great Lakes r_____横线中应填什
按首字母 填空:
Pierre is going to Canada's Great Lakes r_____
在家的蜗牛 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Pierre is going to Canada's Great Lakes recently(最近).
英语翻译Pauvre Marie-Pierre,il lui faut (de la ) tendresse et (u
Pauvre Marie-Pierre,il lui faut (de la ) tendresse et (une) amitié sincère .
山城浪子6626 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
tendresse是抽象的不可数名词,所以用部分冠词de la,
举一反三一下:风 du vent 一阵热风 un vent chaud
英语翻译Mei studies for a test by making flashcards.Pierre studi
Mei studies for a test by making flashcards.
Pierre studies for a test by asking the teacher for help.
Antonio studies for a test by listening to tapes.
hutaomu 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译1.first put forward by the french mathematician Pierre d
1.first put forward by the french mathematician Pierre de Format in the 17th century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a french woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique.
2.We even have different word for some foods,meat in particular,depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked,which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming,while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.
不要用翻译机翻译- -这样鬼都会翻译了...
zz8392881 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
初二英语阅读是非判断题A.Pierre moved to London with his family a month
A.Pierre moved to London with his family a month ago.He has no friends there.He is going to school in three days.But he is afraid his classmates will laugh at his accent(口音).He would like to go back to his village.What will he do?
B.Christina is a working mother with a two-month-old son.Her house is very far from her office.She spends much time on the way.If she goes on working,she will miss the wonderful time with her son.But she must work to get enough money to support her family.She needs some help.
C.Lisa is sixty –five years old and she will leave her work in August.Then she will have nothing to do.She is an active person and it will be impossible for her to sit around the house.If she spends her time going on trips or walking in the park,she will feel useless.Any ideas?
D.Mario is a writer.He has just come to Los Angeles to work.But it’s so noisy that he can’t put his heart into writing.He wants to find a house in a quiet place.Who can help him?
E.Cindy is the leader of her class.Next week they will have a class picnic.The girls want to make some delicious
food for the picnic.But they don’t know how to cook well.Cindy feels worried.
1.Pierre comes from a village.He doesn't have confidence in his school life.
2.It takes Christina a short time to get to her office.
3.Lisa is busy now,so she wants to go on trips after she leaves her work.
4.Los Angeles is a busy and noisy city.Mario wants to find a quiet place where he can write.
5.Cindy's class will have a picnic next week.But the girls are not good at cooking.
twinstars 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
Pierre,s'il te plait,(se tenir)______tranquille,(ne pas boug
Pierre,s'il te plait,(se tenir)______tranquille,(ne pas bouger)_____tout le temps
22003051 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Pierre,s'il te plait, ___tiens-toi___tranquille, ___ne bouge pas__tout le temps
翻译 pierre is a 25… 阅读理解
崔威子 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
________ Pierre began to help his father with the farm work

________ Pierre began to help his father with the farm work when he was
A.In 1980’s; his teens B.At the 1980’s; the teens
C.In the 1980s; in his teens D.In 1980’s; in the teens
pasat 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

“在二十世纪八十年代” In the 1980s,“在某人几十多岁时”in sb’+岁数名词的复数,所以答案C。
Pierre ,you put the English dictionary so close to your eyes
Pierre ,you put the English dictionary so close to your eyes again Move it a bit __
最佳男主角 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Pierre ,you put the English dictionary so close to your eyes again !Move it a bit _father_
英语翻译First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de
First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Poly-technique.
这个句子太长了.并翻译.谢谢重点翻译the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds 重点翻译baffled and beaten the finedst mathematical minds
uu都没存在感 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
由法国数学家Pierre de Fermat第一次于17世纪提出的这个理论击败了最好 的数学理念,包括一个为此难题作出巨大贡献且不得不男装打扮在Ecole Poly-technique才能学习的法国女科学家的理念.
A:Hi,Pierre,you _________ well on the last English test.
   A:Hi,Pierre,you _________ well on the last English test.
   B:Hi,Amy.Thank you.
   A:Well,_________ do you study?
   B:I study_________ practising conversations_______ friends.
   A:Do you leam English by _________ aloud?
   B:Oh,yes.It’s useful.
   A:Have you _________ studied with a group?
   B:No,I _________ .What________ you,Amy?How do you learn English?
   A:I read the textbooks.And Ialways speak _____-English after class.
   B:Oh,yes.Speaking more is a good_______ to learn English well.
wu8yan 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
did How by with read ever haven't about more way
简单的英语复述(初三)Pierre:When i was 16,t thought i knew everything
Pierre:When i was 16,t thought i knew everything and that i was old enough to make my own decisions.When i got older and looked back,i realized that i knew little at that time
xhhbdns 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Pierre said that when he was 16,he thought he knew everything and that he was old enough to make his own decisions.When he got older and looked back,he realized that he knew little at that time
pierre often makes himself ---by gesturing with his hands
pierre often makes himself ---by gesturing with his hands
a.to understand
c.to be understood
3years 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率82.1%
make sb.do sth.
The news came out _____ the daughter of Pierre Robilland was
The news came out _____ the daughter of Pierre Robilland was to marry the little Irishman from up the country.
A.that B.how C.which D.whether
yhxwang 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%

英语翻译居里夫人即玛丽居里(Marie Curie),是一位原籍为波兰的法国科学家.她与她的丈夫皮埃尔居里(Pierre
居里夫人即玛丽居里(Marie Curie),是一位原籍为波兰的法国科学家.她与她的丈夫皮埃尔居里(Pierre Curie)都是放射性的早期研究者,他们发现了放射性元素钋(Po)和镭(Ra),并因此与法国物理学家亨利.贝克勒尔(Henry Becquerel)分享了1903年诺贝尔物理学奖.之后,居里夫人继续研究了镭在在化学和医学上的应用,并且因分离出纯的金属镭而又获得1911年诺贝尔化学奖.
棋剑书生 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Julifuren that Marie Curie (Marie Curie),Poland is a country of origin for the French scientists.She and her husband Pierre Curie (Pierre Curie) are radioactive in the early researchers,they found that the radioactive element polonium (Po) and compact (Ra),and therefore with the French physicist Henry.Beikeleer (Henry Becquerel) shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics.,Julifuren continue to study the radium in the chemical and medical applications,and because of isolated pure radium and the metal was 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
The suffering of science stand by the founders of the radioactive science,because of years of hard work Jilaochengji,suffering from malignant anaemia (leukemia) in the July 4,1934,unfortunately passed away,she was the cause of human science,gave up his glorious life .
Jack was a milkman.He and his horse,Pierre,worked ——every da
Jack was a milkman.He and his horse,Pierre,worked ——every day完形填空
心灵原唱 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Jack was a milkman.He and his horse,Pierre,worked (51) every day.They were great friends and took (52) to people together for years and years.After a while,Jack didn't have to do much any more because Pierre knew where and when to (53).The two friends went on with their (54) until one morning.
Jack came into work one day to find his boss waiting for him.
" Jack," said his boss," I have some (55) news.This morning,Pierre died in his stall."
Tears started to run down Jack's face.
"I will never see my friend(56) ,"said Jack tearfully.
"I understand what you (57) now.You may have the day off if you like."
" No,I have something to do," and with that word,Jack walked off.He was given a new horse and carriage .
That day,Jack was in a bad (58 ).His carriage was hit by a truck.When the boss got to the place,he asked,"Is Jack(59)?"
" No,he died in the crash," said the doctor.
"I don' t(60) ," said the driver of the truck." It was like he didn't even see me."
"That' s because he didn't.This man has been(61) for 5 years," said the doctor." I never knew !" said Jack's boss.
"He didn't(62)you?" said the doctor.
Just then,Jack's boss (63 ) what Jack said about Pierre."No,but someone else knew."
"(64)?" asked the doctor.
" A friend of Jack's.His name was Pierre.I think that it was just a little( 65) between friends."
51.A.hardly B.badly C.angrily D.happily
52.A.milk B.newspapers C.food D.money
53.A.rest B.start C.play D.stop
54.A.job B.way C.meal D.holiday
55.A.sad B.old C.strange D.usual
56.A.much B.again C.often D.home
57.A.think B.want C.mean D.feel
58.A.road B.trouble C.accident D.weather
59.A.dangerous B.OK C.afraid D.weak
60.A.know B.understand C.drive D.watch
61.A.ill B.blind C.lonely D.careless
62.A.see B.tell C.ask D.mind
63.A.forgot B.thought C.remembered D.wrote
64.A.Whose B.What C.When D.Who
65.A.joke B.mistake C.friendship D.secret
51--55:DADAA 56--60:BDCBB 61--65:BBCDD
pierre m'a demande si j'avais appris le francais ___deux ans
xx信用户 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
填pendant.从时态可以看出apprendre是在demander之前已经结束的动作,所以是pierre问之前已经学过两年的法语,填pendant. 如果两个时态一致则填depuis.
如何将Pierre needs time to think about the problem改为否定句?急
泪在流 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
Pierre does not need time to think about the problem
根据上句,完成下句1.Pierre didn't play computer games last night.Pier
1.Pierre didn't play computer games last night.Piere watched TV last night.
Pierre watched TV_ _ _computer games last night.
2.I need to repair my new computer.
My new computer_ _ .
困兽不知道斗 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
1.instead of playing
2.needs repairing
同义句改写 pierre didn't play computer games last night.pierre wa
pierre didn't play computer games last night.pierre watched TV last night
pierre watched TV - - - computer games last night
the boys planted some trees on the hill yesterday
some trees - - on the hill by the boys yesterday
I need to repair my new computer
my new computer - -
6wwww 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
instead of playing
were planted
needs repairing.
定语从句相关习题Pierre went to the school library; he borrowed the b
Pierre went to the school library; he borrowed the book the day before A there B from There
The archeologists discovered a large number of pots,coins,belts and so on,over 800 years,buried in the tomb.
A most of which B most of them C most of it D most of that
yjy1021 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
B from there中的from是borrow from的搭配,指从哪里借
A most of which中的which指代前面说的a large number of pots,coins,belts and so on.此处还要注意绝对不能用that